What Happened to Church?

As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.
Except it isn’t.

All real religions regard people all around the world as potential followers who should share in the glory.
Or kill them JIHAD!!!! CRUSADES !!!! JESUS!!!!!! ...
Islam is not a real religion.

It is cult created by a pedophile.

You mean like Christianity and the Pope?
I'm not planning to dignify his childish demands to "reason" God down to his arbitrary and meaningless parameters.
I.e., the basic standards of objective evidence.

I would never truly ask you to perform such a task, as I know you cannot. Thus, faith. You bring such requests on yourself, by claiming you have evidence or proof. Save yourself the bother, and admit you have neither of these things.
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.

Give with the evidence or admit you're full of it and ticked that your attempts to derail the thread are getting you nowhere. IOW, show where I hate Muslims and Mexicans.
You follow the bible and voted for Trump. Now you know.

IOW, you're full of it.
You're claiming some moral high ground and vote for a Mango Mussolini. What church is that?

Hey, it's obvious you have nothing to prove that I hate either Muslims or Mexicans, yet you continue digging the hole deeper and deeper and can't bring yourself to admit you're full of it. How intelligent is that? I thought you wanted to live your life by fact and reason. Here's your chance to prove you really do.

BTW, it's awesome that the OP is able to happily worship with that congregation. Another generation exposed to the truth of the Gospel.
Did you vote for Trump?
That is evidence. Do you not speak English? Don't you know what *evidence* means?
He said the church doesn't owe me evidence. So how are they going to convince me about god if they have nothing?
The church doesn't owe you evidence.
That doesn't mean the evidence isn't there. Changed lives = evidence.
So you go somewhere and believe something without caring if it's real or not and your life is changed? Seems pretty shallow. I need something to sink my teeth into.

So talk to the people whose lives have been changed. Hear their testimonies.

You'll listen to a handful of scientists and believe them, despite having no ability of your own to verify what they have to say, but totally ignore the testimony of the millions throughout history who have encountered God.

This is something the modern church is failing to emphasize. They went to be popular with those who will never accept them more than to please the One they claim to serve.

You certainly said a mouthful there.
Ya, a mouthful of cum.
Would you accept evidence that only you can verify, or would you insist somebody else has to tell you it's true?
It's the method of verification that important, not who performs it.

Please put aside this dithering. If there is evidence, it can be presented.

Talk to those whose lives have been dramatically changed by their encounters with God.
Why? That would not be evidence of anything. If 10 people told you that they had conversations with their houseplants, would you consider that to be evidence that houseplants talk?

Of course not .You are reserving an absurd standard of evidence for your preferred set of religious beliefs.

When millions upon millions of people throughout history all testify to the same thing, and I experience it myself, I have no problem believing it. You want it all laid out in front of you, complete with signed affidavits from your favorite <fill in the blank here> to convince you it's for real. That's not the way it works.

I think you and Fort both misunderstand. I'm not planning to dignify his childish demands to "reason" God down to his arbitrary and meaningless parameters. When I say that I believe Taz is on the verge of getting the evidence he/she (?) foolishly prattles about wanting, I'm saying that I believe God Himself is about to respond to Taz. I have no idea what form that will take; I'm not God. I just know it's about to happen.
I went and had another dump. Was that what god had in mind for me?
When millions upon millions of people throughout history all testify to the same thing, and I experience it myself, I have no problem believing it.
Oh, then you must have no problem believing that Mohammed is the one true prophet. And that the sun and moon are gods that revolve around the earth. Or that the multitude of Hindu gods are real, or that the month of your birth decides your personality.

Again...you are reserving absurd standards of evidence for your preferred set of religious beliefs.

What experiences have millions upon millions had with Mohammed? You're ignoring that in favor of dogma.
Mexican is a nationality.

Islam is a religion.

Big difference.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.

No, you are, and you project that onto everything around you.

I pity you. You're nothing but a snarling, feral, wounded animal, huddling in your empty, meaningless existence and lashing out at everyone around you in an attempt to make them as miserable and hollow as you are because you think it will somehow make you feel better about yourself. You've walked through your entire life ignoring countless opportunities to have what you're looking for because they weren't what you thought they should be, and then blaming God and cursing Him for not preventing the consequences of your own decisions.

You think you want God to prove Himself to you, but you don't. You scoff at His existence, but believe me, the very last thing in the world you want is for Him to give you what you so casually demand of Him. God will not be mocked, and if you keep prancing around challenging Him, He is eventually going to give you what you ignorantly ask for.
I'm asking for proof of god's existence. So you're saying that if I keep up what I'm doing, God will give me the proof I seek? COOL!

They're saying you won't like it when He does.
Would you accept evidence that only you can verify, or would you insist somebody else has to tell you it's true?
It's the method of verification that important, not who performs it.

Please put aside this dithering. If there is evidence, it can be presented.

Talk to those whose lives have been dramatically changed by their encounters with God.
Why? That would not be evidence of anything. If 10 people told you that they had conversations with their houseplants, would you consider that to be evidence that houseplants talk?

Of course not .You are reserving an absurd standard of evidence for your preferred set of religious beliefs.

