What government or political party has the capability to get America back on track to be great?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.
so why is bashing trump the answer to most of your problems? seems to me it's a continuation of something we know keeps us in a perpetual cycle of crap.
Because that's what other people are doing. I don't care what anyone says Trump accomplished more than most people will even come close to. He might not be best fit for president but he came from nothing and that right there is proof anyone can.
i don't like trump as a person. i don't have to. so far as president i'm happy with where he is going and accomplishing.

those who think the president needs to be a solid role model and ideal citizen are foolish and forget clinton's lies and own sexcipades. they overlooked that cause they liked him. they don't like trump so nothing gets overlooked.

pretty much human nature but still annoying when people can't see past that shit.

Odd, but the right spent millions demanding role model behavior, but suddenly it's not important. Why?
You do realize that its not just the right who waste money right ? The government as a total waste $1 trillion dollars every single year. Why?
both sides waste the hell out of it. i would have to think we have a ton of legacy programs we just feed cash to w/o question or validation. people only calm down when they LIKE what it is being spent on and freak out when they don't.
One year the government spent over $365 mil to get a health care program approved and it didn't. So $365 mil was tossed in the garbage.

The average cost of tuition and fees for the 2016-2017 school year was $33,480 at private colleges, $9,650 for state residents at public colleges, and $24,930 for out of state residents attending public universities.

So lets divide that $365 mil up between the three average tuition cost and fees. That will be $121.6 mil. $121.6 mil would of covered 3,634 students annual tuition cost of $33,480. $121.6 mil would of covered 12,601 students annual tuition cost of $9,650. $121.6 mil would of covered 4,877 students annual tuition cost of $24,930. So that $365 mil that was thrown in the trash could of sent 21,112 people to college who cant afford it, and the government could even make that $365 mil back by loans after they graduate and become stable in career of choice.

They say the government wastes more then $1 trillion dollars every year when that money could benefit and serve a better purpose to the American people.

Graduates Are Bluebloods and Brownnoses, Not Brains

Tuition is not the most important thing, or the rich who mandate this educational requirement would only give their college children free tuition and make them live in student poverty, like teenagers afraid to grow up. Also, how many star high-school athletes would accept a "scholarship" that was free-tuition only?

They better pay us in college or someday real men will make them pay for that indentured servitude. Those who submit to the plutocracy's rules steal jobs from people who have self-respect.
Never said it was the most important thing. But there are so many kids who would love for an opportunity to go to college because they are not fortunate enough to receive a scholarship, or a family that can afford it.

The rich can afford to pay their children tuitions while their children continue to be spoiled and take the opportunity for granted.

how many more Americans would have better lives from receiving the opportunity to go to college with no cost to them?

When I was 20 years old I was a manager of a restaurant making $13 an hour. I stilled lived at home with parents and had the luxury of not having the responsibility of paying rent each month. My parents didn't need anything and I would contribute with food etc. I had a car payment and insurance I had to pay every month.

I applied to go to a trade school to get a degree in specialized technology in carpentry. My parents made to much and I made to much to be able to get a loan for the full tuition amount and would have to pay $600 bucks a month for the 18 months it took to complete the courses to earn that degree. The total amount in all for the degree was $31,967 and I was only able to get $20,000 in loans.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.
You know what else in unfortunate? Growing up in an environment that you couldn't choose and you grew up not knowing any better. If you don't have level headed parents with common sense that have the desire for their child or children to succeed in life, you may never know what is all out there or even know your own capabilities due to lack of support and motivation from your guardians.

When I was growing up I never went without. My parents were not rich but made enough. I always had both parents and the tried their best to keep me on track but I ended up going of coarse and experimented with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, partying, and girls. I didn't care for school and got in trouble. Never listened to what was out there and never even thought about what I was in for when I turned the age of 18. If I knew then what I know now I would of made school a priority and I know I could of did a lot better. It wasn't till I was 27 when my dad passed away that reality hit and I knew I had to make a change. Now I see how cruel the world actually is and it is important to know that the choices you make will effect your future. I tell every newly high school graduate who thinks they should or want to take a year off before they continue their education that, that is the worst decision to make. Majority of people who put off going to college or trade school after they graduate high school end up continuing to put it off year after year to they point they get stuck because they resources they once had for going to college simply isn't available to them anymore or they start to accumulate debt and endure unfortunate misfortune and have to get a full time job because they have to and get in the position where they cant afford to loose that job to go to college or that the job is to strenuous to be able to work full time and go to school full time.

