What happened to the Mueller report?

Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week. Well.......It's Thursday and it seems that not only do we not have a report, but the media takes no interest on what happened to it.

Earlier in the week, the Cohen nonsense took stage, and I thought maybe that was the reason for the delay in spite of it's suspicious timing with Trump's meeting in Vietnam. But no dice. Still no report.

Is this something we should get used to for the remaining near two years of Trump's first term? We were held in suspense last weekend over this, and it's very similar to the promise that was made about the report coming out immediately after the midterms which as we all know, never happened.

It makes me wonder if they are going to try and stretch this out until 2020, and another promise will be made it will come out right after the presidential election.

Last I heard Mueller report was fading to the back pages of the news. Because it looked like it may be a nothing burger Dems were going to rely on their own investigation....probably to milk this for another two years.
we have your scum on bank fraud now Mueller can wait
you do? hmmmmmm what happened, today is Monday, I have heard no such thing. did someone on your fake news station tell you that? hahhahahahahhaahhaahha
I'm an insider
you like closets eh?
jc456 they're coming for you

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee delivered a flurry of document demands to the executive branch and the broader Trump world on Monday that detailed the breadth and ambition of a new investigation into possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power by President Trump and his administration.

In the two months since they took control of the House, Democrats on several committees have begun scrutinizing members of the president’s cabinet, his businesses, his campaign, his inaugural committee and his ties to key foreign powers, including Russia and its attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. They have also laid the groundwork to try to obtain Mr. Trump’s long suppressed tax returns.

But the newest requests from Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the Judiciary Committee chairman, opened perhaps the most perilous front to date for President Trump — an inquiry that takes aim at the heart of his norm-bending presidency and could conceivably form the basis of a future impeachment proceeding. Mr. Nadler was explicit Monday in saying the House is no longer content to await the findings of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and will delve into many of the same issues, but with a different standard of evidence not wedded to a criminal indictment.

The letters from Mr. Nadler, dated March 4, went to 81 agencies, individuals and other entities tied to the president. They included the Trump Organization, the Trump campaign, the Trump Foundation, the presidential inaugural committee, and the White House. The Justice Department, and the F.B.I., which have collected substantial evidence on Mr. Trump’s actions toward federal investigators, were also recipi
There is nothing in it, hence the Cohen testimony.

Dimms are drowning and grasping at straws.

There is no collusion between Trump and Putin to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary Clinton. Suck it Dimms, you lost. You were wrong. You lied. Period.

You lost the election. Choke on that dick and run a better candidate in 2020.
Bullshit. Cohen was not ALLOWED to talk about what Mueller is doing because it is an

Read slowly


You might have to spell that more slowly.
Seems it just won't sink in.
jc456 they're coming for you

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee delivered a flurry of document demands to the executive branch and the broader Trump world on Monday that detailed the breadth and ambition of a new investigation into possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power by President Trump and his administration.

In the two months since they took control of the House, Democrats on several committees have begun scrutinizing members of the president’s cabinet, his businesses, his campaign, his inaugural committee and his ties to key foreign powers, including Russia and its attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. They have also laid the groundwork to try to obtain Mr. Trump’s long suppressed tax returns.

But the newest requests from Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the Judiciary Committee chairman, opened perhaps the most perilous front to date for President Trump — an inquiry that takes aim at the heart of his norm-bending presidency and could conceivably form the basis of a future impeachment proceeding. Mr. Nadler was explicit Monday in saying the House is no longer content to await the findings of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and will delve into many of the same issues, but with a different standard of evidence not wedded to a criminal indictment.

The letters from Mr. Nadler, dated March 4, went to 81 agencies, individuals and other entities tied to the president. They included the Trump Organization, the Trump campaign, the Trump Foundation, the presidential inaugural committee, and the White House. The Justice Department, and the F.B.I., which have collected substantial evidence on Mr. Trump’s actions toward federal investigators, were also recipi

Yep, Mueller told them he can't find anything, so they are going to start witch hunts of their own.
In past investigations, there were limitations to the supposed crime. In this one, it's whatever crime they can find or makeup.

So, you are the last person to learn - certainly to your enormous surprise - how Starr and Kavanaugh transformed "Whitewater" into a panty-sniffing contest.

Welcome to reality!

This would just be the beginning, since you then have to learn about Mueller's limited purview, namely, Russian interference, Trumpish collaboration, and crimes related or found while investigating said interference / collaboration, and, in addition to that, any matter Mueller (R) finds necessary to look into AND, upon request, the investigation of which DoJ (R) approves.

Again: Welcome to reality! What took you so long?

Funny how the indictments don't have any of that. It was shit that either happened during the investigation or before Trump ran for presidency.

