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What happened with the Dem MANTRA that Putin altered the CONTENT of DNC emails?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
I saw numerous Dem Strategists claiming the content of the DNC e-mails was specifically altered PRIOR to being leaked to embarass the DNC.

Why hasn't the DNC shown the "REAL" e-mails and compared them to the e-mails that Putin allegedly altered and PROVEN they were "FAKE"....as they claimed?
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I saw numerous Dem Strategists claiming the content of the DNC e-mails were specifically altered PRIOR to being leaked to embarass the DNC.

Why hasn't the DNC shown the "REAL" e-mails and compared them to the e-mails that Putin allegedly altered and PROVEN they were "FAKE"....as they claimed?

Not sure I saw any of those claims. You got a link?
the Russians put out false information mixed in with the real information. One had the forged letterhead of a Democrat Senator supposedly saying they had the election rigged for Clinton. Trump also cited several fake news items that were put out by Russia.
I saw numerous Dem Strategists claiming the content of the DNC e-mails was specifically altered PRIOR to being leaked to embarass the DNC.

Why hasn't the DNC shown the "REAL" e-mails and compared them to the e-mails that Putin allegedly altered and PROVEN they were "FAKE"....as they claimed?

I sure don't remember anyone stating that, nor have I ever read that. So since you have not provided a link to that--it goes into this file :bsflag:

We do know that Putin was also responsible for putting all kinds of FAKE news out on social media outlets. The worst one almost became deadly at a Pizza joint D.C.--where one dumbass actually believed that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex operation out of there, via Russian News on Facebook. He walked in loaded to the hilt and fired off a shot.
Man opens fire in restaurant targeted by anti-Clinton "PizzaGate" fake news conspiracy - CBS News
busybee01 stop absorbing fake news and stop defending democrat politicians and MSM who are complete liars! Russia did not give Wikleaks the DNC emails and Wikileaks did not alter any of them! Get over it already! :p

I want to take a moment to thank oreo for not posting that vid of homosexual shep smith.

No one said that Wikileaks altered emails. But--lets face it, it wouldn't be hard to do. What I can't believe is your're actually on here promoting & defending Vladimir Putin & Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. No suprise some of you had to defend Adolf Hitler, because of Sean Spicer's comment last week that Hitler didn't use chemical weapons. It's got to be real tough to be a Trump supporter now a days. Welcome to your life for as long as Trump is in the Oval office.--LOL

Julian Assange--(Wikileaks founder) who has been hold'd up in the Ecuador embassy in London surrounded by UK police for the last 4 YEARS. Desperately trying to avoid extradition back to the United States to face charges for what he did to G.W. Bush. Whom basically put a target on every American soldiers back.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Trump's pick for CIA director had a lot to say about Julian Assange also.
CIA Director calls WikiLeaks an “enemy,” says Assange has “no First Amendment freedoms” - World Socialist Web Site

Wikileaks--who just 3 weeks ago leaked thousands of CIA documents, basically telliing every terrorist in the world what tactics the CIA uses to find and catch them.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

And the United States (today) has a list of charges and they are seeking to arrest Julian Assange and charge him with crimes against this nation.
US prepares charges to seek Julian Assange's arrest - CNNPolitics.com

I know Trump and his supporters love Wikileaks--Trump said so.

Putin did a great job on the Pentagon in 2015. One of his ordered hacks was going through the Joint Chiefs of Staff's emails so quickly they had to shut it down, & buy all new hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees


Really I am enjoying every second of this--LOL
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they selected each email that was to be released, then the day of the release of these key emails, they CREATED FALSE NARRATIVE stories on these preselected emails, saying the emails meant something they never ment, and printed these stories in Russia Today, and Sputnik and LifeNews and Pravda, which pushed them in to the Right Wing media outlets like Briebart and Drudge and Infowars, and on Facebook and other Social Media through using BOTS programed to spread the FAKE articles on the wikileaks emails where millions of views of the fake stories were spread on facebook within the first hour of release, which made other right wing media outlets write their own stories on it and the fake stories on the real wikileaks emails metastasized ...

