What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

You say this as 99% of ceos vps and bod’s are white men. How is it them who feels entitled? We may all breath and bleed the same but you don’t hire the same. It’s proven we have these bias’ and many corporations are trying to be more diverse. You can’t even acknowledge a problem we know exists. Ignorant

USA.INC is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries and since USA.INC was taken into receivership as a successor to contract the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 by the IMF in 1950 when USA.INC declared bankruptcy once again???You are simply flinging monkey shit through the bars until you understand the root problem.
I don’t know what you just said but I bet the new Supreme Court agrees with you. I don’t care what the issues are you win. The American people fucked up when they didn’t show up in 2016 and gave republicans two Supreme Court picks. Whatever you say goes for at least a generation.

Are you suggesting the government can stop corporations from diversifying?

I wonder if white conservative men can prove sex or race is why someone got the job, can they sue and take it all the way to the Supreme Court? Is that what you mean?

You think there’s a difference between the parties...
Then trump should have nominated Obama’s pick Merrick garland

The repubs simply evoked the Biden rule of a president being able to nominate a SCOTUS justice in his last year.....

There is no Biden rule. Plus Biden stated only that they have never picked a justice during a campaign. The claim was that Garland could not be picked during a campaign. But Kavanaugh was.
USA.INC is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries and since USA.INC was taken into receivership as a successor to contract the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 by the IMF in 1950 when USA.INC declared bankruptcy once again???You are simply flinging monkey shit through the bars until you understand the root problem.
I don’t know what you just said but I bet the new Supreme Court agrees with you. I don’t care what the issues are you win. The American people fucked up when they didn’t show up in 2016 and gave republicans two Supreme Court picks. Whatever you say goes for at least a generation.

Are you suggesting the government can stop corporations from diversifying?

I wonder if white conservative men can prove sex or race is why someone got the job, can they sue and take it all the way to the Supreme Court? Is that what you mean?

You think there’s a difference between the parties...
Then trump should have nominated Obama’s pick Merrick garland

The repubs simply evoked the Biden rule of a president being able to nominate a SCOTUS justice in his last year.....

There is no Biden rule. Plus Biden stated only that they have never picked a justice during a campaign. The claim was that Garland could not be picked during a campaign. But Kavanaugh was.

Kavanaugh was nominated in Trump's second year in office.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Therein lies the rub....you believe that you are entitled to something special and given special treatment when we are all the same, bleed the same and want what is best for all of us and skin tint doesn't matter.

I believe I am entitled to the exact same thing as your white ass has had which did not and is not happening no matter how much whites like you try gaslighting people. That is not asking for anything extra or special. You talk all that we are the same bullshit. But we all haven't been treated the same and skin tint did and continues to matter. So take that weak argument to somebody like Avery Jahrman.

Girl, pleaaaase, I have seen blacks get special consideration that didn't do shit with it and I have seen blacks that didn't believe that they were "handicapped" by the tint of their skin and their true talent bore itself out. Some of which were a mentor to me and anyone else that wanted to benefit from them in the electro-mechanical field. They EARNED the respect of their peers and it didn't have a fucking thing to do with their "color". You earn your way in this world because of what you bring to the table. No one has ever given me diddly squat...I have had to prove myself worthy of a position when the cuts came via my knowledge of the job and my ability to repair equipment in a timely manner without taking shortcuts. I had to either "sink or swim". I certainly didn't nor could I count on being saved because of my skin color. You use your skin tint as a crutch and a fail safe measure when you can't cut it. Rise above it already......no company is going to cut loose someone that has incredible skills. The color of money is "green", it isn't black and it isn't white......capiche'?

I'm a man son. And I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government who try to ell me how to do things. Your skin color has saved your ass for your entire life.

I've done better than you. I have proven myself with distinction in the profession I chose for over 30 years. So f--- you and f--- your attitude that allows you to think you can lecture me about rising above something your a-- wouldn't have and something your a-- has never faced...….capiche?

