What happen to sb1070?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Granny says Mexico got no right to gripe about our immigration laws when dey's is stricter...
Mexico Asks US to Halt Parts of Arizona's SB1070 Immigration Law
December 27, 2012 – Opponents of Arizona’s controversial SB1070 law have a new ally: México.
The Mexican government is urging a U.S. court to block a part of the law that prohibits the harboring of undocumented immigrants. Lawyers representing México asked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a filing Wednesday to uphold a lower-court ruling that blocked police from enforcing the ban. México argued the ban harms diplomatic relations between the United States, undermines the U.S.'s ability to speak to a foreign country with one voice and encourages the marginalization of Mexicans and people who appear to be from Latin America. "México cannot conduct effective negotiations with the United States when the foreign policy decisions of the federal governments are undermined by the individual policies of individual states," lawyers for the Mexican government said in a friend-of-the-court brief.

The harboring ban was in effect from late July 2010 until U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton blocked its enforcement on Sept. 5. Two weeks before Bolton shelved the ban, she said during a hearing that she knew of no arrests that were made under the provision. The prohibition has been overshadowed by other parts of the law, including a requirement that went into effect on Sept. 18 that officers, while enforcing other laws, question the immigration status of those suspected of being in the country illegally. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the questioning requirement earlier this year, but also struck down other sections of the law, such as a requirement that immigrants obtain or carry immigration registration papers. The nation's highest court didn't consider the harboring ban.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who signed the measure into law and serves as the statute's chief defender, has asked the appeals court to reverse Bolton's ruling on the harboring ban. Brewer spokesman Matt Benson said Arizona's harboring ban mirrored federal law and that México was interfering with a matter in U.S. courts. "México's own immigration laws are significantly more heavy-handed than anything imposed as a result of SB1070. Does the Mexican government believe the nearly identical U.S. federal law harms diplomatic relations between the U.S. and México?" he said.

This wasn't the first time a foreign government has chimed in during disputes over the immigration law. In 2010, México urged the courts to declare the law unconstitutional, and 10 other Latin American countries had joined in expressing their opposition to the law. Brewer had said the foreign governments were meddling in an internal legal dispute between the United States and one of its states. No other countries have joined in México's latest friend-of-court brief.

Read more: Mexico Asks US to Halt Parts of Arizona's SB1070 Immigration Law | Fox News Latino
Today SB1070 is Null and Void. Sheriff Joe can retire. And illegal immigration is no longer illegal.
Mexico’s illegals laws tougher than Arizona’s

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” violate Mexican law, are not “physically or mentally healthy” or lack the “necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents.
Mexico's illegals laws tougher than Arizona's - Washington Times
Mebbe we should model our immigration law...

... after their immigration law.

There is not one Developed Country on earth with Border Security and Immigration laws as insane as ours. Mexico is far from the only country with much stricter, tighter control than we have. I dare any one of you to go and try to illegally cross into Mexico from the south. You may be surprised to find it heavily fortified, and patrolled by the Mexican Army, and if you are caught entering illegally 2 times. It's a Mandatory 10 years in a nice Mexican Prison, then a ride to the border and a kick in the ass.

No we are the only insane dip Shit country in the world that thinks we can just ignore our Immigration laws being systematically Broken, Ignore our lacking Border Security, and nothing bad will ever come of it.

And the rest of the Hypocritical world Who all are stricter than us, what do they say? That we are to tough, and we should open up our borders, were racist and mean to not let anyone who wants to come here come. Which would be funny if not for the fact that The American Left, who is in power right now, Agree with them.
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No amnesty for illegal immigrants
December 07, 2012
President Barack Obama no longer has to worry about re-election. He is now free to pursue his so called "comprehensive immigration reform " or amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Congress must stop any illegal immigrant amnesty proposals from the Obama administration now.
Don't let Congress ignore the plight of the American worker. We should not believe any lame excuses for rewarding illegal immigrants with American jobs.

The willingness to pass a mass amnesty for 12 million illegal immigrants must not come about as long as there are 20 million Americans who can't find a full-time job, and allowing 12 million illegal immigrants to join legal work force would only make things in the job market worse.
Let's not let the narrow results from one election cause any rash decisions on amnesty for Illegal immigrants. Amnesty should not be the answer and must be ruled out.
This issue would have a definite bad affect on Maryland since we are now already overrun by illegal immigrants.
Al Eisner, Silver Spring
No amnesty for illegal immigrants - Baltimore Sun
Anti-illegal immigration and not anti-immigration. Anti-illegal immigrant and not anti-immigrant. Arizona’s SB1070 is anti-illegal immigrant and anti-illegal immigration. Stop demonizing SB1070 for protecting American workers.

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