What happened to the Mueller report?

When you threaten people with process crimes to say what you want to hear, how can anybody be trusted in this case? When you start an investigation for no reason at all, nobody can be trusted. When there are no set limitations to the supposed crimes being investigated, nobody can be trusted.

This entire thing is an anti-Trump scam and you ask if I'll believe the outcome?

You ought to savor that degree of idiocy.

So, Mueller threatens people with "process crimes" so as to get them to cooperate. And, since they are under duress, their testimony cannot be trusted. Hence the outcome is also not trustworthy.

When, what really happened is those called to testify lied to prosecutors to cover up their Russian connection, and Mueller found out about the lies. This is because Mueller deals in facts and evidence, and those testifying mendaciously deal in lies and obfuscation.

And this demented, Trump-fluffing moron "thinks" he has a case against Mueller.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime.
Really? You mean except when it's the FBI doing it busting in your door at 4AM and seizing your computer and papers like they did for Mueller? Then it is legal. It is good law enforcement. Any time you expose criminal matters that the perp was trying to conceal from the voters of America, that's not a CRIME, RW, it is REFRESHING JUSTICE. Just funny it took a handful of Russians to do it because we'd all grow old waiting for the DOJ to ever investigate a democrat!
Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids: you mean like George Papadopoulos, 14 day sentence? You mean like Manafort, who only worked for Trump for a few months, indicted for stuff he did long before he and Trump ever met? Or maybe you mean Rick Gates, indicted for one little false statement? If we indicted Hillary on every false statement she's made, she'd serve 203 life sentences. Flynn? Same thing.

Richard Pinedo, ID theft. 6 months and home probation.
Alex van der Zwaan
: 30 days.
Michael Cohen: lessee: stuff he did before he worked for Trump, taxi business, paid off some hos who made ALLEGED charges and other chickenshit.
Roger Stone: another case of lying, this time about trying to get hold of Wikileaks. Is THAT the big crime?
Oh, then there is a sundry list of Russians known to playing loose with various scams to try to pass as Americans talking bad about Hillary in cyberspace where no one I know of even read them and the guys who actually did a public service by busting loose the dirty crap the DNC was trying to hide from the public's eyes. THERE was a crime worthy of investigation, what was revealed about the DNC.

All are offering information to Mueller
Hopefully somewhere in there will be something useful like as good recipe for borscht soup. :p
Flynn,Manafort, Stone, Papadapolus, Gates

All have evidence on Trump to report

Then why hasn't it been reported? And don't give me that Mueller doesn't work like that. If he can tell CNN to set up stage to arrest a 66 year old harmless man, he certainly would be telling them about all this evidence.

Mueller is simply waiting for the Moon to align with the 7th House to release his flood of Trump evidence!

Trump is the sunshine coming in shining on all of the little cockroaches.

It seems to me they throw out this BS when they are trying to take our minds off something else. Perhaps that's the plan. Keep this thing around so they can detour our thoughts when needed. Like I said, this may be going on until next election where they will announce a report coming out right afterwards.

Like I said in another post recently, the entire point to the Mueller Probe for Mueller is to cash in one more time on the money cow for himself. For everyone else, it boils down to two things:
  1. Something to buoy the hopes and spirits of the Left to keep their support alive for the DNC by making them think they are going to get Trump any minute now. That there is some huge "gottcha" right around the corner to make up for Hillary and theirs humiliating defeat.
  2. The idea that if they came down hard as possible on every person they could hang a parking ticket on somehow connected to Trump that they'd rattle him into somehow tripping himself up with some hereto unknown skeleton in his closet.



Kenneth Star was because of known suborning of perjury. Bob Mueller is because they want to tie Trump up enough to prevent him from executing his plans in the hopes he doesn't win a second term. IN OTHER WORDS: the Mueller probe itself is the very tampering with the outcome of an election it was supposedly put there to investigate!

