What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump's Way?

What happens if it becomes clear that President Trump was re-elected and the Progressives actually stole the election?

It is becoming very clear:
  • EVERYTHING that might improve elections and get at the truth of last year is being OPPOSED by the Left. They are against recounts, audits, investigation, court trials, voter identification and election laws. They tried to make this election about restriction-free voting, not about just helping people who couldn't or didn't want to vote at the poll. In their model, THE ONLY BENEFICIARY in their actions is THEMSELVES in absolutely freeing up and maximizing their own ability to farm ballots by the millions and millions with NO oversight at all.

  • If Trump is shown the legitimate winner, the MILITARY is sworn to follow the CIC. The government and courts are anyone's guess. Biddum would HAVE to step down, Hairy could not step in to fill his role, so very likely this would put Nancy in charge of running the country as the two parties battle to hammer it out and hopefully, allow Trump time to assemble a cabinet and resume his office.

  • The Left knows that if this election is overturned, it will mean not only the END to their socialist/globalist agenda, but the END to their battle to make or keep elections a free-for-all where anything goes.

Right now, the way the last election is run, my local library gives more care and concern to my tasking out a book, that the USA gives to assuring voters vote according to legitimate means of certifying legal and lawful voters and voting.
Nope, not true. You have nothing and will have nothing every coming day.

You coming over for dinner? :auiqs.jpg:
Don't eat roadkill, sorry

Left a bad taste in your mouth, eh?
There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the losers a legal path to overturn a certified election with wholly partisan audits.

Thanks for voiding out the Meuller Investigation. Now I want my 45 million back.
What happens if it becomes clear that President Trump was re-elected and the Progressives actually stole the election?

It is becoming very clear:
  • EVERYTHING that might improve elections and get at the truth of last year is being OPPOSED by the Left. They are against recounts, audits, investigation, court trials, voter identification and election laws. They tried to make this election about restriction-free voting, not about just helping people who couldn't or didn't want to vote at the poll. In their model, THE ONLY BENEFICIARY in their actions is THEMSELVES in absolutely freeing up and maximizing their own ability to farm ballots by the millions and millions with NO oversight at all.

  • If Trump is shown the legitimate winner, the MILITARY is sworn to follow the CIC. The government and courts are anyone's guess. Biddum would HAVE to step down, Hairy could not step in to fill his role, so very likely this would put Nancy in charge of running the country as the two parties battle to hammer it out and hopefully, allow Trump time to assemble a cabinet and resume his office.

  • The Left knows that if this election is overturned, it will mean not only the END to their socialist/globalist agenda, but the END to their battle to make or keep elections a free-for-all where anything goes.

Right now, the way the last election is run, my local library gives more care and concern to my tasking out a book, that the USA gives to assuring voters vote according to legitimate means of certifying legal and lawful voters and voting.
Nope, not true. You have nothing and will have nothing every coming day.

You coming over for dinner? :auiqs.jpg:
Don't eat roadkill, sorry

Left a bad taste in your mouth, eh?
Never had it, but you can post what's best for your other hillbillies.
There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the losers a legal path to overturn a certified election with wholly partisan audits.

Thanks for voiding out the Meuller Investigation. Now I want my 45 million back.
The Federal Government was run by Trumpyberra, that also means the DOJ, who was in charge of that investigation. Also as I'm sure you remember the once proud GOP held every single branch of government when the Exalted One fired the top official who was investigating the Dear Leader, prompting his own so called party to investigate.

But you're a trained victim. Those damn dems did tit.
Some day Guiliani & Powell will show up in court with actual evidence to prove the election was stolen. But don't hang waiting for that day.
There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the losers a legal path to overturn a certified election with wholly partisan audits.

Thanks for voiding out the Meuller Investigation. Now I want my 45 million back.
The Federal Government was run by Trumpyberra, that also means the DOJ, who was in charge of that investigation. Also as I'm sure you remember the once proud GOP held every single branch of government when the Exalted One fired the top official who was investigating the Dear Leader, prompting his own so called party to investigate.

