What Exactly Is "Hysterical Fear" After Muslim Terrorist Attacks in Paris and Mali?

"What Exactly Is "Hysterical Fear" After Muslim Terrorist Attacks in Paris and Mali?"

It's most conservatives attempting to contrive the attacks into some sort of political weapon to use against democrats and the president.

It's most conservatives attempting to use the attacks as 'justification' for their unwarranted fear and bigotry toward Muslim immigrants.

It's most conservatives attempting to generate unwarranted fear for some perceived partisan gain.
Sadly, even if the USA is hit again and americans are killed, the dem/libs will continue to pretend that radical Islamic terrorism does not exist.

Its a form of insanity that only liberals exhibit. Denial of reality if the reality does not fit their fantasy filled ideology.

Nobody is saying radical terrorists who are Islamic don't exist. We just aren't willing to blame every person who shares that religion. Islam isn't our enemy. Terrorists who use Islam for an excuse for their evil actions are the enemy. All religions have fanatics who use their religion for vile actions.
Should all Christians be blamed for killing abortion doctors? It work the same way.
Right, tell that to the people at Ft. Hood, or Boston and see if they're impressed.
a fine example of rationalizing hysteria.
didn't think you were the nervous type.

God you're such a retard, being cautious is not fear, it's common sense. Don't you make sure a ladder is set properly before you climb up 20 ft? Is it because of fear or just being cautious, protecting yourself?
not buying it, what the right and some on the left are doing is caution or anything close to it.
being cautious is reading directions for assembling Ikea furniture and putting on the right shoes.
what's happening is paranoia.

Your not paranoid if someone is really out the get ya, so far ISIS has been true to it's word. It's pure stupidity if you ignore people who tell you they want you and everyone like you dead.
where so you get the idea that anybody is ignoring this?
we've (the west) have been in conflict or at war with some country or another in the middle east for a thousand years.
it's a given that some group will make and sometimes carry out death threats or terrorist acts.
if this country is not able to defend itself against terrorist attacks especially since 911 then we deserve an ass kicking.
I see no point in all this tub thumping.

And we do that by importing more potential terrorist, damn you are a full blown retard.
Liberals are masters of the false choice: Either let in thousands of Syrian refugees or you're a bigot who's afraid of "widows and orphans." Even as the death count from Muslim terrorist attacks continues to rise.

Guess what?

More refugees are being killed by ISIS than Republicans are
Now that Muslim terrorists have killed 27 more people, this time in Mali, just days after over 100 people were killed in Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris, one wonders how liberals will define "hysterical feart

Well I would define 'hysterical fear' to be any fear that borders on hysteria- like you demonstrate.

Which do you 'fear' more?

Being attacked and killed by an Islamic Terrorist- or dying in a car crash?

If you spend more of your day fearing that an ISIS supporter is going to spray down your car with bullets than you spend your day fearing that some drunk driver will plow into your car- then you are suffering from hysterical fear.

When did my fellow Americans become such cowards?
Hysterical fear is turning the Republican Party over to Islamaphobes and pissing on our Constitution out of fear
When they kill...yes. Only, for whatever reason, we don't mention their religion...we say they were motivated by hate.

The left does vilify Christians at every turn even to the point of bring up the crusades from centuries ago.

When the murderers scream 'allah akbar' as they kill, make videos calling non-Muslims 'infidels' who need to die, and claim that Islam will rule the world, it's impossible to leave out the religious reasons behind their attacks.

At the very least, you could call them hate crimes against non-Muslims, but the left doesn't recognize hate crimes against Christians or whites. That is why they get tagged as workplace violence and other such nonsense.
Well I would define 'hysterical fear' to be any fear that borders on hysteria- like you demonstrate.

Which do you 'fear' more?

Being attacked and killed by an Islamic Terrorist- or dying in a car crash?

If you spend more of your day fearing that an ISIS supporter is going to spray down your car with bullets than you spend your day fearing that some drunk driver will plow into your car- then you are suffering from hysterical fear.

When did my fellow Americans become such cowards?

One thing that hasn't occurred to you or Obama is that some value the lives of total strangers. I didn't know anyone killed in the 9/11 attacks carried out by radical Muslims, but I don't want to see it happen to anyone ever again.

As more and more Muslims pour in, most of whom believe in sharia law (which is evil), it means that more attacks are likely. Maybe I won't know the people, but just knowing so much can be prevented by taking precautions now means that we should.

What will the left say when another radical Muslim attacks and kills people?

Even though your chances of being killed in a mass shooting are minimal, you guys freak out at the mere sight of guns. And you don't call that hysteria? Only difference is that gun laws won't prevent those. We can prevent terrorists from attacking by taking every precaution not to let them in the country.

You see, it's people that are evil and responsible for killing, no guns or any other weapons.
When they kill...yes. Only, for whatever reason, we don't mention their religion...we say they were motivated by hate.

The left does vilify Christians at every turn even to the point of bring up the crusades from centuries ago.
Centuries ago? *snicker* Whatever.

When the murderers scream 'allah akbar' as they kill, make videos calling non-Muslims 'infidels' who need to die, and claim that Islam will rule the world, it's impossible to leave out the religious reasons behind their attacks.

Can we agree that these killers are psychopaths (or, at best) are brain damaged? If so, why would any thinking person take their interpretation of a religion worth anything other than their offering of hot air?

At the very least, you could call them hate crimes against non-Muslims, but the left doesn't recognize hate crimes against Christians or whites. That is why they get tagged as workplace violence and other such nonsense.

Not sure what any of that has to do with the price of tea in China but whatever.
When they kill...yes. Only, for whatever reason, we don't mention their religion...we say they were motivated by hate.

