What Exactly Is "Hysterical Fear" After Muslim Terrorist Attacks in Paris and Mali?

Liberals are masters of the false choice: Either let in thousands of Syrian refugees or you're a bigot who's afraid of "widows and orphans." Even as the death count from Muslim terrorist attacks continues to rise.
how is that a false choice?
the death count?
We realize your mind can't stretch around the concept that there might be other possibilities, but that's why you're a libturd.
false, there are actual possibilities, then there are probable possibilities. what you assholes worry about is not among them.
You'll excuse us if we don't accept the liberal understanding of reality.
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Hmmm, sorry, but the country has never shared your disgusting irrational values. Committing suicide isn't an American value.
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception........ to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.
Sadly, even if the USA is hit again and americans are killed, the dem/libs will continue to pretend that radical Islamic terrorism does not exist.

Its a form of insanity that only liberals exhibit. Denial of reality if the reality does not fit their fantasy filled ideology.
Who has pretended that radical Islamic terrorism doesn't exist? Name names.

Obama, Bernie and Hillary, to name three. They refuse to use the term "radical Islam."
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.

Bullshit. Name any refugees we took in before WW II.
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety

We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
ben franklin
This article was actually written by Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani.This article was actually written by Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa'eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.
Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.
With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:
  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).
So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.
If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:
  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
If you think this “dating” would never come, then stop fearing about terrorism and start enjoying your life.
This article was actually written by Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani. I've just shared this.

Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

Wow, you think only being 14 times more likely to die in a bathtub, then in terrorist attack is a good stat?

Sounds outrageously high to me.

So, are you more likely to die by a terrorist attack while attending an indoor concert in Paris or......

Dying in a bathtub while attending an indoor concert in Paris?
more hysterical rationalizing

No, comparing apples to apples.

I know that's hard for dingbats to understand
hysteria is why you make that false comparison
question for the dems and libs:

this has been asked before but in case you missed it.

Lets say that you have a bowl of 500 M&Ms. You know that 10 of them contain poison. How many of you dem/libs would just pick up a handful and eat them?
the false comparisons are flying fast and furious.

That means you would grap a handful. You realize that, right?
false, just observing the phenomena.
Liberals are masters of the false choice: Either let in thousands of Syrian refugees or you're a bigot who's afraid of "widows and orphans." Even as the death count from Muslim terrorist attacks continues to rise.
how is that a false choice?
the death count?
We realize your mind can't stretch around the concept that there might be other possibilities, but that's why you're a libturd.
false, there are actual possibilities, then there are probable possibilities. what you assholes worry about is not among them.
You'll excuse us if we don't accept the liberal understanding of reality.
you don't understand reality of any kind .
the use of we is rock solid proof of that
Argumentum ad populum

This type of argument is known by several names,[1] including appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to democracy, appeal to popularity, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, and bandwagon fallacy (also known as a vox populi),[2] and in Latin as argumentum ad numerum ("appeal to the number"), and consensus gentium ("agreement of the clans"). It is also the basis of a number of social phenomena, including communal reinforcement and the bandwagon effect. The Chinese proverb "three men make a tiger" concerns the same idea.
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.

Bullshit. Name any refugees we took in before WW II.
semantics false comparison.
it was immigration and the circumstances of what brought people here was not a consideration.

A refugee, according to the Geneva Convention on Refugees is a person who is outside their country of citizenship because they have well-founded grounds for fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, and is unable to obtain sanctuary from their home country or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country; or in the case of not having a nationality and being outside their country of former habitual residence as a result of such event, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to their country of former habitual residence. Such a person may be called an "asylum seeker" until considered with the status of "refugee" by the Contracting State where they formally make a claim for sanctuary or right of asylum.

learn some fucking history.
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety

We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
ben franklin

We aren't giving up a shred of liberty by not allowing the Muzzie savages in. In fact, we're preserving it because they support Sharia, and if their numbers grow large enough, they will impose it on all of us.
Liberals are masters of the false choice: Either let in thousands of Syrian refugees or you're a bigot who's afraid of "widows and orphans." Even as the death count from Muslim terrorist attacks continues to rise.
how is that a false choice?
the death count?
We realize your mind can't stretch around the concept that there might be other possibilities, but that's why you're a libturd.
false, there are actual possibilities, then there are probable possibilities. what you assholes worry about is not among them.
You'll excuse us if we don't accept the liberal understanding of reality.
you don't understand reality of any kind .
the use of we is rock solid proof of that
Argumentum ad populum

This type of argument is known by several names,[1] including appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to democracy, appeal to popularity, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, and bandwagon fallacy (also known as a vox populi),[2] and in Latin as argumentum ad numerum ("appeal to the number"), and consensus gentium ("agreement of the clans"). It is also the basis of a number of social phenomena, including communal reinforcement and the bandwagon effect. The Chinese proverb "three men make a tiger" concerns the same idea.

Oh puhleeeze. The idea that you understand logic doesn't pass the stupid test.
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.

