What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Actually blacks are more religious than whites statistically so his messiah is probably your fake ass white god Jesus of Mary the virgin.

Which has what to do with what?

Conservatism offers black people individuality and liberty.

Leftism offers enslavement and servitude.
We are not slaves when we the people run the show. You call it government. So enough people don’t vote so the rich rule. All that has to happen is you go too far and one year, one election, 80% of the people will show up and take back the country.

Right now corporations and the rich rule.

White conservative rich men rule for now. A wave is coming. Come on girls. Me too! Lol

Right now racist Nazicrats treat a black man like this;

Jerry Dunleavy on Twitter
That’s not the way ceos and board of directors see it.

How in the fuck would you know? :dunno:

You have zero interaction with CEO's or anyone above middle management

They are leaning on vps to find minorities and women to become vps. My brother is in hr he says companies can’t find blacks and women to stay because other companies steal them away. My brothers predisessor is going to go to another company for double the money. $1 now she’ll be making $2 mill at the new place. Maybe when 50% of the vps are either women or minorities white men will once again make the same as women make. Right now 9 out of ten vps is a white male. So what if the 1 woman or minority makes more because they are highly sought after. I’d rather be a white because remember 9 out of ten of the vps is a white male. It’s good to be a white male. I know I am one

You confuse the work place for the federal government.

Companies that survive seek the best individual for the job. Race isn't a factor.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
They can’t even recognize their bias.

We recognize your blatant and disgusting racism.
I don't want anything for anyone just level playing field. The Progressive can kiss my butt. They have don't nothing for anyone but themselves.

Everyone wants a "level playing field". But what does that mean? To me, it means that everyone plays by the same rules. To others it means that the referee makes sure all players have the same chance to win - employing a system of handicaps to help some and impair others.
All of that is correct. I would summarize it by saying a level playing gives everyone the same resources and rules and then lets them get at it. It would be kind of stupid to give a couple of players a tennis racket and the others had to use their hands wouldnt it?

It would if the point of government was to provide balanced competition for the purpose of entertainment. But that's not the point of government.
Life is not entertainment. I was using tennis as a metaphor. How did you miss that?

Here is a great example of why black people don't vote Republican. ....

Here is a great example of a pretentious white guy presuming to speak for ‘his’ black folks and whitesplain for them why they think the way he decided they do. Saying “us liberals” in every other sentence grants him ownership over their thoughts and feelings.

Want to see what a real racist looks like? There ^^^^^^^^^^^^ he fucking is.
Life is not entertainment. I was using tennis as a metaphor. How did you miss that?
Yes. I was pointing out how the metaphor doesn't apply. Because life is not entertainment. Which is what you missed I guess.
The metaphor does apply. Claiming that it doesnt wont change the fact that it does. Its pretty simple. Same resources, Same rules equals level playing field.

What about this though? Ok so we give your kid and my kid the same education. Now it's time to send our kids off to college. I can afford to send my kid to University of Michigan and you can't. What do you suggest be done?

So if I can afford a better tennis racket than you can, I'm sorry that I show up to the tennis match with my good racket and you are using that old piece of crap.
You missed the same resource part. If I have the same resources I can afford to send my kid to the same college as your kid.

On a truly level playing field I have the same racket you do. Now you may have more training time but we cant do much about that.
...one day one of my nephews is going to work for a black ceo. Thank us liberals for that. If it were up to republicans the only blacks on the board are tokens who toe the party line like Herman Cain and Ben carson

One day your shitty little boat will be sold to pay for your unmarked grave among other instantly forgotten racist nobodies.
Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Of all the white conservatives I've known personally to tell them this, usually if you examine their life going back to their parents, you find they are wrong. They almost all have benefited from liberal policies/programs in one way or the other and either don't realize it or won't admit it.

Oh, your "extensive" personal knowledge of white conservatives? So now you're best buds with Hannity and Mark Levin? (eye roll)

The truth is...what's benefited conservatives more than anything else is being raised in an environment that stressed self responsibility. What's hurt others is being raised in an environment that stressed someone else would always be there for you.
Just ridiculous. What has benefited cons is the same thing that benefited us liberals. Economic opportunities. But when my one buddy who today is an ultra conservative, when his father died he basically got free private school till he was 18 from a government program that looked a lot like planned parenthood. His mother was a welfare bums. He was a welfare baby. We raised him right though. Imagine if his mommy never got that help. Perhaps him and Ben Carson wouldn't be the men they are today.