So I think high school should focus more on the present and future subjects and skills needed for the future. Advanced math, sciences, English, and other subjects shouldn't be a priority until college. Why learn all that when you might end up never needing to know any of that? Just a waste of time that more practical subjects and skills that could of been taught to prepare for present day and future economies. By 9th grade most subjects such as English, social studies, science, math etc should be replaced with technology, computer, business, and trade skills and subjects. The basics and important areas of Subjects such as English, social studies, history, science, and math should be taught before 9th grade.
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.
so why is bashing trump the answer to most of your problems? seems to me it's a continuation of something we know keeps us in a perpetual cycle of crap.
Because that's what other people are doing. I don't care what anyone says Trump accomplished more than most people will even come close to. He might not be best fit for president but he came from nothing and that right there is proof anyone can.

He accomplished being born into a rich family. Nothing since then. Was that due to any skill or intelligence others might be able to learn?
except i've known people to be born wealthy and die a pauper. to win a lottery and spend a million or more in a few years and be broke again.

having a head start isn't the issue. not to me. i won't get jealous and pissed it wasn't me, i'll work to make my own life better which usually, to me, isn't accomplished by tearing down others in as much as building myself up.
They Block Our Way and Must Be Run Over

You're trying to cover up your submissiveness to unearned privileges by citing rare exceptions. That is not a logical way to excuse the HeirHeads. There is no rational way to justify them, only emotional ways dependent on fear and an inferiority complex that was drummed into you by the same people you excuse.

If someone steals my wallet, would you be justified in calling me "jealous" because now he has money and I don't? You're setting a bad example for our future and making sure that Americans won't have any.
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.
Most people are racist towards another because of their race is racist towards another. There are people who have no legitimate reason to hate another race other then the others who have no legitimate reason of the same race hating another race.

The race card is just an excuse and attempt to get out of trouble for something they know they shouldn't be doing. Be a man and take responsibility for your actions.

Don't do the crime if you cant do the time!
Image problems will greatly improve as soon as we are Trumpless.
image problems will greatly improve when we stop as a culture characterizing the other side as evil by some form of current buzzword.

You might mention that to your Asshole in Chief.
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.
One year the government spent over $365 mil to get a health care program approved and it didn't. So $365 mil was tossed in the garbage.

The average cost of tuition and fees for the 2016-2017 school year was $33,480 at private colleges, $9,650 for state residents at public colleges, and $24,930 for out of state residents attending public universities.

So lets divide that $365 mil up between the three average tuition cost and fees. That will be $121.6 mil. $121.6 mil would of covered 3,634 students annual tuition cost of $33,480. $121.6 mil would of covered 12,601 students annual tuition cost of $9,650. $121.6 mil would of covered 4,877 students annual tuition cost of $24,930. So that $365 mil that was thrown in the trash could of sent 21,112 people to college who cant afford it, and the government could even make that $365 mil back by loans after they graduate and become stable in career of choice.

They say the government wastes more then $1 trillion dollars every year when that money could benefit and serve a better purpose to the American people.

Graduates Are Bluebloods and Brownnoses, Not Brains

Tuition is not the most important thing, or the rich who mandate this educational requirement would only give their college children free tuition and make them live in student poverty, like teenagers afraid to grow up. Also, how many star high-school athletes would accept a "scholarship" that was free-tuition only?

They better pay us in college or someday real men will make them pay for that indentured servitude. Those who submit to the plutocracy's rules steal jobs from people who have self-respect.
Never said it was the most important thing. But there are so many kids who would love for an opportunity to go to college because they are not fortunate enough to receive a scholarship, or a family that can afford it.

The rich can afford to pay their children tuitions while their children continue to be spoiled and take the opportunity for granted.

how many more Americans would have better lives from receiving the opportunity to go to college with no cost to them?

When I was 20 years old I was a manager of a restaurant making $13 an hour. I stilled lived at home with parents and had the luxury of not having the responsibility of paying rent each month. My parents didn't need anything and I would contribute with food etc. I had a car payment and insurance I had to pay every month.