Having one outright lie of yours exposed, you just blithely move on to the next lies. I am not going to read your shit. It defines "not worth anyone's time."
the entire investigation is supposed to be about RUSSIAN COLLUSION, not whatever Mueller can find wrong in your past or during the investigation.
Wrong and wrong.

Mueller is tasked with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and contacts or coordination between members of the Trump campaign and Russians. And he is free to go wherever that takes him, including referring criminal cases to federal.prosecutors. and, if he feels that prosecuting a crime himself will further the investigation (via, for instance, a cooperating witness), he can do so.

Read that a few times, because you obviously need to do so.
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Last week it was announced that it was postponed... and would not be coming out, this week.

Mueller's office has never confirmed that it was coming out this week as the Executive /Judicial branch had leaked to the press. To me it seemed unlikely that Mueller was finished since his team just got terabytes of info to go through from the Roger Stone search warrant, and Kushner, nor crooked Donny junior had been interviewed before the grand jury yet, and the Gates sentencing had not been done yet because Gates was still cooperating with the investigators... nor has Flynn been sentenced yet, so they still have a lot to do...

Some are reporting it was postponed because of Crooked Donald's trip to Vietnam, and he wanted to be home for it... but that really makes no sense to me, because it's not like they didn't know early last week that Crooked Donald would be in Viet Nam for the summit.

You do know that the full Mueller Report that for nearly 2 years we all thought we would see, is now going to be hidden from us, don't you?
Thank you, Joseph Goebbels.
Oddball, the President, Crooked Donald, IS actually crooked... the real deal... he's a man of lawlessness and has been his whole life... his cult like followers have been brainwashed, they follow the Trump Code... if Trump says, ''there is no collusion'' then the cult repeats, ''there is no collusion''....

it's mind boggling to me, to watch the robotic or zombie like, mindlessness, and very concerning...

I don't give a hoot about his politics, whether I agree or disagree with it... his never ending lying and divisiveness, is dangerous and is bringing this democratic Nation in to very dangerous territory imo.

Take your Prozac pronto you crazed loon. You know so much more than anyone else about Trumps business in th 80s? More than even the IRS.
after audits at that
nah, he never was under an audit... Trump lied to us...

he did not want to release his tax returns BECAUSE he did not want his tax returns to be brought to the IRS's attention for an audit, by the Press and experts digging in to them, so Cohen testified.
the entire investigation is supposed to be about RUSSIAN COLLUSION, not whatever Mueller can find wrong in your past or during the investigation.
Wrong and wrong.

Mueller is tasked with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and contacts or coordination between members of the Trump campaign and Russians. And he is free to go wherever that takes him, including referring criminal cases to federal.prosecutors. and, if he feels that prosecuting a crime himself will further the investigation (via, for instance, a cooperating witness), he can do so.

Read that a few times, because you obviously need to do so.

If that is what Mueller was tasked with, why is Manaforte going to prison for tax evasion?

Nothing to do with Trump stealing the election.
the entire investigation is supposed to be about RUSSIAN COLLUSION, not whatever Mueller can find wrong in your past or during the investigation.
Wrong and wrong.

Mueller is tasked with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and contacts or coordination between members of the Trump campaign and Russians. And he is free to go wherever that takes him, including referring criminal cases to federal.prosecutors. and, if he feels that prosecuting a crime himself will further the investigation (via, for instance, a cooperating witness), he can do so.

Read that a few times, because you obviously need to do so.

Read this a few times:

Q. Could a special counsel investigate things beyond simply the Russia connection?

A. Mueller has a broad mandate to determine the course of an investigation, but not an unlimited one. If he decides that something outside the scope of the letter appointing him needs investigating, he would have to ask for permission to expand his probe.

The powers and limits of Robert Mueller's new job as special counsel
jc456 they're coming for you

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee delivered a flurry of document demands to the executive branch and the broader Trump world on Monday that detailed the breadth and ambition of a new investigation into possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power by President Trump and his administration.

In the two months since they took control of the House, Democrats on several committees have begun scrutinizing members of the president’s cabinet, his businesses, his campaign, his inaugural committee and his ties to key foreign powers, including Russia and its attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. They have also laid the groundwork to try to obtain Mr. Trump’s long suppressed tax returns.

But the newest requests from Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the Judiciary Committee chairman, opened perhaps the most perilous front to date for President Trump — an inquiry that takes aim at the heart of his norm-bending presidency and could conceivably form the basis of a future impeachment proceeding. Mr. Nadler was explicit Monday in saying the House is no longer content to await the findings of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and will delve into many of the same issues, but with a different standard of evidence not wedded to a criminal indictment.