Didn't you get the memo, Sealy? Here in the US EVERYONE gets free school until they graduate High School!
I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable

Did you even read that article? The difference in the "unequal" wages between white and black men that they cited was $3,000 on salaries of $124,000 to $121,000! You want to talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill? That's ABSURD!!!
Yes. I was pointing out how the metaphor doesn't apply. Because life is not entertainment. Which is what you missed I guess.
The metaphor does apply. Claiming that it doesnt wont change the fact that it does. Its pretty simple. Same resources, Same rules equals level playing field.

What about this though? Ok so we give your kid and my kid the same education. Now it's time to send our kids off to college. I can afford to send my kid to University of Michigan and you can't. What do you suggest be done?

So if I can afford a better tennis racket than you can, I'm sorry that I show up to the tennis match with my good racket and you are using that old piece of crap.
You missed the same resource part. If I have the same resources I can afford to send my kid to the same college as your kid.

On a truly level playing field I have the same racket you do. Now you may have more training time but we cant do much about that.
...one day one of my nephews is going to work for a black ceo. Thank us liberals for that. If it were up to republicans the only blacks on the board are tokens who toe the party line like Herman Cain and Ben carson

One day your shitty little boat will be sold to pay for your unmarked grave among other instantly forgotten racist nobodies.
That was harsh
Everyone wants a "level playing field". But what does that mean? To me, it means that everyone plays by the same rules. To others it means that the referee makes sure all players have the same chance to win - employing a system of handicaps to help some and impair others.
All of that is correct. I would summarize it by saying a level playing gives everyone the same resources and rules and then lets them get at it. It would be kind of stupid to give a couple of players a tennis racket and the others had to use their hands wouldnt it?

It would if the point of government was to provide balanced competition for the purpose of entertainment. But that's not the point of government.
Life is not entertainment. I was using tennis as a metaphor. How did you miss that?

Here is a great example of why black people don't vote Republican. ....

Here is a great example of a pretentious white guy presuming to speak for ‘his’ black folks and whitesplain for them why they think the way he decided they do. Saying “us liberals” in every other sentence grants him ownership over their thoughts and feelings.

Want to see what a real racist looks like? There ^^^^^^^^^^^^ he fucking is.
Black people agreed, liked, thanked and gave that post a winner. Why didn’t you agree with me and those blacks? Something about the information I posted made you angry.

Do you deny that black people don’t like republicans because their constantly trying to stop them from voting?
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable

Did you even read that article? The difference in the "unequal" wages between white and black men that they cited was $3,000 on salaries of $124,000 to $121,000! You want to talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill? That's ABSURD!!!
Not sure why you think its ok to short Black people 3k because they are Black? Would you be good with getting paid 1 cent less for doing the same work someone else did?
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable

Did you even read that article? The difference in the "unequal" wages between white and black men that they cited was $3,000 on salaries of $124,000 to $121,000! You want to talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill? That's ABSURD!!!
Not sure why you think its ok to short Black people 3k because they are Black? Would you be good with getting paid 1 cent less for doing the same work someone else did?
But we but we don’t do the exact same work. One of us is better than the other. And what I make is no one else’s business. I have no idea what everyone else makes at my company. They’re all jealous I make commission but I tell them they have no idea what my salary is. It might be lower than theirs. Then I ask them if they want to go to commission pay and they say no.
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable

Did you even read that article? The difference in the "unequal" wages between white and black men that they cited was $3,000 on salaries of $124,000 to $121,000! You want to talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill? That's ABSURD!!!
Not sure why you think its ok to short Black people 3k because they are Black? Would you be good with getting paid 1 cent less for doing the same work someone else did?
But we but we don’t do the exact same work. One of us is better than the other. And what I make is no one else’s business. I have no idea what everyone else makes at my company. They’re all jealous I make commission but I tell them they have no idea what my salary is. It might be lower than theirs. Then I ask them if they want to go to commission pay and they say no.
Not everyone works on commission. If I kick barrels down the road just like you do then I should be paid the exact wage you are being paid.
Last edited:
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
They can’t even recognize their bias.

We recognize your blatant and disgusting racism.

Sealybobo is white.
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable

Did you even read that article? The difference in the "unequal" wages between white and black men that they cited was $3,000 on salaries of $124,000 to $121,000! You want to talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill? That's ABSURD!!!

