What happened to the Mueller report?

Is English your second language or do you just have a reading comprehension and cognitive dissonance problem?
You need a comma after the word, "language". You're welcome.

The Oxford comma is not in common usage in the U.S., bub.
That would not be an Oxford comma. You shouldn't try to sound smart by using terms you don't understand, because, when you misuse them, you achieve the opposite of your desired effect.
Is English your second language or do you just have a reading comprehension and cognitive dissonance problem?
You need a comma after the word, "language". You're welcome.

The Oxford comma is not in common usage in the U.S., bub.
That would not be an Oxford comma. You shouldn't try to sound smart by using terms you don't understand, because, when you misuse them, you achieve the opposite of your desired effect.

Your insistence that a comma is necessary is fallacious.
When you threaten people with process crimes to say what you want to hear, how can anybody be trusted in this case? When you start an investigation for no reason at all, nobody can be trusted. When there are no set limitations to the supposed crimes being investigated, nobody can be trusted.

This entire thing is an anti-Trump scam and you ask if I'll believe the outcome?

You ought to savor that degree of idiocy.

So, Mueller threatens people with "process crimes" so as to get them to cooperate. And, since they are under duress, their testimony cannot be trusted. Hence the outcome is also not trustworthy.

When, what really happened is those called to testify lied to prosecutors to cover up their Russian connection, and Mueller found out about the lies. This is because Mueller deals in facts and evidence, and those testifying mendaciously deal in lies and obfuscation.

And this demented, Trump-fluffing moron "thinks" he has a case against Mueller.

You people are so comical. One side of your people said repeatedly that Trump never wanted to be President in the first place. On the other side, you say Trump was so desperate to become President, he got Russia to help him.

It can't be both, so which is it?

This is nothing more than a dog and pony show. How did CNN get a heads up of the FBI raiding a 66 year old mans house in the early morning with agents armed like they were going to raid a house of the biggest drug dealer in America? It's called theatrics. What were they so afraid of, that Stone would hit them with his stapler?

Any idiot can see that Trump can't shut his mouth. No one would let him in on a conspiracy. Russia would have been happy to help him without his knowledge.

Why would Russia want to help Trump, can you answer that?

It's more than likely that Russia has a copy of Hillary's server which had minimal protection that they could have used to blackmail her forever. Russia had no use for Trump. What could Trump do for Russia? Sell them uranium or something?
I guess that point flew right over your head, and that is they made a production out of it for the cameras sake which they arranged whether they will admit to it or not. Stone is no more harmful than Pee Wee Herman and they knew it.

And what recent reporting are you speaking of? Cohen? The guy who perjured himself on several occasions including during his last testimony to Congress?

I guess, "FBI's tactics of showing up at the house of notorious crooks armed to the teeth to suppress even the thought of resistance" stretched your understanding.

You know what's funny? I'll tell you, it is your screeching about a liar who lied, and goes to jail for it, on behalf of the Dear Leader you adulate. He's now, all of a sudden, a crook for telling the truth, ample documentation included, about little-lying Donnie, and there's still more to come. Which, quite rightly, frightens you Trump fluffers to death. And that's really, really funny.
Help me understand what's obvious as shown in my posts.
I'll try again:

You aren't making any good points about the Mueller investigation. In fact, you posted mountain of information showing its effectiveness and success. I tried to help you understand this by relaying the focus of thw mandate to you. What else can I say?

OK, lets try a visual example, look at this cartoon

Mueller was supposed to find "collusion" based on the Steele Dossier and the FBI and DOJ deep state criminals promoting a coup. Got that? Trump colluded with the Russians and Mueller will nail his ass to the wall, that was the objective.
Not only did Mueller find no collusion, he and the FBI perps perjury trapped or found other ancient crimes to nail Trump's associates with, but no collusion. Just imagine if the FBI aimed that much firepower against the Clintons and their associates, with all of their obvious crimes. Mueller's "mandate" was collusion, and there is none, it was a deep state witch hunt from the start..
Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week. Well.......It's Thursday and it seems that not only do we not have a report, but the media takes no interest on what happened to it.

Earlier in the week, the Cohen nonsense took stage, and I thought maybe that was the reason for the delay in spite of it's suspicious timing with Trump's meeting in Vietnam. But no dice. Still no report.

Is this something we should get used to for the remaining near two years of Trump's first term? We were held in suspense last weekend over this, and it's very similar to the promise that was made about the report coming out immediately after the midterms which as we all know, never happened.

It makes me wonder if they are going to try and stretch this out until 2020, and another promise will be made it will come out right after the presidential election.

Patience darlin.
Watergate took 4 years, Iran contra 6
Mueller was supposed to find "collusion" based on the Steele Dossier and the FBI and DOJ deep state criminals promoting a coup.
Please pay attention.

Mueller was tasked with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and contacts or coordination between members of the tru.p campaign and Russia.

As you so kindly did the work of posting for us, he has been very effective and successful, in the scope of his mandate.

