What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Repubs actively work against people of color and draw the support of racists. Why do white people wonder why more Blacks arent republican?

Really? Which party runs the inner cities? Oakland, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, NY? Is it the Dems or the GOP?
What would you do differently?

And even if Detroit is run by Democrats they still have to deal with Republican Lansing and Republican Federal Government.

Anatomy of Detroit’s Decline
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Repubs actively work against people of color and draw the support of racists. Why do white people wonder why more Blacks arent republican?

Really? Which party runs the inner cities? Oakland, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, NY? Is it the Dems or the GOP?

Federal republican party policy failure created the problems in these cities.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
  • Economic freedom from democrats.
  • Social freedom from democrats.
  • Emotional and mental freedom from democrats.

Republicans offer none of those things.

If they didn't then there'd be no point in voting for one party over the other, no difference between one and the other and no one would spend millions and billions-- one beating the other. Yet people see a million miles between having had Hillary in charge and Donald Trump! A million miles between Ted Cruz and Maxine Watters. A million miles between Ruth Ginsberg and Brett Kavanaugh. Why don't you grow up someday and grow a brain.
Ben Carson's mother was on welfare. Ben is not. Ben applied himself. No one held him back or promoted him. No one offered him a stethoscope because he was black. He worked to achieve his goal.
Ben showed you how to go from welfare to wealthy. Work hard. < a non partizan approach...
So are you saying that Ben Caron didn't benefit from any affirmative action? If so...why do you folks pick and choose what black folks benefitted from AA and who didn't??
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
I have a problem Bro, it is not what they have to offer, the Demo have been doing the offer crap for many many years with little return. Look at the actions not the offers. They can offer and not but not follow up. We are being used as cannon fodder for votes and money. There are many Foundations, and orgs, who claim to be helping us but it them who really get the benefits. we get whats left over. Plantation style. Some of us have woke up and are seeing what and where we are. No we are not all Demo or Repubs we are not going to be Mastered by anyone and yes we run for office under a Banner, but they have to except what we are and what we stand for. Stand up and Vote it is your right.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
I have a problem Bro, it is not what they have to offer, the Demo have been doing the offer crap for many many years with little return. Look at the actions not the offers. They can offer and not but not follow up. We are being used as cannon fodder for votes and money. There are many Foundations, and orgs, who claim to be helping us but it them who really get the benefits. we get whats left over. Plantation style. Some of us have woke up and are seeing what and where we are. No we are not all Demo or Repubs we are not going to be Mastered by anyone and yes we run for office under a Banner, but they have to except what we are and what we stand for. Stand up and Vote it is your right.
This makes no sense..............
Ben Carson's mother was on welfare. Ben is not. Ben applied himself. No one held him back or promoted him. No one offered him a stethoscope because he was black. He worked to achieve his goal.
Ben showed you how to go from welfare to wealthy. Work hard. < a non partizan approach...
So are you saying that Ben Caron didn't benefit from any affirmative action? If so...why do you folks pick and choose what black folks benefitted from AA and who didn't??
The guy you refer to is Ben Carson,
Ben Carson's mother was on welfare. Ben is not. Ben applied himself. No one held him back or promoted him. No one offered him a stethoscope because he was black. He worked to achieve his goal.
Ben showed you how to go from welfare to wealthy. Work hard. < a non partizan approach...
So are you saying that Ben Caron didn't benefit from any affirmative action? If so...why do you folks pick and choose what black folks benefitted from AA and who didn't??
The guy you refer to is Ben Carson,
Deflection noted.....

Now do you want to address the point or do you want to play bitch games?
Jobs, opportunity, freedom, prosperity.
Dems offer that too.


If they did I would of never left the Chicago area.

Everywhere. I lived/live in a dem city/state and I have all that. You just have to keep the racists from trying to take it from you.
I've always lived in Democrat controlled cities. Toledo, Chicago, Detroit. And in every one of them the Democrats are crushing people in the black neighborhoods. They're taxing the fuck out of them. Especially with the hidden tax imposed on them by the police and criminal justice system that is brutally enforced.

So why do they keep voting for the party that has oppressed them since it's inception rather than the party that emancipated them from the immoral chains of slavery and Jim Crow and granted them the right to vote?

Because they're fucking chumps. That's why.

That is one thing that Malcolm X undeniably got right.

Get woke, chumps.

