Zone1 What God thinks about LGBT** 2 words: Sodom and Gomorrah

And within the confines of your religion, that is fine.

As long as you don't push for the US gov't to hate them as well.

Oh please

I've never heard an anti-LGBT.... (whatever) or in other words: a Christian say he or she hated anyone

straw man.. hackery
Oh please

I've never heard an anti-LGBT.... (whatever) or in other words: a Christian say he or she hated anyone

straw man.. hackery

I think you must be hiding your head in the sand when it happens.

But I will rephrase:

"And within the confines of your religion, that is fine.

As long as you don't push for the US gov't to restrict their rights or allow abuse/crimes against them to go unpunished."

Being LGBTQ is not against the law.
I think you must be hiding your head in the sand when it happens.

But I will rephrase:

"And within the confines of your religion, that is fine.

As long as you don't push for the US gov't to restrict their rights or allow abuse/crimes against them to go unpunished."

Being LGBTQ is not against the law.

Maybe it should be.

At one time the Church influenced society. Leaders would not make big decisions without the Church's input/guidance

I am with that scenario..

When Jesus comes, society will be a theocracy whether you fags like it or not.. so, yeh... let's get this theocracy going today...
Maybe it should be.

At one time the Church influenced society. Leaders would not make big decisions without the Church's input/guidance

I am with that scenario..

When Jesus comes, society will be a theocracy whether you fags like it or not.. so, yeh... let's get this theocracy going today...

Nah, I prefer the US Constitution to your overly sanctimonious use of the Bible to try and make yourself judge of what is or isn't allowed.
Nah, I prefer the US Constitution to your overly sanctimonious use of the Bible to try and make yourself judge of what is or isn't allowed.
what a liar. People who dont respect GOD's laws do not at all respect laws like the US Constitution..

Once a human being violates God's laws.. that's proof they don't like law at all... perversion of the mind and soul ensues
I think you must be hiding your head in the sand when it happens.
But I will rephrase:
"And within the confines of your religion, that is fine.
As long as you don't push for the US gov't to restrict their rights or allow abuse/crimes against them to go unpunished."
Being LGBTQ is not against the law.

Would you support the same or similar restrictions against Satan's religion of fucked-up sexual perversion and degeneracy, as you call for against God's legitimate religion, in all of its forms?
what a liar. People who dont respect GOD's laws do not at all respect laws like the US Constitution..

Once a human being violates God's laws.. that's proof they don't like law at all... perversion of the mind and soul ensues

So anyone who is not Judeo-Christian is incapable of obeying the laws of this nation?
Would you support the same or similar restrictions against Satan's religion of fucked-up sexual perversion and degeneracy, as you call for against God's legitimate religion, in all of its forms?

I do not see sexuality as "Satan's religion". But if it is strictly a religion, yes, I support the same or similar restrictions.
Oh please

I've never heard an anti-LGBT.... (whatever) or in other words: a Christian say he or she hated anyone

straw man.. hackery
I agree as the intelligent person understands that the emotion of hate is in all reality a double edged sword @ best.
Well, the OP title says all that needs to be said IMO

have a great day

Ezekiel 16:49-50

New International Version

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
what a liar. People who dont respect GOD's laws do not at all respect laws like the US Constitution..

Once a human being violates God's laws.. that's proof they don't like law at all... perversion of the mind and soul ensues

Ezekiel 16:49-50

New International Version

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

More like MAGAts are the REAL Sodomites.

Ezekiel 16:49-50​

New International Version​

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

You know, I find it very interesting that most Christians don't really understand the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah...........for some strange reason they seem to think it's about gay sexual perversion, when in reality, it was the fact that they weren't charitable to strangers.

The reason Lot and his family were spared was because they were willing to take in the strangers (angels) and give them shelter and food where all the other residents refused. But, the Christians seem to ignore that fact and simply focus on when the townspeople gathered outside Lot's door and said they wanted to "know" the angels.

But......................not the first time I've heart Christians use their book to focus on only what they wanted it to say, rather than the actual meaning.
I do not see sexuality as "Satan's religion". But if it is strictly a religion, yes, I support the same or similar restrictions.

Not “sexuality”. Satan's corrupted mockery thereof.

In any event, Satan's religion is what it is, regardless of whether you recognize it as such.

At the very least, you have to acknowledge that it is diametrically-opposed to any legitimate form of God's religion, and as such, to whatever degree you think that government should be prohibited from upholding or promoting God's religion, it should certainly be at least equally prohibited from upholding and promoting this fucked-up shit in opposition to God's religion.
Not “sexuality”. Satan's corrupted mockery thereof.

In any event, Satan's religion is what it is, regardless of whether you recognize it as such.

At the very least, you have to acknowledge that it is diametrically-opposed to any legitimate form of God's religion, and as such, to whatever degree you think that government should be prohibited from upholding or promoting God's religion, it should certainly be at least equally prohibited from upholding and promoting this fucked-up shit in opposition to God's religion.

For most gays and lesbians, Satan is not part of the equation. Unless they are Christian.

I agree that the gov't should be prohibited from upholding Satanism. But same sex marriage is not about Satan. Just like homosexuality is not the same as having sex with children.

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