What happened to "Jobs Jobs Jobs"????



Watching Morning Joe was very interesting.

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

on the Republican side.

Mika Brzezinski

on the Democratic side.

Naturally, those four guys were going to town with an amazing show of "rewritten" history insisting they wanted to deal "only with reality".

Then Michael Steele said the voters spoke LOUD AND CLEAR in November that they wanted Washington to bring down the deficit, according to Steele. Which was really odd to me. Because I saw this a little different:

Unemployment was high
Republicans ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were angry that the Bush/Republican fiasco hadn't been cleaned up fast enough
Republicans said their number one priority would be "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were desperate for jobs
Republicans chanted "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Republicans were "swept back into office"
Where according to Michael Steele, the message, loud and clear was, "Work on the Deficit".

See, Republicans ran on "Job Jobs Jobs", or did they? Not according to Steele.

Well, let's review the jobs packages the Republicans work on:

They worked on the Obama "Stimulus Plan" for jobs. Making a third to half tax cuts (think Pay Roll) and working to gut the rest.

Then there were their other jobs packages, like, well, someone help me here.....

So, according to the four Republicans on MJ, Republicans want to extend this debate until the next presidential election, where, I'm guessing they will once again on "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

Will America fall for it again? They ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then did nothing for "Jobs Jobs Jobs". I'm guessing because "Jobs Jobs Jobs" was "code" for "work on the deficit"?

Will Republicans have another landslide? Will they run on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Will America believe that again? With the deficit in the middle of an election? Will America send a message that it was about "Jobs Jobs Jobs" or "work on the deficit"?

So what was it?

Jobs jobs jobs?


Work on the deficit?
Watching Morning Joe was very interesting.

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

on the Republican side.

Mika Brzezinski

on the Democratic side.

Naturally, those four guys were going to town with an amazing show of "rewritten" history insisting they wanted to deal "only with reality".

Then Michael Steele said the voters spoke LOUD AND CLEAR in November that they wanted Washington to bring down the deficit, according to Steele. Which was really odd to me. Because I saw this a little different:

Unemployment was high
Republicans ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were angry that the Bush/Republican fiasco hadn't been cleaned up fast enough
Republicans said their number one priority would be "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were desperate for jobs
Republicans chanted "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Republicans were "swept back into office"
Where according to Michael Steele, the message, loud and clear was, "Work on the Deficit".

See, Republicans ran on "Job Jobs Jobs", or did they? Not according to Steele.

Well, let's review the jobs packages the Republicans work on:

They worked on the Obama "Stimulus Plan" for jobs. Making a third to half tax cuts (think Pay Roll) and working to gut the rest.

Then there were their other jobs packages, like, well, someone help me here.....

So, according to the four Republicans on MJ, Republicans want to extend this debate until the next presidential election, where, I'm guessing they will once again on "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

Will America fall for it again? They ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then did nothing for "Jobs Jobs Jobs". I'm guessing because "Jobs Jobs Jobs" was "code" for "work on the deficit"?

Will Republicans have another landslide? Will they run on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Will America believe that again? With the deficit in the middle of an election? Will America send a message that it was about "Jobs Jobs Jobs" or "work on the deficit"?

So what was it?

Jobs jobs jobs?


Work on the deficit?

Hey.......I watched that as well s0n.

Anybody who watched Morning Joe this am, clearly came away with the perception that, right now, Obama and the left are just kicking ass politically as the country soars upward!!!:D Especially with the contributions from a guy like Bob Woodward who has been hammering people like George Bush for years now. You came away from that segment thinking, "Shit........Obama is unbeatable!!":D:D
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Actually s0n..............THIS is what you saw this morning on MSNBC...........


Hey.........I know how it feels s0n. I was there back 2 1/2 years ago. It stings like shit.......makes you bitter.

Back of the bus for awhile s0n:2up:
Over 800 days with no budget, obie doodle budget voted down 97-0,, no energy policy, unfriendly business environment, punishing the successful, obie doodle care, trillions pissed away with NOTHING to show for it.. that's what happened to the jobs jobs jobs,, there aren't and there never were any shovel ready jobs.. unemplyment up 9.2%, groceries sky high, energy sky high, gasoline sky high, the only thing NOT going up is rdean's intelligence quotient.
Watching Morning Joe was very interesting.

