What Happened to Church?

It's what happened to church, they tell you to spout nonsense. Scientists are at least looking for what's out there, you stopped on an invisible sky daddy that NOBODY has ever seen. That's what happened to church.

Most scientific advances throughout history were made by believers. What is really happening to the church today is the Gospel is being watered down into squabbles about money and the color of the carpet, anything but experiencing true power.
So are there any real churches left out there?

A few. They're small, they don't advertise, don't go on TV begging for money, or lobby Congress. They just serve their communities, preach the Gospel, and work as God directs.
Name 3.

You're looking for denominational names. I can give you individual Church names, but you would never have heard of them. You would immediately try to look them up online, desperately searching for anything negative you could use against them. You don't understand what the Church is even called to do, so how can you possibly have a clue when they are?
So again, you have nothing. Got it.
Nice example of the Christophobe's contempt for fellow humans and general lack of civility. Care to join the 21st century?
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.
Mexican is a nationality.

Islam is a religion.

Big difference.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.
Except it isn’t.

All real religions regard people all around the world as potential followers who should share in the glory.
I'm aware. The point is that non-Christians always seem to think all Christianity is the Catholic Church.
Ceci's just been schooled. non-Christians know about Protestants, and all the other denominations. You've just been schooled again.
I used to be a Catholic.

My husband was raised Catholic. He converted to my faith ten months after we had married. He said that the personal relationship with God taught in my faith was a big factor, both in his conversion AND in his decision to marry me.
I bet he'd like a mulligan on that decision. Or did he already divorce you? :biggrin:

YOU brought it up.

Just curious, is church really full of people with no sense of humour?
I bet he'd like a mulligan on that decision. Or did he already divorce you? :biggrin:

Nice example of the Christophobe's contempt for fellow humans and general lack of civility. Care to join the 21st century?
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.

Give with the evidence or admit you're full of it and ticked that your attempts to derail the thread are getting you nowhere. IOW, show where I hate Muslims and Mexicans.
You follow the bible and voted for Trump. Now you know.
You claim to be a moral humanist and you voted Democrat when they are nothing but a giant hate group.
Libertarian - Johnson. A lot of things in his platform I agreed with.
You need to study some American history.

Some of our greatest founders were deists.

A deist is someone who believes in a creator, but doesn’t follow any religious doctrine and doesn’t necessarily believe the creator interacts with its creation.
Well that's a little less stupid than Christianity. But you still have no proof. And that's what happened to church.

The biggest proof is the changed lives, but you don't accept that. You want physical miracles, but you wouldn't accept them unless someone else told you they were valid. The church didn't owe you evidence, it only owes God redeemed people.
Well if the church has no evidence, what are people going on? Anything at all? :dunno:

That is evidence. Do you not speak English? Don't you know what *evidence* means?
He said the church doesn't owe me evidence. So how are they going to convince me about god if they have nothing?
The church doesn't owe you evidence.
That doesn't mean the evidence isn't there. Changed lives = evidence.
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.
Mexican is a nationality.

Islam is a religion.

Big difference.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.
Except it isn’t.

All real religions regard people all around the world as potential followers who should share in the glory.
Or kill them JIHAD!!!! CRUSADES !!!! JESUS!!!!!! ...
Yes, but those things I COULD see if I wanted to, I wouldn't need to go to science mass every week to pay money to have someone tell me, not show me, why the earth isn't flat, like you all use to think.
You have a lab that shows gravity waves when neutron stars collide? This I'd like to see. Heck, I wouldn't mind having that kind of setup in my back yard. Tell me how you did it.

Researchers get paid by someone, and ultimately you pay that bill when you pay taxes and purchase things from the sponsors, so yes, you do go to science mass. Now, tell me again what this has to do with the thread topic.
It's what happened to church, they tell you to spout nonsense. Scientists are at least looking for what's out there, you stopped on an invisible sky daddy that NOBODY has ever seen. That's what happened to church.

"It's what happened in church, I hated it, and then I went out to tell everyone I hated it, because no one cares what I have to say, but I hate it, so I have to stop people from having conversations about what I hate, because I HATE IT!!!!"

End of the line, Monkey Boy. No one cares whether or not you believe in anything. Everyone does the opposite of caring what you think is stupid and intelligent. This thread is not about, and is not going to be about, you attacking religion or touting what you naively believe to be science.

You are off-topic.
But if you have no solid answer for what me and hadi are discussing, why butt in? Are you some kind of control freak? Nobody can ask a question in your precious thread without you okaying it? Discussions can't develop?

The solid answer to what you're discussing is "Stop hijacking the thread to get attention, moron".