I applied to go to a trade school to get a degree in specialized technology in carpentry. My parents made to much and I made to much to be able to get a loan for the full tuition amount and would have to pay $600 bucks a month for the 18 months it took to complete the courses to earn that degree. The total amount in all for the degree was $31,967 and I was only able to get $20,000 in loans.
Whichever Country Pays Its Students Will Rule the World's Economy

No one has the right to conform to economic bullies and thereby lower wages for others. College is work without any pay at all. And those who submit to it are either rich brats paid by their parents or brownnosing traitors who are afraid to grow up. The millionaire businessmen who mandate this insulting indentured servitude better give the few who have high enough IQs to be in college the same high allowance and paid-up tuition they give their sons (and now daughters, the true reason behind Feminism), or we must make sure those spoiled brats never graduate.

That may sound elitist, but no one has a problem with the fact that only superior athletes get to play college sports. By the way, no one ever tells star athletes their parents make too much for them to qualify for an athletic "scholarship." So the dumb grunting rulers only care about getting the best athletes, not the best students.

Those who support this class-biased college-education system act like the graduate is the only one to benefit, as if he majored in casino gambling. But the plutocracy and the whole society will benefit if they gave our most valuable human resources a natural motivation to study. If you want McDonald's workers to get another job, you offer them a higher starting salary. So the rulers better offer the talented a higher student salary than they can expect from working anywhere else. Remember, the smartest people invented all the world's weapons.
image problems will greatly improve when we stop as a culture characterizing the other side as evil by some form of current buzzword.

You might mention that to your Asshole in Chief.
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.
and before that, same thing. before that, same thing.

why is today any different than then? we keep doing the same thing it seems and go THIS TIME they will see it MY WAY.

and we get the crap we have for politicians now.

when does our own mindset grow up / evolve to see this? when do we quit fighting for where to pee and focus on the bigger issues we all in fact share and need resolved?

health care

yet we keep bitching out the other side and calling them the current "bad name" of today and walk away in a huff morally righteous but just as lost as when we started "discussion".
I doubt it. Yea a lot of people dislike him but just replacing him wont be enough we need action not words and a president who is actually for the people and their needs.
we can't continue to push one sides values over the other. that is the core of how we got here.

Oh my. Your core has been exposed to have nothing to do with family values, or religion, or any of the things the right has gone on about for the last couple of decades, so you think we should just not mention it any more. Imagine that.
my core is just fine. it may not agree with yours but i'm not the one demanding you change to suit my "vision" of how people should be.

as for "nothing to do with religion" - you don't fucking know me. don't go there. you are doing the typical liberal bullshit of taking what i said and forcing it into your extreme views vs. seeing what i am actually saying.

imagine that.

If you are a right winger, your goto statement suddenly went from "Our representatives HAVE to declare loyalty to Christian beliefs" to "We aren't electing a preacher" Why the sudden change?
am i a right winger or are you arguing against someone NOT me at this point so you can use your bullet points?

You are a right winger. Don't worry, there are lots of other right wingers who are too embarrassed to admit it too, so they call themselves libertarians, and a host of other names. If you support right wing goals, you are a right winger.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.
Most people are racist towards another because of their race is racist towards another. There are people who have no legitimate reason to hate another race other then the others who have no legitimate reason of the same race hating another race.
Those Who Took Over Want to Take Other Whites Down

That's what you've been told to think. The ruling class hates and fears all other White people. Think about that instead.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.

Congratulations!!! You Win!!!
You might mention that to your Asshole in Chief.
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.
and before that, same thing. before that, same thing.

why is today any different than then? we keep doing the same thing it seems and go THIS TIME they will see it MY WAY.

and we get the crap we have for politicians now.

when does our own mindset grow up / evolve to see this? when do we quit fighting for where to pee and focus on the bigger issues we all in fact share and need resolved?

health care

yet we keep bitching out the other side and calling them the current "bad name" of today and walk away in a huff morally righteous but just as lost as when we started "discussion".

No. Before was not the same thing. Universal opposition instead of letting the good of the country be the main factor started with right wingers and Delay/Gingrich. The right has expanded it immensely since.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.

Congratulations!!! You Win!!!
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.

Congratulations!!! You Win!!!

That response was awarded to THE SAGE OF MAIN STREET. You can tell by looking at the first poster listed in the quote section. Don't worry. Keep it up, and you are sure to get at least get one of the the runner up positions.
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

Good luck, but don't let your head get to big
image problems will greatly improve when we stop as a culture characterizing the other side as evil by some form of current buzzword.

You might mention that to your Asshole in Chief.
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.

No. I don't remember a single false accusation.

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