What government or political party has the capability to get America back on track to be great?

America has always been great even with the problems we have. The right wing has convinced lots of idiots, and evidently you as well, that we lost our greatness. You are wrong..
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.

Congratulations!!! You Win!!!

Hmm so you had that award last.
I think anyone who said in 1979 that they saw Reagan coming would be lying.

In 1977, I was at a Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) convention. And late at night, we would stagger drunkenly through the halls singing to the tune of Glory Hallelujah, "Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie Reagan! Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie Reagan. He'll win in 1980!"

So there. :funnyface:

ETA: I got Reagan's autograph while I was there.
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Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.
You might mention that to your Asshole in Chief.
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.

No. I don't remember a single false accusation.

OK. Let me rephrase that. I know you remember lots of accusations. Now, list the ones that have been proven to be true. All the rest are those false accusations we are talking about.
we can't continue to push one sides values over the other. that is the core of how we got here.

Oh my. Your core has been exposed to have nothing to do with family values, or religion, or any of the things the right has gone on about for the last couple of decades, so you think we should just not mention it any more. Imagine that.
my core is just fine. it may not agree with yours but i'm not the one demanding you change to suit my "vision" of how people should be.

as for "nothing to do with religion" - you don't fucking know me. don't go there. you are doing the typical liberal bullshit of taking what i said and forcing it into your extreme views vs. seeing what i am actually saying.

imagine that.

If you are a right winger, your goto statement suddenly went from "Our representatives HAVE to declare loyalty to Christian beliefs" to "We aren't electing a preacher" Why the sudden change?
am i a right winger or are you arguing against someone NOT me at this point so you can use your bullet points?

You are a right winger. Don't worry, there are lots of other right wingers who are too embarrassed to admit it too, so they call themselves libertarians, and a host of other names. If you support right wing goals, you are a right winger.
i'm whatever you feel like calling me i suppose.

i want whatever we agree to be the standards of right or wrong to apply to all of us. but we can't even do that w/o having to find ways to justify our side doing it differently for better reasons than the other side.

i want the bullshit hate to go away and people to focus on real issues, not extreme situations they feel warrant total attention because it happens to affect them directly, whatever *their situation* would be.

if you should feel the need to not be able to take people as they are but stereotype them into pre-defined groups for your own convenience, again that is up to you. have at it. but i will get to the point it's pointless to talk to you because i'm talking in stereotypes about mythical situations of fantasy, not how do we fix the mess we're in today?

i don't call myself much of anything but conservative with a strong dedication to personal responsibility and accountability. you do what you need to from there, buckwheat.
Let's see who the dems come up with in 20 and what she/he decides to run on.

I think anyone who said in 1979 that they saw Reagan coming would be lying. And he was really the latest president who represented a change. JFK emerged from a whole bunch of post-WWII dems after 8 years of an Eisenhower admin that was more or less non-partisan.

He'd better run on pointing out what a liar Trump was on economic issues and how he didn't bring back high paying jobs.

Following that he'd better focus on anti-trust, rebuilding our unions and rebuilding our middle class. We democrats need to rightfully take the fucking economic case away from Trump in 2020! Sure we can talk about human rights but that isn't going to win us the next election.
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.
and before that, same thing. before that, same thing.

why is today any different than then? we keep doing the same thing it seems and go THIS TIME they will see it MY WAY.

and we get the crap we have for politicians now.

when does our own mindset grow up / evolve to see this? when do we quit fighting for where to pee and focus on the bigger issues we all in fact share and need resolved?

health care

yet we keep bitching out the other side and calling them the current "bad name" of today and walk away in a huff morally righteous but just as lost as when we started "discussion".

No. Before was not the same thing. Universal opposition instead of letting the good of the country be the main factor started with right wingers and Delay/Gingrich. The right has expanded it immensely since.
yep. the left never expands anything at all, do they?

again - when all you see is "my side good, your side bad" this bag of shit we're all in now is the result. i keep trying to talk to you as an individual but you keep putting us in stereotypes. keep it up i'll just move on cause it's pretty pointless to me to just sit and be mad at each other for the biggest reason being we disagree on some things.
No one has to convince me to see the problems in this country. The US is crumbling, the value of the dollar is decreasing, increasing racism/inequality, poverty/homeless with a minimum wage annual income just roughly $1,886 more than the Federal poverty level. The US is one of the if not the best country to be a citizen of but the government is loosing their trust with the people. I never said America isn't great but we put on a front to the world as being a perfect/big brother country. I know a few foreigners from Egypt, Morocco, India, and others. Before they came to America they had this perception that they were going to live a life they would see in music videos and on television, that everyone lived luxuriously. When they would go back to their country all their friends and family think they would be lying when they would tell them how America really is.

