What government or political party has the capability to get America back on track to be great?

Once the rust belt sees how he lied to them it shouldn't be hard to gain them back! We need to make a powerful case to the workers in those states that the democratic party fucked up but we're now once again the party of FDR!
fdr created a massive welfare state.
obama expanded it with the aca.

what giant anchor would you like to attach to the economy to prove you're for the little guy?
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?
dems openly hate the free market.

the free market is one of the most important pillars of America

they cheered and elected to the WH a man that claimed he wanted to fundamentally change America.

the fundamentals are freedom, liberty, justice.

can't say the gop can, but the dnc is clearly working the opposite direction.

You really like to repeat that out of context quote, don't you?
he said it, you know he said it, you heard the crowd cheer and you elected him, then he did it.

so yea, telling you the truth is one of my fav things to do.
Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.

Congratulations!!! You Win!!!

Hmm so you had that award last.

Pathetic attempt. You can do better. D. You are lucky it wasn't a D-

You're assuming you know what I was trying to do.
Let's see who the dems come up with in 20 and what she/he decides to run on.

I think anyone who said in 1979 that they saw Reagan coming would be lying. And he was really the latest president who represented a change. JFK emerged from a whole bunch of post-WWII dems after 8 years of an Eisenhower admin that was more or less non-partisan.

He'd better run on pointing out what a liar Trump was on economic issues and how he didn't bring back high paying jobs.

Following that he'd better focus on anti-trust, rebuilding our unions and rebuilding our middle class. We democrats need to rightfully take the fucking economic case away from Trump in 2020! Sure we can talk about human rights but that isn't going to win us the next election.

Yes. Please talk about the economy while we have the strongest one this millenium.

It's pretty good. Can you name one thing that Trump did to improve it? Look at the charts. Our economy is just a continuation of the work Obama did.

Bull market in stocks is 103 months old. Trump owns 11 of them
Bull market is 103 months old. Trump owns 11 of them
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?
dems openly hate the free market.

the free market is one of the most important pillars of America

they cheered and elected to the WH a man that claimed he wanted to fundamentally change America.

the fundamentals are freedom, liberty, justice.

can't say the gop can, but the dnc is clearly working the opposite direction.

You really like to repeat that out of context quote, don't you?
he said it, you know he said it, you heard the crowd cheer and you elected him, then he did it.

so yea, telling you the truth is one of my fav things to do.

Yes, he said something similar to that. Here is the context of the only two times Obama ever discussed that.

In context: What Obama said about
In context: What Obama said about "fundamentally transforming" the nation

During his pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, President Barack Obama faced a question about "fundamentally transforming" the country.
Obama answered by saying, "I don’t think we have to fundamentally transform the nation."
This prompted a flurry of questions on social media, since it seemed to contradict a statement Obama had made during his first Oval Office run in 2008.
We decided that we couldn’t put this statement to the Truth-O-Meter, since the definition of "fundamentally transform" is too vague.
Still, we thought it would be useful to provide the two quotes in question side by side. So we will do so here.
Interview with Bill O’Reilly, Feb. 2, 2014

O’Reilly: OK. I got a letter from Kathy LaMaster, Fresno, Calif. I said I would read one letter from the folks, all right?
Obama: All right.
O’Reilly: "Mr. President, why do you feel it's necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?"
Obama: I don't think we have to fundamentally transform the nation.
O’Reilly: But those are your words.
Obama: I think that what we have to do is make sure that here in America, if you work hard, you can get ahead. Bill, you and I benefitted from this incredible country of ours, in part, because there were good jobs out there that paid a good wage, because you had public schools that functioned well, that we could get scholarships if we didn't come from a wealthy family, in order to go to college.
O’Reilly: Right.
Obama: That, you know, if you worked hard, not only did you have a good job, but you also had decent benefits, decent health care...
O’Reilly: They're cutting me off...
Obama: -- and for a lot of folks, we don't have that. We've got to make sure that we're doing everything we can to expand the middle class...
O’Reilly: All right...
Obama: -- and work hard and people who are working hard can get into the middle class.
O’Reilly: I think -- I -- you know, I know you think maybe we haven't been fair, but I think your heart is in the right place.

Here’s Obama’s original statement, in an October 2008 campaign visit to Columbia, Mo:

"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

"In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor."
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?
dems openly hate the free market.

the free market is one of the most important pillars of America

they cheered and elected to the WH a man that claimed he wanted to fundamentally change America.

the fundamentals are freedom, liberty, justice.

can't say the gop can, but the dnc is clearly working the opposite direction.