as example, there was an email where Hillary asked someone, What is Parkinson disease? We were not shown any previous emails on why she might have been asking to give context, but the FAKE Russian story released at the same time as the email was that Hillary had Parkinson disease, was sick, was weak, and even was dying.... all of which was not true, was spread to millions of people...

another example was Podesta talking about having Pizza and a FAKE NEWS article was created saying the pizza talk was all about pedophilia and article after article released and spread on PIZZAGATE and Spirit Cooking which right wingers all bought in to....and sprad

they took some disgruntled DNC workers who in MAY were upset with Bernie for not giving up in the primary even though it was evident that he had lost the primary... and wrote fake stories that they were back stabbing Bernie the entire year before, even though there were no emails from the previous year of them doing that...nor was there evidence the disgruntled workers did anything at the end of the season, just showed the negative talk when the RACE WAS ALREADY over....

The whole process was a well oiled propaganda machine pushing crap out daily....
The Clinton campaign declined to confirm the authenticity of the documents but called them "stolen," the latest move by Russian operatives they say are trying to help Donald Trump.

"We are not going to confirm the authenticity of stolen documents released by Julian Assange who has made no secret of his desire to damage Hillary Clinton," said spokesman Glen Caplin in a statement.

Former national security officials warned earlier a statement to Yahoo News that Russian hackers "release fake documents look the same." Still, many of the emails included the authentic addresses of top-level campaign staffers and matched the dates of campaign events. ~ What Leaked Emails Reveal About Clinton's Campaign

Tons more:
Chuck Todd to Tim Kaine: "Why Shouldn't The Public Look At These WikiLeaks Emails?"!
Tim Kaine: WikiLeaks email dumps could be "doctored" - CBS News
Tim Kaine Busted After Questioning Authenticity of WikiLeaks Emails - Breitbart
Tim Kaine: WikiLeaks’ Hacked Emails Could Easily Be Fake [VIDEO]
Kaine says some Democratic emails released by Wikileaks could be fakes
Were the Clinton Campaign Emails Leaked by WikiLeaks Doctored?
Tim Kaine: WikiLeaks’ Hacked Emails Could Easily Be Fake

Related aftermath - Wikileaks was pissed about the accusations and threatened retaliatory action.
Wikileaks Taunts Democrats, Tweets "It Has A Surprise In Store" For Tim Kaine And Donna Brazile | Zero Hedge
WikiLeaks threatens Tim Kaine, DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile: “We have a surprise in store”
Unless you arguing that her VP pick Kaine is nobody? I suppose I /could/ sort of agree with that heh
they selected each email that was to be released, then the day of the release of these key emails, they CREATED FALSE NARRATIVE stories on these preselected emails, saying the emails meant something they never ment, and printed these stories in Russia Today, and Sputnik and LifeNews and Pravda, which pushed them in to the Right Wing media outlets like Briebart and Drudge and Infowars, and on Facebook and other Social Media through using BOTS programed to spread the FAKE articles on the wikileaks emails where millions of views of the fake stories were spread on facebook within the first hour of release, which made other right wing media outlets write their own stories on it and the fake stories on the real wikileaks emails metastasized ...

as example, there was an email where Hillary asked someone, What is Parkinson disease? We were not shown any previous emails on why she might have been asking to give context, but the FAKE Russian story released at the same time as the email was that Hillary had Parkinson disease, was sick, was weak, and even was dying.... all of which was not true, was spread to millions of people...

another example was Podesta talking about having Pizza and a FAKE NEWS article was created saying the pizza talk was all about pedophilia and article after article released and spread on PIZZAGATE and Spirit Cooking which right wingers all bought in to....and sprad

they took some disgruntled DNC workers who in MAY were upset with Bernie for not giving up in the primary even though it was evident that he had lost the primary... and wrote fake stories that they were back stabbing Bernie the entire year before, even though there were no emails from the previous year of them doing that...nor was there evidence the disgruntled workers did anything at the end of the season, just showed the negative talk when the RACE WAS ALREADY over....

