What government or political party has the capability to get America back on track to be great?

It's rather simple. We have economic interventionism. We have a planned economy. We have a welfare state. We have inflationism. We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have a belief in deficit financing. It is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it’s foolish. We're monetizing debt and printing money out of thin air. The poor, middle class, and seniors are being wiped out by the inflationism. Everybody's complaining about raises when they should be complaining about the monetary policy that puts them in the poor house.

Instead of the Keynesian economic model that is destryoing our dollar (down 98% since WWII), we should return to the free markets where the markets tell the government what to do instead of the other way around like we have now where the government dictates the economy.

And there ya have it. Concise. with an economy of words, unlike my diatribe. :)
Maybe you should emigrate to Australia. Just like USA, without the guns, and the delusion of being better than everyone else.
America does portray the image of being better than everyone else. And is so concerned about keeping that image that we will be there first to send aide and help to countries in need to the point we neglect our own people. We need to stop worrying about other countries. Its unfortunate that some countries aren't capable of recovering after a disaster but they need to learn how to. I bet no other country would help America if in need. I also bet that other countries laugh at America for throwing money away on these countries who don't care for us.

We need to worry about ourselves and fix the problems within our borders before we should even consider helping another country. Its going to end up biting us in the ass.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
There is always going to be problems. America is the first to respond to countries in need of aide or help and throw away money and resources that could better benefit the people in need in our own country. Foreigners get free education before most American citizens. How is that? Give a person not from this country a better opportunity to succeed than your own citizens? America is so worried about their image to the world and would help a foreigner before their own people.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..

Like this 'right wing' idiot, right?


You latch onto a couple of words with no context. Typical RWNJ.
In context: What Obama said about

Interview with Bill O’Reilly, Feb. 2, 2014

O’Reilly: OK. I got a letter from Kathy LaMaster, Fresno, Calif. I said I would read one letter from the folks, all right?

Obama: All right.

O’Reilly: "Mr. President, why do you feel it's necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?"

Obama: I don't think we have to fundamentally transform the nation.

O’Reilly: But those are your words.

Obama: I think that what we have to do is make sure that here in America, if you work hard, you can get ahead. Bill, you and I benefitted from this incredible country of ours, in part, because there were good jobs out there that paid a good wage, because you had public schools that functioned well, that we could get scholarships if we didn't come from a wealthy family, in order to go to college.

O’Reilly: Right.

Obama: That, you know, if you worked hard, not only did you have a good job, but you also had decent benefits, decent health care...

O’Reilly: They're cutting me off...

Obama: -- and for a lot of folks, we don't have that. We've got to make sure that we're doing everything we can to expand the middle class...

O’Reilly: All right...

Obama: -- and work hard and people who are working hard can get into the middle class.

O’Reilly: I think -- I -- you know, I know you think maybe we haven't been fair, but I think your heart is in the right place.

Here’s Obama’s original statement, in an October 2008 campaign visit to Columbia, Mo:

"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.
Let's see who the dems come up with in 20 and what she/he decides to run on.

I think anyone who said in 1979 that they saw Reagan coming would be lying. And he was really the latest president who represented a change. JFK emerged from a whole bunch of post-WWII dems after 8 years of an Eisenhower admin that was more or less non-partisan.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
There is always going to be problems. America is the first to respond to countries in need of aide or help and throw away money and resources that could better benefit the people in need in our own country. Foreigners get free education before most American citizens. How is that? Give a person not from this country a better opportunity to succeed than your own citizens? America is so worried about their image to the world and would help a foreigner before their own people.

Image problems will greatly improve as soon as we are Trumpless.
There will always be problems and issues within America, but these problems and issues that may never be able to be completely fixed, can be addressed and become manageable instead of neglected to increase. The government could fix shit and develop procedures and funds to help their own people they just choose not to and be greedy. Its ok for them to throw money away that they take from us and use it to help other countries, when they should be giving and contributing more back to the people.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
so it's "great" that we make up shit to pummel the other side with until we believe it ourselves?
it's "great" to put ourselves into a kill each other fashion or state of mind for the only real reason is we think differently?
it's "great" that the average white male has been demonized in our society and pretty much the fall guy for all things wrong today?
it's "great" we forgive crimes for those we like as long as it's not the other guy in power doing it?
it's "great" our media has de-evolved to the point to where they feed us the very bullshit and lies we want to hear cause it's saying how bad the other side is?
it's "great" who pees where was a huge controversy?

