What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

I will take the Mormon in a heartbeat over the traitor that we have there now.
the question should be what happens when [you]wake up with a republican in the White House !! get ready to see government downsized !! get ready to see the private sector make a huge comeback !! get ready to see hard working Americans become prosperous,get ready to get pissed because your conservative neighbors with a better work ethic than you and your lazy leftist cohorts buy a better car and house than you have !! in other words libb get ready to get pissed !!:clap2::clap2::badgrin:

Yeah we already saw what happens when the GOP have complete control under W. With the GOP idiots in power, all they do is create huge government, huge spending, massive deficits, tanking the economy and mass unemployment.
I guess that's looked at as a utopia to the right wing sheep.

Except when Republicans had total control, our economy grew and unemployment was low.

And our GOP policies from 1994 to 2006 created the conditions for an unfunded war, a depletion of the American treasure, and a crashed economy and massive recession.

Every Republican here better remember that the Americans as a group overwhelmingly blame the GOP more than the Dems, and the electorate has not forgotten.

One, that is why the mainstream GOP voter swept away the extremists in the presidential primaries.

Two,that is why Romney is going to reach out to the centrists and the conservative Dems.

No extremists need apply 'no more'.
I was mistaken in saying that the LDS Church did not allow black membership. They could join, but until 1978 they couldn't be a part of the priesthood. An organization with institutional racism is not going to attract many adherents from minority races.

Then again, there are an awful lot of Catholics who are women....
So you have the same Disdain for Churches that are Mostly Black?

Have you ever been to a black church.? Have. Ya? I have. They do not preach white people are sub humans the way mormons did until yhey were threatened to lose money. Again...have you been to a black church and if so, explain the hate you heard. I Will Will.wait.

I have heard a Black Church preach hatred of Whites. I don't care. They both have the right to be as stupid as they want, and to be as Exclusive as they want.

What the hell is the point of Pointing out how white the LDS church is? did you expect it to be full of Blacks any more than a Black Church on the South Side of Chicago would have a bunch of white faces in it?
A black church being full of black people makes sense. Is demographics. Just like thee are white churches. Both could be the same religion though. Lds is a religion full of mostly whites and until fairly recently said blacks were sub human. Do you not get this?
So you have the same Disdain for Churches that are Mostly Black?

Have you ever been to a black church.? Have. Ya? I have. They do not preach white people are sub humans the way mormons did until yhey were threatened to lose money. Again...have you been to a black church and if so, explain the hate you heard. I Will Will.wait.
You do realize that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has had the same position on race since the Book of Mormon was published in 1829.

For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. (2 Nephi 26:33)

Whatever source you are looking to is lying to you.
So what happened in 78? Lol you can't shake that racist past/ present. :)
We'll all take multiple wives and the raging estrogen and PMS will cause men to commit mass suicide.
Have you ever been to a black church.? Have. Ya? I have. They do not preach white people are sub humans the way mormons did until yhey were threatened to lose money. Again...have you been to a black church and if so, explain the hate you heard. I Will Will.wait.

I have heard a Black Church preach hatred of Whites. I don't care. They both have the right to be as stupid as they want, and to be as Exclusive as they want.

What the hell is the point of Pointing out how white the LDS church is? did you expect it to be full of Blacks any more than a Black Church on the South Side of Chicago would have a bunch of white faces in it?
A black church being full of black people makes sense. Is demographics. Just like thee are white churches. Both could be the same religion though. Lds is a religion full of mostly whites and until fairly recently said blacks were sub human. Do you not get this?

Repeating a lie isnt going to make it true.
Apparently the Mormon's God flip flopped on racism, just like he did on polygamy.

You wonder why Romney is a shameless, unrepentant flip flopper? Look at his role model.

After seeing Obama flip-flop on everything from same-sex marriage to campaign funding, you feel you can say that with a straight face?

What I find curious about religion is, how can MEN come along, at different times and places, and decide that GOD has changed his mind on something.
Hey.....everybody does what they can to maintain a lil' job-security....even Clerics.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o]George Carlin - Religion is bullshit. - YouTube[/ame]​
Isn't George dead ?

Yes, and you lefties keep telling us we should not be listening to dead people.

Old habits die hard.
After seeing Obama flip-flop on everything from same-sex marriage to campaign funding, you feel you can say that with a straight face?

What I find curious about religion is, how can MEN come along, at different times and places, and decide that GOD has changed his mind on something,

and that's how the word of GOD is determined.

Men dont decide that God has changed His mind on something. God gives and revokes commandments according to His will and pleasure. Why?

Because there are suckers, like you, who DREAD Death (so much), they'll believe whatever bullshit-story comes down the pike, next.....as-long-as there's a "guarantee" of a hereafter.

Romney is a fine man, people are not going to care about his religion, and now the Democrats are the party of religious bigotry.
Oh, stop the holier than thou, when we have to put up with the nonsense of the far religious right.

They have been far worse than the Dems until recently.

Man, you can't even get Mosiah 4 right and you talk nonsense like this.
Oh, stop the holier than thou, when we have to put up with the nonsense of the far religious right.

They have been far worse than the Dems until recently.

Man, you can't even get Mosiah 4 right and you talk nonsense like this.

I humbly disagree. On both points.

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