What happens if they both die??

the election coup of 2020 destroyed the constitution. the Jan 6 activity was organized and encouraged by Pelosi, the DC mayor, and the FBI. Trump tried to prevent it but was stopped. Exactly how do the words "peacefully and patriotically" spark a riot? Why is Ray Epps still walking free with no arrests or charges for inciting a riot? He is recorded doing exactly that, and who paid him to do it? Not Trump.
Holy crap.
You HAVE TO BE in this video.

The long term Biden family corruption was revealed in detail last week. Now the question is whether the GOP has the balls to do anything about it. Or does the corruption reach so deep that this too will be swept under the rugs.
Trump REALLY loves you.
When Pence defended the Constitution, Trump sent an angry mob against him

The Constitution that Trump wants to terminate
Wow. Trump must have been there on the front lines directing the action within seconds of it happening, right?
Do you have any videos or pictures of Trump leading you charge??? No, of course you don't.

No. What happened is Pelosi had the Capital Police let in a bunch of Trump supporters so they could claim that the Capital was in danger. So they shut down everything and left. Then the CIA brought instigators into the Capital to trash the place. The cops started shooting tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd and the 40 some odd FBI/CIA plants in the crowd started screaming to charge the cops.
Trump wasn't anywhere near what was going on. He was cut off from all communications in the White House.
It was literally a military coup which they're trying to use as a predicate to charge him with wire-fraud.
Most of the people they have weren't guilty of anything other than witnessing the carnage.

Possible alternative Presidential candidates?


* Ron Desantis
* Ted Cruz
* Joni Ernst
* Tim Scott


* J.B. Pritzger
* Caroline Kennedy
* Joe Manchin
* Tammy Duckworth
Do you have any videos or pictures of Trump leading you charge??? No, of course you don't.
We have Trump calling up his minions on Jan 6
We have him feeding them stolen election lies and telling the crowd that they have to fight and stop it from happening
We have him sending them to the Capitol
We have him turning the crowd against Mike Pence
We have him refusing to act when the crowd turned violent

If not for Trump, Jan 6 would not have happened
the 2020 "election" was not an election. it was a successful coup of the US government by the NWO, the DNC, and their media mouthpieces. The truth is slowly coming out. Stand by.

The 2020 election was the most fair and accurate in history. No election has been so thoroughly verified.

Crybaby Loser Trump could not bear that he lost so tried to steal the election by taking away the vote of the people and have his partisan minions reverse the Will of the People
Both? Are you sure you want to compare doddering old Joe Biden who (lest we forget) had two brain embolisms and is clearly losing his mental faculties at an alarming rate, with articulate energetic Donald Trump?
Judging by the election of Fetterman to the senate, democrats prefer the brain damaged candidate. As long as old Joe has a faint pulse the 35% (and dropping) loyal base will vote for him.
The 2024 GOP Convention will culminate on July 18th. Donald Trump will be about 78, he's obese, and clearly has difficulties walking up or down even 1 flight of stairs.

The 2024 Democratic convention will culminate on August 22nd. Joe Biden will be 81. Thought is weight is not an issue, he looks and acts old and frail (sunglasses or no)

With the 2024 Presidential election looking like a rerun of 2020, and important question needs to be asked:
What happens if both candidates die between the time they win the nomination, and the general election??

Will there be a special election? Do the 2nd place candidates in each party become the candidates? Do their Vice Presidential picks become the candidates? Frankly - I don't know. Any ideas?

Judging by the election of Fetterman to the senate, democrats prefer the brain damaged candidate. As long as old Joe has a faint pulse the 35% (and dropping) loyal base will vote for him.

Voters in Pennsylvania were given the option of a Lt Governor who had recently had a stroke and an unqualified Talk Show Doctor from another state.

They chose Fetterman

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