You really like to repeat that out of context quote, don't you?
he said it, you know he said it, you heard the crowd cheer and you elected him, then he did it.

so yea, telling you the truth is one of my fav things to do.

Yes, he said something similar to that. Here is the context of the only two times Obama ever discussed that.

In context: What Obama said about
In context: What Obama said about "fundamentally transforming" the nation

During his pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, President Barack Obama faced a question about "fundamentally transforming" the country.
Obama answered by saying, "I don’t think we have to fundamentally transform the nation."
This prompted a flurry of questions on social media, since it seemed to contradict a statement Obama had made during his first Oval Office run in 2008.
We decided that we couldn’t put this statement to the Truth-O-Meter, since the definition of "fundamentally transform" is too vague.
Still, we thought it would be useful to provide the two quotes in question side by side. So we will do so here.
Interview with Bill O’Reilly, Feb. 2, 2014

O’Reilly: OK. I got a letter from Kathy LaMaster, Fresno, Calif. I said I would read one letter from the folks, all right?
Obama: All right.
O’Reilly: "Mr. President, why do you feel it's necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?"
Obama: I don't think we have to fundamentally transform the nation.
O’Reilly: But those are your words.
Obama: I think that what we have to do is make sure that here in America, if you work hard, you can get ahead. Bill, you and I benefitted from this incredible country of ours, in part, because there were good jobs out there that paid a good wage, because you had public schools that functioned well, that we could get scholarships if we didn't come from a wealthy family, in order to go to college.
O’Reilly: Right.
Obama: That, you know, if you worked hard, not only did you have a good job, but you also had decent benefits, decent health care...
O’Reilly: They're cutting me off...
Obama: -- and for a lot of folks, we don't have that. We've got to make sure that we're doing everything we can to expand the middle class...
O’Reilly: All right...
Obama: -- and work hard and people who are working hard can get into the middle class.
O’Reilly: I think -- I -- you know, I know you think maybe we haven't been fair, but I think your heart is in the right place.

Here’s Obama’s original statement, in an October 2008 campaign visit to Columbia, Mo:

"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

"In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor."
so you missed the speech where he claimed that's what he wanted to do, and are quoting him from when he knew he had to lie or be called out for hating America.

but then he did make changes, and you are still trying to claim that he didn't.

seriously, try to understand that you hate America, I know you do, time you admit it to yourself.
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

I agree but he is neither a Republican or a Democrat.
He is basically out first third party President.
He is hated by the Republican and Democratic career politicians, who are working against him at every turn. Trump cares about America while the other care about their wallet.
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?
dems openly hate the free market.

the free market is one of the most important pillars of America

they cheered and elected to the WH a man that claimed he wanted to fundamentally change America.

the fundamentals are freedom, liberty, justice.

can't say the gop can, but the dnc is clearly working the opposite direction.

You really like to repeat that out of context quote, don't you?
he said it, you know he said it, you heard the crowd cheer and you elected him, then he did it.

so yea, telling you the truth is one of my fav things to do.

Yes, he said something similar to that. Here is the context of the only two times Obama ever discussed that.

In context: What Obama said about
In context: What Obama said about "fundamentally transforming" the nation

During his pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, President Barack Obama faced a question about "fundamentally transforming" the country.
Obama answered by saying, "I don’t think we have to fundamentally transform the nation."
This prompted a flurry of questions on social media, since it seemed to contradict a statement Obama had made during his first Oval Office run in 2008.
We decided that we couldn’t put this statement to the Truth-O-Meter, since the definition of "fundamentally transform" is too vague.
Still, we thought it would be useful to provide the two quotes in question side by side. So we will do so here.
Interview with Bill O’Reilly, Feb. 2, 2014

O’Reilly: OK. I got a letter from Kathy LaMaster, Fresno, Calif. I said I would read one letter from the folks, all right?
Obama: All right.
O’Reilly: "Mr. President, why do you feel it's necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?"
Obama: I don't think we have to fundamentally transform the nation.
O’Reilly: But those are your words.
Obama: I think that what we have to do is make sure that here in America, if you work hard, you can get ahead. Bill, you and I benefitted from this incredible country of ours, in part, because there were good jobs out there that paid a good wage, because you had public schools that functioned well, that we could get scholarships if we didn't come from a wealthy family, in order to go to college.
O’Reilly: Right.
Obama: That, you know, if you worked hard, not only did you have a good job, but you also had decent benefits, decent health care...
O’Reilly: They're cutting me off...
Obama: -- and for a lot of folks, we don't have that. We've got to make sure that we're doing everything we can to expand the middle class...
O’Reilly: All right...
Obama: -- and work hard and people who are working hard can get into the middle class.
O’Reilly: I think -- I -- you know, I know you think maybe we haven't been fair, but I think your heart is in the right place.