But you're a trained victim. Those damn dems did tit.

Are you ignorant or just naive?
There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the losers a legal path to overturn a certified election with wholly partisan audits.

Thanks for voiding out the Meuller Investigation. Now I want my 45 million back.
The Federal Government was run by Trumpyberra, that also means the DOJ, who was in charge of that investigation. Also as I'm sure you remember the once proud GOP held every single branch of government when the Exalted One fired the top official who was investigating the Dear Leader, prompting his own so called party to investigate.

But you're a trained victim. Those damn dems did tit.

Are you ignorant or just naive?
Tell me Brother, when did you lose faith in our Constitution, or are you one of the ones who just never had any?
What happens if it becomes clear that President Trump was re-elected and the Progressives actually stole the election?

It is becoming very clear:
  • EVERYTHING that might improve elections and get at the truth of last year is being OPPOSED by the Left. They are against recounts, audits, investigation, court trials, voter identification and election laws. They tried to make this election about restriction-free voting, not about just helping people who couldn't or didn't want to vote at the poll. In their model, THE ONLY BENEFICIARY in their actions is THEMSELVES in absolutely freeing up and maximizing their own ability to farm ballots by the millions and millions with NO oversight at all.

  • If Trump is shown the legitimate winner, the MILITARY is sworn to follow the CIC. The government and courts are anyone's guess. Biddum would HAVE to step down, Hairy could not step in to fill his role, so very likely this would put Nancy in charge of running the country as the two parties battle to hammer it out and hopefully, allow Trump time to assemble a cabinet and resume his office.

  • The Left knows that if this election is overturned, it will mean not only the END to their socialist/globalist agenda, but the END to their battle to make or keep elections a free-for-all where anything goes.

Right now, the way the last election is run, my local library gives more care and concern to my tasking out a book, that the USA gives to assuring voters vote according to legitimate means of certifying legal and lawful voters and voting.
Nope, not true. You have nothing and will have nothing every coming day.

You coming over for dinner? :auiqs.jpg:
Don't eat roadkill, sorry

Left a bad taste in your mouth, eh?
Never had it, but you can post what's best for your other hillbillies.

Really? And here I would have thought you'd have eaten out your sister many times.
See, you just can't stop with that home styled family datin'. What part of Appalachia are ya from?
There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the losers a legal path to overturn a certified election with wholly partisan audits.
The beauty of this (for them, anyway) is that when the circus audit says that Trump won and nothing happens, they'll be able to point to that as "proof" of the "Deep State" and a rigged election.

Cult ideology is fully self-sustaining. All contrary information can be used as an excuse to claim persecution.

No one could have predicted it would ever happen around a President, though. Especially the Founders.
What will the military, the Supreme Court, and the people eventually do?
The military? Nothing, which is what they should do. We ain't some 3rd-world shit-hole where coup-de-tats happen every 5 minutes.

The SCOTUS? Nothing, which is what they should do. They rule based on the Constitution, and there is nothing in the Constitution about this kind of thing. Even if there was incontrovertible evidence of massive election fraud that proves the election was stolen, there's nothing they can do about it.

The Congress? These are the people that can remove a president, via impeachment. Would the democrats do that to Biden, even in the face of undeniable proof, which does not exist BTW and I doubt ever will? I don't think so. And even if they did impeach Biden, there's no way they can reinstate Trump as he insists. Would we end up with Kamala, or Nancy? Jesus, shoot me now. No. Not happening folks. Like it or not, Joe Biden is the POTUS and will remain so for his 4 years unless he dies or becomes incapacitated to the point were can't do the job.