"I'm a man son"

What exactly is a "man son"?

"And I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government"

I have never worked for "da gubermint".......not ever.

"Your skin color has saved your ass for your entire life"

Do tell? One either produces and proves him or herself worthy of a job or they are let loose for those that can do a better job. Skin tint plays no factor in the equation.

"I've done better than you. I have proven myself with distinction in the profession I chose for over 30 years"

If true, then what are you bitching about? If you have done "better" than me? Good for you....you have a talent that rates that and I certainly have no qualms about it nor do I resent that fact.

"So f--- you and f--- your attitude that allows you to think you can lecture me about rising above something your a-- wouldn't have and something your a-- has never faced...….capiche?"

But yet you don't see me using the tint of my skin as a crutch nor do I blame it for a lack of success or the reason as tom why I have succeeded ....unlike you do.My skills stand on their own merits so either I am an asset or a liability. You seem to believe that those of a darker skin tint should be given a pass for a lack of skill and ability because of conceived "slights" in the past. I have too much pride to ever settle for tokenism....but not those of your ilk and that is a sad commentary.

I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government lecturing me. me. I don't think you understand that when I say this I mean it.
I don’t know what you just said but I bet the new Supreme Court agrees with you. I don’t care what the issues are you win. The American people fucked up when they didn’t show up in 2016 and gave republicans two Supreme Court picks. Whatever you say goes for at least a generation.

Are you suggesting the government can stop corporations from diversifying?

I wonder if white conservative men can prove sex or race is why someone got the job, can they sue and take it all the way to the Supreme Court? Is that what you mean?

You think there’s a difference between the parties...
Then trump should have nominated Obama’s pick Merrick garland

The repubs simply evoked the Biden rule of a president being able to nominate a SCOTUS justice in his last year.....

There is no Biden rule. Plus Biden stated only that they have never picked a justice during a campaign. The claim was that Garland could not be picked during a campaign. But Kavanaugh was.

Kavanaugh was nominated in Trump's second year in office.

There is no Biden rule. Plus Biden stated only that they have never picked a justice during a campaign. The claim was that Garland could not be picked during a campaign. But Kavanaugh was.
Therein lies the rub....you believe that you are entitled to something special and given special treatment when we are all the same, bleed the same and want what is best for all of us and skin tint doesn't matter.

I believe I am entitled to the exact same thing as your white ass has had which did not and is not happening no matter how much whites like you try gaslighting people. That is not asking for anything extra or special. You talk all that we are the same bullshit. But we all haven't been treated the same and skin tint did and continues to matter. So take that weak argument to somebody like Avery Jahrman.

Girl, pleaaaase, I have seen blacks get special consideration that didn't do shit with it and I have seen blacks that didn't believe that they were "handicapped" by the tint of their skin and their true talent bore itself out. Some of which were a mentor to me and anyone else that wanted to benefit from them in the electro-mechanical field. They EARNED the respect of their peers and it didn't have a fucking thing to do with their "color". You earn your way in this world because of what you bring to the table. No one has ever given me diddly squat...I have had to prove myself worthy of a position when the cuts came via my knowledge of the job and my ability to repair equipment in a timely manner without taking shortcuts. I had to either "sink or swim". I certainly didn't nor could I count on being saved because of my skin color. You use your skin tint as a crutch and a fail safe measure when you can't cut it. Rise above it already......no company is going to cut loose someone that has incredible skills. The color of money is "green", it isn't black and it isn't white......capiche'?

I'm a man son. And I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government who try to ell me how to do things. Your skin color has saved your ass for your entire life.

I've done better than you. I have proven myself with distinction in the profession I chose for over 30 years. So f--- you and f--- your attitude that allows you to think you can lecture me about rising above something your a-- wouldn't have and something your a-- has never faced...….capiche?

"I'm a man son"

What exactly is a "man son"?

"And I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government"

I have never worked for "da gubermint".......not ever.

"Your skin color has saved your ass for your entire life"

Do tell? One either produces and proves him or herself worthy of a job or they are let loose for those that can do a better job. Skin tint plays no factor in the equation.

