What happens if Trump is convicted?

No, I am just an American. You are not in anyway shape or form.

I am. And not only is your position foolish. It literally defies logic.

Let’s be honest. For just one moment. Let’s say Georgia was stolen. Three elected Republicans are in charge. The Governor Kemp. The Attorney General. And the Secretary of State Rafesberger.

Rafesberger finds the fraud. Rafesberger is a shoe in for the Governors mansion. Kemp is in charge of the state the exposed the Fraud. An instant leading contender for the Presidency in 24. The AG prosecuted the fraudsters and wins the Senate Seat by a landslide.

There is literally every reason to expose the fraud. No reason to hide it. A chance Kemp could become Senator. At best a coin toss since Democrats hold it right now and with incumbent advantage, a fair chance they’ll keep it.

It makes no sense. None.
I am. And not only is your position foolish. It literally defies logic.

Let’s be honest. For just one moment. Let’s say Georgia was stolen. Three elected Republicans are in charge. The Governor Kemp. The Attorney General. And the Secretary of State Rafesberger.

Rafesberger finds the fraud. Rafesberger is a shoe in for the Governors mansion. Kemp is in charge of the state the exposed the Fraud. An instant leading contender for the Presidency in 24. The AG prosecuted the fraudsters and wins the Senate Seat by a landslide.

There is literally every reason to expose the fraud. No reason to hide it. A chance Kemp could become Senator. At best a coin toss since Democrats hold it right now and with incumbent advantage, a fair chance they’ll keep it.

It makes no sense. None.
Be honest? I have been honest. The politicians are lying and covering up their own crimes. The obvious theft of 2020 election is made more obvious when people and media try to claim these politicians are honest. It is common knowledge they are not.
Be honest? I have been honest. The politicians are lying and covering up their own crimes. The obvious theft of 2020 election is made more obvious when people and media try to claim these politicians are honest. It is common knowledge they are not.

So why hasn’t any of the Republicans in Georgia come forward? Kemp could guarantee a run on the Presidency if he could come forward with Proof. Rafesberger would be a shoe in for Senator or Governor.

Any lawyer who could produce proof would be able to charge whatever he wanted per hour for decades.

So far. The Lawyers who have claimed it, later recant and apologize for making the claims to try and save their license.

But you should know that. The standard of proof has been flipped on its head. For more than two centuries you had to prove you were telling the truth. If you were accused of libel or slander, you had to prove you were telling the truth. Now. When it comes to the election. Suddenly the standard is that the world has to prove, not to any standard that makes sense, but to believers like you, to your satisfaction, that the election wasn’t stolen.

This may help you.


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