What happened to the Mueller report?

Russian hacking was a crime

It's only a crime to the person(s) that did it. Trump's only crime is that he beat Hillary and is in the position of exposing the coupe that existed during DumBama.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.

Apparently crimes only Democrats are exempted from prosecution for, , like treason, or funding terrorists in Iran, or promoting racist violence, or hiring thugs to break up rallies,and many other crimes popular with your Party.
Republicans controlled Congress
They could prosecute anyone they wanted

Problem is you need actual evidence instead of conspiracy theories

Ah, so you do know Mueller has nothing, then, which is why Trump will in office for two full terms, and Mueller has no evidence. Thanks for finally admitting that.

One of my favorite things about the Trump Era is the frequent displays of auto-ownage performed by The Resistance.
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Sunday afternoon, and still no Big Giant Mueller Report'?

What happened? Hillary's ankles swelled up again, so it's being delayed until the swelling goes down?
Sunday afternoon, and still no Big Giant Mueller Report'?

What happened? Hillary's ankles swelled up again, so it's being delayed until the swelling goes down?

You do know it's a REPUBLICAN investigation right buttercup?

And yes, they are still gathering information. 37 indictments and guilty pleas down. Will see how many more to go.
Sunday afternoon, and still no Big Giant Mueller Report'?

What happened? Hillary's ankles swelled up again, so it's being delayed until the swelling goes down?
Did someone say it was coming out any day?


We've been hearing that stuff from the Trump Admin for MONTHS
Help me understand what's obvious as shown in my posts.
I'll try again:

You aren't making any good points about the Mueller investigation. In fact, you posted mountain of information showing its effectiveness and success. I tried to help you understand this by relaying the focus of thw mandate to you. What else can I say?

OK, lets try a visual example, look at this cartoon

Mueller was supposed to find "collusion" based on the Steele Dossier and the FBI and DOJ deep state criminals promoting a coup. Got that? Trump colluded with the Russians and Mueller will nail his ass to the wall, that was the objective.
Not only did Mueller find no collusion, he and the FBI perps perjury trapped or found other ancient crimes to nail Trump's associates with, but no collusion. Just imagine if the FBI aimed that much firepower against the Clintons and their associates, with all of their obvious crimes. Mueller's "mandate" was collusion, and there is none, it was a deep state witch hunt from the start..
an you post where you got the pic.?
I'm not very skilled in white nationalist sites

Neither am I familiar with white nationalist sites. How does it feel to be a moron.
I copied it from post #309 just above idiot. When you can't debate policies and ideas your type resorts to stereotypes.
You one of those low IQ folks?
Why would Russia want to help Trump, can you answer that?

It's more than likely that Russia has a copy of Hillary's server which had minimal protection that they could have used to blackmail her forever. Russia had no use for Trump. What could Trump do for Russia? Sell them uranium or something?

Why did they help trump? People like Papadopolous and Flynn on the Foreign policy team? A President so weak and limp he will counter his own intelligence services and spout whatever Putin wants him to say instead? A president who would deny and fight back against Russian influencing in US elections so they can continue?

While YOU say Russia had no use for trump, they obviously did. Which is why according to the CIA, FBI, NSA, and a dozen US allies intelligence, they fought to get trump elected.
Mueller was supposed to find "collusion" based on the Steele Dossier and the FBI and DOJ deep state criminals promoting a coup.
Please pay attention.

Mueller was tasked with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and contacts or coordination between members of the tru.p campaign and Russia.

As you so kindly did the work of posting for us, he has been very effective and successful, in the scope of his mandate.

He has even received bonus points for referring crime to the new York and DC offices.

Mueller has no one in prison for interfering in the 2016 eloection. He perjury trapped a few unwary victims, or found a few ancient crimes. Not worth the $50,000,000 spent.

Russian interference. Sure, like paying $4.700 to google for advertising.

Russia paid in rubles, like the tech giants had no clue...
Tech giants didn't spot Russia paying for 2016 disinformation with rubles
"In a damning sign of their incompetence, the Silicon Valley giants apparently didn’t pick up on the fact that disinformation agents from Russia’s Internet Research Agency (IRA) bought ads on their platforms in rubles, used Russian phone numbers as contact information, and left technical clues that they were based in St Petersburg."
Mueller has no one in prison for interfering in the 2016 eloection.
haha, look how you have changed lanes. First, he had no evidence. Well, that was stupid. Then it was, he has no perps. Well that was stupid, too. Now it's, "he has nobody in jail."

So? Are you bemoaning the special counsel's office for not unilaterally directing our military to invade russia to bring the indicted russians to justice? You're just wagging your chin aimlessly, at this point.
Sunday afternoon, and still no Big Giant Mueller Report'?

What happened? Hillary's ankles swelled up again, so it's being delayed until the swelling goes down?

You do know it's a REPUBLICAN investigation right buttercup?

And yes, they are still gathering information. 37 indictments and guilty pleas down. Will see how many more to go.

Pipe down, moron; nobody is interested in anything but laughing at you gimps and your fake 'Resistance'. the comedy is of course very stale and boring now, but you insist on making stupid 'points' anyway, right?
Mueller has no one in prison for interfering in the 2016 eloection.
haha, look how you have changed lanes. First, he had no evidence. Well, that was stupid. Then it was, he has no perps. Well that was stupid, too. Now it's, "he has nobody in jail." So? Are you bemoaning the special counsel's office for not unilaterally directing our military to invade russia to bring the indicted russians to justice? You're just wagging your chin aimlessly, at this point.