i've been around this world long enough to know what great is and to me, we are at an all time low. period. even the late 60's and early 70s were not quite this bad. i was 5 during this time so maybe it was.

but if anyone considers what this country is doing to itself today "great" - then you are trying to normalize the word to make yourself feel better about the shitpile we've put ourselves in.

we can still be great and i don't think our "run" is over yet. but we've got some more growing up to do and a lot of petty shit to put away. in my experience we only do that during a time of major tragedy and even then not for long these days. the only thing saving us from being a total laughing stock of the rest of the world is the rest of the world itself is also jacked up.

we're a long long way from great and i'm not going to devalue the word as our current trends tend to do and just admit right now we suck as a country. if you disagree fine but i have higher expectations based on what we've been able to do in the past, not that i just want to "feel good" today.

Yes, the division caused by hateful crazy right wingers has hurt us.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
There is always going to be problems. America is the first to respond to countries in need of aide or help and throw away money and resources that could better benefit the people in need in our own country. Foreigners get free education before most American citizens. How is that? Give a person not from this country a better opportunity to succeed than your own citizens? America is so worried about their image to the world and would help a foreigner before their own people.

Image problems will greatly improve as soon as we are Trumpless.
image problems will greatly improve when we stop as a culture characterizing the other side as evil by some form of current buzzword.
So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?

What America needs is a total reboot. A new Constitution and a new form of Government where the powers of the branches of Government are severely restrained from being able to change the laws and policies kaid out in thst document.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
There is always going to be problems. America is the first to respond to countries in need of aide or help and throw away money and resources that could better benefit the people in need in our own country. Foreigners get free education before most American citizens. How is that? Give a person not from this country a better opportunity to succeed than your own citizens? America is so worried about their image to the world and would help a foreigner before their own people.

Image problems will greatly improve as soon as we are Trumpless.
I doubt it. Yea a lot of people dislike him but just replacing him wont be enough we need action not words and a president who is actually for the people and their needs.
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?

The fault doesn't lie in our type of government - but there is an issue with the scope of it. The poison's in the dose. Ultimately, I fault the electorate, us. Our government is a reflection of the people...a totalitarian style of government is far less messy, in some ways.

The issues as you've listed them -

- we've spent over 20 Trillion fighting the war on poverty. For the most part, poverty in this country is a relative term. Compare the life style of our bottom 10% with the majority of other nations 30%. Also remember poverty designations and percentages come from government agencies whose existence depends on fighting poverty. Our biggest poverty problem today is one of the poverty of ambition.
Racism - Nothing today compares to racism pre-mid '60's. Though todays lowered expectations is a form of racism that is destructive. There are those whose power, or hold, over minorities depends, on the narrative of racism being alive and well, despite 8 years of a black president. The politics of victimhood has become profitable.
Homelessness - Also a matter of definition and in most cases temporary, or even voluntary in some instances. Are the bag lady pushing her shopping cart and the unshaven man living under a bridge homeless by choice?...are they mentally ill and belong in an institution. If you don't have interest in a home, or have a rental lease - you are technically homeless.
Middle class - the parameters are changeable - many are moving up.
Cost of living - there is a government definition of that also. But many are simply living above their income, not within or below it. Minimum wage jobs are traditionally for those just entering the job market, part time workers and retirees who are either bored or would like a little more income.
Illegal immigration - we have adequate laws - they need to be enforced.
Education - We provide free education, pre-school through 12th grade to every child who walks into the classroom. Citizen or not.
Healthcare - Currently, anyone needing care will not be turned away from any hospital. Nearly every community has a health department offering free services. The more the government becomes involved, the higher the costs of insurance and services.
Unemployment, crime, welfare - an improving economy can go a long way toward mitigating those issues.
Mass shootings - The first mass shooting I remember was the Texas Tower Sniper in 1966. The Oklahoma City bombing was 22 years ago. It takes a mentally deranged person to target innocent people. Do we have a higher percentage of mentally deranged per population than in the past? I don't know - but the media blitz on how terrible life is here, and how they define hatred and evil by your political affiliations doesn't help.
Wars with other countries - this has been an issue since the end of WWII. In looking back over the devastation and loss of life world wide during the first half of the 20th century - I can understand the mentality of 'never again' - leading to the attempt to put out small fires before they become big ones. Churchill said that never was there a more unnecessary war than WWII. Hitler could have been contained much earlier. This world has never been free of wars. In my opinion - if a war is necessary, then it must be fought by generals to be won, not politicians to be lost.
Total national debt increasing - In my opinion our biggest issue - much of which is spent trying to address all the above issues. A thriving economy and a bit of spending restraint will go a very long way toward addressing the debt, as well as some of your areas of concern. Most of the federal budget is taken up by Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - find a politician brave enough to address those issues and it might be somebody worth voting for. Though it will take more than one lawmaker - it will take an electorate who can move beyond 'getting what's coming to me'.

