What Exactly Is "Hysterical Fear" After Muslim Terrorist Attacks in Paris and Mali?

No, comparing apples to apples.

I know that's hard for dingbats to understand
hysteria is why you make that false comparison

No, I showed you the proper use of statistics.

Good god.
You wish.

Facts are facts. And those are mine. Delusion is delusion, those belong to the delusioned. That is you.
False you've either intentionally or ignorantly missunderstood the facts and trying to justify your paranoia

No, I compared apples to apples
That means you would grap a handful. You realize that, right?
false, just observing the phenomena.

the analogy is valid. you idiot libs would die of M&M poisoning----------------or Islamic terrorism-------------------either way you end up dead.

Do you have any working brain cells?
False you might end up dead .
The odds are much higher that you will die in a car accident.
Odd that you chicken shits don't go batshit over that.

Not in a Paris concert hall.
False .
You forget I've made my living working in concert hall, theatres, and outdoor venues.
The odds of people dying in those places and situations from a number of causes is extremely high.

We were speaking of your absurd comparison of deaths in bathtubs.

You failed to apply the statistic to terrorists deaths in concert halls.

You're failure to apply statistics correctly is noted.

It is far more likely to die in a terrorist attack in a Paris nightclub then to die in a bathtub in the same location.

And that is unacceptable.
A lot of people are confusing the refugees that are being sent here with those that are flooding into Europe. Those entering Europe are not being screened before they enter. It is mass migration using whatever means available. It sometimes resembles the exodus of Cubans and Haitians, in that anything that floats is used. The Syrians coming here are mostly from refugee camps, where they have spent the last 2 - 3 years being screened and processed. While it is possible that terrorists are posing as people fleeing the violence, I think it's a lot less likely than the rhetoric from a few organizations and individuals would have you believe. There are much faster and easier ways to enter the United States, to say nothing of radicalizing people already here. The SAFE Act might catch some people IF they were to make it through the process undetected (none have so far), but it really doesn't add that much more scrutiny to the sufficient (to date) measures already in place. It just requires a unanimous approval from the heads of the FBI, DHS, and Director of National Intelligence.

One, our own FBI chief says we cannot properly screen those Syrian refugees.

Two, you are ignoring the fact that terrorists have repeatedly been recruited from among Muslim immigrants/refugees. That's because many average Muslims agree with extremist Muslims on a number of issues, and because quite a few average Muslims sympathize with ISIS and Al Qaeda.

You guys keep dancing around the incontrovertible fact that we know from recent history that the more Muslims a Christian/secular/pro-Western country has, the more likely it is that that country will suffer terrorist attacks. That is just reality. And given that reality, it is only sane and rational, and prudent, to either stop allowing Muslims to enter this country for the foreseeable future or to greatly toughen the screening process and to maintain some kind of surveillance of them for a time after they are allowed to enter.

I don't think that sounds unreasonable at all. I don't know why people are so freaked out about it. Given the circumstances, it is the smart thing to do, IMO.

lets try the M&Ms again. You have a bowl of 500 M&Ms, you know that 10 of them contain poison that will kill you. Would you just grab a handful and eat them?

Did you understand my post? I was agreeing with the poster.
A lot of people are confusing the refugees that are being sent here with those that are flooding into Europe. Those entering Europe are not being screened before they enter. It is mass migration using whatever means available. It sometimes resembles the exodus of Cubans and Haitians, in that anything that floats is used. The Syrians coming here are mostly from refugee camps, where they have spent the last 2 - 3 years being screened and processed. While it is possible that terrorists are posing as people fleeing the violence, I think it's a lot less likely than the rhetoric from a few organizations and individuals would have you believe. There are much faster and easier ways to enter the United States, to say nothing of radicalizing people already here. The SAFE Act might catch some people IF they were to make it through the process undetected (none have so far), but it really doesn't add that much more scrutiny to the sufficient (to date) measures already in place. It just requires a unanimous approval from the heads of the FBI, DHS, and Director of National Intelligence.