When millions upon millions of people throughout history all testify to the same thing, and I experience it myself, I have no problem believing it. You want it all laid out in front of you, complete with signed affidavits from your favorite <fill in the blank here> to convince you it's for real. That's not the way it works.

I think you and Fort both misunderstand. I'm not planning to dignify his childish demands to "reason" God down to his arbitrary and meaningless parameters. When I say that I believe Taz is on the verge of getting the evidence he/she (?) foolishly prattles about wanting, I'm saying that I believe God Himself is about to respond to Taz. I have no idea what form that will take; I'm not God. I just know it's about to happen.

And it will not be pretty.
I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Here ya go:

"On December 1975, Hopkins became fed up with his own behavior, saying his character at the time was “disgusted, busted and not to be trusted.

"That month, he attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting where a woman changed his life by asking, “Why don’t you just trust in God?”

"The Oscar winner said that after that moment, he was never once tempted to touch alcohol again."


I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Here ya go:

That is a personal anecdote, and it is not evidence. If he said that talking houseplants saved him, would that be evidence that houseplants talk? Of course not.

This entire conversation is absurd, really. Either you are proud of your faith and admit it is faith, or you are neither and claim it is not faith. Stick to the former, as you will fail miserably to claim it is the latter.
I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Here ya go:

That is a personal anecdote, and it is not evidence. If he said that talking houseplants saved him, would that be evidence that houseplants talk? Of course not.

This entire conversation is absurd, really. Either you are proud of your faith and admit it is faith, or you are neither and claim it is not faith. Stick to the former, as you will fail miserably to claim it is the latter.

Again, the left proves it does not understand the words it uses.

Personal anecdotes are powerful evidence. That's why people testify before the courts.First hand accounts are courtroom gold.
Personal anecdotes are powerful evidence.
They are not, and they are the worst kind of evidence. And you agree completely, whenever the anecdotes do not align with your personal superstitions and fetishes.
You continue to be a retard. This is why I ignore you idiots. It gets tiresome to constantly school you.



Evidence that is known to a witness as a result of direct participation or observation.

Related Legal Terms & Definitions
  • EVIDENTIARY That which is or qualifies for as evidence. For example, a witness observation about how…
  • TESTIMONY Evidence of a witness; evidence given by a witness, under oath or affirmation..."
Definition of FIRST HAND EVIDENCE • Law Dictionary • TheLaw.com
Personal anecdotes are powerful evidence.
They are not, and they are the worst kind of evidence. And you agree completely, whenever the anecdotes do not align with your personal superstitions and fetishes.
You continue to be a retard. This is why I ignore you idiots. It gets tiresome to constantly school you.



Evidence that is known to a witness as a result of direct participation or observation.

Related Legal Terms & Definitions
  • EVIDENTIARY That which is or qualifies for as evidence. For example, a witness observation about how…
  • TESTIMONY Evidence of a witness; evidence given by a witness, under oath or affirmation..."
Definition of FIRST HAND EVIDENCE • Law Dictionary • TheLaw.com
Those are the standards for a court of law, for deciding an opinion. Anecdotes can be entered as evidence. Maybe that will come in handy for you, the next time we task a judge or jury with deciding the truth of your religious nonsense. But that will never happen, so you waste your time.

And, of course, should a judge or jury conclude that Islam is true, and Christianity is false, based on anecdotal evidence....well then you will just reject all of the nonsense you are peddling right now.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.

No, you are, and you project that onto everything around you.

I pity you. You're nothing but a snarling, feral, wounded animal, huddling in your empty, meaningless existence and lashing out at everyone around you in an attempt to make them as miserable and hollow as you are because you think it will somehow make you feel better about yourself. You've walked through your entire life ignoring countless opportunities to have what you're looking for because they weren't what you thought they should be, and then blaming God and cursing Him for not preventing the consequences of your own decisions.

You think you want God to prove Himself to you, but you don't. You scoff at His existence, but believe me, the very last thing in the world you want is for Him to give you what you so casually demand of Him. God will not be mocked, and if you keep prancing around challenging Him, He is eventually going to give you what you ignorantly ask for.
I'm asking for proof of god's existence. So you're saying that if I keep up what I'm doing, God will give me the proof I seek? COOL!

They're saying you won't like it when He does.
Show me something god did to someone to punish them.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.

No, you are, and you project that onto everything around you.

I pity you. You're nothing but a snarling, feral, wounded animal, huddling in your empty, meaningless existence and lashing out at everyone around you in an attempt to make them as miserable and hollow as you are because you think it will somehow make you feel better about yourself. You've walked through your entire life ignoring countless opportunities to have what you're looking for because they weren't what you thought they should be, and then blaming God and cursing Him for not preventing the consequences of your own decisions.

You think you want God to prove Himself to you, but you don't. You scoff at His existence, but believe me, the very last thing in the world you want is for Him to give you what you so casually demand of Him. God will not be mocked, and if you keep prancing around challenging Him, He is eventually going to give you what you ignorantly ask for.
I'm asking for proof of god's existence. So you're saying that if I keep up what I'm doing, God will give me the proof I seek? COOL!