Sorry bitches they will be indeed.
Be careful what you ask for. To this point, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and other insiders have been constrained from publicly disclosing what they know, due to the ongoing investigation. The end of that investigation is going to loosen a lot of tongues.

New Attorney General William Barr publicly stated to Sean Hannity on the air that he will arrest Andrew McCabe and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.

What deals do you think the deep state traitor will cut to avoid the needle?

What's he waiting for?
Trump surrounded himself with crooks and thieves

Yet you claim he is the only one innocent

I claim nothing. I'm asking for the proof. Was the people around Obama or Hillary ever put through the tunneling electron Mueller microscope as has been Trump? NOPE. Just because no one ever looked, I can't presume things wouldn't have been found there too. So far, Mueller has indictments of people for petty shit, much of it BEFORE Trump with convictions for 30 days and 6 months. The truly HARDCORE among us.

So . . . . your case is because Mueller found foibles on a few of them after looking up their asses with a flashlight, that TRUMP MUST BE PRESUMED GUILTY of something as well? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You really are desperate for SOMETHING, aren't you?

News flash: we are so overcome with massive, excessive laws in this country, that hardly a one of us couldn't be found guilty of some crime if we looked hard enough. It's just that they tend to look a lot HARDER when it involves a Republican.
Not only was the Great Obama scandal free, so were the people around him

That's what happens when you have a whole criminal enterprise of people protecting each other.
Republicans controlled Congress and investigated the hell out of the Obama administration

They found zilch

The FBI found that Umma had classified materials on a computer her husband was using.
The FBI found that Hillary lied before Congress multiple times.
The FBI destroyed Umma's computer to hide evidence of wrongdoing.
Hillary destroyed evidence that was subpoenaed by the US Congress.
Hillary took a hammer and destroyed two government phones.
The FBI agents working on the Trump case both had extremely negative opinions of Trump.
The DNC refused to let the FBI examine their server that was hacked.
Bill Clinton met with Lynch to have a private meeting on her plane.
Lynch refused to recuse herself from the investigation.
Comey instructed Lynch to not proceed with charges against Hillary.

Yeah, they found zilch.

And that is only the icing on the cake! I would only add that the FBI did not record Hillary's interviews though they normally always do, the FBI allowed a person to represent Hillary who was themselves under investigation too, Lynch actually met with Bill Clinton aboard HIS plane while Hillary was under investigation, and that Comey has NO authority to direct AG Lynch in her prosecutions.

In every step of the process, the government showed extreme bias and leniency towards Hillary and practically bent over backwards in an unprecedented way to keep her out of prison so she could move ahead with her election bid.

Oh, and BTW, could any of Trump's associates told the FBI they were simply refusing to allow them to examine their computer??? I mean, since when does anyone have that choice? Other than the DNC.
Try reading my post again.
1.no collusion found
2. no Russians in prison
3. did find deep state conspiracy and a coup attempt
4. watch the videos

What did you think re-posting that pap would accomplish?

1. Post a link to the Mueller report, please.

2. LOL! You now want the U.S. to invade Russia to get them?

3. LOL! You actually, really believe a discussion about following constitutional procedure to remove an obviously incompetent president is a "coup attempt"? A few dozen inebriated high-school girls combined couldn't hope to match your level of hysteria.

4. Nope. That would be 43 minutes of my life wasted on InfoWars-level idiocy. You've been spamming these boards for weeks with that nonsense. Couldn't get any takers? And you still can't guess why that is?
Oh, and BTW, could any of Trump's associates told the FBI they were simply refusing to allow them to examine their computer??? I mean, since when does anyone have that choice? Other than the DNC.

Ah, you think those suspected to be perpetrators of crimes (Trump and his henchmen) should be treated the same way as, say, victims of crimes - like folks whose computers were hacked?

You know, you should occasionally bear in mind that others might not be as demented as you obviously are.
I claim nothing. I'm asking for the proof. Was the people around Obama or Hillary ever put through the tunneling electron Mueller microscope as has been Trump? NOPE. Just because no one ever looked, I can't presume things wouldn't have been found there too. So far, Mueller has indictments of people for petty shit, much of it BEFORE Trump with convictions for 30 days and 6 months. The truly HARDCORE among us.

