What Happened to Church?

wow this thread got stupid fast.
Probably because it's a bunch of marxists trying to generate a false narrative. Meh. Take away...leftists hate Christians and Christianity because it stands in the way of their vision for the world..which is a world with a lot fewer people. Thanks we already know that.

Mostly, they hate Christianity for a host of reasons. If you are a Christian, and you give any serious thought or study to your faith, you know why they do.

I have some to the conclusion very few of them do. They are reflexive, most of them, or they can't allow themselves to contemplate it. The ramifications are too important, or too scary, or both.
They are taught from toddlerhood to reject and sneer at Christianity by our schools and media.
wow this thread got stupid fast.
Probably because it's a bunch of marxists trying to generate a false narrative. Meh. Take away...leftists hate Christians and Christianity because it stands in the way of their vision for the world..which is a world with a lot fewer people. Thanks we already know that.

Mostly they're the Angry Faggot Fairy Mob, hoping to bully Da Evul Xians off the board entirely, which is why the spam every single thread. The Mods love them, so no point in pretending they aren't supportive of that. Here is the media agenda, laid out in 1987:


The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preference the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games: she likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I follow football. No big deal.

At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full "appreciation" or "understanding" of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won. And to get to shoulder-shrug stage, gays as a class must cease to appear mysterious, alien, loathsome and contrary. A large-scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America. And any campaign to accomplish this turnaround should do six things.


And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent--only later his unsightly derriere!

Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill are two prominent faggot/pedo-friendly 'activists' in the 'Gay Rights' hoax movement, peddlers of fake science news as well as other fake news. Everything these faggots are doing in this forum is directly from this agenda, though they are likely too stupid to know where pedo-friendly rubbish they parrot comes from; they're willing vermin.

they actually have a lot of the dope-addled 'left' convinced they support pedo-faggot 'rights' because of 'science n stuff', when of course all they're relying on is fashion and constant repetition of pseudo-intellectual spam. This of course is straight out of Gramsci's culture war tactics, the same used by Saul Alinsky and his 'Rule for Radicals', so yes, it is indeed part of the Communist agenda; the 'Founder' of 'Gay Rights' is the pedo-friendly faggot Harry Hay, an American Communist Party member, noted for his oh so trendy NAMBLA Walks With Me [/B]bodyboard signs he wore in 'Gay Pride' parades. NAMBLA was a founding member organization of the ILGA and many other 'gay rights' organizations and propaganda fronts.
so yes, it is indeed part of the Communist agenda

there is nothing inimical to the events of the 1st century concerning economic modeling of a collective society, it is the underlying political agenda of the 4th century christian bible that inherently uses accommodations as foils to thwart the objective of unification for their own selfish interests.

What Happens At Church -

such that their sunday studies are nothing more than stale centuries worn reiterations of self interest glorification over the collective good as the true pursuit meant for the destiny of humanity.

* good to see you back, brown nose did sisy give you permission ...
so yes, it is indeed part of the Communist agenda

there is nothing inimical to the events of the 1st century concerning economic modeling of a collective society, it is the underlying political agenda of the 4th century christian bible that inherently uses accommodations as foils to thwart the objective of unification for their own selfish interests.

What Happens At Church -

such that their sunday studies are nothing more than stale centuries worn reiterations of self interest glorification over the collective good as the true pursuit meant for the destiny of humanity.

* good to see you back, brown nose did sisy give you permission ...

Yes, we know you can't make any sense. Repeating drivel over and over again like you do isn't impressing anybody, fetishist. You pedo-friendlies are still just spammers and trolls. that's why none of you can list all those books in the NT you claim Constantine rewrote. If you can peddle that rubbish, you loons think that means you scum get to rewrite it yourselves. You're ridiculous.
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Nothing happened to church, it's still the same losers going to hear someone read from a book that nobody believes is true.

Wow, I sure am glad that's been "settled" by someone no one was really addressing, expressing opinions no one values.

I'm sure we'll all get RIGHT on caring deeply about applying your vacuity to our own lives, so that we can be just like you and gain all the benefits of your life.

Tell me again, what are those?
Believe in what you can see, not what someone else tells you you're seeing. You'll be much better off. And it won't cost you like a toll booth every time you go to church.