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

on the Republican side.

Mika Brzezinski

on the Democratic side.

Naturally, those four guys were going to town with an amazing show of "rewritten" history insisting they wanted to deal "only with reality".

Then Michael Steele said the voters spoke LOUD AND CLEAR in November that they wanted Washington to bring down the deficit, according to Steele. Which was really odd to me. Because I saw this a little different:

Unemployment was high
Republicans ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were angry that the Bush/Republican fiasco hadn't been cleaned up fast enough
Republicans said their number one priority would be "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were desperate for jobs
Republicans chanted "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Republicans were "swept back into office"
Where according to Michael Steele, the message, loud and clear was, "Work on the Deficit".

See, Republicans ran on "Job Jobs Jobs", or did they? Not according to Steele.

Well, let's review the jobs packages the Republicans work on:

They worked on the Obama "Stimulus Plan" for jobs. Making a third to half tax cuts (think Pay Roll) and working to gut the rest.

Then there were their other jobs packages, like, well, someone help me here.....

So, according to the four Republicans on MJ, Republicans want to extend this debate until the next presidential election, where, I'm guessing they will once again on "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

Will America fall for it again? They ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then did nothing for "Jobs Jobs Jobs". I'm guessing because "Jobs Jobs Jobs" was "code" for "work on the deficit"?

Will Republicans have another landslide? Will they run on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Will America believe that again? With the deficit in the middle of an election? Will America send a message that it was about "Jobs Jobs Jobs" or "work on the deficit"?

So what was it?

Jobs jobs jobs?


Work on the deficit?

Hey.......I watched that as well s0n.

Anybody who watched Morning Joe this am, clearly came away with the perception that, right now, Obama and the left are just kicking ass politically as the country soars upward!!!:D Especially with the contributions from a guy like Bob Woodward who has been hammering people like George Bush for years now. You came away from that segment thinking, "Shit........Obama is unbeatable!!"

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

as guests and that was their message?


You didn't watch it. Can't right wingers ever tell the truth? Is "lie" part of their DNA or do they get it from their religion? "Nature or nurture"?
I thought Obama said he was committed to jobs jobs jobs. I recall him saying that several times in the last 3 years. He also said his health care plan would allow you to keep your plan and your doctor. He also said Obamacare would not add one dime to the deficit. He also said he would not cum in Larry Sinclair's mouth and would still love him in the morning.
And the GOP is responsible for this, how?
Watching Morning Joe was very interesting.

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

on the Republican side.

Mika Brzezinski

on the Democratic side.

Naturally, those four guys were going to town with an amazing show of "rewritten" history insisting they wanted to deal "only with reality".

Then Michael Steele said the voters spoke LOUD AND CLEAR in November that they wanted Washington to bring down the deficit, according to Steele. Which was really odd to me. Because I saw this a little different:

Unemployment was high
Republicans ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were angry that the Bush/Republican fiasco hadn't been cleaned up fast enough
Republicans said their number one priority would be "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were desperate for jobs
Republicans chanted "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Republicans were "swept back into office"
Where according to Michael Steele, the message, loud and clear was, "Work on the Deficit".

See, Republicans ran on "Job Jobs Jobs", or did they? Not according to Steele.

So what was it?

Jobs jobs jobs?


Work on the deficit?

Well, the fact you are putting Bob Woodward on the "Republican" side of an argument is kind of a tell, but were you watching the same 2010 election I was?

Republicans didn't run on "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs", they ran on Obamacare, which everyone hates, they ran on the fact government spends too much, the deficit is too big and government is overreaching. To the degree they did run on "Jobs", it was that Obama dumped a trillion dollars into payoffs for his union thug buddies and unemployment actually went up.

I'm sure the fact that Obama has had an unemployment rate 9% or over for his entire term hasn't helped him all that much, but neither has much of anything else. He's really his own worst enemy.

When Bill Clinton lost in the midterms in 1994, he had the good sense to triangulate, to pick out the best ideas and hijack them while opposing the unpopular ones (even ones he had previously endorsed, like controlling Medicare Spending).