The letters from Mr. Nadler, dated March 4, went to 81 agencies, individuals and other entities tied to the president. They included the Trump Organization, the Trump campaign, the Trump Foundation, the presidential inaugural committee, and the White House. The Justice Department, and the F.B.I., which have collected substantial evidence on Mr. Trump’s actions toward federal investigators, were also recipi
all they're doing is going against their constituents. that's all. they are showing again the liars they really are. Campaign on one thing and govern for themselves and not the people. I can't help stupid people who keep voting in these creepy swamp creatures with no agenda. BTW, no one is afraid of this. No one. Cohen was a crash and burn. too fking funny, we're going to see another 81 of them. you will be soooo disappointed. it sucks to be you.
jc456 they're coming for you

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee delivered a flurry of document demands to the executive branch and the broader Trump world on Monday that detailed the breadth and ambition of a new investigation into possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power by President Trump and his administration.

In the two months since they took control of the House, Democrats on several committees have begun scrutinizing members of the president’s cabinet, his businesses, his campaign, his inaugural committee and his ties to key foreign powers, including Russia and its attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. They have also laid the groundwork to try to obtain Mr. Trump’s long suppressed tax returns.

But the newest requests from Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the Judiciary Committee chairman, opened perhaps the most perilous front to date for President Trump — an inquiry that takes aim at the heart of his norm-bending presidency and could conceivably form the basis of a future impeachment proceeding. Mr. Nadler was explicit Monday in saying the House is no longer content to await the findings of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and will delve into many of the same issues, but with a different standard of evidence not wedded to a criminal indictment.

The letters from Mr. Nadler, dated March 4, went to 81 agencies, individuals and other entities tied to the president. They included the Trump Organization, the Trump campaign, the Trump Foundation, the presidential inaugural committee, and the White House. The Justice Department, and the F.B.I., which have collected substantial evidence on Mr. Trump’s actions toward federal investigators, were also recipi
all they're doing is going against their constituents. that's all. they are showing again the liars they really are. Campaign on one thing and govern for themselves and not the people. I can't help stupid people who keep voting in these creepy swamp creatures with no agenda. BTW, no one is afraid of this. No one. Cohen was a crash and burn. too fking funny, we're going to see another 81 of them. you will be soooo disappointed. it sucks to be you.
The House actually using their powers of OVERSIGHT pisses you off??? Too bad I'll punch your TS ticket for you Now down to the beach Will read all the repub BS later
jc456 they're coming for you

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee delivered a flurry of document demands to the executive branch and the broader Trump world on Monday that detailed the breadth and ambition of a new investigation into possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power by President Trump and his administration.

In the two months since they took control of the House, Democrats on several committees have begun scrutinizing members of the president’s cabinet, his businesses, his campaign, his inaugural committee and his ties to key foreign powers, including Russia and its attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. They have also laid the groundwork to try to obtain Mr. Trump’s long suppressed tax returns.

But the newest requests from Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the Judiciary Committee chairman, opened perhaps the most perilous front to date for President Trump — an inquiry that takes aim at the heart of his norm-bending presidency and could conceivably form the basis of a future impeachment proceeding. Mr. Nadler was explicit Monday in saying the House is no longer content to await the findings of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and will delve into many of the same issues, but with a different standard of evidence not wedded to a criminal indictment.

The letters from Mr. Nadler, dated March 4, went to 81 agencies, individuals and other entities tied to the president. They included the Trump Organization, the Trump campaign, the Trump Foundation, the presidential inaugural committee, and the White House. The Justice Department, and the F.B.I., which have collected substantial evidence on Mr. Trump’s actions toward federal investigators, were also recipi
all they're doing is going against their constituents. that's all. they are showing again the liars they really are. Campaign on one thing and govern for themselves and not the people. I can't help stupid people who keep voting in these creepy swamp creatures with no agenda. BTW, no one is afraid of this. No one. Cohen was a crash and burn. too fking funny, we're going to see another 81 of them. you will be soooo disappointed. it sucks to be you.
The House actually using their powers of OVERSIGHT pisses you off??? Too bad I'll punch your TS ticket for you Now down to the beach Will read all the repub BS later
sure it does, they aren't doing country business. Isn't that why we have them? we have the FBI and DOJ to do investigations of crimes. I'm still waiting on a crime. name one.
Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week. Well.......It's Thursday and it seems that not only do we not have a report, but the media takes no interest on what happened to it.

Earlier in the week, the Cohen nonsense took stage, and I thought maybe that was the reason for the delay in spite of it's suspicious timing with Trump's meeting in Vietnam. But no dice. Still no report.