The left does vilify Christians at every turn even to the point of bring up the crusades from centuries ago.
Centuries ago? *snicker* Whatever.

When the murderers scream 'allah akbar' as they kill, make videos calling non-Muslims 'infidels' who need to die, and claim that Islam will rule the world, it's impossible to leave out the religious reasons behind their attacks.

Can we agree that these killers are psychopaths (or, at best) are brain damaged? If so, why would any thinking person take their interpretation of a religion worth anything other than their offering of hot air?

At the very least, you could call them hate crimes against non-Muslims, but the left doesn't recognize hate crimes against Christians or whites. That is why they get tagged as workplace violence and other such nonsense.

Not sure what any of that has to do with the price of tea in China but whatever.
a fine example of rationalizing hysteria.
didn't think you were the nervous type.

God you're such a retard, being cautious is not fear, it's common sense. Don't you make sure a ladder is set properly before you climb up 20 ft? Is it because of fear or just being cautious, protecting yourself?
not buying it, what the right and some on the left are doing is caution or anything close to it.
being cautious is reading directions for assembling Ikea furniture and putting on the right shoes.
what's happening is paranoia.

Your not paranoid if someone is really out the get ya, so far ISIS has been true to it's word. It's pure stupidity if you ignore people who tell you they want you and everyone like you dead.
where so you get the idea that anybody is ignoring this?
we've (the west) have been in conflict or at war with some country or another in the middle east for a thousand years.
it's a given that some group will make and sometimes carry out death threats or terrorist acts.
if this country is not able to defend itself against terrorist attacks especially since 911 then we deserve an ass kicking.
I see no point in all this tub thumping.

And we do that by importing more potential terrorist, damn you are a full blown retard.
We already have potential terrorists h
Who said hysterical?
Who said the measures being proposed are "perfectly reasonable"? Most things coming from the right are anything but that.

What is unreasonable about them? We now know that terrorists have entered countries by posing as refugees. We know that just in the last two days Syrians have been caught trying to enter the nation illegally via our Southern border. So it's only sane and rational to be extremely hesitant to allow thousands of Syrian refugees into the country.

If the extensive, prolonged screening process used at Gitmo, which included polygraphs, missed over 160 future repeat terrorists out of 600-some detainees they screened and released, how in the world do you think we're going to catch every single bad guy among thousands of Syrians?

By the way, 47 House Democrats just voted with House Republicans to make the screening process for Syrian refugees much tougher. Are they "afraid of widows and orphans"?
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Some things the right wing are suggesting are idiotic but some are perfectly reasonable. I know if I were a Syrian and I was going to be "assigned" to a distant land as a refugee, I'd rather go to a place like India or Sudan than Porland, ME. Just not in terms of culture but in terms of climate. And, yes, given the media's (all media) penchant for parroting one another and keeping the eyes glued to the TV or tablet, they whoop up the hysteria as much as they can too. All that being said, I'd probably understand someone in Portland wanting the Syrians sent to India or Sudan as well.
A lot of people are confusing the refugees that are being sent here with those that are flooding into Europe. Those entering Europe are not being screened before they enter. It is mass migration using whatever means available. It sometimes resembles the exodus of Cubans and Haitians, in that anything that floats is used. The Syrians coming here are mostly from refugee camps, where they have spent the last 2 - 3 years being screened and processed. While it is possible that terrorists are posing as people fleeing the violence, I think it's a lot less likely than the rhetoric from a few organizations and individuals would have you believe. There are much faster and easier ways to enter the United States, to say nothing of radicalizing people already here. The SAFE Act might catch some people IF they were to make it through the process undetected (none have so far), but it really doesn't add that much more scrutiny to the sufficient (to date) measures already in place. It just requires a unanimous approval from the heads of the FBI, DHS, and Director of National Intelligence.
This article was actually written by Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani.This article was actually written by Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa'eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.
Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.
With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:
  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).
So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.
If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:
  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
If you think this “dating” would never come, then stop fearing about terrorism and start enjoying your life.
This article was actually written by Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani. I've just shared this.

Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

Wow, you think only being 14 times more likely to die in a bathtub, then in terrorist attack is a good stat?

Sounds outrageously high to me.

So, are you more likely to die by a terrorist attack while attending an indoor concert in Paris or......

Dying in a bathtub while attending an indoor concert in Paris?
God you're such a retard, being cautious is not fear, it's common sense. Don't you make sure a ladder is set properly before you climb up 20 ft? Is it because of fear or just being cautious, protecting yourself?
not buying it, what the right and some on the left are doing is caution or anything close to it.
being cautious is reading directions for assembling Ikea furniture and putting on the right shoes.
what's happening is paranoia.

Your not paranoid if someone is really out the get ya, so far ISIS has been true to it's word. It's pure stupidity if you ignore people who tell you they want you and everyone like you dead.
where so you get the idea that anybody is ignoring this?
we've (the west) have been in conflict or at war with some country or another in the middle east for a thousand years.
it's a given that some group will make and sometimes carry out death threats or terrorist acts.
if this country is not able to defend itself against terrorist attacks especially since 911 then we deserve an ass kicking.
I see no point in all this tub thumping.

And we do that by importing more potential terrorist, damn you are a full blown retard.
We already have potential terrorists h

And your answer is to import more, you better run along, the short bus is waiting.
Liberals are masters of the false choice: Either let in thousands of Syrian refugees or you're a bigot who's afraid of "widows and orphans." Even as the death count from Muslim terrorist attacks continues to rise.
how is that a false choice?
the death count?
We realize your mind can't stretch around the concept that there might be other possibilities, but that's why you're a libturd.

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