What happened to the Mueller report?

You have no facts, you have no evidence,
Of what,precisely? You don't even know. All you know is that you saw someone discussing the process and the possibilities . And being the thin skinned little trump cult sissy you are, you got sand in your giney and started flapping your gums.
The thing about the Inquisition is that THEY LEAK EVERYTHING. If Mewler-Torquemada had found anything, he would have leaked it to CNN and the NY Times.

The thing about the Mueller inquiry is that you are lying about it at the behest of, and in abject subservience to, your Dear Leader. That ranges from character assassination to mendaciously making up "leaks" that weren't. Good Stalinist. Have a cookie!

Oh, well then we can just ignore the thousands of leaks by the Inquisition, including leaking the absurd military raid on Roger Stone to ensure some good propaganda shots, because you will hold your breath...

Why are you Communists such total fucking morons? Seriously, the whole lot of you are dumber than cat shit. You're not unique.

Another day, another potentially illegal leak from special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury investigating Russian election meddling.

NBC News reported Monday that Mueller has “gathered enough evidence” to indict former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his son.

Mueller has enough evidence to charge Flynn in Russia investigation
This followed the earlier leak to CNN — 72 hours in advance — that the grand jury had voted the first indictments in the investigation, later identified as former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business associate Rick Gates.

And that raises the suspicion that the special counsel may be playing politics with his prosecutions.

True, the leaks may not necessarily have come from Mueller’s office, though the incentive for anyone else is pretty limited. (CNN identified its sources as people “briefed on the matter” and NBC as “sources familiar with the investigation.”)

Yet if the leaks did emanate from Mueller’s office or the grand jury itself, it would be a criminal violation.

And if Mueller is upset about the violations of grand jury secrecy, he hasn’t said anything about it publicly.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, says he specifically warned Mueller about “the importance of cutting out the leaks.”

Indeed, he added on “Fox News Sunday,” “it’s kind of ironic that the people charged with investigating the law and the violations of the law would violate the law.”

Actually, it’s more than ironic. It raises serious questions about the integrity and impartiality of the whole investigation.}


You brainless fucking twat; or should I just say "democrat?"


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You have no facts, you have no evidence,
Of what,precisely? You don't even know. All you know is that you saw someone discussing the process and the possibilities . And being the thin skinned little trump cult sissy you are, you got sand in your giney and started flapping your gums.

I don't have to provide evidence of anything moron. I'm not making the accusation, YOU are. Now put up or STFU. That sand must be irritating your woman parts. Crying because you got called out for having nothing. As usual.
The fact that we haven't seen any leaks at this point is a pretty clear indication that there is nothing noteworthy in the report. They found a lot of questionable behavior and bad judgment, but in the end there was no credible evidence that any crimes had been committed by anyone connected with the Trump campaign, at least insofar as Russia was concerned.

The Congresspersons demanding release of the full report or all "findings" are - as with Trump's tax returns - just hoping to find material for their endless campaign to disparage and ridicule him over, pretty much, trivialities.

They have been so keen to get this report for so long, and now realizing that it will be a big "nothing burger," they are about to cry themselves collectively to sleep, figuratively speaking.

The fact that we haven't seen any leaks at this point is a pretty clear indication that there weren't any leaks.

Only your hysteria suggests otherwise. Tamp down on the hyperventilation; you won't survive weeks or even months in this current state.

The fact that you're a fucking liar is just evidence that you're a democrat.

Federal judge turns down Freedom Watch suit seeking Mueller leak investigation
I don't have to provide evidence of anything
I didn't ask you to provide evidence of anything, you whiny little sissy. Pay attention when I post to you, son!

I asked you to state my assertions for which you claim I have no evidence. Which you cannot and will not do, as you don't really know what they are, and are just throwing a little Trump cult hissy fit because your trump taint was tingling.
The fact that we haven't seen any leaks at this point is a pretty clear indication that there is nothing noteworthy in the report. They found a lot of questionable behavior and bad judgment, but in the end there was no credible evidence that any crimes had been committed by anyone connected with the Trump campaign, at least insofar as Russia was concerned.

The Congresspersons demanding release of the full report or all "findings" are - as with Trump's tax returns - just hoping to find material for their endless campaign to disparage and ridicule him over, pretty much, trivialities.

