What Happened to Church?

Nice example of the Christophobe's contempt for fellow humans and general lack of civility. Care to join the 21st century?
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.

Give with the evidence or admit you're full of it and ticked that your attempts to derail the thread are getting you nowhere. IOW, show where I hate Muslims and Mexicans.
You follow the bible and voted for Trump. Now you know.

IOW, you're full of it.
You're claiming some moral high ground and vote for a Mango Mussolini. What church is that?

Hey, it's obvious you have nothing to prove that I hate either Muslims or Mexicans, yet you continue digging the hole deeper and deeper and can't bring yourself to admit you're full of it. How intelligent is that? I thought you wanted to live your life by fact and reason. Here's your chance to prove you really do.

BTW, it's awesome that the OP is able to happily worship with that congregation. Another generation exposed to the truth of the Gospel.
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Yes, the entire millennia-long history of Christianity is all about the Inquisition and witch trials.

While you're sanctimoniously condemning the Church, and alloting yourself some sort of moral high ground, how about we look at what atheism did for humanity?

Yes, the entire millennia-long history of Christianity is all about the Inquisition and witch trials ...

View attachment 207380

since the 4th century christianity has a recorded history of unabated persecution and victimization of the innocents their society unjustifiably proclaim through their book as a mission for their own salvation.

nothing has changed or ever will change in their church till the underlying forgeries embedded in their document are removed or rectified as possible by the congregations that are willing to find justice where there is non were they ever allowed to flourish. a new beginning.

how about we look at what atheism did for humanity ...

your illustrations simply demonstrate the depravity your own spirit has inflicted upon itself ... by deceit.

This is the garbage that passes for history in our schools. It's criminal.
Praying for TAZ's salvation and for the scales to fall off her eyes this very moment.
aka teaching them the belief system and culture that gave us the strongest, most free, most prosperous nation in the history of humanity,
No it didn't, you charlatan. Classical liberalism, scientific enlightenment, and secular government gave us that. That is why this country has been here for only 240 years, while the bronze age fairy tale of Christianity has been around for 2000 years. What an absurd claim on your part.

Your morality chiefly comes from when and where you were born, and it is thrust upon you in spite of the bronze age fairy tale. I've seen your zealotry....had you been born 1000 yearsago, you would have gleefully been stoning misbehaving women in the streets. So get your magical nonsense out of here....

If you don't like my "magical nonsense", why do you insist on following me around everywhere, for the specific purpose of HEARING it and bitching about it? You're the one who keeps hotfooting it back in here every time someone posts. It certainly isn't as though anyone wanted you around.

You just keep right on telling me how I have to leave the thread I started and/or stop talking about the topic I started the thread to discuss. See how well that works for you. Or, alternatively, you could just go talk to people who actually value your presence, assuming you can find any.
Well if the church has no evidence, what are people going on? Anything at all? :dunno:

That is evidence. Do you not speak English? Don't you know what *evidence* means?
He said the church doesn't owe me evidence. So how are they going to convince me about god if they have nothing?
The church doesn't owe you evidence.
That doesn't mean the evidence isn't there. Changed lives = evidence.
So you go somewhere and believe something without caring if it's real or not and your life is changed? Seems pretty shallow. I need something to sink my teeth into.

So talk to the people whose lives have been changed. Hear their testimonies.

You'll listen to a handful of scientists and believe them, despite having no ability of your own to verify what they have to say, but totally ignore the testimony of the millions throughout history who have encountered God.

This is something the modern church is failing to emphasize. They went to be popular with those who will never accept them more than to please the One they claim to serve.

You certainly said a mouthful there.
why do you insist on following me around everywhere, for the specific purpose of HEARING it and bitching about it?
That makes no sense. First, I rarely post to you. Second, i am responding to an unsolicited post by you.
stop talking about the topic I started the thread to discuss.

.if your outrageois claim was on topic, then so was my direct response to it. You said something incorrect, and now you're trying to whine your way out of it. And, as I recall, even my first post of the thread--right on topic -- drew a dismissive, angry response from you. So let's be clear: you didn't start the thread for a discussion, you started it for self validation.

But go ahead and send the thread back on topic...I won't trouble you further...
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Yes, the entire millennia-long history of Christianity is all about the Inquisition and witch trials.

While you're sanctimoniously condemning the Church, and alloting yourself some sort of moral high ground, how about we look at what atheism did for humanity?

Yes, the entire millennia-long history of Christianity is all about the Inquisition and witch trials ...

