What exactly would you like to see from the Paris talks?

Failed thread!

People really don't know what kinds of laws and regulations they want to see from this event to combat climate change?

Does this mean they're just going to go along with anything?

Is that how bad this has gotten?
Well...we do know what Big Ears and the other warmer elites want. They want heavy taxation on carbon emissions applied to first world nations, particularly the USA. It is all about redistribution of wealth and enriching the elites, which one of the assholes admitted to some time ago.
Yeah, that's the best answer I've gotten so far. I sure would like to drill down a bit on that - maybe "drill down" isn't the best phrase - but I'm beginning to doubt that they can.

The hope just appears to be the most regulations and taxes possible, to hell with unintended consequences. That does concern me.
This is the thing many average run of the mill warmers will not investigate or accept. It is clear the elites are using AGW to enrich and empower themselves. This alone should prove to everyone that AGW is a hoax, but many people are easily duped by the elites.
Failed thread!

People really don't know what kinds of laws and regulations they want to see from this event to combat climate change?

Does this mean they're just going to go along with anything?

Is that how bad this has gotten?
Well...we do know what Big Ears and the other warmer elites want. They want heavy taxation on carbon emissions applied to first world nations, particularly the USA. It is all about redistribution of wealth and enriching the elites, which one of the assholes admitted to some time ago.
Yeah, that's the best answer I've gotten so far. I sure would like to drill down a bit on that - maybe "drill down" isn't the best phrase - but I'm beginning to doubt that they can.

The hope just appears to be the most regulations and taxes possible, to hell with unintended consequences. That does concern me.
This is the thing many average run of the mill warmers will not investigate or accept. It is clear the elites are using AGW to enrich and empower themselves. This alone should prove to everyone that AGW is a hoax, but many people are easily duped by the elites.
Ideology is a powerful thing. Just like love is blind.
More regulation which drives up cost of product


Yup and most of the meeting is a waste of time and air.

The Climate change they will be discussing is a farce and always has been. The idiots in the meeting are participating in something that's a farce.

I'm sure they will feel better about themselves for having wasted their countries time and money.
Mac: Lets talk about the Paris talks.
Nutbags: They suck. Obama sucks. They want control. Booooo!
Mac: OK. Any people who support the talks want to add?
Nutbags: Booo! It's all a scheme to take our money!!
Mac: Well...it looks like those in favor of the talks aren't going to
join this discussion. They must not know anything.
Nutbags: We told you. They just want control.
Mac: Yeah....it looks that way. They are ruled by ideology. Sigh!

Fuck off Mac. No serious person wants to engage you in discussion. Yer a passive aggressive dick.

More regulation which drives up cost of product


Yup and most of the meeting is a waste of time and air.

The Climate change they will be discussing is a farce and always has been. The idiots in the meeting are participating in something that's a farce.

I'm sure they will feel better about themselves for having wasted their countries time and money.
I do get the feeling they're bound and determined to come out of this with a binding agreement.

It's safe to say it will (a) include a ton of new regulations, corporate costs and taxes, and (b) will be slanted pretty heavily towards us.

I'm just looking forward to the details.
Another thought here is how Congress would react to whether the administration has the power to unilaterally commit the government of the United States to a "legally binding" agreement on climate change without the consent of Congress.

No doubt the GOP would do everything it could to derail this thing.

Even Democrat Jim Webb (please run, sir) sent a letter of concern to President Obama on this in 2009:

Dear Mr. President:

I would like to express my concern regarding reports that the Administration may believe it has the unilateral power to commit the government of the United States to certain standards that may be agreed upon at the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The phrase “politically binding” has been used.

Although details have not been made available, recent statements by Special Envoy on Climate Change Todd Stern indicate that negotiators may be intending to commit the United States to a nationwide emission reduction program. As you well know from your time in the Senate, only specific legislation agreed upon in the Congress, or a treaty ratified by the Senate, could actually create such a commitment on behalf of our country.

I would very much appreciate having this matter clarified in advance of the Copenhagen meetings.


Jim Webb
United States Senator
What would I like to see?

Is Barack Hussein Obama being arrested and jailed for fraud too much to ask?
What would I like to see?

Is Barack Hussein Obama being arrested and jailed for fraud too much to ask?
Well, I'm asking those who support a deal.

The Right has provided plenty of horror stories, but until we know what it actually includes, well, we don't know.
What would I like to see?

Is Barack Hussein Obama being arrested and jailed for fraud too much to ask?
Well, I'm asking those who support a deal.

The Right has provided plenty of horror stories, but until we know what it actually includes, well, we don't know.

Yeah of course I knew it was too much to ask. One can hope....
I don't want to see anything happen from this BS get together by a bunch of elitist snobs who thinks they can control the climate. this is the silliest thing I have seen. the damn cost and Pollution alone for this : are these people FOR REAL?
and to think our own President is running around like chicken Little clucking about the climate over TERRORISM. we should all feel warm and fuzzy about our safety, eh?

