What Happened to Church?

There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it
Well, frankly, that's all nauseating and stupid.

I'm well aware--and so is God--that many, many, many people want to be their own gods, and thus find worship of another especially nauseating and stupid. You have that choice. But at some point it is irrevocable. It becomes more so day by day, even in this life. The fact that even such a simple declaration makes you jerk to "nauseating" seems to indicate to me that you're pretty close, but you never know. I mean, Paul went from persecution to an apostle, but then, he was really an outlier.
Church is for losers, next time you go, just look around.

You’re welcome any time
Mormons and Muslims are the 2 biggest bunches of losers.
These must be examples of you being such a good person. :lol:
Actually if you knew me, you'd find a million examples of me being generous and kind. Calling things out as they are is just reality. Too bad for you. Now go hug a Muslim and hope he doesn't blow up. :biggrin:
I've seen your racist posts, Taz. Don't piss on me and tell me it is raining.
Being realistic isn't racist. Now you know.
But if you have no solid answer for what me and hadi are discussing, why butt in? Are you some kind of control freak? Nobody can ask a question in your precious thread without you okaying it? Discussions can't develop?

The solid answer to what you're discussing is "Stop hijacking the thread to get attention, moron".

And no, nobody can "ask questions in my thread" that are about derailing it. You want to develop a discussion about how you think your mental disorder makes you smart, go start your own thread.
Just ignore me and I'll discuss things related to the OP with others. Don't be so grumpy. If you don't want anyone to challenge what you say, ignore it. Or I could send you a hankie?

Oh, no. You came in here, capering around in your jester costume, demanding that everything and everyone focus on you, despite being told repeatedly to quit. I think you're very close to getting what you mistakenly and vainly claim to want.

Meanwhile, you will NOT continue to discuss your attempts to hijack the thread, nor am I under any obligation to let you do so. I suggest you re-read the forum rules about off-topic posts. This thread is not now, never has been, and never will be about your hatred of religion.
I don't hate religion , I just find them silly because they have no proof of god.
The proof is all around you. You just won't accept it because you are not ready to accept it. But the ultimate proof can only be found by entering into a relationship with God. Something you are unwilling to do. God is not a mystery to be solved, God is a relationship to be entered into. Only then will you discover his love for you and the power to transform yourself.
You said you don't understand god. So you don't know if you have a relationship with it or not. C'mon, man up.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

The thread is about what's happening to the modern church. You're hung up on your personal antipathy toward God. Quite frankly, if you don't even go to church at all, how are you qualified to comment?
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

The thread is about what's happening to the modern church. You're hung up on your personal antipathy toward God. Quite frankly, if you don't even go to church at all, how are you qualified to comment?
Precisely, it's about the modern church. And I started out asking what you all drop in the collection plate these days in case I go, and no one would answer. How come? You all cheap bastards? :biggrin:
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

The thread is about what's happening to the modern church. You're hung up on your personal antipathy toward God. Quite frankly, if you don't even go to church at all, how are you qualified to comment?
Precisely, it's about the modern church. And I started out asking what you all drop in the collection plate these days in case I go, and no one would answer. How come? You all cheap bastards? :biggrin:

Your trolling question has nothing to do with the OP.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

Well for my part--I know this wasn't directed at me--it's okay to ask questions even if you don't go to church. Sometimes that's the best way. Some people from our church meet in local gathering places around town, even PUBS (gasp!) to meet up with people to hang out and answer questions they have. All hard questions allowed.

I remember one time at our church, this one couple got up to say they love to go out on the weekend and play pool with friends, and sometimes they talk about hard stuff and God then. Husband has longer hair and a ponytail. These new visitors got up and walked out right then. I kinda thought, well bye then. That wasn't very nice I guess....but they would have been kinda judgey for my church.