All churches are not Catholic.
Catholics have parishes, not churches.

I'm aware. The point is that non-Christians always seem to think all Christianity is the Catholic Church.
Ceci's just been schooled. non-Christians know about Protestants, and all the other denominations. You've just been schooled again.
I used to be a Catholic.
And now you're doing 15 to 20 at a supermax prison for emulating your old priest?

Not really. I understand some, maybe most, people turn to faith before rationality and effective measures. and, boh oh boy, is that always a disaster.

When we refuse to use our God-given gifts and expect Him to drop the goodies in our laps, of course disaster comes. That's not faith.

Nope, that's Prosperity Doctrine, the herpes of the Christian world.
A disaster strikes when you ask god for stuff? Like the fires in California, the flooding, the hurricanes and the tornados that hit the US? You all should stop begging god for things, He is clearly not happy about it.
I know you've had this explained to you ad nauseum but you simply refuse to accept it, because that's the same argument that pops up over and over again and gets slapped down just as many times.
So why is god heaping all those disasters on the US? You lot have clearly got a heavy prayer thing going on, why isn't that working? Getting too greedy?

I'm aware. The point is that non-Christians always seem to think all Christianity is the Catholic Church.
Ceci's just been schooled. non-Christians know about Protestants, and all the other denominations. You've just been schooled again.
I used to be a Catholic.
And now you're doing 15 to 20 at a supermax prison for emulating your old priest?
Now I am a deist.
wtf is that? It sounds like it has something to do with a dick, yours or someone else's?

Nothing happened to church, it's still the same losers going to hear someone read from a book that nobody believes is true.

Wow, I sure am glad that's been "settled" by someone no one was really addressing, expressing opinions no one values.

I'm sure we'll all get RIGHT on caring deeply about applying your vacuity to our own lives, so that we can be just like you and gain all the benefits of your life.

Tell me again, what are those?
Believe in what you can see, not what someone else tells you you're seeing. You'll be much better off. And it won't cost you like a toll booth every time you go to church.
You do realize, don't you, that you accept many things that someone else tells you you're seeing that you can't see yourself? And again with the money thing. That really gets people hung up.
Yes, but those things I COULD see if I wanted to, I wouldn't need to go to science mass every week to pay money to have someone tell me, not show me, why the earth isn't flat, like you all use to think.

Nope, that's Prosperity Doctrine, the herpes of the Christian world.
A disaster strikes when you ask god for stuff? Like the fires in California, the flooding, the hurricanes and the tornados that hit the US? You all should stop begging god for things, He is clearly not happy about it.
I know you've had this explained to you ad nauseum but you simply refuse to accept it, because that's the same argument that pops up over and over again and gets slapped down just as many times.
So why is god heaping all those disasters on the US? You lot have clearly got a heavy prayer thing going on, which isn't that working? Getting too greedy?
Do you really want the theological explanation, or are you simply trolling and will reject it out of hand for the 150th time? Because I can give it to you, but it can get lengthy. Tell you what, it's far afield from the thread topic, so if you really want to know, start a thread on it and I'll educate you. Otherwise, I'll assume all you're doing is trying to derail the thread.
So you have nothing, got it.

Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
Church is for losers, next time you go, just look around.

You’re welcome any time
Mormons and Muslims are the 2 biggest bunches of losers.
These must be examples of you being such a good person. :lol:
Actually if you knew me, you'd find a million examples of me being generous and kind. Calling things out as they are is just reality. Too bad for you. Now go hug a Muslim and hope he doesn't blow up. :biggrin:
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it.
Why does god want you to please him? Is He an attention grabbing needy being?
There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it.

There are no "good people" ...

the Triumph of Good vs Evil is the religion of Antiquity, your 4th century version is in contrast to the stated goal, how do you reconcile the difference.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it.
Why does god want you to please him? Is He an attention grabbing needy being?

Because it's best for us.
There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it.

There are no "good people" ...

the Triumph of Good vs Evil is the religion of Antiquity, your 4th century version is in contrast to the stated goal, how do you reconcile the difference.

The battle of Good Vs Evil is the battle of all time, not just antiquity. We lost and we lose, ultimately. With one Way out.
Church is for losers, next time you go, just look around.