"I've done better than you. I have proven myself with distinction in the profession I chose for over 30 years"

If true, then what are you bitching about? If you have done "better" than me? Good for you....you have a talent that rates that and I certainly have no qualms about it nor do I resent that fact.

"So f--- you and f--- your attitude that allows you to think you can lecture me about rising above something your a-- wouldn't have and something your a-- has never faced...….capiche?"

But yet you don't see me using the tint of my skin as a crutch nor do I blame it for a lack of success or the reason as tom why I have succeeded ....unlike you do.My skills stand on their own merits so either I am an asset or a liability. You seem to believe that those of a darker skin tint should be given a pass for a lack of skill and ability because of conceived "slights" in the past. I have too much pride to ever settle for tokenism....but not those of your ilk and that is a sad commentary.

I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government lecturing me. me. I don't think you understand that when I say this I mean it.

This corporate entity that you call "government" has never given me a fucking thing and I wouldn't accept any tokenism even at gunpoint.
You think there’s a difference between the parties...
Then trump should have nominated Obama’s pick Merrick garland

The repubs simply evoked the Biden rule of a president being able to nominate a SCOTUS justice in his last year.....

There is no Biden rule. Plus Biden stated only that they have never picked a justice during a campaign. The claim was that Garland could not be picked during a campaign. But Kavanaugh was.

Kavanaugh was nominated in Trump's second year in office.

There is no Biden rule. Plus Biden stated only that they have never picked a justice during a campaign. The claim was that Garland could not be picked during a campaign. But Kavanaugh was.

We will simply agree to disagree on that one......
You think there’s a difference between the parties...
Then trump should have nominated Obama’s pick Merrick garland

The repubs simply evoked the Biden rule of a president being able to nominate a SCOTUS justice in his last year.....

There is no Biden rule. Plus Biden stated only that they have never picked a justice during a campaign. The claim was that Garland could not be picked during a campaign. But Kavanaugh was.

Kavanaugh was nominated in Trump's second year in office.

There is no Biden rule. Plus Biden stated only that they have never picked a justice during a campaign. The claim was that Garland could not be picked during a campaign. But Kavanaugh was.
They had enough votes we didn’t. Voting matters and not just every four years
Youre a fucking idiot. :laughing0301:

The Night Trump Supporters "Found Me Out" As A Jew


Can't read the link.

But I doubt that woman is a Trump supporter, Trump who moved the US embassy to jerusalem and who's daughter married a jew.
Stop making excuses. You can read the title.

Yes this is your typical Drumpf supporter. They are too stupid to even know Drumpf has Jews in his family.
They would prefer a guy who wouldn’t give his daughter to a Jew, or a guy who wouldn’t date his own daughter but they’ll take trump.

The people you are taking about A. are insignificantly small, and B. so far out there, neither one of us is likely to have a clue which way they will bounce on anything.
You just made a compelling argument. There aren’t that many racists among you. There are blacks who don’t like gays but still vote democratic. You can’t help it that racists like your platform better than ours. That doesn’t mean your platform is racist. What’s racist about your policies?

There is nothing racist about our policies.

But while a reasonable person would look at the nation, and all the factors and conclude for a host of good reasons, that we need to curtail immigration,

a racist could look at that policy, and for complete different reasons of his or her own, support it.

Good point on blacks who are not supportive of "gays", and still vote democratic.

Thank you for being reasonable on this one.

Note that that reasonableness, in no way undermines any of your arguments against our policies, nor requires you to start supporting them.

It is completely possible to disagree with us, without having to paint us as Evul Super Villains.
Therein lies the rub....you believe that you are entitled to something special and given special treatment when we are all the same, bleed the same and want what is best for all of us and skin tint doesn't matter.

I believe I am entitled to the exact same thing as your white ass has had which did not and is not happening no matter how much whites like you try gaslighting people. That is not asking for anything extra or special. You talk all that we are the same bullshit. But we all haven't been treated the same and skin tint did and continues to matter. So take that weak argument to somebody like Avery Jahrman.