America is great and I'm proud to be an American but I think priorities are wrong and we need to worker harder fix the problems within our borders and no focus so much on helping other countries.

Yes there are problems in the country. I know there always have been, and am pretty sure they always will be problems. The value of the dollar did fall sharply after Trump quite publicly complained that it as too high in April. Poverty did trend upward after the Bush induced economy crash, but it's slowly falling back down. The president is sure that some Nazis are fine people, so the upswing of racism is no mystery. Our educational system is failing, and we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. Trumpism, Racism, hatred for education and educators, hard line laws and all the other things the right advocates doesn't seem to be making things better.
then again - you start of with "Trumpism" and none of the problem you cite are his fault. if anything, it's the "swamp" he'd like to get rid of.

we *do* need to focus on our educational system and NO ADMIN in my mind has done a good job in changing the very core of how we raise our children in this country.

and your mis-characterization of trump is self-serving at best. he did NOT say there were fine nazis out there, he said there are good people on both sides of the racial debates going on these days. do you disagree or are all white people who don't "toe the line" nazi assholes to you? most white people i know are simply not racist but tired of being the root cause of all the minority problems out there so they vent as well. now since they don't agree with the "socially correct" statements, they are the direct opposite, or nazis.

when in fact you KNOW better than that but in order to further your goal, you have to discredit those who don't agree and we wind up in stupid arguments for the sake of destroying or establishing credit to the other side.

and it sucks.
The Race Card Is a Joker. If You Think Racism Is Wrong, the Joke's on You.

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational judgment based on a group's general behavior. Don't let the debate be controlled by those who make "racist" an accusation. Instead, it should be a neutral description.

Those who control language control thought. In this case, they seek to have power over others by making up sins. They have also stolen the power to make us feel ashamed, when people like them are disturbed degenerate misfits with an attraction to criminals and parasites.

Congratulations!!! You Win!!!

Hmm so you had that award last.

Pathetic attempt. You can do better. D. You are lucky it wasn't a D-
Seriously I am about to climb up the ladder and first run for the position a mayor for my town, then the city of Pittsburgh then to be President. I guarantee I could do more good than any other president has done or will do. I would get more done that will benefit everyone. I would put actions in to play that will help resolve the issues America is currently experiencing. I will turn around the direction that poverty, racism, and the negative attitudes of our people and head it in the right direction. I would create jobs and begin to eliminate poverty(I know it can never be completely eliminated) I would be the one to create the closest America has ever been to Equality.

The country as a whole would be more calm, have more positive outlooks, and the morale would be much, much more positive then it has ever been. I can guarantee that.

I already developed strategies, programs, and procedures that will benefit and actually help fix major problems in the US. I have developed strategies and procedures to gain enough funds to fund my programs.

We need an average hard working middle class citizen to be our president. Someone who sees through the bullshit. Someone who sees and understands the problems and will attempt to benefit the people.

Not someone who wants the fame and power that comes with being the President. Not someone who is politically corrupted. Not someone who is just in it for the money and or title.

The average citizen has no idea how to run the country. Only an idiot would think he might. Take a walk through Walmart, or any other place you see lots of average citizens, and tell me how much presidential material you see.

Wouldn't be hard. Just follow silent Cals example
are you saying we never demonized the other side til he was elected?

or is that just your excuse to hold onto so you can keep doing it?

There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.

No. I don't remember a single false accusation.

OK. Let me rephrase that. I know you remember lots of accusations. Now, list the ones that have been proven to be true. All the rest are those false accusations we are talking about.

So none are false.

Pretty much already knew that
Once the rust belt sees how he lied to them it shouldn't be hard to gain them back! We need to make a powerful case to the workers in those states that the democratic party fucked up but we're now once again the party of FDR!
Oh my. Your core has been exposed to have nothing to do with family values, or religion, or any of the things the right has gone on about for the last couple of decades, so you think we should just not mention it any more. Imagine that.
my core is just fine. it may not agree with yours but i'm not the one demanding you change to suit my "vision" of how people should be.

as for "nothing to do with religion" - you don't fucking know me. don't go there. you are doing the typical liberal bullshit of taking what i said and forcing it into your extreme views vs. seeing what i am actually saying.

imagine that.