The people? Well now, we can sure as hell vote the bastards out at the earliest opportunity to do so. As we speak, state legislatures around the country are crafting new laws to hopefully reduce if not prevent election fraud. I do believe it's good to be thoroughly auditing what happened with an eye to stop it from happening again. If you can't trust our election system then how can you trust the elected officials who run it? I don't care where you fall on the political spectrum, if you're not for ensuring election integrity then you're an ideological fool.
right here, nicely done.
The Democrats and their Yellow Press have already been working hard to undermine the credibilty of the audits.
If the audits find significant fraud they will attempt to deny it.
that's apparent just in here. It's fking hilarious the stance the demofks are arguing in here. The states are the ones hurt by this illegitimate president, it will be up to the states to decide what happens.
What happens if it becomes clear that President Trump was re-elected and the Progressives actually stole the election?

It is becoming very clear:
  • EVERYTHING that might improve elections and get at the truth of last year is being OPPOSED by the Left. They are against recounts, audits, investigation, court trials, voter identification and election laws. They tried to make this election about restriction-free voting, not about just helping people who couldn't or didn't want to vote at the poll. In their model, THE ONLY BENEFICIARY in their actions is THEMSELVES in absolutely freeing up and maximizing their own ability to farm ballots by the millions and millions with NO oversight at all.

  • If Trump is shown the legitimate winner, the MILITARY is sworn to follow the CIC. The government and courts are anyone's guess. Biddum would HAVE to step down, Hairy could not step in to fill his role, so very likely this would put Nancy in charge of running the country as the two parties battle to hammer it out and hopefully, allow Trump time to assemble a cabinet and resume his office.

  • The Left knows that if this election is overturned, it will mean not only the END to their socialist/globalist agenda, but the END to their battle to make or keep elections a free-for-all where anything goes.

Right now, the way the last election is run, my local library gives more care and concern to my tasking out a book, that the USA gives to assuring voters vote according to legitimate means of certifying legal and lawful voters and voting.
Nope, not true. You have nothing and will have nothing every coming day.

You coming over for dinner? :auiqs.jpg:
Don't eat roadkill, sorry

Left a bad taste in your mouth, eh?
Never had it, but you can post what's best for your other hillbillies.

Really? And here I would have thought you'd have eaten out your sister many times.
See, you just can't stop with that home styled family datin'. What part of Appalachia are ya from?

The area where people like you often turn up with their face shoved up their ass but without the rest of the head.

But with a big asshole like you, it would probably just fall right back out, huh.
The Democrats and their Yellow Press have already been working hard to undermine the credibilty of the audits.
If the audits find significant fraud they will attempt to deny it.
that's apparent just in here. It's fking hilarious the stance the demofks are arguing in here. The states are the ones hurt by this illegitimate president, it will be up to the states to decide what happens.
Whose hurt by what?
There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the losers a legal path to overturn a certified election with wholly partisan audits.
you believe there's a bipartisan board out there somewhere. Not in your life today.
The Democrats and their Yellow Press have already been working hard to undermine the credibilty of the audits.
If the audits find significant fraud they will attempt to deny it.
that's apparent just in here. It's fking hilarious the stance the demofks are arguing in here. The states are the ones hurt by this illegitimate president, it will be up to the states to decide what happens.
Whose hurt by what?
Who's hurt by what? Corrected the stupid fk again.

People in the states that lost that's who, illegitimate is causing job loss and tax increases energy dependence, you name it they're hurt from xiden in office. China doesn't rule us.
The Democrats and their Yellow Press have already been working hard to undermine the credibilty of the audits.
If the audits find significant fraud they will attempt to deny it.
that's apparent just in here. It's fking hilarious the stance the demofks are arguing in here. The states are the ones hurt by this illegitimate president, it will be up to the states to decide what happens.
Whose hurt by what?
Who's hurt by what? Corrected the stupid fk again.

People in the states that lost that's who, illegitimate is causing job loss and tax increases energy dependence, you name it they're hurt from xiden in office. China doesn't rule us.
How has President Biden caused job loses? Which States?

What tax has President Biden raised?

I need some specifics first.

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