The whole process was a well oiled propaganda machine pushing crap out daily....

I will agree with that, Right wingers were all over this board linking to Russian FAKE news.

The worst damage done--was the leaking of Debbie Wasserman's emails showing her anxiety over Bernie Sanders campaigning on a rigged election--even though Hillary kicked his ass by 3,775,437 popular votes. Sanders still refused to drop out of the race when he was clearly beaten with no way to win after New York voted. Sanders did his damage by staying in the race. At that point in time he might as well been working for the Trump campaign.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote!

At any rate Wasserman's emails were timed and leaked, and the Ass Clown was right there sweeping up the collateral damage (using that email to appeal to Sanders supporters)--and we had Sanders supporters all over this board threatening to vote for Trump is Sanders didn't win the nomination.

It's going to get real interesting when Trump's long time friend and campaign adviser (Roger Stone) gets called in to give sworn testimony whom stated that he had a backdoor into Wikileaks, and contact with the Russian hacker.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics.com

they selected each email that was to be released, then the day of the release of these key emails, they CREATED FALSE NARRATIVE stories on these preselected emails, saying the emails meant something they never ment, and printed these stories in Russia Today, and Sputnik and LifeNews and Pravda, which pushed them in to the Right Wing media outlets like Briebart and Drudge and Infowars, and on Facebook and other Social Media through using BOTS programed to spread the FAKE articles on the wikileaks emails where millions of views of the fake stories were spread on facebook within the first hour of release, which made other right wing media outlets write their own stories on it and the fake stories on the real wikileaks emails metastasized ...

as example, there was an email where Hillary asked someone, What is Parkinson disease? We were not shown any previous emails on why she might have been asking to give context, but the FAKE Russian story released at the same time as the email was that Hillary had Parkinson disease, was sick, was weak, and even was dying.... all of which was not true, was spread to millions of people...

another example was Podesta talking about having Pizza and a FAKE NEWS article was created saying the pizza talk was all about pedophilia and article after article released and spread on PIZZAGATE and Spirit Cooking which right wingers all bought in to....and sprad

they took some disgruntled DNC workers who in MAY were upset with Bernie for not giving up in the primary even though it was evident that he had lost the primary... and wrote fake stories that they were back stabbing Bernie the entire year before, even though there were no emails from the previous year of them doing that...nor was there evidence the disgruntled workers did anything at the end of the season, just showed the negative talk when the RACE WAS ALREADY over....

The whole process was a well oiled propaganda machine pushing crap out daily....

I will agree with that, Right wingers were all over this board linking to Russian FAKE news.

The worst damage done--was the leaking of Debbie Wasserman's emails showing her anxiety over Bernie Sanders campaigning on a rigged election--even though Hillary kicked his ass by 3,775,437 popular votes. Sanders still refused to drop out of the race when he was clearly beaten with no way to win after New York voted. Sanders did his damage by staying in the race. At that point in time he might as well been working for the Trump campaign.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote!

At any rate Wasserman's emails were timed and leaked, and the Ass Clown was right there sweeping up the collateral damage (using that email to appeal to Sanders supporters)--and we had Sanders supporters all over this board threatening to vote for Trump is Sanders didn't win the nomination.

It's going to get real interesting when Trump's long time friend and campaign adviser (Roger Stone) gets called in to give sworn testimony whom stated that he had a backdoor into Wikileaks, and contact with the Russian hacker.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics.com


And just think, had they not said any of those things, and DONE those things, it wouldn't have mattered one bit. However, as we now know, they (meaning the DNC) DID do all of those corrupt things. And you don't care.

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