Girl, pleaaaase, I have seen blacks get special consideration that didn't do shit with it and I have seen blacks that didn't believe that they were "handicapped" by the tint of their skin and their true talent bore itself out. Some of which were a mentor to me and anyone else that wanted to benefit from them in the electro-mechanical field. They EARNED the respect of their peers and it didn't have a fucking thing to do with their "color". You earn your way in this world because of what you bring to the table. No one has ever given me diddly squat...I have had to prove myself worthy of a position when the cuts came via my knowledge of the job and my ability to repair equipment in a timely manner without taking shortcuts. I had to either "sink or swim". I certainly didn't nor could I count on being saved because of my skin color. You use your skin tint as a crutch and a fail safe measure when you can't cut it. Rise above it already......no company is going to cut loose someone that has incredible skills. The color of money is "green", it isn't black and it isn't white......capiche'?

I'm a man son. And I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government who try to ell me how to do things. Your skin color has saved your ass for your entire life.

I've done better than you. I have proven myself with distinction in the profession I chose for over 30 years. So f--- you and f--- your attitude that allows you to think you can lecture me about rising above something your a-- wouldn't have and something your a-- has never faced...….capiche?

"I'm a man son"

What exactly is a "man son"?

"And I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government"

I have never worked for "da gubermint".......not ever.

"Your skin color has saved your ass for your entire life"

Do tell? One either produces and proves him or herself worthy of a job or they are let loose for those that can do a better job. Skin tint plays no factor in the equation.

"I've done better than you. I have proven myself with distinction in the profession I chose for over 30 years"

If true, then what are you bitching about? If you have done "better" than me? Good for you....you have a talent that rates that and I certainly have no qualms about it nor do I resent that fact.

"So f--- you and f--- your attitude that allows you to think you can lecture me about rising above something your a-- wouldn't have and something your a-- has never faced...….capiche?"

But yet you don't see me using the tint of my skin as a crutch nor do I blame it for a lack of success or the reason as tom why I have succeeded ....unlike you do.My skills stand on their own merits so either I am an asset or a liability. You seem to believe that those of a darker skin tint should be given a pass for a lack of skill and ability because of conceived "slights" in the past. I have too much pride to ever settle for tokenism....but not those of your ilk and that is a sad commentary.

I don't listen to whites who have been given everything by the government lecturing me. me. I don't think you understand that when I say this I mean it.

Ah, you're on a chat board that doesn't discriminate by race about who can post and who can't. If you refuse to "listen" to anyone who isn't black...why are you here and not at a board that does what you already do...discriminate against everyone who isn't black?
1. We will treat you like adults, and not children who need their hands held.

2. Better jobs and wages.

3. Law and order.

4. a better America to live in.

5. Better guns for the disproportionate number of blacks in the military.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them

When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them

When whites like this learn they have been given everything by the government they'll stop making comments like this one.

Funny I never got anything from the government.
1. We will treat you like adults, and not children who need their hands held.

2. Better jobs and wages.

3. Law and order.

4. a better America to live in.

5. Better guns for the disproportionate number of blacks in the military.
reserving labor at a rock bottom cost that is an alternative to means tested welfare; the ready reserve labor force should be ready at any market moment notice.

the power to provide for the general welfare is general enough for that.
When you look at the economic basketcases that red states are the real question here is what the Republicans have to offer anybody?

We know they’re real good for billionaires. But for everyone else? Not so much.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
When blacks figure out what they want maybe they can get it for themselves and not depend on others to give it to them
Poor is enough; equal protection of the law of the law is the solution.
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When you look at the economic basketcases that red states are the real question here is what the Republicans have to offer anybody?

We know they’re real good for billionaires. But for everyone else? Not so much.
who cares; the North has a federal Obligation to "bailout" the South, simply for the sake of the Union.

Yankee forms of ingenuity, may be necessary.

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