One more -
Affordable - An extremely subjective term. Is the latest technology 'affordable' if you choose to let others pick up the tab for your dr. bill, electric bill, food bill? If I spend more than I can make is it because I make too little, or spend too much? Credit gives us all a false sense of what we can 'afford'.

Anyway, I don't mean to diminish your concerns - am only attempting to add a little perspective. There is a big push to 'reinvent' the constitution and convince us that more government is the only solution. In my opinion more government is the problem.
Well said.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
There is always going to be problems. America is the first to respond to countries in need of aide or help and throw away money and resources that could better benefit the people in need in our own country. Foreigners get free education before most American citizens. How is that? Give a person not from this country a better opportunity to succeed than your own citizens? America is so worried about their image to the world and would help a foreigner before their own people.

Image problems will greatly improve as soon as we are Trumpless.
I doubt it. Yea a lot of people dislike him but just replacing him wont be enough we need action not words and a president who is actually for the people and their needs.
All these problems were already here before he became president. People to stop pointing fingers and blaming the next person that's just being part of the problem. People need to start working on and putting solutions in play. Yea it sounds good but just saying it doesn't mean its going to happen.
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
so it's "great" that we make up shit to pummel the other side with until we believe it ourselves?
it's "great" to put ourselves into a kill each other fashion or state of mind for the only real reason is we think differently?
it's "great" that the average white male has been demonized in our society and pretty much the fall guy for all things wrong today?
it's "great" we forgive crimes for those we like as long as it's not the other guy in power doing it?
it's "great" our media has de-evolved to the point to where they feed us the very bullshit and lies we want to hear cause it's saying how bad the other side is?
it's "great" who pees where was a huge controversy?

i've been around this world long enough to know what great is and to me, we are at an all time low. period. even the late 60's and early 70s were not quite this bad. i was 5 during this time so maybe it was.

but if anyone considers what this country is doing to itself today "great" - then you are trying to normalize the word to make yourself feel better about the shitpile we've put ourselves in.

we can still be great and i don't think our "run" is over yet. but we've got some more growing up to do and a lot of petty shit to put away. in my experience we only do that during a time of major tragedy and even then not for long these days. the only thing saving us from being a total laughing stock of the rest of the world is the rest of the world itself is also jacked up.

we're a long long way from great and i'm not going to devalue the word as our current trends tend to do and just admit right now we suck as a country. if you disagree fine but i have higher expectations based on what we've been able to do in the past, not that i just want to "feel good" today.

Yes, the division caused by hateful crazy right wingers has hurt us.
the division caused by crazy people on both sides is killing us.

if you honestly feel only "the right" is doing this then that my friend IS THE PROBLEM. total lack of self-awareness and how your actions contribute to your own environment.

you the type to never accept responsibility as long as you have someone to blame?
America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
There is always going to be problems. America is the first to respond to countries in need of aide or help and throw away money and resources that could better benefit the people in need in our own country. Foreigners get free education before most American citizens. How is that? Give a person not from this country a better opportunity to succeed than your own citizens? America is so worried about their image to the world and would help a foreigner before their own people.

Image problems will greatly improve as soon as we are Trumpless.
image problems will greatly improve when we stop as a culture characterizing the other side as evil by some form of current buzzword.

