What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

Be honest if you can. At the last lds gathering....were there a bunch of different ethnicities represented or did it look like a tea party gathering racially wise? :)

So you have the same Disdain for Churches that are Mostly Black?

Have you ever been to a black church.? Have. Ya? I have. They do not preach white people are sub humans the way mormons did until yhey were threatened to lose money. Again...have you been to a black church and if so, explain the hate you heard. I Will Will.wait.

I have heard a Black Church preach hatred of Whites. I don't care. They both have the right to be as stupid as they want, and to be as Exclusive as they want.

What the hell is the point of Pointing out how white the LDS church is? did you expect it to be full of Blacks any more than a Black Church on the South Side of Chicago would have a bunch of white faces in it?
I was mistaken in saying that the LDS Church did not allow black membership. They could join, but until 1978 they couldn't be a part of the priesthood. An organization with institutional racism is not going to attract many adherents from minority races.

Race had nothing to do with it. Which is probably why we are absolutely thriving in South America and Africa.
If we wake up and Romney is the President elect, our national nightmare will be over and the dark cloud over our nation will fade away.

Not necessarily. It just allows us to start seeing the light.
Take a breath of fresh air, America will decide, lets be realistic, we are standing on the abyss of financial ruin, the dollar is a bubble, and the current administration, according to the CBO, can't do the math, so its time to face it, the Democratic party has been a miserable incompetent failure. The joke is that there are some that feel if they tax the 2% 100% of their income it will make a difference and yet they haven't run the numbers, but then socialists never do run the numbers do they.
I pretty certain that if we wake up and there's a Mormon in the White House,

it'll be Harry Reid stopping by to congratulate President Obama.

You think Harry Reid is going to congratuate the President for losing the election?

Come to think of it, he probably would do something that odd.
What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

Tanks rolling down main street america?
So when in the freaking 70's did your religion finally say blacks were not sub human? Oh and why exactly did they finally accept them as humans?

The same time you stopped beating your daughter.

Oh wait, you never did. Neither did we.
Be honest if you can. At the last lds gathering....were there a bunch of different ethnicities represented or did it look like a tea party gathering racially wise? :)

So you have the same Disdain for Churches that are Mostly Black?

Have you ever been to a black church.? Have. Ya? I have. They do not preach white people are sub humans the way mormons did until yhey were threatened to lose money. Again...have you been to a black church and if so, explain the hate you heard. I Will Will.wait.

You do realize that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has had the same position on race since the Book of Mormon was published in 1829.

For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. (2 Nephi 26:33)

Whatever source you are looking to is lying to you.
So you have the same Disdain for Churches that are Mostly Black?

Have you ever been to a black church.? Have. Ya? I have. They do not preach white people are sub humans the way mormons did until yhey were threatened to lose money. Again...have you been to a black church and if so, explain the hate you heard. I Will Will.wait.

You do realize that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has had the same position on race since the Book of Mormon was published in 1829.

For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. (2 Nephi 26:33)

Whatever source you are looking to is lying to you.

Won't matter what you say they are out for Romney's blood and if that means taking down innocent Mormon’s with lies about their faith, that's just fine and dandy.
Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.


The left would not have any problem if Harry Reid were running for president.
Last edited:
Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.


The left would not have any problem if Harry Reid were running for president.

At least Jon Stewart has more intellectually honesty on this issue than most of the hypocritical leftists on this board.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLDfy_GgksY]Jon Stewart SLAMS Lawrence O'Donnell and Martin Bashir For Mormon Comments - YouTube[/ame]

I haven't been able to figure that one out. No death and doom scenarios with Reid in such a powerful position but Romney would be a different Mormon?
CaféAuLait;5515486 said:
Won't matter what you say they are out for Romney's blood and if that means taking down innocent Mormon’s with lies about their faith, that's just fine and dandy.

Im aware of that. Im just hoping that when it's spelled up people are going to ask themselves why they have to lie to prove their points? My idea is that if you have to lie, then you dont believe you have the truth with you. And if you dont have the truth with you, why support the position?
What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

It's a moot point - I just don't see Obama converting to Mormonism.

It would require him to be humble and seek God with through study and prayer. So you are probably right. God works mysteriously though.

Of course, Obama wont be President in 7 months. So your post is moot too.
At least Big Rebecca's retardation is funny and entertaining. Yours is just humorless and boring.
What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

It's a moot point - I just don't see Obama converting to Mormonism.

It would require him to be humble and seek God with through study and prayer. So you are probably right. God works mysteriously though.

Of course, Obama wont be President in 7 months. So your post is moot too.
At least Big Rebecca's retardation is funny and entertaining. Yours is just humorless and boring.

awwwww......whats even funnier is you support Obama. NOW that is hilarious.
What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

It's a moot point - I just don't see Obama converting to Mormonism.

It would require him to be humble and seek God with through study and prayer. So you are probably right. God works mysteriously though.

Of course, Obama wont be President in 7 months. So your post is moot too.
At least Big Rebecca's retardation is funny and entertaining. Yours is just humorless and boring.

The only thing retarded here is the fact that you thought your retort was somehow clever.

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