FWIW we are not one of these non-denominational fog machine churches either. At all. Very Biblical. We just realize that we are like the people in the Bible. Screw ups. Church is for screw ups. Like us. I'm not just saying that.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

The thread is about what's happening to the modern church. You're hung up on your personal antipathy toward God. Quite frankly, if you don't even go to church at all, how are you qualified to comment?
Precisely, it's about the modern church. And I started out asking what you all drop in the collection plate these days in case I go, and no one would answer. How come? You all cheap bastards? :biggrin:

Your trolling question has nothing to do with the OP.
You're just too cheap to answer, we all got that!
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

Well for my part--I know this wasn't directed at me--it's okay to ask questions even if you don't go to church. Sometimes that's the best way. Some people from our church meet in local gathering places around town, even PUBS (gasp!) to meet up with people to hang out and answer questions they have. All hard questions allowed.

I remember one time at our church, this one couple got up to say they love to go out on the weekend and play pool with friends, and sometimes they talk about hard stuff and God then. Husband has longer hair and a ponytail. These new visitors got up and walked out right then. I kinda thought, well bye then. That wasn't very nice I guess....but they would have been kinda judgey for my church.

FWIW we are not one of these non-denominational fog machine churches either. At all. Very Biblical. We just realize that we are like the people in the Bible. Screw ups. Church is for screw ups. Like us. I'm not just saying that.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

Well for my part--I know this wasn't directed at me--it's okay to ask questions even if you don't go to church. Sometimes that's the best way. Some people from our church meet in local gathering places around town, even PUBS (gasp!) to meet up with people to hang out and answer questions they have. All hard questions allowed.

I remember one time at our church, this one couple got up to say they love to go out on the weekend and play pool with friends, and sometimes they talk about hard stuff and God then. Husband has longer hair and a ponytail. These new visitors got up and walked out right then. I kinda thought, well bye then. That wasn't very nice I guess....but they would have been kinda judgey for my church.

FWIW we are not one of these non-denominational fog machine churches either. At all. Very Biblical. We just realize that we are like the people in the Bible. Screw ups. Church is for screw ups. Like us. I'm not just saying that.

The poster is not genuinely curious. He/she is the definition of a troll.
You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

The thread is about what's happening to the modern church. You're hung up on your personal antipathy toward God. Quite frankly, if you don't even go to church at all, how are you qualified to comment?
Precisely, it's about the modern church. And I started out asking what you all drop in the collection plate these days in case I go, and no one would answer. How come? You all cheap bastards? :biggrin:

Your trolling question has nothing to do with the OP.
You're just too cheap to answer, we all got that!

Start a thread on the subject. I know you won't, because you don't really want to know. I know that because I've already told you why you're not going to find out and you simply ignored it.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

Well for my part--I know this wasn't directed at me--it's okay to ask questions even if you don't go to church. Sometimes that's the best way. Some people from our church meet in local gathering places around town, even PUBS (gasp!) to meet up with people to hang out and answer questions they have. All hard questions allowed.

I remember one time at our church, this one couple got up to say they love to go out on the weekend and play pool with friends, and sometimes they talk about hard stuff and God then. Husband has longer hair and a ponytail. These new visitors got up and walked out right then. I kinda thought, well bye then. That wasn't very nice I guess....but they would have been kinda judgey for my church.

FWIW we are not one of these non-denominational fog machine churches either. At all. Very Biblical. We just realize that we are like the people in the Bible. Screw ups. Church is for screw ups. Like us. I'm not just saying that.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

See what I mean? Don't throw your pearls.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

Well for my part--I know this wasn't directed at me--it's okay to ask questions even if you don't go to church. Sometimes that's the best way. Some people from our church meet in local gathering places around town, even PUBS (gasp!) to meet up with people to hang out and answer questions they have. All hard questions allowed.

I remember one time at our church, this one couple got up to say they love to go out on the weekend and play pool with friends, and sometimes they talk about hard stuff and God then. Husband has longer hair and a ponytail. These new visitors got up and walked out right then. I kinda thought, well bye then. That wasn't very nice I guess....but they would have been kinda judgey for my church.

