What government or political party has the capability to get America back on track to be great?

I'm an idiot?
I'm not saying the average person, I'm saying me. Anyone 35 years or older can run, anyone.
I have more sense than anyone who ran for president since I been born. I'm 30 years old when I turn 35 I hope to have the opportunity to run. I bet I will get elected based on being an average citizen coming from the people.

Yet you said "We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president." Yes, any idiot can run for president. Have you heard of Vermin Supreme? Do you have the BEST words like Trump?
LOl didn't supreme say if he was elected every citizen will receive a free pony or some shit? And an anarchist? We definitely don't need a person like that to be president! The world would consider America to be a joke, even more then they do now with Trump being our president. I don't dislike Trump but I do think he is not fit to be president. He lacks the communication skills needed for that position. I admit he did a good job making himself look like an idiot. He needs to think before he speaks.

Hard to imagine the rest of the world having more disdain for our president than they have now. It is easy for Trump to make himself look like an idiot. He is one. The people supporting his goals are too.
He is going way over the top with the solutions he came up with to fix problems within the US. Build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it? So a big wall is going to stop immigration? They have underground tunnels now from Mexico to the US. Make a country whose citizens are fleeing to America pay for this wall that could cost nearly $70 billion to build and $150 million a year to maintain? Does he really think he can make Mexico build that wall?
Timid Giants Are Pushovers. Why Are We That Way?

To pay for it, seize their offshore oil wells. How strong is the Mexican navy?

Damn that's stupid. For one, it's an act of war that would cost us our allies and upset the balance of power. Second, how about you suggest our government sieze the oil wells in American waters? None of them belong to our government. Yes, get your socialism flag out and wave it high and proud, El Capitan!
Silly you. I'll bet you hang on to that false talking point even after you have been shown it was bullshit all along.
heard him say it
watched them cheer
saw him do it.

What did Obama fundamentally transform?
you mean aside from taking away some of our freedoms?
getting the media to openly hate white people
open hate for men
support traitors
hate cops
bring racism up to a level not seen in my lifetime?

how much more would you like?

Lets start with the first one. What freedoms were taken away from you or me? Did somebody make it against the law to say Merry Christmas when I wasn't looking?
you are no longer free to not buy health ins.

it's tyrannically enforced.

You know that's stupid, right? Buy all you want.
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?
America is currently a great Nation.

The failed, reckless, and irresponsible agenda of Trump and the GOP jeopardizes that greatness, however.
heard him say it
watched them cheer
saw him do it.

What did Obama fundamentally transform?
you mean aside from taking away some of our freedoms?
getting the media to openly hate white people
open hate for men
support traitors
hate cops
bring racism up to a level not seen in my lifetime?

how much more would you like?

Lets start with the first one. What freedoms were taken away from you or me? Did somebody make it against the law to say Merry Christmas when I wasn't looking?
you are no longer free to not buy health ins.

it's tyrannically enforced.

You know that's stupid, right? Buy all you want.
Is English your first language?

if so, your response makes sense.
if not, you told yet another lie, to yourself.
What did Obama fundamentally transform?
you mean aside from taking away some of our freedoms?
getting the media to openly hate white people
open hate for men
support traitors
hate cops
bring racism up to a level not seen in my lifetime?

how much more would you like?

Lets start with the first one. What freedoms were taken away from you or me? Did somebody make it against the law to say Merry Christmas when I wasn't looking?
you are no longer free to not buy health ins.

it's tyrannically enforced.

You know that's stupid, right? Buy all you want.
Is English your first language?

if so, your response makes sense.
if not, you told yet another lie, to yourself.

When was anyone denied the right to buy insurance?
you mean aside from taking away some of our freedoms?
getting the media to openly hate white people
open hate for men
support traitors
hate cops
bring racism up to a level not seen in my lifetime?

how much more would you like?

Lets start with the first one. What freedoms were taken away from you or me? Did somebody make it against the law to say Merry Christmas when I wasn't looking?
you are no longer free to not buy health ins.

it's tyrannically enforced.

You know that's stupid, right? Buy all you want.
Is English your first language?

if so, your response makes sense.
if not, you told yet another lie, to yourself.

When was anyone denied the right to buy insurance?
I never made such a claim.

you are now forced to buy it, and you know that.

so why wonder down this delusional trail of yours?

truth hurt to much?
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?

Well it's not Republicans or Democrats.

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