One, our own FBI chief says we cannot properly screen those Syrian refugees.

Two, you are ignoring the fact that terrorists have repeatedly been recruited from among Muslim immigrants/refugees. That's because many average Muslims agree with extremist Muslims on a number of issues, and because quite a few average Muslims sympathize with ISIS and Al Qaeda.

You guys keep dancing around the incontrovertible fact that we know from recent history that the more Muslims a Christian/secular/pro-Western country has, the more likely it is that that country will suffer terrorist attacks. That is just reality. And given that reality, it is only sane and rational, and prudent, to either stop allowing Muslims to enter this country for the foreseeable future or to greatly toughen the screening process and to maintain some kind of surveillance of them for a time after they are allowed to enter.

I don't think that sounds unreasonable at all. I don't know why people are so freaked out about it. Given the circumstances, it is the smart thing to do, IMO.

lets try the M&Ms again. You have a bowl of 500 M&Ms, you know that 10 of them contain poison that will kill you. Would you just grab a handful and eat them?

I said I do NOT think it sounds unreasonable and that I think it would be the smart thing to do.
Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception........ to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.

That's not always practical for us to do. Especially nowadays. Back in the old days, we needed people to help build the country, etc. There are a lot of jobless people here, a lot of homeless people people, veterans who are basically ignored, etc. Those are the people we NEED to be concerned with. We need to get our priorities straight. The economy is NOT doing well in spite of what our president and his cabinet members might tell us. That is the reason why at least 35% of the population is currently receiving some form of social service support. There are just not enough jobs (good ones) for everyone. There needs to be a balance between those working and those collecting social services or the whole system will collapse!
I have no problem with congress actually working on and passing immigration reforms that suit the Country for today's honest needs....and there should be no reason for the parties to make this political, it should be worked on together, for the best interest of the Nation.

That's NOT what is happening in this fear mongering frenzy....it is knee jerk political posturing pussy-ism that stands out the most and it's embarrassing.

This isn't about immigration reform, which is what you are concerned with.... not from my view or those viewing us.

BTW I have no problem with giving extra scrutiny on who we take in as refugees from Syria, and turning those away that don't meet muster, in light of the Paris attacks....and regardless of what the blogs are presumptuously reporting to get everyone in to a frenzy,

it serves no purpose for our gvt to be lackadaisical and foolish in their screenings... or to claim that they are....other than political posturing, imo.

So what fear mongering are you referring to? The things Trump has been saying about registering Muslims? I'm just wondering.

Trump never said that. A reporter said it. The media is lying to you-------------again.

I'm asking the poster a question. Do you mind?
false, just observing the phenomena.

the analogy is valid. you idiot libs would die of M&M poisoning----------------or Islamic terrorism-------------------either way you end up dead.

Do you have any working brain cells?
False you might end up dead .
The odds are much higher that you will die in a car accident.
Odd that you chicken shits don't go batshit over that.

Not in a Paris concert hall.
False .
You forget I've made my living working in concert hall, theatres, and outdoor venues.
The odds of people dying in those places and situations from a number of causes is extremely high.

We were speaking of your absurd comparison of deaths in bathtubs.

You failed to apply the statistic to terrorists deaths in concert halls.

You're failure to apply statistics correctly is noted.

It is far more likely to die in a terrorist attack in a Paris nightclub then to die in a bathtub in the same location.

And that is unacceptable.

Isn't it funny how they try to make "comparison analogies" between car accident deaths and being shot by a terrorist when it suits their argument? How ironic is that? :lol: Oh well, cars weren't meant to kill, but terrorists are. :p
Also funny that some of these are the same people who are afraid of their fellow Americans. :D Lol.
One, our own FBI chief says we cannot properly screen those Syrian refugees.

Two, you are ignoring the fact that terrorists have repeatedly been recruited from among Muslim immigrants/refugees. That's because many average Muslims agree with extremist Muslims on a number of issues, and because quite a few average Muslims sympathize with ISIS and Al Qaeda.