And no, nobody can "ask questions in my thread" that are about derailing it. You want to develop a discussion about how you think your mental disorder makes you smart, go start your own thread.
Just ignore me and I'll discuss things related to the OP with others. Don't be so grumpy. If you don't want anyone to challenge what you say, ignore it. Or I could send you a hankie?
wtf is that? It sounds like it has something to do with a dick, yours or someone else's?
You need to study some American history.

Some of our greatest founders were deists.

A deist is someone who believes in a creator, but doesn’t follow any religious doctrine and doesn’t necessarily believe the creator interacts with its creation.
Well that's a little less stupid than Christianity. But you still have no proof. And that's what happened to church.

The biggest proof is the changed lives, but you don't accept that. You want physical miracles, but you wouldn't accept them unless someone else told you they were valid. The church didn't owe you evidence, it only owes God redeemed people.
Well if the church has no evidence, what are people going on? Anything at all? :dunno:

Their lives are changed, they see the lives of their family members and neighbors changed. This is where you get left out.
So people have problems, go to church to believe in unproven stuff, and suddenly their lives are changed and they have no more problems? What planet is this on?
I bet he'd like a mulligan on that decision. Or did he already divorce you? :biggrin:

Nice example of the Christophobe's contempt for fellow humans and general lack of civility. Care to join the 21st century?
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.

Give with the evidence or admit you're full of it and ticked that your attempts to derail the thread are getting you nowhere. IOW, show where I hate Muslims and Mexicans.
You follow the bible and voted for Trump. Now you know.

YOU and hadi attacked MY civility first. How is my response off topic? Or are you admitting that YOU YOURSELF are off topic constantly?
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.
Mexican is a nationality.

Islam is a religion.

Big difference.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
I'll be back later, I have to go take a dump. Ceci, hold my spot!

Why you feel the need to go somewhere to take a dump when literally every word you post is feces is beyond everyone.
I bet he'd like a mulligan on that decision. Or did he already divorce you? :biggrin:

Nice example of the Christophobe's contempt for fellow humans and general lack of civility. Care to join the 21st century?
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.

Give with the evidence or admit you're full of it and ticked that your attempts to derail the thread are getting you nowhere. IOW, show where I hate Muslims and Mexicans.
You follow the bible and voted for Trump. Now you know.

IOW, you're full of it.
You're claiming some moral high ground and vote for a Mango Mussolini. What church is that?
Mexican is a nationality.

Islam is a religion.

Big difference.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.
Except it isn’t.

All real religions regard people all around the world as potential followers who should share in the glory.
Or kill them JIHAD!!!! CRUSADES !!!! JESUS!!!!!! ...
Islam is not a real religion.

It is cult created by a pedophile.
Well that's a little less stupid than Christianity. But you still have no proof. And that's what happened to church.

The biggest proof is the changed lives, but you don't accept that. You want physical miracles, but you wouldn't accept them unless someone else told you they were valid. The church didn't owe you evidence, it only owes God redeemed people.
Well if the church has no evidence, what are people going on? Anything at all? :dunno:

That is evidence. Do you not speak English? Don't you know what *evidence* means?
He said the church doesn't owe me evidence. So how are they going to convince me about god if they have nothing?
The church doesn't owe you evidence.
That doesn't mean the evidence isn't there. Changed lives = evidence.
So you go somewhere and believe something without caring if it's real or not and your life is changed? Seems pretty shallow. I need something to sink my teeth into.
aka teaching them the belief system and culture that gave us the strongest, most free, most prosperous nation in the history of humanity,
No it didn't, you charlatan. Classical liberalism, scientific enlightenment, and secular government gave us that. That is why this country has been here for only 240 years, while the bronze age fairy tale of Christianity has been around for 2000 years. What an absurd claim on your part.

Your morality chiefly comes from when and where you were born, and it is thrust upon you in spite of the bronze age fairy tale. I've seen your zealotry....had you been born 1000 yearsago, you would have gleefully been stoning misbehaving women in the streets. So get your magical nonsense out of here....
Last edited:
Nice example of the Christophobe's contempt for fellow humans and general lack of civility. Care to join the 21st century?
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.
Mexican is a nationality.

Islam is a religion.

Big difference.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.

No, you are, and you project that onto everything around you.

I pity you. You're nothing but a snarling, feral, wounded animal, huddling in your empty, meaningless existence and lashing out at everyone around you in an attempt to make them as miserable and hollow as you are because you think it will somehow make you feel better about yourself. You've walked through your entire life ignoring countless opportunities to have what you're looking for because they weren't what you thought they should be, and then blaming God and cursing Him for not preventing the consequences of your own decisions.