They have been so keen to get this report for so long, and now realizing that it will be a big "nothing burger," they are about to cry themselves collectively to sleep, figuratively speaking.
I think the lack of leaks indicates a professional investigation
Comey could not go a week without leaking what he knew. Mueller has gone over a year without a leak

A key indicator is the number of plea bargains. You don’t plea bargain without getting something significant in return

Like to hear what they have to say
I don't have to provide evidence of anything
I didn't ask you to provide evidence of anything, you whiny little sissy. Pay attention when I post to you, son!

I asked you to state my assertions for which you claim I have no evidence. Which you cannot and will not do, as you don't really know what they are, and are just throwing a little Trump cult hissy fit because your trump taint was tingling.

Can't even remember your own post can you? YOU claim you can call Trump a criminal. You have claimed campaign finance violations and other misdeeds and have offered no proof of anything. You don't get points for being an uneducated, whiny, little crybaby who can't accept Trump's victory. Now throw another fit and throw insults to cover your lack of anything.
YOU claim you can call Trump a criminal.
which, as any moron following the discussion would know, was me saying I can get away with doing so without repercussions. Saying I can claim the earth is flat is not the equivalent of claiming the earth is flat.

Again, try to follow this simple discussion before opening your whiny little mouth.
YOU claim you can call Trump a criminal.
which, as any moron following the discussion would know, was me saying I can get away with doing so without repercussions. Saying I can claim the earth is flat is not the equivalent of claiming the earth is flat.

Again, try to follow this simple discussion before opening your whiny little mouth.

Stop deflecting moron. You claim campaign finance violations and other misdeeds and get slapped around when your lack of proof is laid bare. And I and others will continue to call you out on your stupidity without repercussion. You lose again,
You claim campaign finance violations
No, I claimed he is under investigation for them. And I claimed his actions may constitute them. I also claim to believe it likely that he did break campaign finance law. You got a problem woth that? Tough shit,crybaby.
No, the media seems to be trying to pivot to House Democrats' investingations into Trump's finances and whatever is happening in the NY Southern district court against the Trump org. It's not ever going to be as good as "Russia! Russia! Russia!" though. What they really need is a good old fashioned War for Oil to get them out of this mess they created.
The thing about the Mueller inquiry is that you are lying about it at the behest of, and in abject subservience to, your Dear Leader. That ranges from character assassination to mendaciously making up "leaks" that weren't. Good Stalinist. Have a cookie!
Ignorant post.

The entire Mueller investigation is character assassination.

There was never evidence of collusion. Just lies based on a Democrat paid for fake dossier.
The thing about the Mueller inquiry is that you are lying about it at the behest of, and in abject subservience to, your Dear Leader. That ranges from character assassination to mendaciously making up "leaks" that weren't. Good Stalinist. Have a cookie!
Ignorant post.

The entire Mueller investigation is character assassination.

There was never evidence of collusion. Just lies based on a Democrat paid for fake dossier.

Yeah, that Rosenstein is such a crook, setting off that character-assassinating witch hunt based on that fake dossier.

Really, you Trumpletons are a sight to behold, and there's no telling whether your stupidity, your pathetic subservience, your gullibility, or your ignorance is the most odious and deplorable of your traits. MAGA-boy.
Add that to your list of nothing burgers.
Sorry trump cultist, but someone is already going to jail for a felony that the prosecutors say was directed by trump. So I think it may be quite a while before you can say with any certainty that it's not gojng anywhere

Really? Who and what? Better still, how is that related to Russian collusion?
1. Because that is false and is just another trump cult talking point that will go absolutely nowhere.
2. No shit, dumbass. we already knew they meddled. We wanted to find out how, when, and who did it. But the trump cult and trump himself did not want us to do this. And we all can guess why.
3. ...in a court of law. I, however, can call trump a lying criminal all day and all night, and even in print, if I believe it to be so. welcome to America, you might find things to be very different than in Mother Russia.

Ok, so you're a partisan hack. Welcome to the club.
We'll see who ends up in prison, or removed from office, or wins a 2nd term.
No sense arguing when neither one of us will believe anything until it happens. <poof>

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