You guys keep dancing around the incontrovertible fact that we know from recent history that the more Muslims a Christian/secular/pro-Western country has, the more likely it is that that country will suffer terrorist attacks. That is just reality. And given that reality, it is only sane and rational, and prudent, to either stop allowing Muslims to enter this country for the foreseeable future or to greatly toughen the screening process and to maintain some kind of surveillance of them for a time after they are allowed to enter.

I don't think that sounds unreasonable at all. I don't know why people are so freaked out about it. Given the circumstances, it is the smart thing to do, IMO.

lets try the M&Ms again. You have a bowl of 500 M&Ms, you know that 10 of them contain poison that will kill you. Would you just grab a handful and eat them?

You don't actually expect them to concede to logic and facts, do you? If their position was logical, they would be calling anyone who opposes them racists and Nazis. They know they are on the wrong side of the argument, but they just don't care because the safety of American isn't their primary concern. Importing new Democrats is their concern.
The safety of America has already been compromised both from the Inside and out you act as if this has never happened before.
Again proving you have no grasp of logic and history.

Dimocraps are the ones who compromise it. Now you want to compromise it again.
Really? The gop sold it's soul to the religious right, the tea baggers. Etc.
If that's not compromise than nothing is .
Funny how you attempted and failed to dodge the security of the country being compromised question.
hysteria is why you make that false comparison

No, I showed you the proper use of statistics.

Good god.
You wish.

Facts are facts. And those are mine. Delusion is delusion, those belong to the delusioned. That is you.
False you've either intentionally or ignorantly missunderstood the facts and trying to justify your paranoia

No, I compared apples to apples
The hysteria is as follows, just using this board as an example:

1. At least half dozen people telling me they want to exterminate all Muslims.
2. Many people saying they want our Court to declare that Islam be disqualified as a religion.
3. People saying they want Muslims tagged and tracked.
4. People saying that every Muslim is a terrorist waiting to happen, because they are all ruled by the Koran.
5. People proposing using nuclear weapons in the Middle East, and those people getting plenty of support.
false, just observing the phenomena.

the analogy is valid. you idiot libs would die of M&M poisoning----------------or Islamic terrorism-------------------either way you end up dead.

Do you have any working brain cells?
False you might end up dead .
The odds are much higher that you will die in a car accident.
Odd that you chicken shits don't go batshit over that.

Not in a Paris concert hall.
False .
You forget I've made my living working in concert hall, theatres, and outdoor venues.
The odds of people dying in those places and situations from a number of causes is extremely high.

We were speaking of your absurd comparison of deaths in bathtubs.

You failed to apply the statistic to terrorists deaths in concert halls.

You're failure to apply statistics correctly is noted.

It is far more likely to die in a terrorist attack in a Paris nightclub then to die in a bathtub in the same location.

And that is unacceptable.
That's a false comparison , one there are no bathtubs in concert halls.
Two. any building that holds an equivalent or near equivalent number people is statistical the same as the concert hall.
Your constant repeating of " concert hall" is melodramatic and nothing more.
the analogy is valid. you idiot libs would die of M&M poisoning----------------or Islamic terrorism-------------------either way you end up dead.

Do you have any working brain cells?
False you might end up dead .
The odds are much higher that you will die in a car accident.
Odd that you chicken shits don't go batshit over that.

Not in a Paris concert hall.
False .
You forget I've made my living working in concert hall, theatres, and outdoor venues.
The odds of people dying in those places and situations from a number of causes is extremely high.

We were speaking of your absurd comparison of deaths in bathtubs.

You failed to apply the statistic to terrorists deaths in concert halls.

You're failure to apply statistics correctly is noted.

It is far more likely to die in a terrorist attack in a Paris nightclub then to die in a bathtub in the same location.

And that is unacceptable.

