What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

Since the God of Mormonism is not the God of Christianity, do Christians have a problem with that? Would Romney be the first time in American history that a non-Christian president occupied the White House?

Who is the God of Mormonism?
I woke up and there was a Kenyan Muslim, Black Power Communist in the White House. So__ Yea. Is it supposed to get worse than that?
Since the God of Mormonism is not the God of Christianity, do Christians have a problem with that? Would Romney be the first time in American history that a non-Christian president occupied the White House?

Who is the God of Mormonism?

Sounds like Romney wouldn't be the first non-Christian president:

Meet the 18 non-Christian American presidents

Interesting read; but I have no doubt that that site took some liberties in their declarations. I'll say this much. Some presidents have been much more spiritual and/or religious than others.
Since the God of Mormonism is not the God of Christianity, do Christians have a problem with that? Would Romney be the first time in American history that a non-Christian president occupied the White House?

Who is the God of Mormonism?

Only a fool pretends that Mormons don't worship Christ. He's in the title of the church. Methinks you're just trying to stir the pot. It's funny with how liberals are allegedly concerned about "evangelical Christians" acceptance of Romney's beliefs. You're just hoping for dissension and apathy b/c you're worried that your own values aren't going to hold up otherwise.
Since the God of Mormonism is not the God of Christianity, do Christians have a problem with that? Would Romney be the first time in American history that a non-Christian president occupied the White House?

Who is the God of Mormonism?

Christians don't worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob anymore? When did that change?
Since the God of Mormonism is not the God of Christianity, do Christians have a problem with that? Would Romney be the first time in American history that a non-Christian president occupied the White House?

Who is the God of Mormonism?

Only a fool pretends that Mormons don't worship Christ. He's in the title of the church. Methinks you're just trying to stir the pot. It's funny with how liberals are allegedly concerned about "evangelical Christians" acceptance of Romney's beliefs. You're just hoping for dissension and apathy b/c you're worried that your own values aren't going to hold up otherwise.

You obviously don't know jack shit about Mormonism.
Since the God of Mormonism is not the God of Christianity, do Christians have a problem with that? Would Romney be the first time in American history that a non-Christian president occupied the White House?

Who is the God of Mormonism?

Only a fool pretends that Mormons don't worship Christ. He's in the title of the church. Methinks you're just trying to stir the pot. It's funny with how liberals are allegedly concerned about "evangelical Christians" acceptance of Romney's beliefs. You're just hoping for dissension and apathy b/c you're worried that your own values aren't going to hold up otherwise.

You obviously don't know jack shit about Mormonism.

Coming from the person who doesn't know jack about Mormonism.
Since the God of Mormonism is not the God of Christianity, do Christians have a problem with that? Would Romney be the first time in American history that a non-Christian president occupied the White House?

Who is the God of Mormonism?

Only a fool pretends that Mormons don't worship Christ. He's in the title of the church. Methinks you're just trying to stir the pot. It's funny with how liberals are allegedly concerned about "evangelical Christians" acceptance of Romney's beliefs. You're just hoping for dissension and apathy b/c you're worried that your own values aren't going to hold up otherwise.

You obviously don't know jack shit about Mormonism.

I know plenty. That's why I know you're spouting lies.
Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.
the question should be what happens when [you]wake up with a republican in the White House !! get ready to see government downsized !! get ready to see the private sector make a huge comeback !! get ready to see hard working Americans become prosperous,get ready to get pissed because your conservative neighbors with a better work ethic than you and your lazy leftist cohorts buy a better car and house than you have !! in other words libb get ready to get pissed !!:clap2::clap2::badgrin:
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Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.
the question should be what happens when [you]wake up with a republican in the White House !! get ready to see government downsized !! get ready to see the private sector make a huge comeback !! get ready to see hard working Americans become prosperous,get ready to get pissed because your conservative neighbors with a better work ethic than you and your lazy leftist cohorts buy a better car and house than you have !! in other words libb get ready to get pissed !!:clap2::clap2::badgrin:

Yeah we already saw what happens when the GOP have complete control under W. With the GOP idiots in power, all they do is create huge government, huge spending, massive deficits, tanking the economy and mass unemployment.
I guess that's looked at as a utopia to the right wing sheep.
What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

That would HAVE to be the ultimate "morning-after" story!!!!

A lotta people would be asking how we managed to meet a Mormon, at the local-tavern, in the first-place!!​
Jon Stewart Criticizes Lawrence O'Donnell, Martin Bashir For Mormon Comments (VIDEO)

At least Jon Steward isn't a hypocritical bigot. He actually has the intellectually integrity to point out the bigotted nature of the left's attacks on Romney's faith.
Yup. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize bigotry.

And, the OP is not shy about its racism, antisemitism, and bigotry.

We're seeing a new form of bigotry these days.

I'm not sure if it's against whites, patriotism, or against success.

I think it's against all of the above.

Being Mormon is code for the left of being white, patriotic, and successful.

Course there are good Mormons and bad Mormons.

The Democratic Party, according to Lakhota, has become the party of religious bigotry.

Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.
Jon Stewart Criticizes Lawrence O'Donnell, Martin Bashir For Mormon Comments (VIDEO)

At least Jon Steward isn't a hypocritical bigot. He actually has the intellectually integrity to point out the bigotted nature of the left's attacks on Romney's faith.
Yup. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize bigotry.

And, the OP is not shy about its racism, antisemitism, and bigotry.

We're seeing a new form of bigotry these days.

I'm not sure if it's against whites, patriotism, or against success.

I think it's against all of the above.

Being Mormon is code for the left of being white, patriotic, and successful.

Course there are good Mormons and bad Mormons.
.....But, mostly.....

I was mistaken in saying that the LDS Church did not allow black membership. They could join, but until 1978 they couldn't be a part of the priesthood. An organization with institutional racism is not going to attract many adherents from minority races.

Five young LDS men on their mission help out at the food bank our church has and they are the most diverse group on the planet. One African-American, one Native-American, one Oriental, one Pakistani and a white guy.

You go ahead and live in the past, I prefer the present and look forward to the future.
Be honest if you can. At the last lds gathering....were there a bunch of different ethnicities represented or did it look like a tea party gathering racially wise? :)

I am not a Mormon so I haven't attended any LDS gatherings. I merely honestly stated what I see every two weeks at the Methodist Food Bank where I help out. And this is in the state of Georgia, that is characterized as a racist state by bigoted atheist assholes like you.

What did you honestly see at the last LDS gathering that you attended?
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