What happens if Trump is convicted?

You seem to assume that the Trump brand, if you will, will carry on. The thing is...unless the R's get them some majorities in DC and the Statehouses..they ain't going to do shit.
Any state actually attempt some sort of armed fracus..the Army..yeah, the Army...will do what they are told. I know that it's one of the Right's favorite lies they tell themselves..that the armed forces will back up a righteus revolution.
Just not happening.

The Red states..will remain Red. A few hard heads will die in the streets...everyone else will go home and lick their nutz.

History is in the process of passing the alt/right by--they're on the wrong side of the demographic and the wrong side of history.
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.
BLM will loot and riot. Antifa will loot and riot.

Why? It’s not Trump. These zealots are never happy.
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.
Won't happen.
You all will piss and moan and whine and have your little selective outrage tantrum and then you'll go back to sleep and wait like the good little sheeple that you are for your next cult leader to follow....and tell you how to think, what to say, what to do.
Meanwhile Dems will be busy making our country a better place.
If history is any indication...that is what you guys do. Promise action and do nothing. And when something is done--as feckless as it was (January 6)--you swear that you had nothing to do with it.

Put another way; you're a clown.
Remember many of the younger storm trooper crazies are now in Fed prison from J 6.
Never considered that. I suppose it is possible, but only after concessions from the right. They will at least have to try to behave like adults.
I don't think it's possible. For one thing it would require something that's impossible.

It would require Trump to go on into obscurity. Otherwise, there's nothing to gain. The only reason to pardon Trump, and incidentally destroy any chance of getting reelected is to take the temperature down. It's highly unlikely pardoning Trump will achieve that. People like Godboy will simply fold it into their grand sense of conspiracy and claim it was done because they knew Democrats couldn't prove the case in court. the resentment would simply stay the same. Not to mention that making a deal with Trump would have zero chance of being honored.
Won't happen.
You all will piss and moan and whine and have your little selective outrage tantrum and then you'll go back to sleep and wait like the good little sheeple that you are for your next cult leader to follow....and tell you how to think, what to say, what to do.
Meanwhile Dems will be busy making our country a better place.

- Hyper Inflation
- Southern Border crisis
- Democratic mayors begging for help in Boston and NYC
- War continues in the Ukraine
- Botched Afghanistan withdrawal
- Attack in women’s sports

The Democratic Party has gone full radical. 🤷‍♂️
Jack, the only thing I see you grasping here is your penis. Do your yanking in private, please.

Let's be clear, this is really about BIDEN AND ONLY BIDEN; this entire bogus multi-year, staged, timed show-trial manufactured against Trump conveniently timed to begin right before the election (just like Covid and BLM in 2020) is merely to keep the headlines off of the real story: the Treasonous Biden Crime Family, and the Obumma Deep State still clandestinely operating through them for an illegal "third term" of selling America totally down the tubes for a small oligarchy of uber-rich looking for a bigger piece of the global domination pie.

Trump certainly walks right into it with his inexperience in political corruption combined with an ego the size of a bathtub which blinds him to his own vulnerabilities.

Give him up for WHAT, Jack? Joe Bidden? DeSantis? RFK? Elections and politics are so corrupt and dishonest now Jack that good people run like hell away from it and we are only lucky enough to get someone as good as Trump now maybe once in a century--- maybe for the last time.
Biden isn't under indictment, Freaky. Trump is. And Trump got himself...because he's corrupt and incompetent. And if you think the country is lucky to have someone as "good" as Trump...then you're beyond hope. :)
Jack, the only thing I see you grasping here is your penis. Do your yanking in private, please.

Let's be clear, this is really about BIDEN AND ONLY BIDEN; this entire bogus multi-year, staged, timed show-trial manufactured against Trump conveniently timed to begin right before the election (just like Covid and BLM in 2020) is merely to keep the headlines off of the real story: the Treasonous Biden Crime Family, and the Obumma Deep State still clandestinely operating through them for an illegal "third term" of selling America totally down the tubes for a small oligarchy of uber-rich looking for a bigger piece of the global domination pie.

Trump certainly walks right into it with his inexperience in political corruption combined with an ego the size of a bathtub which blinds him to his own vulnerabilities.

Give him up for WHAT, Jack? Joe Bidden? DeSantis? RFK? Elections and politics are so corrupt and dishonest now Jack that good people run like hell away from it and we are only lucky enough to get someone as good as Trump now maybe once in a century--- maybe for the last time.
And here comes the MAGAt sexual fantasies.
His three pillars. It's free-speech, Trump believed what he said, he did things because lawyers said he could.

You know what's conspicuously absent? He didn't do what is being alleged.

Unfortunately, Trump is not being prosecuted for what he said, only his actions

My Lawyer said I could do it is no defense
His Lawyers Rudy and the Kraken are part of the RICO indictment ,

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