What happened Nancy?

I think the dems finally realized that loony left twitter is not America......
Whatcha Gonna Do When Your Focus Groups Turn on YOU?
So now all of a sudden is she holding back the impeachment articles from the senate...WHY?....I think she and her colleagues must of got hammered on their phones last night....

Nancy doesn't need an excuse to get "Hammered"! It's today is reason enough! Can I get a Martini please ! "Shaken not stirred!":beer::auiqs.jpg:
Nancy is simply trying to save face. It's actually painful to watch her try and talk. She is declining very quickly.
Pelosi told The Washington Post in March, “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path.”

But the impeachment was partisan, actually 4 Democrats sort of went off the path while 100% of the Republicans voted no.

Pelosi told CNN in June, “I don’t think there’s anything more divisive we can do than to impeach a president of the United States, and so you have to handle it with great care. It has to be about the truth and the facts to take you to whatever decision has to be there. It should by no means be done politically.”

Why the Flip Flop? Regardless of her thoughts on Ukraine and the subjectivity regarding the call, this was still 100% partisan? So now the Judicial Branch will get involved but there is that pesky Brett Kavanaugh there, who also saw the wrath of partisan politics.

This is like a Netflix show you binge. Crazy.

Nancy made the comments thinking they would get an impeachment from Mueller testimony and flip some never-TRUMPers in the house.
Pelosi told The Washington Post in March, “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path.”

But the impeachment was partisan, actually 4 Democrats sort of went off the path while 100% of the Republicans voted no.

Pelosi told CNN in June, “I don’t think there’s anything more divisive we can do than to impeach a president of the United States, and so you have to handle it with great care. It has to be about the truth and the facts to take you to whatever decision has to be there. It should by no means be done politically.”

Why the Flip Flop? Regardless of her thoughts on Ukraine and the subjectivity regarding the call, this was still 100% partisan? So now the Judicial Branch will get involved but there is that pesky Brett Kavanaugh there, who also saw the wrath of partisan politics.

This is like a Netflix show you binge. Crazy.
And yet, TA DAH! Here we are.I used identify as a democrat & liberal. They crossed a line back years ago... They actually don't give a rats ass about liberal principals. Or anything else that wont get them elected. Smoke and mirrors. I left the party when I realized what a bunch of grifting con artists the Democratic party had become. And this impeachment thing? It's a phishing expedition.
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Perhaps she will go back to whatever dimension she and her Cthulhu tribe came from. Sipping mai tais on some sandy beach in Malibu.
Most people I know who are 80+ years old are far, far beyond working in highly responsible positions. Yet, Washington is loaded with very old people, who are very out of touch with society. Some have not held jobs outside of politics in DC since the 1970's or earlier. How many people at 80 or higher have any of us worked under in the private sector? Or, even typical government jobs? This is not meant to be an insult, we all will get old, decline and die. That is just the way it is.
If Trump is reelected, I hope he uses the "State of the Union" addresses as a Prog like show. Insults and all.
I will entertain an allegation against Trump. But I am going to need PROOF of High crimes and misdemeanors . NOT a mysterious witness cloaked in secrecy and hearsay evidence. Or a transcript of a 4 minute phone discussion that is so subjective, it would NEVER be used in a American court of law. That doesn't cut it as PROOF. But here we are...Impeachment? Is this all it takes? Whispers and gossamer wings of allegations?
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I will entertain an allegation against Trump. But I am going to need PROOF of High crimes and misdemeanors . A mysterious witness cloaked in secrecy and hearsay evidence. A transcript of a 4 minute phone discussion that is so subjective, it would NEVER be used in a American court of law. That doesn't cut it as PROOF. But here we are...Impeachment?

The House proceeding was an outrage. It will be dismissed inside of 10 minutes in the Senate. As it should be.
I will entertain an allegation against Trump. But I am going to need PROOF of High crimes and misdemeanors . NOT a mysterious witness cloaked in secrecy and hearsay evidence. Or a transcript of a 4 minute phone discussion that is so subjective, it would NEVER be used in a American court of law. That doesn't cut it as PROOF. But here we are...Impeachment? Is this all it takes? Whispers and gossamer wings of allegations?

Only because this shampeachment is totally political while being totally non-criminal.
When I see this unfold, its more about how the Democrats and their lawyers where trying to create a situation to entrap the president. And they failed horribly. And we spent millions and wasted OUR time on their little phishing expedition. If I made a false allegation and wasted government resources, I would be prosecuted for it. So should those that created this "Constitutional false alarm".

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