You’re welcome any time
Mormons and Muslims are the 2 biggest bunches of losers.
These must be examples of you being such a good person. :lol:
Actually if you knew me, you'd find a million examples of me being generous and kind. Calling things out as they are is just reality. Too bad for you. Now go hug a Muslim and hope he doesn't blow up. :biggrin:
I've seen your racist posts, Taz. Don't piss on me and tell me it is raining.
There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it.

There are no "good people" ...

the Triumph of Good vs Evil is the religion of Antiquity, your 4th century version is in contrast to the stated goal, how do you reconcile the difference.

The battle of Good Vs Evil is the battle of all time, not just antiquity. We lost and we lose, ultimately. With one Way out.
the Triumph of Good vs Evil is the religion of Antiquity, your 4th century version is in contrast to the stated goal, how do you reconcile the difference.

The battle of Good Vs Evil is the battle of all time, not just antiquity. We lost and we lose, ultimately. With one Way out.

do you have anything to say when you post ...
"It's what happened in church, I hated it, and then I went out to tell everyone I hated it, because no one cares what I have to say, but I hate it, so I have to stop people from having conversations about what I hate, because I HATE IT!!!!"

End of the line, Monkey Boy. No one cares whether or not you believe in anything. Everyone does the opposite of caring what you think is stupid and intelligent. This thread is not about, and is not going to be about, you attacking religion or touting what you naively believe to be science.

You are off-topic.
But if you have no solid answer for what me and hadi are discussing, why butt in? Are you some kind of control freak? Nobody can ask a question in your precious thread without you okaying it? Discussions can't develop?

The solid answer to what you're discussing is "Stop hijacking the thread to get attention, moron".

And no, nobody can "ask questions in my thread" that are about derailing it. You want to develop a discussion about how you think your mental disorder makes you smart, go start your own thread.
Just ignore me and I'll discuss things related to the OP with others. Don't be so grumpy. If you don't want anyone to challenge what you say, ignore it. Or I could send you a hankie?

Oh, no. You came in here, capering around in your jester costume, demanding that everything and everyone focus on you, despite being told repeatedly to quit. I think you're very close to getting what you mistakenly and vainly claim to want.

Meanwhile, you will NOT continue to discuss your attempts to hijack the thread, nor am I under any obligation to let you do so. I suggest you re-read the forum rules about off-topic posts. This thread is not now, never has been, and never will be about your hatred of religion.
I don't hate religion , I just find them silly because they have no proof of god.
The proof is all around you. You just won't accept it because you are not ready to accept it. But the ultimate proof can only be found by entering into a relationship with God. Something you are unwilling to do. God is not a mystery to be solved, God is a relationship to be entered into. Only then will you discover his love for you and the power to transform yourself.
There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it.

There are no "good people" ...

the Triumph of Good vs Evil is the religion of Antiquity, your 4th century version is in contrast to the stated goal, how do you reconcile the difference.

The battle of Good Vs Evil is the battle of all time, not just antiquity. We lost and we lose, ultimately. With one Way out.
the Triumph of Good vs Evil is the religion of Antiquity, your 4th century version is in contrast to the stated goal, how do you reconcile the difference.

The battle of Good Vs Evil is the battle of all time, not just antiquity. We lost and we lose, ultimately. With one Way out.

do you have anything to say when you post ...

Well I tried to interact best I could with your post which was rather incoherent to be honest. If you write with clarity that would be better.
There are no "good people" by God's measures. A single sin keeps you out of heaven. When you are born again you're expected to be grateful enough to live to please God. Not perfectly, but better. That's it
Well, frankly, that's all nauseating and stupid.
Well, I'm glad that churches have a variety of worship styles. They do, however, need to be consistent and strong in spreading the entire Gospel message. It's a life changing message, not just a feel good thing.

If you want to lose weight, you have to change eating and exercise patterns and it makes you feel miserable for a while, but then you start realizing the benefits and you actually feel better.

When you become a Christian, God expects your life patterns to change, and that can be hard. But when you do, you start realizing the benefits and you would never go back.
So good people don't need god? Thanks for clearing that up.

You have no idea what's going on in the church today, yet you think you feel qualified to post on this thread. Interesting.

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