So . . . . your case is because Mueller found foibles on a few of them after looking up their asses with a flashlight, that TRUMP MUST BE PRESUMED GUILTY of something as well? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You really are desperate for SOMETHING, aren't you?

News flash: we are so overcome with massive, excessive laws in this country, that hardly a one of us couldn't be found guilty of some crime if we looked hard enough. It's just that they tend to look a lot HARDER when it involves a Republican.
Not only was the Great Obama scandal free, so were the people around him

That's what happens when you have a whole criminal enterprise of people protecting each other.
Republicans controlled Congress and investigated the hell out of the Obama administration

They found zilch

The FBI found that Umma had classified materials on a computer her husband was using.
The FBI found that Hillary lied before Congress multiple times.
The FBI destroyed Umma's computer to hide evidence of wrongdoing.
Hillary destroyed evidence that was subpoenaed by the US Congress.
Hillary took a hammer and destroyed two government phones.
The FBI agents working on the Trump case both had extremely negative opinions of Trump.
The DNC refused to let the FBI examine their server that was hacked.
Bill Clinton met with Lynch to have a private meeting on her plane.
Lynch refused to recuse herself from the investigation.
Comey instructed Lynch to not proceed with charges against Hillary.

Yeah, they found zilch.
Indictments = 0
Convictions = 0

You keep going by convictions as if that were a measure of anything. The best lawyers top job is to get their guilty client off. Do you ever try looking at the evidence and facts? I remind you one of the most guilty people in American history was untouchable for years and years, too, until they finally got him on tax evasion--- --- --- John Gotti. The problem with Hillary is that the government doesn't want to convict her of anything, because she has dirt on half of them as well.
That sums it up. The Mueller investigation is a charge looking for a crime.
Russian hacking was a crime

It's only a crime to the person(s) that did it. Trump's only crime is that he beat Hillary and is in the position of exposing the coupe that existed during DumBama.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.

Apparently crimes only Democrats are exempted from prosecution for, , like treason, or funding terrorists in Iran, or promoting racist violence, or hiring thugs to break up rallies,and many other crimes popular with your Party.
Republicans controlled Congress
They could prosecute anyone they wanted

Problem is you need actual evidence instead of conspiracy theories

Very naive you are.

Republicans never truly control anything.
They are gutless, spineless cowards.
The deep state decides who gets prosecuted, and they are mostly leftists.
Oh, and BTW, could any of Trump's associates told the FBI they were simply refusing to allow them to examine their computer??? I mean, since when does anyone have that choice? Other than the DNC.

Ah, you think those suspected to be perpetrators of crimes (Trump and his henchmen) should be treated the same way as, say, victims of crimes - like folks whose computers were hacked?

You know, you should occasionally bear in mind that others might not be as demented as you obviously are.

Hey Jackass,
If I have a computer full of criminal material about a presidential candidate that I'm hiding from the world to help her get elected, and someone inside gets wise and exposes it, or the law suspects and seizes it, either way, justice has been served.

Funny how when Trumps 2008 tax return was illegally and criminally stolen and released to a newspaper (which only showed he paid his taxes in full), nary a cry from you I heard.
I'll save everyone a great deal of time.

The Cliff Notes version of the Mueller report:

Try reading my post again.
1.no collusion found
2. no Russians in prison
3. did find deep state conspiracy and a coup attempt
4. watch the videos

What did you think re-posting that pap would accomplish?

1. Post a link to the Mueller report, please.

2. LOL! You now want the U.S. to invade Russia to get them?

3. LOL! You actually, really believe a discussion about following constitutional procedure to remove an obviously incompetent president is a "coup attempt"? A few dozen inebriated high-school girls combined couldn't hope to match your level of hysteria.

4. Nope. That would be 43 minutes of my life wasted on InfoWars-level idiocy. You've been spamming these boards for weeks with that nonsense. Couldn't get any takers? And you still can't guess why that is?