View attachment 207380

since the 4th century christianity has a recorded history of unabated persecution and victimization of the innocents their society unjustifiably proclaim through their book as a mission for their own salvation.

nothing has changed or ever will change in their church till the underlying forgeries embedded in their document are removed or rectified as possible by the congregations that are willing to find justice where there is non were they ever allowed to flourish. a new beginning.

how about we look at what atheism did for humanity ...

your illustrations simply demonstrate the depravity your own spirit has inflicted upon itself ... by deceit.

This is the garbage that passes for history in our schools. It's criminal.
This is the garbage that passes for history in our schools. It's criminal.

It's criminal ...

your endorsement is noted.

history is an acknowledgement of the facts, obviously something your congregation can not come to grips with. your comfort level belies the reality you ignore.
Praying for TAZ's salvation and for the scales to fall off her eyes this very moment.

I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him, and be very careful what he/she wishes for.
Yes, the entire millennia-long history of Christianity is all about the Inquisition and witch trials.

While you're sanctimoniously condemning the Church, and alloting yourself some sort of moral high ground, how about we look at what atheism did for humanity?

Yes, the entire millennia-long history of Christianity is all about the Inquisition and witch trials ...

View attachment 207380

since the 4th century christianity has a recorded history of unabated persecution and victimization of the innocents their society unjustifiably proclaim through their book as a mission for their own salvation.

nothing has changed or ever will change in their church till the underlying forgeries embedded in their document are removed or rectified as possible by the congregations that are willing to find justice where there is non were they ever allowed to flourish. a new beginning.

how about we look at what atheism did for humanity ...

your illustrations simply demonstrate the depravity your own spirit has inflicted upon itself ... by deceit.

This is the garbage that passes for history in our schools. It's criminal.
This is the garbage that passes for history in our schools. It's criminal.

It's criminal ...

your endorsement is noted.

history is an acknowledgement of the facts, obviously something your congregation can not come to grips with. your comfort level belies the reality you ignore.

What on earth are you yammering about?

See there's a cognitive issue there that is universal to anti-Christian imbeciles.
I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.

I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Would you accept evidence that only you can verify, or would you insist somebody else has to tell you it's true?
I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Would you accept evidence that only you can verify, or would you insist somebody else has to tell you it's true?
It's the method of verification that important, not who performs it.

Please put aside this dithering. If there is evidence, it can be presented.
I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Would you accept evidence that only you can verify, or would you insist somebody else has to tell you it's true?
It's the method of verification that important, not who performs it.

Please put aside this dithering. If there is evidence, it can be presented.

Talk to those whose lives have been dramatically changed by their encounters with God.
I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Would you accept evidence that only you can verify, or would you insist somebody else has to tell you it's true?
It's the method of verification that important, not who performs it.

Please put aside this dithering. If there is evidence, it can be presented.

Talk to those whose lives have been dramatically changed by their encounters with God.
Why? That would not be evidence of anything. If 10 people told you that they had conversations with their houseplants, would you consider that to be evidence that houseplants talk?

Of course not .You are reserving an absurd standard of evidence for your preferred set of religious beliefs.
I think Taz should take a closer look at what happens when God decides to give people undeniable evidence of Him
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Would you accept evidence that only you can verify, or would you insist somebody else has to tell you it's true?
It's the method of verification that important, not who performs it.

Please put aside this dithering. If there is evidence, it can be presented.

Talk to those whose lives have been dramatically changed by their encounters with God.
Why? That would not be evidence of anything. If 10 people told you that they had conversations with their houseplants, would you consider that to be evidence that houseplants talk?

Of course not .You are reserving an absurd standard of evidence for your preferred set of religious beliefs.

When millions upon millions of people throughout history all testify to the same thing, and I experience it myself, I have no problem believing it. You want it all laid out in front of you, complete with signed affidavits from your favorite <fill in the blank here> to convince you it's for real. That's not the way it works.
When millions upon millions of people throughout history all testify to the same thing, and I experience it myself, I have no problem believing it.
Oh, then you must have no problem believing that Mohammed is the one true prophet. And that the sun and moon are gods that revolve around the earth. Or that the multitude of Hindu gods are real, or that the month of your birth decides your personality.

Again...you are reserving absurd standards of evidence for your preferred set of religious beliefs.
I have a general lack of civility, says the god lover who hates Muslims and Mexicans.
Mexican is a nationality.

Islam is a religion.

