What Hamas Wants: In Their Own Words


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Hamas Charter. Straight out of Mein Kampf. And FYI: ā€œPalestineā€ is what the Romans called the region when they controlled it. Jews were referred to as Palestinians.

ā€œIsrael will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Introduction)

Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Introduction)

Hamas ā€œstrives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 6)

ā€œThe Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind the stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, ā€˜O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill himā€™.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 7)

ā€œNationalism, from the point of view of the Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas], is part of the religious creed. Nothing in nationalism is more significant or deeper than in the case when an enemy should tread Muslim land. Resisting and quelling the enemy become the individual duty of every Muslim.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 12)

ā€œInitiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement [ā€¦] There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 13)

ā€œIn the face of the Jewsā€™ usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 15)

In their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children. Their policy of striking fear in the heart is meant for all. They attack people where their breadwinning is concerned, extorting their money and threatening their honour. (Hamas Charter, Article 20)

ā€œIsrael, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people. May the cowards never sleep. (Hamas Charter, Article 28)

ā€œthe Zionist influence in many countries exercised through financial and media control (Hamas Charter, Article 30)

ā€œAfter Palestine, the Zionists plan to expand. Their plan is embodied in the ā€œProtocols of the Elders of Zionā€.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 32)

Hamas end goal: Freedom for their people to live in peace.

Getting to that is just the unnecessary details but no doubt they will be every bit as brutal as the US was in Vietnam or any of it's 35 -40 other wars of aggression.
Hamas end goal: Freedom for their people to live in peace.

Getting to that is just the unnecessary details but no doubt they will be every bit as brutal as the US was in Vietnam or any of it's 35 -40 other wars of aggression.
Tell us what Hamas wants to lay down their arms.
Hamas end goal: Freedom for their people to live in peace.

Getting to that is just the unnecessary details but no doubt they will be every bit as brutal as the US was in Vietnam or any of it's 35 -40 other wars of aggression.
Show me a Muslim nation that lives in peace. If they arenā€™t killing infidels, they are killing each other over minor points in the Quran.

If the Muslim terrorists would stop attacking Israel, Israel would be happy to live in peace alongside them just like the Jews and Muslin citizens inside Israel live in peace. The Israeli Muslims have political parties, seats in the Knesset, serve in the IDF if they care to.

Show me a Muslim country that allows Jews any freedom. In most Muslim countries the Jews have been expelled and their properties and lands taken with no remuneration.
Show me a Muslim nation that lives in peace. If they arenā€™t killing infidels, they are killing each other over minor points in the Quran.
Show me an Israeli who wants to live in peace with the Muslim world AZ

seems to me they want to paint every last one a terrorist, and kill them all off regardless of national or religious affiliation

Show me an Israeli who wants to live in peace with the Muslim world AZ

seems to me they want to paint every last one a terrorist, and kill them all off regardless of national or religious affiliation

Snuffy, Israel already coexists with millions of Muslim Arabs and Christians with its borders giving them the same exact rights. Show us an Arab state that wants to live in peace with non Muslims, giving them the same rights. It doesnā€™t exist and will never exist because Shariah law does not allow it.
Top of my list of the first 10,000 things I could care less about because they have no say, no hand, no leverage in the matter.
They are facing extinction now at the hands of Israel whether they want it or not.
Israel holds 6000 subhuman Hamas animals, it should say that for every hostage that is harmed 10 of theirs gets snuffed out.
The Hamas Charter. Straight out of Mein Kampf. And FYI: ā€œPalestineā€ is what the Romans called the region when they controlled it. Jews were referred to as Palestinians.

ā€œIsrael will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Introduction)

Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Introduction)

Hamas ā€œstrives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 6)

ā€œThe Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind the stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, ā€˜O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill himā€™.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 7)

ā€œNationalism, from the point of view of the Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas], is part of the religious creed. Nothing in nationalism is more significant or deeper than in the case when an enemy should tread Muslim land. Resisting and quelling the enemy become the individual duty of every Muslim.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 12)

ā€œInitiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement [ā€¦] There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 13)

ā€œIn the face of the Jewsā€™ usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 15)

In their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children. Their policy of striking fear in the heart is meant for all. They attack people where their breadwinning is concerned, extorting their money and threatening their honour. (Hamas Charter, Article 20)

ā€œIsrael, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people. May the cowards never sleep. (Hamas Charter, Article 28)

ā€œthe Zionist influence in many countries exercised through financial and media control (Hamas Charter, Article 30)

ā€œAfter Palestine, the Zionists plan to expand. Their plan is embodied in the ā€œProtocols of the Elders of Zionā€.ā€ (Hamas Charter, Article 32)

This is why Israel funded and encouraged Hamas. They need an enemy who opposes a 2 state solution.
Remember how Surada and her beloved Palestinians and many in the Muslim world ate sweets to celebrate the savagery on Oct. 7ā€¦little did they know in about a month Gaza city would be surrounded and Hams would be begging for a ceasefire.

These donkeys have a very low learning curve.
Remember how Surada and her beloved Palestinians and many in the Muslim world ate sweets to celebrate the savagery on Oct. 7ā€¦little did they know in about a month Gaza city would be surrounded and Hams would be begging for a ceasefire.

These donkeys have a very low learning curve.

What Hamas wants, Hamas got.

Jubilant shouts of Allahu Akbar. Everywhere. In every scene of death. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.

A charred barbecued body is burning on the ground. Itā€™s back is smouldering with low flames.

A young man is trapped. His face is gurning in terror. Wild eyes. Chattering teeth. He is in a group of other trapped youngsters. His teeth chatter amidst the sound of the injured and dying moaning.

There are body parts in a road. Lumps of human meat.

A woman is cowering in a car

A grenade is tossed into a bomb shelter full of youngsters

Injured bleeding hostages are loaded into the back of pick up trucks



Terrorists take selfies with their hostages. Half alive, beaten or dead. The terrorists take jubilant selfies with their hostages.

What Hamas wants, Hamas got.

Jubilant shouts of Allahu Akbar. Everywhere. In every scene of death. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.

A charred barbecued body is burning on the ground. Itā€™s back is smouldering with low flames.

A young man is trapped. His face is gurning in terror. Wild eyes. Chattering teeth. He is in a group of other trapped youngsters. His teeth chatter amidst the sound of the injured and dying moaning.

There are body parts in a road. Lumps of human meat.

A woman is cowering in a car

A grenade is tossed into a bomb shelter full of youngsters

Injured bleeding hostages are loaded into the back of pick up trucks



Terrorists take selfies with their hostages. Half alive, beaten or dead. The terrorists take jubilant selfies with their hostages.

Hamas badly miscalculated. Iran is now completely backing out and Hezbollah is staying on the sidelines. Jordan, Egypt and Abraham Accords countries refused to cut ties with Israel and Saudis have only put a pause on their talks while also requesting the hostages be released.

in short Palestinians lost control of Gaza, and its only a matter of time that Hamas becomes an extinct subhuman species.
Remember how Surada and her beloved Palestinians and many in the Muslim world ate sweets to celebrate the savagery on Oct. 7ā€¦little did they know in about a month Gaza city would be surrounded and Hams would be begging for a ceasefire.

These donkeys have a very low learning curve.
I never said anything like that. Why are you such a liar?

They passed out sweets when Israel pulled out of Lebanon in May 2000.

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