What finally got me to vote for Trump was this one thing...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.
She also said, when asked what her criteria for a Supreme Court justice would be, that she would select those who would uphold Roe v. Wade.

Like, abortion was the only issue she cared about in choosing members of the Supreme Court.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
. I think it has been the other way around, but nice try.
That's not all.

Children can obtain abortions without their parents knowing.

I'm thinking this has led to under aged girls being sexually abused under the radar indefinitely.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Care to produce how Republican oppose birth control? How are Republican forcing religion down your throat?

I find your avatar very offensive, do you care? Do you care that you are forcing your believes down the throat of the rest of us?
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Care to produce how Republican oppose birth control? How are Republican forcing religion down your throat?

I find your avatar very offensive, do you care? Do you care that you are forcing your believes down the throat of the rest of us?
If you are clueless to the republican stance on abortion this is not the thread you should be in. When the child is born republicans do not want to help with the cost of the child if the mother is poor and can not afford food or clothes.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.

Seriously? I'm a Republican and even though I consider abortion a crime against children and an abomination, I don't "oppose it period". I just don't feel that my tax money should have to pay for it. If a woman wants an abortion, she should pay for it on her own.

Same thing with birth control. Who the hell can't afford a couple dollars a month, that my tax money should have to pay for their birth control?

Same this with what you call "religious bs". Being a conservative, I believe in the U.S. constitution. The First Amendment gives you the right to worship any God you want, or none at all.

That being said, maybe you'd like to provide some proof that the Republican Party would like to do away with your First Amendment right to freedom of religion or freedom from it?
So Trump made an accusation and because someone doesn't keep up with the bs Trump is able to make up that sealed it?

Did Trump deny being for partial birth? No? Oh, ok
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Leftists enjoy slaughtering unborn babies.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Care to produce how Republican oppose birth control? How are Republican forcing religion down your throat?

I find your avatar very offensive, do you care? Do you care that you are forcing your believes down the throat of the rest of us?
If you are clueless to the republican stance on abortion this is not the thread you should be in. When the child is born republicans do not want to help with the cost of the child if the mother is poor and can not afford food or clothes.
Conservatives help poor children more than you will ever know. Our only difference is you believe this help should be legislated by a huge, incompetent, and bankrupt government.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Care to produce how Republican oppose birth control? How are Republican forcing religion down your throat?

I find your avatar very offensive, do you care? Do you care that you are forcing your believes down the throat of the rest of us?
If you are clueless to the republican stance on abortion this is not the thread you should be in. When the child is born republicans do not want to help with the cost of the child if the mother is poor and can not afford food or clothes.
Answer the question I asked not what you think is easy. Everyone who has a conscious should be against abortion, it is not murder by a legal definition but it is by any sort of moral issue.

I asked you about the birth control BS statement.

And as usual the sum total of your argument is repeating BS about Republicans not wanting to feed children or take care of them. That is just leftist BS.
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Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.

Will you ever get this right? Republicans don't like paying for someone else to have fun! You want birth control, you pay for it!

Charity begins at home, but it doesn't mean it extends to other people's bedrooms!

Besides, if we are forcing it down your throat, you can't get pregnant that way anyhow!
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Care to produce how Republican oppose birth control? How are Republican forcing religion down your throat?

I find your avatar very offensive, do you care? Do you care that you are forcing your believes down the throat of the rest of us?
If you are clueless to the republican stance on abortion this is not the thread you should be in. When the child is born republicans do not want to help with the cost of the child if the mother is poor and can not afford food or clothes.

Why is that their responsibility? If you are going to procreate, at least do so when you can afford it.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.
Since that is the standard that you have now established as an affirmation, DoTard Trump was asked, "When you were a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, were you ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?"

“Such an interesting question,” Tramp answered. “So what’s your next question?”
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.
Since that is the standard that you have now established as an affirmation, DoTard Trump was asked, "When you were a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, were you ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?"

“Such an interesting question,” Tramp answered. “So what’s your next question?”

It is none of their business, nor yours!

That is one of those, "When did you stop beating your wife?" questions!
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.
Since that is the standard that you have now established as an affirmation, DoTard Trump was asked, "When you were a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, were you ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?"

“Such an interesting question,” Tramp answered. “So what’s your next question?”

It is none of their business, nor yours!

That is one of those, "When did you stop beating your wife?" questions!
The OP established it as an affirmative answer, argue with them.
I voted for Trump because of the then empty Supreme Court seat a President is in power for eight years max a Supreme Court Justice can be on the court for 30 or more years the decisions they make are final and far more impact on the nation.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.

Two sides to the argument, and religion has nothing to do with it. At least it shouldn't.

1. Seems ludicrous to tell a woman what to do with her body. That said, if you don't feel a life of guilt over the abortion of a healthy HUMAN from consensual sex then you don't have a conscious.

2. Legally, our Constitution seems to suggest a fetus (HUMAN) has rights. And what kind of person uses abortion as birth control? They, especially liberals suggest a fetus isn't human. That's a fabrication to soften the load and to deny responsibility for your actions. On a side, a physician should have EVERY RIGHT to refuse an abortion, exception being emergency procedure.

I'm for compromise. A woman is allowed 2-3 early term abortions. The last she agrees to have her mothering parts removed. Additionally, those who have abortions pay for their abortions. It shouldn't be on the public's dime for many reasons. Including at the end of the day, abortion of a healthy fetus from consensual sex is wrong.

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