1. still haven't seen any evidence of collusion, so WTF are you laughing at?
2. still have no Russian perps in custody, so WTF are you celebrating
3. you apparently don't get that you're celebrating a deep state witch hunt, congratulations?
Sunday afternoon, and still no Big Giant Mueller Report'?

What happened? Hillary's ankles swelled up again, so it's being delayed until the swelling goes down?
Did someone say it was coming out any day?


We've been hearing that stuff from the Trump Admin for MONTHS

This tard just ends up playing stupid as a tactic. No wonder he came up with a handle that only has four letters in it, and rhymes with Lech; probably has it written down on his screen so he doesn't forget it.
So where is all this corruption? Oh, that's right, the Democrats made it up.

This "incompetent" man has this country moving in a better direction than the last two administrations. On one hand you call him incompetent, and on the other, you claim he was so sneaky, so clever, that he was able to steal an election, and Mueller may never be able to find out; he hasn't found anything in two years.

Under DumBama, he weaponized the DOJ, the FBI, the IRS, and even the FISA courts. It was an evil cabal that allowed people that worked for him to do anything they pleased breaking laws and policies or not.

That's an impressive number of bogeymen - and in UpIsDownistan everyone would be very frightened indeed.

It's just so that in the reality-based world they turn out to be merely the dust bunnies under your bed. So, you really, really can stop the hyperventilation now.

Really, Fox and InfoWars are fucking you in the head, Ray.
1. still haven't seen any evidence of collusion
Which you then use as your only premise to argue that no such evidence exists or will be found, ever. That makes you look very stupid.
still have no Russian perps in custody,
which you only mention in an attempt to call the Mueller investigation a failure. Since the only way he could bring them into custody is to invade russia and take them, you sound very stupid here, as well.
you apparently don't get that you're celebrating a deep state witch hunt
And this is just the rabid blathering of a whiny Trump cultist.
1. Keep wishing for collusion, you just don't get that the Mueller investigation was started illegally, w/o any evidence, aka a witch hunt.
2. We didn't need to spend $50,000,000 to say that Russians meddled? Actually the FBI and DOJ meddled worse.
3. Innocent until proven guilty, unless your name is Trump or Kavanaugh?
you just don't get that the Mueller investigation was started illegally
Because that is false and is just another trump cult talking point that will go absolutely nowhere.
We didn't need to spend $50,000,000 to say that Russians meddled?

No shit, dumbass. we already knew they meddled. We wanted to find out how, when, and who did it. But the trump cult and trump himself did not want us to do this. And we all can guess why.
Innocent until proven guilty
...in a court of law. I, however, can call trump a lying criminal all day and all night, and even in print, if I believe it to be so. welcome to America, you might find things to be very different than in Mother Russia.
When you threaten people with process crimes to say what you want to hear, how can anybody be trusted in this case? When you start an investigation for no reason at all, nobody can be trusted. When there are no set limitations to the supposed crimes being investigated, nobody can be trusted.

This entire thing is an anti-Trump scam and you ask if I'll believe the outcome?

You ought to savor that degree of idiocy.

So, Mueller threatens people with "process crimes" so as to get them to cooperate. And, since they are under duress, their testimony cannot be trusted. Hence the outcome is also not trustworthy.

When, what really happened is those called to testify lied to prosecutors to cover up their Russian connection, and Mueller found out about the lies. This is because Mueller deals in facts and evidence, and those testifying mendaciously deal in lies and obfuscation.

And this demented, Trump-fluffing moron "thinks" he has a case against Mueller.
Mueller is quite accomplished at finding out whether testimony is true

Ask Manafort
you just don't get that the Mueller investigation was started illegally
Because that is false and is just another trump cult talking point that will go absolutely nowhere.
We didn't need to spend $50,000,000 to say that Russians meddled?

No shit, dumbass. we already knew they meddled. We wanted to find out how, when, and who did it. But the trump cult and trump himself did not want us to do this. And we all can guess why.
Innocent until proven guilty
...in a court of law. I, however, can call trump a lying criminal all day and all night, and even in print, if I believe it to be so. welcome to America, you might find things to be very different than in Mother Russia.

And we are free to call you an unhinged sheep who blindly swallows every debunked theory on Trump. Call Trump a criminal all you want. Your crying doesn't make it so. You see in America you need this stuff called evidence. Which you don't have.
So where is all this corruption? Oh, that's right, the Democrats made it up.

This "incompetent" man has this country moving in a better direction than the last two administrations. On one hand you call him incompetent, and on the other, you claim he was so sneaky, so clever, that he was able to steal an election, and Mueller may never be able to find out; he hasn't found anything in two years.

Under DumBama, he weaponized the DOJ, the FBI, the IRS, and even the FISA courts. It was an evil cabal that allowed people that worked for him to do anything they pleased breaking laws and policies or not.

That's an impressive number of bogeymen - and in UpIsDownistan everyone would be very frightened indeed.

It's just so that in the reality-based world they turn out to be merely the dust bunnies under your bed. So, you really, really can stop the hyperventilation now.

Really, Fox and InfoWars are fucking you in the head, Ray.

You mean like CNN is fucking you in yours?
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And we are free to call you an unhinged sheep who blindly swallows every debunked theory on Trump.
Yep! Which you are sure to always do, no matter what the facts show us. Go right ahead, you will just be embarrassing yourself, not me.

Actually, you embarrass yourself again. You have no facts, you have no evidence, and you have no clue. I don't need to embarrass you, you do a good enough job of that all on your own.

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