1. Duh, you won't see the Mueller Report, just a summary by AG Barr.
2. So WTF was worth $50m? The guilty escaped.
3. Grow a brain before you post nonsense. Just watch and see who ends up in prison orange.
4. If you prefer to delude yourself with bullshit instead of seeing the actual truth, that's your stupidity. The courts are sorting thru the mess and the guilty will be in prison.
I claim nothing. I'm asking for the proof. Was the people around Obama or Hillary ever put through the tunneling electron Mueller microscope as has been Trump? NOPE. Just because no one ever looked, I can't presume things wouldn't have been found there too. So far, Mueller has indictments of people for petty shit, much of it BEFORE Trump with convictions for 30 days and 6 months. The truly HARDCORE among us.

So . . . . your case is because Mueller found foibles on a few of them after looking up their asses with a flashlight, that TRUMP MUST BE PRESUMED GUILTY of something as well? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You really are desperate for SOMETHING, aren't you?

News flash: we are so overcome with massive, excessive laws in this country, that hardly a one of us couldn't be found guilty of some crime if we looked hard enough. It's just that they tend to look a lot HARDER when it involves a Republican.
Not only was the Great Obama scandal free, so were the people around him

That's what happens when you have a whole criminal enterprise of people protecting each other.
Republicans controlled Congress and investigated the hell out of the Obama administration

They found zilch

The FBI found that Umma had classified materials on a computer her husband was using.
The FBI found that Hillary lied before Congress multiple times.
The FBI destroyed Umma's computer to hide evidence of wrongdoing.
Hillary destroyed evidence that was subpoenaed by the US Congress.
Hillary took a hammer and destroyed two government phones.
The FBI agents working on the Trump case both had extremely negative opinions of Trump.
The DNC refused to let the FBI examine their server that was hacked.
Bill Clinton met with Lynch to have a private meeting on her plane.
Lynch refused to recuse herself from the investigation.
Comey instructed Lynch to not proceed with charges against Hillary.

Yeah, they found zilch.

And that is only the icing on the cake! I would only add that the FBI did not record Hillary's interviews though they normally always do, the FBI allowed a person to represent Hillary who was themselves under investigation too, Lynch actually met with Bill Clinton aboard HIS plane while Hillary was under investigation, and that Comey has NO authority to direct AG Lynch in her prosecutions.

In every step of the process, the government showed extreme bias and leniency towards Hillary and practically bent over backwards in an unprecedented way to keep her out of prison so she could move ahead with her election bid.

Oh, and BTW, could any of Trump's associates told the FBI they were simply refusing to allow them to examine their computer??? I mean, since when does anyone have that choice? Other than the DNC.

Well that's the left for ya. Their computer gets hacked under the leadership of Barack Obama, so they blame Donald Trump.

What I believe is that Bill met with Lynch to tell him about her problem. How could she not bring charges against his wife given all the evidence found? Bill told her the fix was in. Just publicly announce you will follow the recommendations of the FBI director, and you are off the hook.

That's exactly what she did. No other time did a FBI director ever give recommendations to the AG. Their job is simply to investigate and deliver their findings. Nobody even questioned how she came to the decision she would take advice on how to do her job from somebody else.
Be careful what you ask for. To this point, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and other insiders have been constrained from publicly disclosing what they know, due to the ongoing investigation. The end of that investigation is going to loosen a lot of tongues.

New Attorney General William Barr publicly stated to Sean Hannity on the air that he will arrest Andrew McCabe and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.

What deals do you think the deep state traitor will cut to avoid the needle?

What's he waiting for?

No idea. What did Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada wait two years for?
Be careful what you ask for. To this point, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and other insiders have been constrained from publicly disclosing what they know, due to the ongoing investigation. The end of that investigation is going to loosen a lot of tongues.

New Attorney General William Barr publicly stated to Sean Hannity on the air that he will arrest Andrew McCabe and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.