If you are a right winger, your goto statement suddenly went from "Our representatives HAVE to declare loyalty to Christian beliefs" to "We aren't electing a preacher" Why the sudden change?
am i a right winger or are you arguing against someone NOT me at this point so you can use your bullet points?

You are a right winger. Don't worry, there are lots of other right wingers who are too embarrassed to admit it too, so they call themselves libertarians, and a host of other names. If you support right wing goals, you are a right winger.
i'm whatever you feel like calling me i suppose.

i want whatever we agree to be the standards of right or wrong to apply to all of us. but we can't even do that w/o having to find ways to justify our side doing it differently for better reasons than the other side.

i want the bullshit hate to go away and people to focus on real issues, not extreme situations they feel warrant total attention because it happens to affect them directly, whatever *their situation* would be.

if you should feel the need to not be able to take people as they are but stereotype them into pre-defined groups for your own convenience, again that is up to you. have at it. but i will get to the point it's pointless to talk to you because i'm talking in stereotypes about mythical situations of fantasy, not how do we fix the mess we're in today?

i don't call myself much of anything but conservative with a strong dedication to personal responsibility and accountability. you do what you need to from there, buckwheat.

Call yourself what you like. You support right wing goals. You are a right winger.
my core is just fine. it may not agree with yours but i'm not the one demanding you change to suit my "vision" of how people should be.

as for "nothing to do with religion" - you don't fucking know me. don't go there. you are doing the typical liberal bullshit of taking what i said and forcing it into your extreme views vs. seeing what i am actually saying.

imagine that.

If you are a right winger, your goto statement suddenly went from "Our representatives HAVE to declare loyalty to Christian beliefs" to "We aren't electing a preacher" Why the sudden change?
am i a right winger or are you arguing against someone NOT me at this point so you can use your bullet points?

You are a right winger. Don't worry, there are lots of other right wingers who are too embarrassed to admit it too, so they call themselves libertarians, and a host of other names. If you support right wing goals, you are a right winger.
i'm whatever you feel like calling me i suppose.

i want whatever we agree to be the standards of right or wrong to apply to all of us. but we can't even do that w/o having to find ways to justify our side doing it differently for better reasons than the other side.

i want the bullshit hate to go away and people to focus on real issues, not extreme situations they feel warrant total attention because it happens to affect them directly, whatever *their situation* would be.

if you should feel the need to not be able to take people as they are but stereotype them into pre-defined groups for your own convenience, again that is up to you. have at it. but i will get to the point it's pointless to talk to you because i'm talking in stereotypes about mythical situations of fantasy, not how do we fix the mess we're in today?

i don't call myself much of anything but conservative with a strong dedication to personal responsibility and accountability. you do what you need to from there, buckwheat.

Call yourself what you like. You support right wing goals. You are a right winger.
ok - later on hos. got no time for people who label people for no other reason than to hate them and never have to understand them.
There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.
and before that, same thing. before that, same thing.

why is today any different than then? we keep doing the same thing it seems and go THIS TIME they will see it MY WAY.

and we get the crap we have for politicians now.

when does our own mindset grow up / evolve to see this? when do we quit fighting for where to pee and focus on the bigger issues we all in fact share and need resolved?

health care

yet we keep bitching out the other side and calling them the current "bad name" of today and walk away in a huff morally righteous but just as lost as when we started "discussion".

No. Before was not the same thing. Universal opposition instead of letting the good of the country be the main factor started with right wingers and Delay/Gingrich. The right has expanded it immensely since.
yep. the left never expands anything at all, do they?

again - when all you see is "my side good, your side bad" this bag of shit we're all in now is the result. i keep trying to talk to you as an individual but you keep putting us in stereotypes. keep it up i'll just move on cause it's pretty pointless to me to just sit and be mad at each other for the biggest reason being we disagree on some things.

Great. What do you think we might agree on?
Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.
and before that, same thing. before that, same thing.

why is today any different than then? we keep doing the same thing it seems and go THIS TIME they will see it MY WAY.

and we get the crap we have for politicians now.

when does our own mindset grow up / evolve to see this? when do we quit fighting for where to pee and focus on the bigger issues we all in fact share and need resolved?

health care

yet we keep bitching out the other side and calling them the current "bad name" of today and walk away in a huff morally righteous but just as lost as when we started "discussion".