You think you want God to prove Himself to you, but you don't. You scoff at His existence, but believe me, the very last thing in the world you want is for Him to give you what you so casually demand of Him. God will not be mocked, and if you keep prancing around challenging Him, He is eventually going to give you what you ignorantly ask for.
Yes, the entire millennia-long history of Christianity is all about the Inquisition and witch trials.

While you're sanctimoniously condemning the Church, and alloting yourself some sort of moral high ground, how about we look at what atheism did for humanity?

Yes, the entire millennia-long history of Christianity is all about the Inquisition and witch trials ...


since the 4th century christianity has a recorded history of unabated persecution and victimization of the innocents their society unjustifiably proclaim through their book as a mission for their own salvation.

nothing has changed or ever will change in their church till the underlying forgeries embedded in their document are removed or rectified as possible by the congregations that are willing to find justice where there is non were they ever allowed to flourish. a new beginning.

how about we look at what atheism did for humanity ...

your illustrations simply demonstrate the depravity your own spirit has inflicted upon itself ... by deceit.
Ceci's just been schooled. non-Christians know about Protestants, and all the other denominations. You've just been schooled again.
I used to be a Catholic.

My husband was raised Catholic. He converted to my faith ten months after we had married. He said that the personal relationship with God taught in my faith was a big factor, both in his conversion AND in his decision to marry me.
I bet he'd like a mulligan on that decision. Or did he already divorce you? :biggrin:

YOU brought it up.

Just curious, is church really full of people with no sense of humour?

Lie to yourself if it works for you. I see what you are, and God sees it. You cannot score across a faith you cannot even see, let alone comprehend; but if you keep trying, you will end up with more understanding that you ever wanted.
You have a lab that shows gravity waves when neutron stars collide? This I'd like to see. Heck, I wouldn't mind having that kind of setup in my back yard. Tell me how you did it.

Researchers get paid by someone, and ultimately you pay that bill when you pay taxes and purchase things from the sponsors, so yes, you do go to science mass. Now, tell me again what this has to do with the thread topic.
It's what happened to church, they tell you to spout nonsense. Scientists are at least looking for what's out there, you stopped on an invisible sky daddy that NOBODY has ever seen. That's what happened to church.

"It's what happened in church, I hated it, and then I went out to tell everyone I hated it, because no one cares what I have to say, but I hate it, so I have to stop people from having conversations about what I hate, because I HATE IT!!!!"

End of the line, Monkey Boy. No one cares whether or not you believe in anything. Everyone does the opposite of caring what you think is stupid and intelligent. This thread is not about, and is not going to be about, you attacking religion or touting what you naively believe to be science.

You are off-topic.
But if you have no solid answer for what me and hadi are discussing, why butt in? Are you some kind of control freak? Nobody can ask a question in your precious thread without you okaying it? Discussions can't develop?

The solid answer to what you're discussing is "Stop hijacking the thread to get attention, moron".

And no, nobody can "ask questions in my thread" that are about derailing it. You want to develop a discussion about how you think your mental disorder makes you smart, go start your own thread.
Just ignore me and I'll discuss things related to the OP with others. Don't be so grumpy. If you don't want anyone to challenge what you say, ignore it. Or I could send you a hankie?

Oh, no. You came in here, capering around in your jester costume, demanding that everything and everyone focus on you, despite being told repeatedly to quit. I think you're very close to getting what you mistakenly and vainly claim to want.

Meanwhile, you will NOT continue to discuss your attempts to hijack the thread, nor am I under any obligation to let you do so. I suggest you re-read the forum rules about off-topic posts. This thread is not now, never has been, and never will be about your hatred of religion.
The biggest proof is the changed lives, but you don't accept that. You want physical miracles, but you wouldn't accept them unless someone else told you they were valid. The church didn't owe you evidence, it only owes God redeemed people.
Well if the church has no evidence, what are people going on? Anything at all? :dunno:

That is evidence. Do you not speak English? Don't you know what *evidence* means?
He said the church doesn't owe me evidence. So how are they going to convince me about god if they have nothing?
The church doesn't owe you evidence.
That doesn't mean the evidence isn't there. Changed lives = evidence.
So you go somewhere and believe something without caring if it's real or not and your life is changed? Seems pretty shallow. I need something to sink my teeth into.

So talk to the people whose lives have been changed. Hear their testimonies.

You'll listen to a handful of scientists and believe them, despite having no ability of your own to verify what they have to say, but totally ignore the testimony of the millions throughout history who have encountered God.

This is something the modern church is failing to emphasize. They went to be popular with those who will never accept them more than to please the One they claim to serve.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.
Except it isn’t.

All real religions regard people all around the world as potential followers who should share in the glory.
Or kill them JIHAD!!!! CRUSADES !!!! JESUS!!!!!! ...
Islam is not a real religion.

It is cult created by a pedophile.


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