If nothing else comes out of the talks at least the French media now knows what we already knew....

French Reporters Stunned At Obama’s Ignorance: “He is an Ass*ole! An Ass*ole!”

Now it appears some among the Climate Summit’s host-nation French media were just as outraged by Barack Obama’s glaringly ignorant commentary regarding how mass shootings only happen in the United States – and said those words while standing on a stage in Paris less than two weeks after that city saw hundreds of its citizens gunned down and blown up by Muslim terrorists in a mass shooting attack.

It is said that following what was at times a painfully slow, slouching, and seemingly disinterested performance by President Obama, some among the French media were heard repeatedly using the words, “Connard!” and “Trouduc!” to describe their feelings regarding Mr. Obama’s bizarre commentary – phrases rather specific to a certain part of the human anatomy.

Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/french-report...e-is-an-assole-an-assole/#QdkIzZ2FkEETt0sE.99
If nothing else comes out of the talks at least the French media now knows what we already knew....

French Reporters Stunned At Obama’s Ignorance: “He is an Ass*ole! An Ass*ole!”

Now it appears some among the Climate Summit’s host-nation French media were just as outraged by Barack Obama’s glaringly ignorant commentary regarding how mass shootings only happen in the United States – and said those words while standing on a stage in Paris less than two weeks after that city saw hundreds of its citizens gunned down and blown up by Muslim terrorists in a mass shooting attack.

It is said that following what was at times a painfully slow, slouching, and seemingly disinterested performance by President Obama, some among the French media were heard repeatedly using the words, “Connard!” and “Trouduc!” to describe their feelings regarding Mr. Obama’s bizarre commentary – phrases rather specific to a certain part of the human anatomy.

Read more at French Reporters Stunned At Obama's Ignorance: "He is an Ass*ole! An Ass*ole!" - DCWhispers.com

they haven't had to live with "IT" for the last seven years. they are the lucky ones.
Since I have failed to convince any supporters to tell us what they actually want, I looked around a bit.

This is a paper by a group consisting of Christian Aid, Green Alliance, Greenpeace, RSPB and WWF. I am proceeding under the assumption that WWF has nothing to do with pro wrestling: http://www.green-alliance.org.uk/resources/Paris 2015-getting a global agreement on climate change.pdf

Here are two snippets:

Public finance for adaptation and the low carbon transition - A global climate agreement is much more likely, and will be much moreeffective, if it provides finance to support action on adaptation andmitigation. Countries have already agreed to scale climate finance up to$100 billion a year by 2020. They have also established the deliverymechanism for a significant portion of that funding, in the form of a Green Climate Fund. Fully capitalised and with strong leadership, the fund could become a transformational institution, with the ability to influence other international financial institutions and the wider investment environment.

Economic investment - Alongside rising concerns, businesses are seeing opportunities too:markets in low carbon goods and services now amount to £3.4 trillion and have outperformed the mainstream economy since the onset of the financial crisis. Meanwhile, the cost of renewable energy has fallen markedly as markets have expanded. There is an appetite for action on climate change. But global warming hasnot been reduced to safe levels. The world is currently on track forwarming of at least 3 to 4C by 2100, which would have far reaching consequences for food security, fresh water availability, and the frequency and intensity of storms. At this level of climate change, the efficacy of adaptation strategies would be severely limited

Thumbing through it on a macro level, it seems one goal is to create a new economy that would essentially replace the current, more carbon-dependent version. Well, okay, that's a goal I'd have, if it can be done without too much damage during the transition period.

Anyway, still looking for details, since I can't get them here.
If nothing else comes out of the talks at least the French media now knows what we already knew....

French Reporters Stunned At Obama’s Ignorance: “He is an Ass*ole! An Ass*ole!”

Now it appears some among the Climate Summit’s host-nation French media were just as outraged by Barack Obama’s glaringly ignorant commentary regarding how mass shootings only happen in the United States – and said those words while standing on a stage in Paris less than two weeks after that city saw hundreds of its citizens gunned down and blown up by Muslim terrorists in a mass shooting attack.

It is said that following what was at times a painfully slow, slouching, and seemingly disinterested performance by President Obama, some among the French media were heard repeatedly using the words, “Connard!” and “Trouduc!” to describe their feelings regarding Mr. Obama’s bizarre commentary – phrases rather specific to a certain part of the human anatomy.

Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/french-report...e-is-an-assole-an-assole/#QdkIzZ2FkEETt0sE.99
Thanks for posting this...sanity still exists.

From the article:
The question that remains is if our own American Mainstream Media will allow the crumbling facade that is the Obama myth to be more fully exposed or work double-time to protect and maintain that image in the final year of the Obama presidency.

Sadly, recent history would indicate the latter…

Obama has said some of the most idiotic things any politician has ever said, yet the MSM ignores it and as a result, many Obama voters are completely uninformed. The guy is incompetent and ignorant.

It all really disgusts me. We need an R in the WH for the MSM to do it's job.

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