You might mention that to your Asshole in Chief.
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
There is always going to be problems. America is the first to respond to countries in need of aide or help and throw away money and resources that could better benefit the people in need in our own country. Foreigners get free education before most American citizens. How is that? Give a person not from this country a better opportunity to succeed than your own citizens? America is so worried about their image to the world and would help a foreigner before their own people.

Image problems will greatly improve as soon as we are Trumpless.
image problems will greatly improve when we stop as a culture characterizing the other side as evil by some form of current buzzword.

You might mention that to your Asshole in Chief.
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

as for "you the type to never accept responsibility as long as you have someone to blame - well your whole asshole in chief answered that question, huh? :)
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Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?

The fault doesn't lie in our type of government - but there is an issue with the scope of it. The poison's in the dose. Ultimately, I fault the electorate, us. Our government is a reflection of the people...a totalitarian style of government is far less messy, in some ways.

The issues as you've listed them -

- we've spent over 20 Trillion fighting the war on poverty. For the most part, poverty in this country is a relative term. Compare the life style of our bottom 10% with the majority of other nations 30%. Also remember poverty designations and percentages come from government agencies whose existence depends on fighting poverty. Our biggest poverty problem today is one of the poverty of ambition.
Racism - Nothing today compares to racism pre-mid '60's. Though todays lowered expectations is a form of racism that is destructive. There are those whose power, or hold, over minorities depends, on the narrative of racism being alive and well, despite 8 years of a black president. The politics of victimhood has become profitable.
Homelessness - Also a matter of definition and in most cases temporary, or even voluntary in some instances. Are the bag lady pushing her shopping cart and the unshaven man living under a bridge homeless by choice?...are they mentally ill and belong in an institution. If you don't have interest in a home, or have a rental lease - you are technically homeless.
Middle class - the parameters are changeable - many are moving up.
Cost of living - there is a government definition of that also. But many are simply living above their income, not within or below it. Minimum wage jobs are traditionally for those just entering the job market, part time workers and retirees who are either bored or would like a little more income.
Illegal immigration - we have adequate laws - they need to be enforced.
Education - We provide free education, pre-school through 12th grade to every child who walks into the classroom. Citizen or not.
Healthcare - Currently, anyone needing care will not be turned away from any hospital. Nearly every community has a health department offering free services. The more the government becomes involved, the higher the costs of insurance and services.
Unemployment, crime, welfare - an improving economy can go a long way toward mitigating those issues.
Mass shootings - The first mass shooting I remember was the Texas Tower Sniper in 1966. The Oklahoma City bombing was 22 years ago. It takes a mentally deranged person to target innocent people. Do we have a higher percentage of mentally deranged per population than in the past? I don't know - but the media blitz on how terrible life is here, and how they define hatred and evil by your political affiliations doesn't help.
Wars with other countries - this has been an issue since the end of WWII. In looking back over the devastation and loss of life world wide during the first half of the 20th century - I can understand the mentality of 'never again' - leading to the attempt to put out small fires before they become big ones. Churchill said that never was there a more unnecessary war than WWII. Hitler could have been contained much earlier. This world has never been free of wars. In my opinion - if a war is necessary, then it must be fought by generals to be won, not politicians to be lost.
Total national debt increasing - In my opinion our biggest issue - much of which is spent trying to address all the above issues. A thriving economy and a bit of spending restraint will go a very long way toward addressing the debt, as well as some of your areas of concern. Most of the federal budget is taken up by Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - find a politician brave enough to address those issues and it might be somebody worth voting for. Though it will take more than one lawmaker - it will take an electorate who can move beyond 'getting what's coming to me'.

One more -
Affordable - An extremely subjective term. Is the latest technology 'affordable' if you choose to let others pick up the tab for your dr. bill, electric bill, food bill? If I spend more than I can make is it because I make too little, or spend too much? Credit gives us all a false sense of what we can 'afford'.

Anyway, I don't mean to diminish your concerns - am only attempting to add a little perspective. There is a big push to 'reinvent' the constitution and convince us that more government is the only solution. In my opinion more government is the problem.
Well said.
Yea these problems may have been worse in other periods of time and will never be completely absent but they could be more manageable. Free education pre-school through 12th isn't enough anymore. You cant not afford continued education just off that and with out any type of help. I don't believe the government is the reflection of the people at all. I also blame voters only voting for someone based on their race or likability. You know every black person voted for Obama because he is black and not for his promises.

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