What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Whoever hired you had a policy to hire white people first.

We have laws that force companies to hire minorities over white people. That is the government giving YOU things and taking them away from others.
Show me these laws if you can. Now lets pretend its true. The government gave whites things for 400 years taking away from others so why would you be whining about something you have had for centuries?

You don't know about Affirmative Action, Milkweed? Seriously?
The only things I know about affirmative action is that white women benefit from it the most and its not a law.
Affirmative Action were laws that were put in place by Executive Orders from JFK and LBJ.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them

When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.

Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Of all the white conservatives I've known personally to tell them this, usually if you examine their life going back to their parents, you find they are wrong. They almost all have benefited from liberal policies/programs in one way or the other and either don't realize it or won't admit it.
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them

When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.

Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Of all the white conservatives I've known personally to tell them this, usually if you examine their life going back to their parents, you find they are wrong. They almost all have benefited from liberal policies/programs in one way or the other and either don't realize it or won't admit it.

Oh, your "extensive" personal knowledge of white conservatives? So now you're best buds with Hannity and Mark Levin? (eye roll)

The truth is...what's benefited conservatives more than anything else is being raised in an environment that stressed self responsibility. What's hurt others is being raised in an environment that stressed someone else would always be there for you.
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them

When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.

Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Whoever hired you had a policy to hire white people first.

I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them

When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.

Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Of all the white conservatives I've known personally to tell them this, usually if you examine their life going back to their parents, you find they are wrong. They almost all have benefited from liberal policies/programs in one way or the other and either don't realize it or won't admit it.

Uh huh
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them

When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.

Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills

Yes you have.

And yes, laws and policies made gave you jobs thereby paying your bills. That's what dumb whites like you do not understand.

What job did the governemnt give me?

My first job was delivering papers at 8 years old, Mowing lawns, shoveling snow in the winter, I worked at a small supermarket for a while when I was in HS, waited tables for a while too

When I was 22 I started working for myself and I know I didn't get any governemnt help there
When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.

Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Whoever hired you had a policy to hire white people first.

I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Whoever hired you had a policy to hire white people first.

I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Whoever hired you had a policy to hire white people first.

I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?
No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Whoever hired you had a policy to hire white people first.

I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
Whoever hired you had a policy to hire white people first.

I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable
I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable

As I said this was a minimum wage job. I worked there for a few years and everyone who got hired that I knew started at MW. I wasn't privy to any of the salary increases and I didn't ask
I've worked for myself since I was in my early 20s

My first job was at a Supermarket and there were 2 black kids who worked there when I got hired
Did you get paid more than they did? Were you put in a higher position off than they were? I'm going to go ahead and mark that down as a yes.
No since I was getting paid minimum wage and they were both hired before me so I can only assume they were making at least a little more than me and I started in the dog food section of the store you really can't get much lower than that
But you dont know for sure? How can you be certain they were not getting underpaid?

Yeah I don't know if the store owners were breaking the law and guess what neither do you I just don't assume they were
The reason I asked is because white business owners frequently do things like this. So its not really an assumption on my part. Its an expectation.

Wages Are Unequal Between White and Black Men Even When Other Factors Are Comparable
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States would solve this dilemma in a market friendly manner.
When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.

Funny I never got anything from the government.

Yes you have. Still today there are laws and policies enacted at every level of government that gives whites advantages. Whites are where they are due to legislation. That is the government giving you things.

No I haven't.

Never took a dime of government money for anything. Never applied for a government program of any type

No law or policy on the books ever got me a job or paid my bills
Of all the white conservatives I've known personally to tell them this, usually if you examine their life going back to their parents, you find they are wrong. They almost all have benefited from liberal policies/programs in one way or the other and either don't realize it or won't admit it.

Oh, your "extensive" personal knowledge of white conservatives? So now you're best buds with Hannity and Mark Levin? (eye roll)

The truth is...what's benefited conservatives more than anything else is being raised in an environment that stressed self responsibility. What's hurt others is being raised in an environment that stressed someone else would always be there for you.
Just ridiculous. What has benefited cons is the same thing that benefited us liberals. Economic opportunities. But when my one buddy who today is an ultra conservative, when his father died he basically got free private school till he was 18 from a government program that looked a lot like planned parenthood. His mother was a welfare bums. He was a welfare baby. We raised him right though. Imagine if his mommy never got that help. Perhaps him and Ben Carson wouldn't be the men they are today.
1. We will treat you like adults, and not children who need their hands held.

2. Better jobs and wages.

3. Law and order.

4. a better America to live in.

5. Better guns for the disproportionate number of blacks in the military.

a. Reduce immigration, and thus labor supply.

b. Trade policy to encourage manufacturing employment, some of the best upwardly mobile jobs.

c. Overall pro-growth policies.
Stop making excuses. You can read the title.

Yes this is your typical Drumpf supporter. They are too stupid to even know Drumpf has Jews in his family.
They would prefer a guy who wouldn’t give his daughter to a Jew, or a guy who wouldn’t date his own daughter but they’ll take trump.

The people you are taking about A. are insignificantly small, and B. so far out there, neither one of us is likely to have a clue which way they will bounce on anything.
You just made a compelling argument. There aren’t that many racists among you. There are blacks who don’t like gays but still vote democratic. You can’t help it that racists like your platform better than ours. That doesn’t mean your platform is racist. What’s racist about your policies?

There is nothing racist about our policies.

But while a reasonable person would look at the nation, and all the factors and conclude for a host of good reasons, that we need to curtail immigration,

a racist could look at that policy, and for complete different reasons of his or her own, support it.

Good point on blacks who are not supportive of "gays", and still vote democratic.

Thank you for being reasonable on this one.

Note that that reasonableness, in no way undermines any of your arguments against our policies, nor requires you to start supporting them.

It is completely possible to disagree with us, without having to paint us as Evul Super Villains.

Here my friend is why blacks don't vote Republican

Georgia Knew Its Voter Roll Practice Was Discriminatory. It Stuck With It Anyway. | HuffPost

An analysis found that 70 percent of people whose voter registration is in jeopardy are black residents.

Very good find. I agree that is an excellent example of why blacks don't vote republican.

THe press finds a random change by a state government, that happens to negative impact some blacks and the press presents it as an Evul Conspiracy, to get them and keep them down.

Sure. When that is all they even hear of Republicans, or worse, it takes a rare person to be able to see though a Wall of Propaganda like that.

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