What deals do you think the deep state traitor will cut to avoid the needle?

What's he waiting for?

No idea. What did Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada wait two years for?

Your claim re Barr is unbelievable. If it were true, he wouldn't wait. How 'bout a link to Barr "publicly stating"?
1. Duh, you won't see the Mueller Report, just a summary by AG Barr.

So you're counting on Barr hiding the report.

I can understand why Trumpers would want to hide it and all but...

We'll see, Maybe Barr is more honest that you think
When you threaten people with process crimes to say what you want to hear, how can anybody be trusted in this case? When you start an investigation for no reason at all, nobody can be trusted. When there are no set limitations to the supposed crimes being investigated, nobody can be trusted.

This entire thing is an anti-Trump scam and you ask if I'll believe the outcome?

You ought to savor that degree of idiocy.

So, Mueller threatens people with "process crimes" so as to get them to cooperate. And, since they are under duress, their testimony cannot be trusted. Hence the outcome is also not trustworthy.

When, what really happened is those called to testify lied to prosecutors to cover up their Russian connection, and Mueller found out about the lies. This is because Mueller deals in facts and evidence, and those testifying mendaciously deal in lies and obfuscation.

And this demented, Trump-fluffing moron "thinks" he has a case against Mueller.

You people are so comical. One side of your people said repeatedly that Trump never wanted to be President in the first place. On the other side, you say Trump was so desperate to become President, he got Russia to help him.

It can't be both, so which is it?

This is nothing more than a dog and pony show. How did CNN get a heads up of the FBI raiding a 66 year old mans house in the early morning with agents armed like they were going to raid a house of the biggest drug dealer in America? It's called theatrics. What were they so afraid of, that Stone would hit them with his stapler?
We will all die of old age before that report comes out.

Patience. Lots of dots to connect.

When you threaten people with process crimes to say what you want to hear, how can anybody be trusted in this case? When you start an investigation for no reason at all, nobody can be trusted. When there are no set limitations to the supposed crimes being investigated, nobody can be trusted.

This entire thing is an anti-Trump scam and you ask if I'll believe the outcome?

You ought to savor that degree of idiocy.

So, Mueller threatens people with "process crimes" so as to get them to cooperate. And, since they are under duress, their testimony cannot be trusted. Hence the outcome is also not trustworthy.

And this demented, Trump-fluffing moron "thinks" he has a case against Mueller.

Wait a minute. You quit a job or are let go. You've admitted or claimed you didn't like your employer. Then you're busted for your own crimes, but are offered a break of leniency if you rat him out! Are we to believe your veracity taken on your word alone when you have already been shown to have questionable integrity and have everything to gain by making shit up?

Meantime afterwards, after days of meetings, you don't actually contribute JACK.

Mueller is making his own case against himself, he doesn't need any help.
1. Duh, you won't see the Mueller Report, just a summary by AG Barr.

So you're counting on Barr hiding the report.

I can understand why Trumpers would want to hide it and all but...

We'll see, Maybe Barr is more honest that you think
Too honest to make up fake evidence of a fake non-crime just to justify a witch hunt.

Leftists have just about sucked all the crap they can get it if this farce.

Haven't you noticed Democrats moving on to new false charges?

Didn't you notice that Democrats were ordered not to ask Cohen about anything Russian?

How dumb do you have to be to keep believing?
Be careful what you ask for. To this point, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and other insiders have been constrained from publicly disclosing what they know, due to the ongoing investigation. The end of that investigation is going to loosen a lot of tongues.

New Attorney General William Barr publicly stated to Sean Hannity on the air that he will arrest Andrew McCabe and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.

What deals do you think the deep state traitor will cut to avoid the needle?

What's he waiting for?

No idea. What did Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada wait two years for?

Your claim re Barr is unbelievable. If it were true, he wouldn't wait. How 'bout a link to Barr "publicly stating"?

I heard it on Sirius on Hannity. Do I feel like hunting down audio for you? I don't think so...


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