Can you show us any major city that is properly run by Republicans and blacks are doing well? If not your bullshit about how democrats are doing a bad job is just that. Bullshit. This is a free market capitalistic system. We can't make corporations invest in poor black neighborhoods. When you conservatives pull your white flight, then turn around and blame Democrats because you won't hire black people? Your little schtick is too simplistic and idiotic I shouldn't have even given you a reply. It's like when I say Bill Clinton had a surplus. Sure it's easy to say liberals aren't doing a good job fixing poor black communities but can you show us where Republicans have?

And why don't you move out of those Democratically run cities? Probably because there is a lot of economic opportunity there for white people.

Detroit is pretty much owned and run by like 5 rich white men. They own all the valuable real estate. Detroit is back and booming again. But blacks aren't participating in the economic opportunities down there. Quicken loans is all young white people working there. The only jobs for blacks are maids and other minimum wage jobs.

Once again silly boo boo democrats have been gerrymandering cities for almost a 100 years
Ben Carson's mother was on welfare. Ben is not. Ben applied himself. No one held him back or promoted him. No one offered him a stethoscope because he was black. He worked to achieve his goal.
Ben showed you how to go from welfare to wealthy. Work hard. < a non partizan approach...
So are you saying that Ben Caron didn't benefit from any affirmative action? If so...why do you folks pick and choose what black folks benefitted from AA and who didn't??
The guy you refer to is Ben Carson,
Who benefited from liberal policies that provided him welfare.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
A job so you won't have to rob liquor stores anymore.
Dems offer that too.


If they did I would of never left the Chicago area.

Everywhere. I lived/live in a dem city/state and I have all that. You just have to keep the racists from trying to take it from you.
I've always lived in Democrat controlled cities. Toledo, Chicago, Detroit. And in every one of them the Democrats are crushing people in the black neighborhoods. They're taxing the fuck out of them. Especially with the hidden tax imposed on them by the police and criminal justice system that is brutally enforced.

So why do they keep voting for the party that has oppressed them since it's inception rather than the party that emancipated them from the immoral chains of slavery and Jim Crow and granted them the right to vote?

Because they're fucking chumps. That's why.

That is one thing that Malcolm X undeniably got right.

Get woke, chumps.

Can you show us any major city that is properly run by Republicans and blacks are doing well? If not your bullshit about how democrats are doing a bad job is just that. Bullshit. This is a free market capitalistic system. We can't make corporations invest in poor black neighborhoods. When you conservatives pull your white flight, then turn around and blame Democrats because you won't hire black people? Your little schtick is too simplistic and idiotic I shouldn't have even given you a reply. It's like when I say Bill Clinton had a surplus. Sure it's easy to say liberals aren't doing a good job fixing poor black communities but can you show us where Republicans have?

And why don't you move out of those Democratically run cities? Probably because there is a lot of economic opportunity there for white people.

Detroit is pretty much owned and run by like 5 rich white men. They own all the valuable real estate. Detroit is back and booming again. But blacks aren't participating in the economic opportunities down there. Quicken loans is all young white people working there. The only jobs for blacks are maids and other minimum wage jobs.

Once again silly boo boo democrats have been gerrymandering cities for almost a 100 years

Analysis | Republicans are so much better than Democrats at gerrymandering
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
A job so you won't have to rob liquor stores anymore.
Racism noted.
Ben Carson's mother was on welfare. Ben is not. Ben applied himself. No one held him back or promoted him. No one offered him a stethoscope because he was black. He worked to achieve his goal.
Ben showed you how to go from welfare to wealthy. Work hard. < a non partizan approach...

That means Ben was on welfare you fool! LOL.

Maybe without welfare Ben wouldn't have been able to apply himself.

Yes someone did promote him. WELFARE promoted him. It helped him to reach adulthood.

Ben showed us welfare works. So if it worked for him, why take it away from poor people now? Because Ben thinks everyone except his mother was lazy?
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
A job so you won't have to rob liquor stores anymore.
Racism noted.
Only racists rob liquor stores then. Who knew, mr troll.
  1. Broken down and unsafe housing.
  2. Broken families.
  3. A high degree of violence required in order to hold the place together.
  4. Everybody gets a basic provision, but nobody gets ahead.
  5. Extreme skepticism and despair. This is an intergenerational, ongoing, lasting way of life.

Is that a fair way to describe the situation in the inner cities that are controlled by the Dems?

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