Isn't it funny how they try to make "comparison analogies" between car accident deaths and being shot by a terrorist when it suits their argument? How ironic is that? :lol: Oh well, cars weren't meant to kill, but terrorists are. :p
The outcome is the same only the method is different.
No, I showed you the proper use of statistics.

Good god.
You wish.

Facts are facts. And those are mine. Delusion is delusion, those belong to the delusioned. That is you.
False you've either intentionally or ignorantly missunderstood the facts and trying to justify your paranoia

No, I compared apples to apples

the analogy is valid. you idiot libs would die of M&M poisoning----------------or Islamic terrorism-------------------either way you end up dead.

Do you have any working brain cells?
False you might end up dead .
The odds are much higher that you will die in a car accident.
Odd that you chicken shits don't go batshit over that.

Not in a Paris concert hall.
False .
You forget I've made my living working in concert hall, theatres, and outdoor venues.
The odds of people dying in those places and situations from a number of causes is extremely high.

We were speaking of your absurd comparison of deaths in bathtubs.

You failed to apply the statistic to terrorists deaths in concert halls.

You're failure to apply statistics correctly is noted.

It is far more likely to die in a terrorist attack in a Paris nightclub then to die in a bathtub in the same location.

And that is unacceptable.
That's a false comparison , one there are no bathtubs in concert halls.
Two. any building that holds an equivalent or near equivalent number people is statistical the same as the concert hall.
Your constant repeating of " concert hall" is melodramatic and nothing more.

Youve never worked a concert hall with a bathtub in it? No A list artists then.

Got it.
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.

Bullshit. Name any refugees we took in before WW II.

Albert Einstein
Henry Kissinger
Among others.
False you might end up dead .
The odds are much higher that you will die in a car accident.
Odd that you chicken shits don't go batshit over that.

Not in a Paris concert hall.
False .
You forget I've made my living working in concert hall, theatres, and outdoor venues.
The odds of people dying in those places and situations from a number of causes is extremely high.

We were speaking of your absurd comparison of deaths in bathtubs.

You failed to apply the statistic to terrorists deaths in concert halls.

You're failure to apply statistics correctly is noted.

It is far more likely to die in a terrorist attack in a Paris nightclub then to die in a bathtub in the same location.

And that is unacceptable.
That's a false comparison , one there are no bathtubs in concert halls.
Two. any building that holds an equivalent or near equivalent number people is statistical the same as the concert hall.
Your constant repeating of " concert hall" is melodramatic and nothing more.

Youve never worked a concert hall with a bathtub in it? No A list artists then.

Got it.
False. but nice try, any theatres that had bathtubs, concert halls etc. That had tubs were built in the 19th or early 20th century.
All of them are either gone or been extensively remodeled to comply with modern safety codes and insurance concerns.
Do I need to list the a listers I have worked with?
Not in a Paris concert hall.
False .
You forget I've made my living working in concert hall, theatres, and outdoor venues.
The odds of people dying in those places and situations from a number of causes is extremely high.

We were speaking of your absurd comparison of deaths in bathtubs.

You failed to apply the statistic to terrorists deaths in concert halls.

You're failure to apply statistics correctly is noted.

It is far more likely to die in a terrorist attack in a Paris nightclub then to die in a bathtub in the same location.

And that is unacceptable.
That's a false comparison , one there are no bathtubs in concert halls.
Two. any building that holds an equivalent or near equivalent number people is statistical the same as the concert hall.
Your constant repeating of " concert hall" is melodramatic and nothing more.

Youve never worked a concert hall with a bathtub in it? No A list artists then.

Got it.
False. but nice try, any theatres that had bathtubs, concert halls etc. That had tubs were built in the 19th or early 20th century.
All of them are either gone or been extensively remodeled to comply with modern safety codes and insurance concerns.
Do I need to list the a listers I have worked with?

You made the comparison fool. How likely then is it to be killed by a terrorist while in a bathtub.

You are 14 times more likely to die in a bathtub then by being killed by a terrorist IS STILL HUGELY UNACCEPTABLE.

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