Big difference.
He hates them both. The religious right all do.
As opposed to the “religious left” hating white people?
Religion is all about hating the other.

No, you are, and you project that onto everything around you.

I pity you. You're nothing but a snarling, feral, wounded animal, huddling in your empty, meaningless existence and lashing out at everyone around you in an attempt to make them as miserable and hollow as you are because you think it will somehow make you feel better about yourself. You've walked through your entire life ignoring countless opportunities to have what you're looking for because they weren't what you thought they should be, and then blaming God and cursing Him for not preventing the consequences of your own decisions.

You think you want God to prove Himself to you, but you don't. You scoff at His existence, but believe me, the very last thing in the world you want is for Him to give you what you so casually demand of Him. God will not be mocked, and if you keep prancing around challenging Him, He is eventually going to give you what you ignorantly ask for.
I'm asking for proof of god's existence. So you're saying that if I keep up what I'm doing, God will give me the proof I seek? COOL!
I used to be a Catholic.

My husband was raised Catholic. He converted to my faith ten months after we had married. He said that the personal relationship with God taught in my faith was a big factor, both in his conversion AND in his decision to marry me.
I bet he'd like a mulligan on that decision. Or did he already divorce you? :biggrin:

YOU brought it up.

Just curious, is church really full of people with no sense of humour?

Lie to yourself if it works for you. I see what you are, and God sees it. You cannot score across a faith you cannot even see, let alone comprehend; but if you keep trying, you will end up with more understanding that you ever wanted.
That's my whole point, to gain understanding of proof of god. So when do I get it? Any clue? Or are you just babbling?
Oh, well then, it should be no problem for you to present that evidence right here and now. After all, that's the function of evidence...it is compelling and it is the same for anyone who looks at it.


Would you accept evidence that only you can verify, or would you insist somebody else has to tell you it's true?
It's the method of verification that important, not who performs it.

Please put aside this dithering. If there is evidence, it can be presented.

Talk to those whose lives have been dramatically changed by their encounters with God.
Why? That would not be evidence of anything. If 10 people told you that they had conversations with their houseplants, would you consider that to be evidence that houseplants talk?

Of course not .You are reserving an absurd standard of evidence for your preferred set of religious beliefs.

When millions upon millions of people throughout history all testify to the same thing, and I experience it myself, I have no problem believing it. You want it all laid out in front of you, complete with signed affidavits from your favorite <fill in the blank here> to convince you it's for real. That's not the way it works.

I think you and Fort both misunderstand. I'm not planning to dignify his childish demands to "reason" God down to his arbitrary and meaningless parameters. When I say that I believe Taz is on the verge of getting the evidence he/she (?) foolishly prattles about wanting, I'm saying that I believe God Himself is about to respond to Taz. I have no idea what form that will take; I'm not God. I just know it's about to happen.
It's what happened to church, they tell you to spout nonsense. Scientists are at least looking for what's out there, you stopped on an invisible sky daddy that NOBODY has ever seen. That's what happened to church.

"It's what happened in church, I hated it, and then I went out to tell everyone I hated it, because no one cares what I have to say, but I hate it, so I have to stop people from having conversations about what I hate, because I HATE IT!!!!"

End of the line, Monkey Boy. No one cares whether or not you believe in anything. Everyone does the opposite of caring what you think is stupid and intelligent. This thread is not about, and is not going to be about, you attacking religion or touting what you naively believe to be science.

You are off-topic.
But if you have no solid answer for what me and hadi are discussing, why butt in? Are you some kind of control freak? Nobody can ask a question in your precious thread without you okaying it? Discussions can't develop?

The solid answer to what you're discussing is "Stop hijacking the thread to get attention, moron".

And no, nobody can "ask questions in my thread" that are about derailing it. You want to develop a discussion about how you think your mental disorder makes you smart, go start your own thread.
Just ignore me and I'll discuss things related to the OP with others. Don't be so grumpy. If you don't want anyone to challenge what you say, ignore it. Or I could send you a hankie?

Oh, no. You came in here, capering around in your jester costume, demanding that everything and everyone focus on you, despite being told repeatedly to quit. I think you're very close to getting what you mistakenly and vainly claim to want.

Meanwhile, you will NOT continue to discuss your attempts to hijack the thread, nor am I under any obligation to let you do so. I suggest you re-read the forum rules about off-topic posts. This thread is not now, never has been, and never will be about your hatred of religion.
I don't hate religion , I just find them silly because they have no proof of god.

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