Obama acted like 2010 didn't happen. His own arrogance has brought him to this point.
Dean, don't expect an answer. You won't get one. You'll get platitudes, witty commentary, bumper sticker talking points and insults to the President, but you won't get an answer.

What's the number one concern of the American people today? I'll give ya'll a hint...it isn't the debt or deficit.
Watching Morning Joe was very interesting.

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

on the Republican side.

Mika Brzezinski

on the Democratic side.

Naturally, those four guys were going to town with an amazing show of "rewritten" history insisting they wanted to deal "only with reality".

Then Michael Steele said the voters spoke LOUD AND CLEAR in November that they wanted Washington to bring down the deficit, according to Steele. Which was really odd to me. Because I saw this a little different:

Unemployment was high
Republicans ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were angry that the Bush/Republican fiasco hadn't been cleaned up fast enough
Republicans said their number one priority would be "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were desperate for jobs
Republicans chanted "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Republicans were "swept back into office"
Where according to Michael Steele, the message, loud and clear was, "Work on the Deficit".

See, Republicans ran on "Job Jobs Jobs", or did they? Not according to Steele.

Well, let's review the jobs packages the Republicans work on:

They worked on the Obama "Stimulus Plan" for jobs. Making a third to half tax cuts (think Pay Roll) and working to gut the rest.

Then there were their other jobs packages, like, well, someone help me here.....

So, according to the four Republicans on MJ, Republicans want to extend this debate until the next presidential election, where, I'm guessing they will once again on "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

Will America fall for it again? They ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then did nothing for "Jobs Jobs Jobs". I'm guessing because "Jobs Jobs Jobs" was "code" for "work on the deficit"?

Will Republicans have another landslide? Will they run on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Will America believe that again? With the deficit in the middle of an election? Will America send a message that it was about "Jobs Jobs Jobs" or "work on the deficit"?

So what was it?

Jobs jobs jobs?


Work on the deficit?

Hey.......I watched that as well s0n.

Anybody who watched Morning Joe this am, clearly came away with the perception that, right now, Obama and the left are just kicking ass politically as the country soars upward!!!:D Especially with the contributions from a guy like Bob Woodward who has been hammering people like George Bush for years now. You came away from that segment thinking, "Shit........Obama is unbeatable!!"

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

as guests and that was their message?


You didn't watch it. Can't right wingers ever tell the truth? Is "lie" part of their DNA or do they get it from their religion? "Nature or nurture"?

you're right.........I didnt watch it or hear the Led Zeppelin OTHAFA bumper music!!!:fu:

s0n.........you and yours are losing BIG..........and you know it too!!!!!!!!!!
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Dean, don't expect an answer. You won't get one. You'll get platitudes, witty commentary, bumper sticker talking points and insults to the President, but you won't get an answer.

What's the number one concern of the American people today? I'll give ya'll a hint...it isn't the debt or deficit.

Republicans didn't run on jobs, and he thinks Bob Woodward is a Republican. Since his premise is false, he can't expect an answer.

But yeah, the fact Obama has had unemployment over 9% for nearly his entire term isn't helping him...
Over 800 days with no budget, obie doodle budget voted down 97-0,, no energy policy, unfriendly business environment, punishing the successful, obie doodle care, trillions pissed away with NOTHING to show for it.. that's what happened to the jobs jobs jobs,, there aren't and there never were any shovel ready jobs.. unemplyment up 9.2%, groceries sky high, energy sky high, gasoline sky high, the only thing NOT going up is rdean's intelligence quotient.


Come on now Willow.

Deany et al aren't interested in your facts.

They still think Barry Boy and his possee are the greatest.

Personally I can't believe anyone could think this loser is the greatest at anything. He sure sucks at POTUS.
Dean, don't expect an answer. You won't get one. You'll get platitudes, witty commentary, bumper sticker talking points and insults to the President, but you won't get an answer.

What's the number one concern of the American people today? I'll give ya'll a hint...it isn't the debt or deficit.

he got answers. you don't like them but they are THE answers..
Watching Morning Joe was very interesting.

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

on the Republican side.

Mika Brzezinski

on the Democratic side.

Naturally, those four guys were going to town with an amazing show of "rewritten" history insisting they wanted to deal "only with reality".