The question is did YOU read the article. Because your post is dishonest in the fact that what you referred to were only cybersecurity jobs.

"Cybersecurity professionals of color earn less than their white counterparts, says a new report.
A male cybersecurity professional of color earns an average salary of $121,000—the same as white females—while Caucasian males earn, on average, $124,000. Women of color working in cybersecurity earn $115,000, according to "
Innovation Through Inclusion: The Multicultural Cybersecurity Workforce."

And regardless of how much of a molehill you think this is, the pay should be the same if thy are doing the same job.
That’s not the way ceos and board of directors see it.

How in the fuck would you know? :dunno:

You have zero interaction with CEO's or anyone above middle management

They are leaning on vps to find minorities and women to become vps. My brother is in hr he says companies can’t find blacks and women to stay because other companies steal them away. My brothers predisessor is going to go to another company for double the money. $1 now she’ll be making $2 mill at the new place. Maybe when 50% of the vps are either women or minorities white men will once again make the same as women make. Right now 9 out of ten vps is a white male. So what if the 1 woman or minority makes more because they are highly sought after. I’d rather be a white because remember 9 out of ten of the vps is a white male. It’s good to be a white male. I know I am one

You confuse the work place for the federal government.

Companies that survive seek the best individual for the job. Race isn't a factor.

That’s not the way ceos and board of directors see it.

How in the fuck would you know? :dunno:

You have zero interaction with CEO's or anyone above middle management

They are leaning on vps to find minorities and women to become vps. My brother is in hr he says companies can’t find blacks and women to stay because other companies steal them away. My brothers predisessor is going to go to another company for double the money. $1 now she’ll be making $2 mill at the new place. Maybe when 50% of the vps are either women or minorities white men will once again make the same as women make. Right now 9 out of ten vps is a white male. So what if the 1 woman or minority makes more because they are highly sought after. I’d rather be a white because remember 9 out of ten of the vps is a white male. It’s good to be a white male. I know I am one

You confuse the work place for the federal government.

Companies that survive seek the best individual for the job. Race isn't a factor.

Unk is a fucking idiot. He is always saying something stupid. If race wasnt a factor there would be no wage gap between Blacks and whites doing the exact same thing. Its well documented that a college educated Black mans main competition for employment is a white guy that barely graduated high school.
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable

Did you even read that article? The difference in the "unequal" wages between white and black men that they cited was $3,000 on salaries of $124,000 to $121,000! You want to talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill? That's ABSURD!!!
Not sure why you think its ok to short Black people 3k because they are Black? Would you be good with getting paid 1 cent less for doing the same work someone else did?
But we but we don’t do the exact same work. ....what I make is no one else’s business. ....no.

No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable

Did you even read that article? The difference in the "unequal" wages between white and black men that they cited was $3,000 on salaries of $124,000 to $121,000! You want to talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill? That's ABSURD!!!

The question is did YOU read the article. Because your post is dishonest in the fact that what you referred to were only cybersecurity jobs.

"Cybersecurity professionals of color earn less than their white counterparts, says a new report.
A male cybersecurity professional of color earns an average salary of $121,000—the same as white females—while Caucasian males earn, on average, $124,000. Women of color working in cybersecurity earn $115,000, according to "
Innovation Through Inclusion: The Multicultural Cybersecurity Workforce."

And regardless of how much of a molehill you think this is, the pay should be the same if thy are doing the same job.
Well my company paid this guy with a lot of experience to come work for us. Guarantee he makes more than Scott who has no experience.
That’s not the way ceos and board of directors see it.

How in the fuck would you know? :dunno:

You have zero interaction with CEO's or anyone above middle management

They are leaning on vps to find minorities and women to become vps. My brother is in hr he says companies can’t find blacks and women to stay because other companies steal them away. My brothers predisessor is going to go to another company for double the money. $1 now she’ll be making $2 mill at the new place. Maybe when 50% of the vps are either women or minorities white men will once again make the same as women make. Right now 9 out of ten vps is a white male. So what if the 1 woman or minority makes more because they are highly sought after. I’d rather be a white because remember 9 out of ten of the vps is a white male. It’s good to be a white male. I know I am one

You confuse the work place for the federal government.

Companies that survive seek the best individual for the job. Race isn't a factor.

He’s trying to suggest that there are no white hiring managers in America with bias against blacks.

And they tend to be conservatives

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