No. Before was not the same thing. Universal opposition instead of letting the good of the country be the main factor started with right wingers and Delay/Gingrich. The right has expanded it immensely since.
yep. the left never expands anything at all, do they?

again - when all you see is "my side good, your side bad" this bag of shit we're all in now is the result. i keep trying to talk to you as an individual but you keep putting us in stereotypes. keep it up i'll just move on cause it's pretty pointless to me to just sit and be mad at each other for the biggest reason being we disagree on some things.

Great. What do you think we might agree on?
don't give a shit now. i can tell you don't want to talk about issues, just classify people into categories and avoid talking issues with an open mind. have fun with it but i've moved on.
There has been vitriol between political parties since colonial times. The most recent increase in hatred started with Tom Delay and Neut Gingrich, and has increased drastically since.

Yeah, the Clintons has nothing to do with that...

Really? Do you remember the constant barrage of false accusations and obstruction Bill Clinton put up with? That only came from the right wing. The only response as pointing out the false accusations and obstruction. You need a refresher course on what actually happened.

No. I don't remember a single false accusation.

OK. Let me rephrase that. I know you remember lots of accusations. Now, list the ones that have been proven to be true. All the rest are those false accusations we are talking about.

So none are false.

Pretty much already knew that

OK. Start way back with the travel office, or Whitewater, or Vince Foster's death. Any of those accusations proven true? Too far back? Name the first accusation you remember.that was proven true.
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?
dems openly hate the free market.

the free market is one of the most important pillars of America

they cheered and elected to the WH a man that claimed he wanted to fundamentally change America.

the fundamentals are freedom, liberty, justice.

can't say the gop can, but the dnc is clearly working the opposite direction.
If you are a right winger, your goto statement suddenly went from "Our representatives HAVE to declare loyalty to Christian beliefs" to "We aren't electing a preacher" Why the sudden change?
am i a right winger or are you arguing against someone NOT me at this point so you can use your bullet points?

You are a right winger. Don't worry, there are lots of other right wingers who are too embarrassed to admit it too, so they call themselves libertarians, and a host of other names. If you support right wing goals, you are a right winger.
i'm whatever you feel like calling me i suppose.

i want whatever we agree to be the standards of right or wrong to apply to all of us. but we can't even do that w/o having to find ways to justify our side doing it differently for better reasons than the other side.

i want the bullshit hate to go away and people to focus on real issues, not extreme situations they feel warrant total attention because it happens to affect them directly, whatever *their situation* would be.

if you should feel the need to not be able to take people as they are but stereotype them into pre-defined groups for your own convenience, again that is up to you. have at it. but i will get to the point it's pointless to talk to you because i'm talking in stereotypes about mythical situations of fantasy, not how do we fix the mess we're in today?

i don't call myself much of anything but conservative with a strong dedication to personal responsibility and accountability. you do what you need to from there, buckwheat.

Call yourself what you like. You support right wing goals. You are a right winger.
ok - later on hos. got no time for people who label people for no other reason than to hate them and never have to understand them.

Got it. Takes too much time to type ONE thing you think we might agree on. Typical right winger. Run when your bullshit is called.
Let's see who the dems come up with in 20 and what she/he decides to run on.

I think anyone who said in 1979 that they saw Reagan coming would be lying. And he was really the latest president who represented a change. JFK emerged from a whole bunch of post-WWII dems after 8 years of an Eisenhower admin that was more or less non-partisan.

He'd better run on pointing out what a liar Trump was on economic issues and how he didn't bring back high paying jobs.

Following that he'd better focus on anti-trust, rebuilding our unions and rebuilding our middle class. We democrats need to rightfully take the fucking economic case away from Trump in 2020! Sure we can talk about human rights but that isn't going to win us the next election.

Yes. Please talk about the economy while we have the strongest one this millenium.
Obviously America has been experiencing some major issues. Such as poverty, racism, people homeless, the middleclass dying out, people not being able to fully cover their annual cost of living expenses, illegal immigration, lack of affordable education, lack of affordable healthcare, unemployment, crime, mass shootings, welfare, wars with other countries, total national debt increasing, terrorism, the US dollar decreasing in value and I'm sure I missed some. So with all these issues America is experiencing, which type of government or political party do you think has the best chance getting America back on track? Or should America take on a whole different type of government?
dems openly hate the free market.

the free market is one of the most important pillars of America

they cheered and elected to the WH a man that claimed he wanted to fundamentally change America.

the fundamentals are freedom, liberty, justice.

can't say the gop can, but the dnc is clearly working the opposite direction.

You really like to repeat that out of context quote, don't you?

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