Then Michael Steele said the voters spoke LOUD AND CLEAR in November that they wanted Washington to bring down the deficit, according to Steele. Which was really odd to me. Because I saw this a little different:

Unemployment was high
Republicans ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were angry that the Bush/Republican fiasco hadn't been cleaned up fast enough
Republicans said their number one priority would be "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were desperate for jobs
Republicans chanted "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Republicans were "swept back into office"
Where according to Michael Steele, the message, loud and clear was, "Work on the Deficit".

See, Republicans ran on "Job Jobs Jobs", or did they? Not according to Steele.

Well, let's review the jobs packages the Republicans work on:

They worked on the Obama "Stimulus Plan" for jobs. Making a third to half tax cuts (think Pay Roll) and working to gut the rest.

Then there were their other jobs packages, like, well, someone help me here.....

So, according to the four Republicans on MJ, Republicans want to extend this debate until the next presidential election, where, I'm guessing they will once again on "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

Will America fall for it again? They ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then did nothing for "Jobs Jobs Jobs". I'm guessing because "Jobs Jobs Jobs" was "code" for "work on the deficit"?

Will Republicans have another landslide? Will they run on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Will America believe that again? With the deficit in the middle of an election? Will America send a message that it was about "Jobs Jobs Jobs" or "work on the deficit"?

So what was it?

Jobs jobs jobs?


You have to ask

Work on the deficit?

what was the stimulus for?
I do not recall the GOP running on a jobs platform
And how could they have made an impact when they have had no power in congress sense 07 and none of it except the house from 09 (The house now for 7 months and 3 weeks+-)
Watching Morning Joe was very interesting.

Michael Steele
Pat Buchanan
Joe Scarborough
Bob Woodward

on the Republican side.

Mika Brzezinski

on the Democratic side.

Naturally, those four guys were going to town with an amazing show of "rewritten" history insisting they wanted to deal "only with reality".

Then Michael Steele said the voters spoke LOUD AND CLEAR in November that they wanted Washington to bring down the deficit, according to Steele. Which was really odd to me. Because I saw this a little different:

Unemployment was high
Republicans ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were angry that the Bush/Republican fiasco hadn't been cleaned up fast enough
Republicans said their number one priority would be "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Americans were desperate for jobs
Republicans chanted "Jobs Jobs Jobs"
Republicans were "swept back into office"
Where according to Michael Steele, the message, loud and clear was, "Work on the Deficit".

See, Republicans ran on "Job Jobs Jobs", or did they? Not according to Steele.

Well, let's review the jobs packages the Republicans work on:

They worked on the Obama "Stimulus Plan" for jobs. Making a third to half tax cuts (think Pay Roll) and working to gut the rest.

Then there were their other jobs packages, like, well, someone help me here.....

So, according to the four Republicans on MJ, Republicans want to extend this debate until the next presidential election, where, I'm guessing they will once again on "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

Will America fall for it again? They ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then did nothing for "Jobs Jobs Jobs". I'm guessing because "Jobs Jobs Jobs" was "code" for "work on the deficit"?

Will Republicans have another landslide? Will they run on "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Will America believe that again? With the deficit in the middle of an election? Will America send a message that it was about "Jobs Jobs Jobs" or "work on the deficit"?

So what was it?

Jobs jobs jobs?


Work on the deficit?

Republicans don't care about jobs.

They only care about the extraction companies, Wall Street, the wealthy, and the religious right.
Dean, don't expect an answer. You won't get one. You'll get platitudes, witty commentary, bumper sticker talking points and insults to the President, but you won't get an answer.

What's the number one concern of the American people today? I'll give ya'll a hint...it isn't the debt or deficit.

Republicans didn't run on jobs, and he thinks Bob Woodward is a Republican. Since his premise is false, he can't expect an answer.

But yeah, the fact Obama has had unemployment over 9% for nearly his entire term isn't helping him...

Sure they did..

Republican candidates speak on job creation at fundraiser

At area stop, Scott Walker touts plan to add 250,000 jobs in Wisconsin

Can Rick Scott keep jobs promise?
That "stimulus" really was something, eh?

What a buffoon Obama is.

Yes, the stimulus was something (Something that saved us from the brink of disaster according to top economists). It was certainly something that GnOP candidates that panned it, took credit for.


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