Is this something we should get used to for the remaining near two years of Trump's first term? We were held in suspense last weekend over this, and it's very similar to the promise that was made about the report coming out immediately after the midterms which as we all know, never happened.

It makes me wonder if they are going to try and stretch this out until 2020, and another promise will be made it will come out right after the presidential election.

Last I heard Mueller report was fading to the back pages of the news. Because it looked like it may be a nothing burger Dems were going to rely on their own investigation....probably to milk this for another two years.
we have your scum on bank fraud now Mueller can wait
you do? hmmmmmm what happened, today is Monday, I have heard no such thing. did someone on your fake news station tell you that? hahhahahahahhaahhaahha

Yup, Knees news.
The home of the women fondlers
The same who gave don the con the Rosie O'Donnell debate answer
jc456 they're coming for you

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee delivered a flurry of document demands to the executive branch and the broader Trump world on Monday that detailed the breadth and ambition of a new investigation into possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power by President Trump and his administration.

In the two months since they took control of the House, Democrats on several committees have begun scrutinizing members of the president’s cabinet, his businesses, his campaign, his inaugural committee and his ties to key foreign powers, including Russia and its attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. They have also laid the groundwork to try to obtain Mr. Trump’s long suppressed tax returns.

But the newest requests from Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the Judiciary Committee chairman, opened perhaps the most perilous front to date for President Trump — an inquiry that takes aim at the heart of his norm-bending presidency and could conceivably form the basis of a future impeachment proceeding. Mr. Nadler was explicit Monday in saying the House is no longer content to await the findings of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and will delve into many of the same issues, but with a different standard of evidence not wedded to a criminal indictment.

The letters from Mr. Nadler, dated March 4, went to 81 agencies, individuals and other entities tied to the president. They included the Trump Organization, the Trump campaign, the Trump Foundation, the presidential inaugural committee, and the White House. The Justice Department, and the F.B.I., which have collected substantial evidence on Mr. Trump’s actions toward federal investigators, were also recipi
all they're doing is going against their constituents. that's all. they are showing again the liars they really are. Campaign on one thing and govern for themselves and not the people. I can't help stupid people who keep voting in these creepy swamp creatures with no agenda. BTW, no one is afraid of this. No one. Cohen was a crash and burn. too fking funny, we're going to see another 81 of them. you will be soooo disappointed. it sucks to be you.
The House actually using their powers of OVERSIGHT pisses you off??? Too bad I'll punch your TS ticket for you Now down to the beach Will read all the repub BS later
sure it does, they aren't doing country business. Isn't that why we have them? we have the FBI and DOJ to do investigations of crimes. I'm still waiting on a crime. name one.

Ask them, this is a forum of old white zero college and knowledge farts
jc456 they're coming for you

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee delivered a flurry of document demands to the executive branch and the broader Trump world on Monday that detailed the breadth and ambition of a new investigation into possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power by President Trump and his administration.

In the two months since they took control of the House, Democrats on several committees have begun scrutinizing members of the president’s cabinet, his businesses, his campaign, his inaugural committee and his ties to key foreign powers, including Russia and its attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. They have also laid the groundwork to try to obtain Mr. Trump’s long suppressed tax returns.

But the newest requests from Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the Judiciary Committee chairman, opened perhaps the most perilous front to date for President Trump — an inquiry that takes aim at the heart of his norm-bending presidency and could conceivably form the basis of a future impeachment proceeding. Mr. Nadler was explicit Monday in saying the House is no longer content to await the findings of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and will delve into many of the same issues, but with a different standard of evidence not wedded to a criminal indictment.

The letters from Mr. Nadler, dated March 4, went to 81 agencies, individuals and other entities tied to the president. They included the Trump Organization, the Trump campaign, the Trump Foundation, the presidential inaugural committee, and the White House. The Justice Department, and the F.B.I., which have collected substantial evidence on Mr. Trump’s actions toward federal investigators, were also recipi
all they're doing is going against their constituents. that's all. they are showing again the liars they really are. Campaign on one thing and govern for themselves and not the people. I can't help stupid people who keep voting in these creepy swamp creatures with no agenda. BTW, no one is afraid of this. No one. Cohen was a crash and burn. too fking funny, we're going to see another 81 of them. you will be soooo disappointed. it sucks to be you.
The House actually using their powers of OVERSIGHT pisses you off??? Too bad I'll punch your TS ticket for you Now down to the beach Will read all the repub BS later
sure it does, they aren't doing country business. Isn't that why we have them? we have the FBI and DOJ to do investigations of crimes. I'm still waiting on a crime. name one.

Ask them, this is a forum of old white zero college and knowledge farts
it is? you should go get educated then.

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