Bullshit. Name any refugees we took in before WW II.
semantics false comparison.
it was immigration and the circumstances of what brought people here was not a consideration.

In other words, we took in no refugees.

You're spewing 100% bullshit. You turds can offer a single argument for your position that doesn't contain at lease one lie.
This article was actually written by Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani.This article was actually written by Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa'eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.
Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.
With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:
  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).
So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.
If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:
  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
If you think this “dating” would never come, then stop fearing about terrorism and start enjoying your life.
This article was actually written by Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani. I've just shared this.

Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

Wow, you think only being 14 times more likely to die in a bathtub, then in terrorist attack is a good stat?

Sounds outrageously high to me.

So, are you more likely to die by a terrorist attack while attending an indoor concert in Paris or......

Dying in a bathtub while attending an indoor concert in Paris?
more hysterical rationalizing

No, comparing apples to apples.

I know that's hard for dingbats to understand
hysteria is why you make that false comparison

No, I showed you the proper use of statistics.

Good god.
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception........ to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.

That's not always practical for us to do. Especially nowadays. Back in the old days, we needed people to help build the country, etc. There are a lot of jobless people here, a lot of homeless people people, veterans who are basically ignored, etc. Those are the people we NEED to be concerned with. We need to get our priorities straight. The economy is NOT doing well in spite of what our president and his cabinet members might tell us. That is the reason why at least 35% of the population is currently receiving some form of social service support. There are just not enough jobs (good ones) for everyone. There needs to be a balance between those working and those collecting social services or the whole system will collapse!
I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception........ to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.

That's not always practical for us to do. Especially nowadays. Back in the old days, we needed people to help build the country, etc. There are a lot of jobless people here, a lot of homeless people people, veterans who are basically ignored, etc. Those are the people we NEED to be concerned with. We need to get our priorities straight. The economy is NOT doing well in spite of what our president and his cabinet members might tell us. That is the reason why at least 35% of the population is currently receiving some form of social service support. There are just not enough jobs (good ones) for everyone. There needs to be a balance between those working and those collecting social services or the whole system will collapse!
I have no problem with congress actually working on and passing immigration reforms that suit the Country for today's honest needs....and there should be no reason for the parties to make this political, it should be worked on together, for the best interest of the Nation.

That's NOT what is happening in this fear mongering frenzy....it is knee jerk political posturing pussy-ism that stands out the most and it's embarrassing.

This isn't about immigration reform, which is what you are concerned with.... not from my view or those viewing us.

BTW I have no problem with giving extra scrutiny on who we take in as refugees from Syria, and turning those away that don't meet muster, in light of the Paris attacks....and regardless of what the blogs are presumptuously reporting to get everyone in to a frenzy,

it serves no purpose for our gvt to be lackadaisical and foolish in their screenings... or to claim that they are....other than political posturing, imo.
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I keep hearing this birdie whispering in my ear that's saying,''hold your head up high, and don't continue to let the terrorists change you and your Country's values of helping those in need, your freedom, your life as it once was....don't let them scare you, if you do, the terrorists win... by terrorizing you''.

Strong screening is needed, but we should not let the terrorist's terror, make us in to pussies...if we do, then they win....

Do we really want that...???

Pussies? How? Our focus should be on helping those in our own country and making our country a better place. Unless those immigrants have something to offer, there is no logical reason for us to take them in. Being anti-immigration isn't just about fear. It's about realizing that our resources are limited, and we have people here in our own country who need help.
but we don't take in refugees because they are suppose to HELP US, we have always helped refugees since our inception........ to help THEM, to help them escape death, in many cases.

That's not always practical for us to do. Especially nowadays. Back in the old days, we needed people to help build the country, etc. There are a lot of jobless people here, a lot of homeless people people, veterans who are basically ignored, etc. Those are the people we NEED to be concerned with. We need to get our priorities straight. The economy is NOT doing well in spite of what our president and his cabinet members might tell us. That is the reason why at least 35% of the population is currently receiving some form of social service support. There are just not enough jobs (good ones) for everyone. There needs to be a balance between those working and those collecting social services or the whole system will collapse!
I have no problem with congress actually working on and passing immigration reforms that suit the Country for today's honest needs....and there should be no reason for the parties to make this political, it should be worked on together, for the best interest of the Nation.

That's NOT what is happening in this fear mongering frenzy....it is knee jerk political posturing pussy-ism that stands out the most and it's embarrassing.

This isn't about immigration reform, which is what you are concerned with.... not from my view.

Well, if you are talking about "registering" Muslims who are already citizens here, then I would agree. All of that stupid talk from Donald Trump is just that . . . stupid. Definitely we need immigration reform, though some people seem to think that means just let whomever from where ever come here and/or amnesty.
Yeah, I'm not into "punishing" people. I just think we need to be a lot more particular in who we allow into our country nowadays. Back in the old days, we needed immigrants and we were trying to populate a country. That is no longer the case.

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