FWIW we are not one of these non-denominational fog machine churches either. At all. Very Biblical. We just realize that we are like the people in the Bible. Screw ups. Church is for screw ups. Like us. I'm not just saying that.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

See what I mean? Don't throw your pearls.
She said "Very Biblical" and "All hard questions allowed." Unlike you, she's not a weenie.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.

Taz is working something out in his/her own life, something that caused this pathological need to not only hate God and Christians, but to act it out as visibly as possible.

It is time for those who love God to put their faith where their mouths are, stop giving Taz the reaction he/she craves of (quite understandable) disgust and disdain, and simply pray that God give him/her the revelation he/she is capering around, demanding.

And yes, I am 100% serious. I have been tasked with praying for Taz every day, whenever I have any free time, and anyone else who believes in the power of prayer is welcome to join me.
There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it
Well, frankly, that's all nauseating and stupid.

I'm well aware--and so is God--that many, many, many people want to be their own gods, and thus find worship of another especially nauseating and stupid. You have that choice. But at some point it is irrevocable. It becomes more so day by day, even in this life. The fact that even such a simple declaration makes you jerk to "nauseating" seems to indicate to me that you're pretty close, but you never know. I mean, Paul went from persecution to an apostle, but then, he was really an outlier.

Not really. I've heard many, many stories of people just as far gone, but God called them to Him just about as dramatically.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

You're not asking questions. You're making declarations disguised as questions. REAL questions involve the desire to find an answer.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

Well for my part--I know this wasn't directed at me--it's okay to ask questions even if you don't go to church. Sometimes that's the best way. Some people from our church meet in local gathering places around town, even PUBS (gasp!) to meet up with people to hang out and answer questions they have. All hard questions allowed.

I remember one time at our church, this one couple got up to say they love to go out on the weekend and play pool with friends, and sometimes they talk about hard stuff and God then. Husband has longer hair and a ponytail. These new visitors got up and walked out right then. I kinda thought, well bye then. That wasn't very nice I guess....but they would have been kinda judgey for my church.

FWIW we are not one of these non-denominational fog machine churches either. At all. Very Biblical. We just realize that we are like the people in the Bible. Screw ups. Church is for screw ups. Like us. I'm not just saying that.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.

Taz is working something out in his/her own life, something that caused this pathological need to not only hate God and Christians, but to act it out as visibly as possible.

It is time for those who love God to put their faith where their mouths are, stop giving Taz the reaction he/she craves of (quite understandable) disgust and disdain, and simply pray that God give him/her the revelation he/she is capering around, demanding.

And yes, I am 100% serious. I have been tasked with praying for Taz every day, whenever I have any free time, and anyone else who believes in the power of prayer is welcome to join me.
ALRIGHT! Pray for me! Let's get this thing going! Can't wait to see what happens!
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.
So it's not ok for me to ask questions precisely because I haven't gone to church since I was about 7 years old?

Well for my part--I know this wasn't directed at me--it's okay to ask questions even if you don't go to church. Sometimes that's the best way. Some people from our church meet in local gathering places around town, even PUBS (gasp!) to meet up with people to hang out and answer questions they have. All hard questions allowed.

I remember one time at our church, this one couple got up to say they love to go out on the weekend and play pool with friends, and sometimes they talk about hard stuff and God then. Husband has longer hair and a ponytail. These new visitors got up and walked out right then. I kinda thought, well bye then. That wasn't very nice I guess....but they would have been kinda judgey for my church.

FWIW we are not one of these non-denominational fog machine churches either. At all. Very Biblical. We just realize that we are like the people in the Bible. Screw ups. Church is for screw ups. Like us. I'm not just saying that.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Just a quick aside. She said she is "Very Biblical". I had to test her. Won't take long. :biggrin:

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