Here’s Obama’s original statement, in an October 2008 campaign visit to Columbia, Mo:

"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

"In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor."
so you missed the speech where he claimed that's what he wanted to do, and are quoting him from when he knew he had to lie or be called out for hating America.

but then he did make changes, and you are still trying to claim that he didn't.

seriously, try to understand that you hate America, I know you do, time you admit it to yourself.

No. Obviously you didn't read the link. Right after Oreilly said "I think -- I -- you know, I know you think maybe we haven't been fair, but I think your heart is in the right place", I included the quote from Obama's speech that shows the context the remark was made in. Quite different from what you lying right wingers claim, isn't it?
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
Isnt vermin supreme some activist that wore a boot as a hat and carried a big toothbrush or something weird around with him? lol
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
And I am an average hard working middle class citizen. What is your point? I have better words than Trump bud.
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
Isnt vermin supreme some activist that wore a boot as a hat and carried a big toothbrush or something weird around with him? lol

And presidential candidate. See? If he can do it, there's no reason why you can't.
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
And I am an average hard working middle class citizen. What is your point? I have better words than Trump bud.

Go for it buddy. You can't be more of an embarrassment than what we have now. Plenty of crazies out there. I see no reason why lots of them won't support you..
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
LOl didn't supreme say if he was elected every citizen will receive a free pony or some shit? And an anarchist? We definitely don't need a person like that to be president! The world would consider America to be a joke, even more then they do now with Trump being our president. I don't dislike Trump but I do think he is not fit to be president. He lacks the communication skills needed for that position. I admit he did a good job making himself look like an idiot. He needs to think before he speaks.
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
LOl didn't supreme say if he was elected every citizen will receive a free pony or some shit? And an anarchist? We definitely don't need a person like that to be president! The world would consider America to be a joke, even more then they do now with Trump being our president. I don't dislike Trump but I do think he is not fit to be president. He lacks the communication skills needed for that position. I admit he did a good job making himself look like an idiot. He needs to think before he speaks.

Hard to imagine the rest of the world having more disdain for our president than they have now. It is easy for Trump to make himself look like an idiot. He is one. The people supporting his goals are too.
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?

Clearly the wealth and income inequity in this country is responsible for all of that. so maybe focus your question on that singular issue, to save time.
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
Isnt vermin supreme some activist that wore a boot as a hat and carried a big toothbrush or something weird around with him? lol

And presidential candidate. See? If he can do it, there's no reason why you can't.
Yea you right. If he did get elected for president that would show the world that we would let anyone and put our trust in anyone and that we must have same beliefs as him and America would loose all credibility.
Q. What government or political party has the capability to get America back on track to be great?

A. No singular Political Party can lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens - it's time for both the R's and D's begin to understand compromise is necessary for accomplishments to occur.

Sadly, the Congress and the White House are unwilling to cross the aisle for fear they will be challenged in a primary, and/or their donations (i.e. bribes) will go to others.
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
LOl didn't supreme say if he was elected every citizen will receive a free pony or some shit? And an anarchist? We definitely don't need a person like that to be president! The world would consider America to be a joke, even more then they do now with Trump being our president. I don't dislike Trump but I do think he is not fit to be president. He lacks the communication skills needed for that position. I admit he did a good job making himself look like an idiot. He needs to think before he speaks.

Hard to imagine the rest of the world having more disdain for our president than they have now. It is easy for Trump to make himself look like an idiot. He is one. The people supporting his goals are too.
He is going way over the top with the solutions he came up with to fix problems within the US. Build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it? So a big wall is going to stop immigration? They have underground tunnels now from Mexico to the US. Make a country whose citizens are fleeing from to America to Pay for this wall that could cost nearly $70 billion to build and $150 million a year to maintain? Does he really think he can make Mexico build that wall?

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