What happens if Trump is convicted?

So...you are a pussy. Noted.
First you accuse me of promoting violence, then when i say im not going to be violent you call me a pussy. Do you EVER have an honest position in debates?
There is no plan B for democrats. They can see the ongoing mental deterioration in Biden but they don't give a damn as long as they have the media poised to fool the public. Does it matter to democrats if a completely deranged president is elected with his tremblinging thumb on the nuclear button? They are so full of hatred for the former president that they don't think that far ahead or they don't give a damn what happens.
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.
What ethics and law do you care about at the moment? Every single one of you is cranking out whataboutisms. What I'm not hearing is an actual legal defense. This includes from his lawyers.

I'm not saying this won't turn violent and as we speak the entire MAGA base has made it clear that any verdict that doesn't come back not guilty will not be accepted, no matter what evidence is presented. But the way I see it. Letting the fear of people like you stop the EQUAL application of the law because you won't like it carries its own risk.

Let me ask you. If by some miracle Trump isn't found guilty of any charge, what will your response or Trumps response be? "The law worked and let's go back to business." Or "the deep state tried to go after me so now I'm entitled to take revenge?"

Asking the question is answering it. So, what do you think your threats mean? What do you think you can do extra that you and Trump haven't done already or vowed to do?
Appeals take a long time. People sit in prison for a long time awaiting appeals.
a person can get a bond appeal....Bob McDonnell was able to get one with the demafascsist used political prosecution against him.

With that said if Trump is convicted in the federal system, he will either pardon himself, or the GOP President that won instead of him, will.
a person can get a bond appeal....Bob McDonnell was able to get one with the demafascsist used political prosecution against him.

With that said if Trump is convicted in the federal system, he will either pardon himself, or the GOP President that won instead of him, will.
biden will pardon Trump, the politicians can not risk, civil war
If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN?

I agree with you…we saw how fucked up Conservative are on Jan 6. We already know they hate this country and think reality does not apply to them.

But Democrats are prepared for your violence.
We have FEMA Reeducation Camps throughout the country and are making room for you right now

A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.

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