He has even received bonus points for referring crime to the new York and DC offices.
Help me understand what's obvious as shown in my posts.
I'll try again:

You aren't making any good points about the Mueller investigation. In fact, you posted mountain of information showing its effectiveness and success. I tried to help you understand this by relaying the focus of thw mandate to you. What else can I say?

OK, lets try a visual example, look at this cartoon

Mueller was supposed to find "collusion" based on the Steele Dossier and the FBI and DOJ deep state criminals promoting a coup. Got that? Trump colluded with the Russians and Mueller will nail his ass to the wall, that was the objective.
Not only did Mueller find no collusion, he and the FBI perps perjury trapped or found other ancient crimes to nail Trump's associates with, but no collusion. Just imagine if the FBI aimed that much firepower against the Clintons and their associates, with all of their obvious crimes. Mueller's "mandate" was collusion, and there is none, it was a deep state witch hunt from the start..
an you post where you got the pic.?
I'm not very skilled in white nationalist sites
Why would Russia want to help Trump, can you answer that?

Easy enough. Helping Trump getting elected resulted in the most incompetent, self-serving, corrupt man ever heading the U.S. of A. With that, for the first time in your life, you and your ilk had a true representative occupying the White House. It brought about a state of dysfunction emerging from the White House to spread over pretty much every government agency and to U.S. initiated international organizations. Creating chaos and dysfunction in his most formidable adversary was what Putin had in mind, and he - "Great Leader", BTW - certainly can't stop laughing, having been wildly successful beyond all expectations.
Help me understand what's obvious as shown in my posts.
I'll try again:

You aren't making any good points about the Mueller investigation. In fact, you posted mountain of information showing its effectiveness and success. I tried to help you understand this by relaying the focus of thw mandate to you. What else can I say?

OK, lets try a visual example, look at this cartoon

Mueller was supposed to find "collusion" based on the Steele Dossier and the FBI and DOJ deep state criminals promoting a coup. Got that? Trump colluded with the Russians and Mueller will nail his ass to the wall, that was the objective.
Not only did Mueller find no collusion, he and the FBI perps perjury trapped or found other ancient crimes to nail Trump's associates with, but no collusion. Just imagine if the FBI aimed that much firepower against the Clintons and their associates, with all of their obvious crimes. Mueller's "mandate" was collusion, and there is none, it was a deep state witch hunt from the start..
nope... Mueller was to run the counterintelligence investigation of the Russian interference in our election process, and what part the Trump campaigned had in it, if any, witting or unwitting...

He wasn't SUPPOSE to find collusion of a conspiracy, he was suppose to find the facts, where ever they lead, to give us all insight on how Russian Intelligence operatives work, in undermining our Democracy.
Why would Russia want to help Trump, can you answer that?

Easy enough. Helping Trump getting elected resulted in the most incompetent, self-serving, corrupt man ever heading the U.S. of A. With that, for the first time in your life, you and your ilk had a true representative occupying the White House. It brought about a state of dysfunction emerging from the White House to spread over pretty much every government agency and to U.S. initiated international organizations. Creating chaos and dysfunction in his most formidable adversary was what Putin had in mind, and he - "Great Leader", BTW - certainly can't stop laughing, having been wildly successful beyond all expectations.
And vlad prob has the golden shower trump tapes.
Very good blackmail evidence
Why would Russia want to help Trump, can you answer that?

Easy enough. Helping Trump getting elected resulted in the most incompetent, self-serving, corrupt man ever heading the U.S. of A. With that, for the first time in your life, you and your ilk had a true representative occupying the White House. It brought about a state of dysfunction emerging from the White House to spread over pretty much every government agency and to U.S. initiated international organizations. Creating chaos and dysfunction in his most formidable adversary was what Putin had in mind, and he - "Great Leader", BTW - certainly can't stop laughing, having been wildly successful beyond all expectations.

Who are we talking about here, Trump or DumBama?

So where is all this corruption? Oh, that's right, the Democrats made it up.

This "incompetent" man has this country moving in a better direction than the last two administrations. On one hand you call him incompetent, and on the other, you claim he was so sneaky, so clever, that he was able to steal an election, and Mueller may never be able to find out; he hasn't found anything in two years.

Under DumBama, he weaponized the DOJ, the FBI, the IRS, and even the FISA courts. It was an evil cabal that allowed people that worked for him to do anything they pleased breaking laws and policies or not.
That sums it up. The Mueller investigation is a charge looking for a crime.
Russian hacking was a crime

It's only a crime to the person(s) that did it. Trump's only crime is that he beat Hillary and is in the position of exposing the coupe that existed during DumBama.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.

Apparently crimes only Democrats are exempted from prosecution for, , like treason, or funding terrorists in Iran, or promoting racist violence, or hiring thugs to break up rallies,and many other crimes popular with your Party.
Republicans controlled Congress
They could prosecute anyone they wanted

Problem is you need actual evidence instead of conspiracy theories

Ah, so you do know Mueller has nothing, then, which is why Trump will be in office for two full terms, and Mueller has no evidence. Thanks for finally admitting that.

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