They're saying you won't like it when He does.
Show me something god did to someone to punish them.

He vanished into thin air, hid his face,(so to speak), left them alone, and abandoned them to their insanity...

No one knows what that is like better than you.
I went to a new church for the first time this morning (because I moved to a new city a few months back, and now I need to find a new church home), and I have to say I don't feel even remotely sufficiently churched.

Maybe I'm just really old-fashioned. I grew up in the same two churches throughout my life; in fact, my husband and I were married in one of them. They were both good-sized, but neither was a "mega-church", and it was not only possible to know everyone in the church, it was impossible NOT to. The services took upwards of two hours from start to finish, and they happened three times a week. When the service ended, there were often people still praying at the altars (this church doesn't even HAVE altars), and it took at least another hour for people to get done talking and interacting and head out the doors. The song service was inclusive; the entire congregation worshipping God through music together.

This service was over in an hour; the song service was the "worship team" - basically a music group - giving a performance with lights and videos on screens and a FOG MACHINE, for crying out loud. It was a lot more like going to a concert than anything interactive. Everyone was out the door in about fifteen minutes, the pastors (they apparently have a huge heirarchy of them) were nowhere in sight, and there was no effort made to even identify new attendees, much less meet them and make them feel welcome. The sermon was still on-point in the Word of God, and they don't seem to have edited out the "icky" parts so many churches do - y'know, references to the Crucifixion, blood, death, Hell, all that uncomfortable stuff - but I have to wonder how you're supposed to learn and grow and connect with the Christian community and draw closer to God when an hour a week of listening to other people perform is all the effort you put into it.
For most people nowadays going to church is just keeping up with the Joneses
I won’t argue that we as a people have not forgotten God because we have. People who pay lip service to God is nothing new. But tragedy and suffering has a way of making people remember God. I’m pretty sure he has everything under control.

All true. However, I'm not planning on taking "God has it under control" as license to do nothing myself. I very much believe that God began making the need to find a church home so uppermost in my mind because He has something He wants me to be doing, and I'm beginning to believe He made the drive-through Christianity that has become so prevalent obvious to me as part of that (I only physically attended one other church, but I questioned my sister extensively about her church and I spent a lot of time looking into other churches after the first, because I didn't want to spend weeks going through the exact same thing). I suspect that, down the line, God is planning to shake up His church, and there are going to need to be congregations that are strong and vibrant and ready to lead the way. I'm praying for this new pastor whoever he is, that the church chooses someone who is ready to lead in that direction. And whatever I'm supposed to be doing, when God tells me what that is, is supposed to be part of all that.

Mark 15 :16
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Be his disciple
Religion is all about hating the other.

No, you are, and you project that onto everything around you.

I pity you. You're nothing but a snarling, feral, wounded animal, huddling in your empty, meaningless existence and lashing out at everyone around you in an attempt to make them as miserable and hollow as you are because you think it will somehow make you feel better about yourself. You've walked through your entire life ignoring countless opportunities to have what you're looking for because they weren't what you thought they should be, and then blaming God and cursing Him for not preventing the consequences of your own decisions.

You think you want God to prove Himself to you, but you don't. You scoff at His existence, but believe me, the very last thing in the world you want is for Him to give you what you so casually demand of Him. God will not be mocked, and if you keep prancing around challenging Him, He is eventually going to give you what you ignorantly ask for.
I'm asking for proof of god's existence. So you're saying that if I keep up what I'm doing, God will give me the proof I seek? COOL!

They're saying you won't like it when He does.
Show me something god did to someone to punish them.

He vanished into thin air, hid his face,(so to speak), left them alone, and abandoned them to their insanity...

No one knows what that is like better than you.
So you have nothing. Again.
No, you are, and you project that onto everything around you.

I pity you. You're nothing but a snarling, feral, wounded animal, huddling in your empty, meaningless existence and lashing out at everyone around you in an attempt to make them as miserable and hollow as you are because you think it will somehow make you feel better about yourself. You've walked through your entire life ignoring countless opportunities to have what you're looking for because they weren't what you thought they should be, and then blaming God and cursing Him for not preventing the consequences of your own decisions.

You think you want God to prove Himself to you, but you don't. You scoff at His existence, but believe me, the very last thing in the world you want is for Him to give you what you so casually demand of Him. God will not be mocked, and if you keep prancing around challenging Him, He is eventually going to give you what you ignorantly ask for.
I'm asking for proof of god's existence. So you're saying that if I keep up what I'm doing, God will give me the proof I seek? COOL!

They're saying you won't like it when He does.
Show me something god did to someone to punish them.

He vanished into thin air, hid his face,(so to speak), left them alone, and abandoned them to their insanity...

No one knows what that is like better than you.
So you have nothing. Again.

Wrong Taz. God is with me continuously and has been without fail, every single day for decades. He tells me his secrets, shares with me his treasures, reveals to me his wisdom, and has welcomed me into his sanctuary...

You have nothing. No God, no vision, no morals, no ethics, no honesty, no purpose, no peace.

You cry about it every day.

Who do you think you're fooling?

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