What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

Dunno about "liberals".. But I hate Mormans for what they believe and how they act on those beliefs. Thruout thier reletively short history Mormans have followed a selfserving immoral agenda based on a foundation of outrageous lies. Thier doctrine is perposterous. Rediculous. Impossible. They have exhibited a continual pattern of stealing and murder to gain assets and control over thier followers. Thier is no lower limit to whom they do "business" with to make money for thier cult. Thier is no sacrifice too great imposed on anyone that does not conform to thier crazy doctrine. Mormans work very hard...TOO hard to present a shiny "wholesome" image of thier "front" people...like the Osmonds. Like Mitt Romney.. Nothing is genuine in a Morman..because it is all based on lie after lie to perpetuate a lie...The Morman doctrine.

Other than THAT they are great folks.

So in other words you know shit about them and wish to use lies to try and excuse your bigotry.....Great job there sparky. :clap2:

Thanks for attempting to speak for me but I am 100% capable of doing that. So step off punk and if you need to flap your pie hole...keep it about something YOU want to say.

There are no "other" words than the ones I chose. I meant all of it and can back every word and sentence with facts. I hope that is "clear" enough for you..Sparky. You know what "Sparky"? When I catch a criminal in the act trying to break into some place I am protecting..I don't care what comes out of his assflap mouth...calling me a bigot won't stop my McGreggor baseball bat from landing upside his mellon head. Crazy thieves and liars don't get special or preferential treatment as if they are some protected class. They just get thier asses handed to them.

465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.
So in other words you know shit about them and wish to use lies to try and excuse your bigotry.....Great job there sparky. :clap2:

Thanks for attempting to speak for me but I am 100% capable of doing that. So step off punk and if you need to flap your pie hole...keep it about something YOU want to say.

There are no "other" words than the ones I chose. I meant all of it and can back every word and sentence with facts. I hope that is "clear" enough for you..Sparky. You know what "Sparky"? When I catch a criminal in the act trying to break into some place I am protecting..I don't care what comes out of his assflap mouth...calling me a bigot won't stop my McGreggor baseball bat from landing upside his mellon head. Crazy thieves and liars don't get special or preferential treatment as if they are some protected class. They just get thier asses handed to them.

465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.

Expect it. There will be a lot of Morman plants showing up on message boards thruout the internet ESPECIALLY in this election cycle.. Just like the crap they pulled in California against the gays. These evil fucks are very organised. They leave no stone unturned. Just look at the example they have laid out since thier conception. How many religions/cults do you see with pairs of exactly same dressed young men or women walking around pushing thier doctrine? Do Catholics do it? Does ANY religion aside from the WAY TOO CRAZY Seventh Day Adventists do it? Of course not. Just the Mormans. AND they wonder why people think they belong to a cult. Reminds me of the cults that used to try to corner people with the flower selling scams in airports.. no difference..just door to door instead of at certain public locations. Yanno..I would respect them more if they just came clean about what they are about.
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So in other words you know shit about them and wish to use lies to try and excuse your bigotry.....Great job there sparky. :clap2:

Thanks for attempting to speak for me but I am 100% capable of doing that. So step off punk and if you need to flap your pie hole...keep it about something YOU want to say.

There are no "other" words than the ones I chose. I meant all of it and can back every word and sentence with facts. I hope that is "clear" enough for you..Sparky. You know what "Sparky"? When I catch a criminal in the act trying to break into some place I am protecting..I don't care what comes out of his assflap mouth...calling me a bigot won't stop my McGreggor baseball bat from landing upside his mellon head. Crazy thieves and liars don't get special or preferential treatment as if they are some protected class. They just get thier asses handed to them.

465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.

Naw I just forgot about this site.....I think I stopped posting cause of so many liberals . Bad for my stomach to have to read such bigotry as this thread......But its what you get with liberals.
Thanks for attempting to speak for me but I am 100% capable of doing that. So step off punk and if you need to flap your pie hole...keep it about something YOU want to say.

There are no "other" words than the ones I chose. I meant all of it and can back every word and sentence with facts. I hope that is "clear" enough for you..Sparky. You know what "Sparky"? When I catch a criminal in the act trying to break into some place I am protecting..I don't care what comes out of his assflap mouth...calling me a bigot won't stop my McGreggor baseball bat from landing upside his mellon head. Crazy thieves and liars don't get special or preferential treatment as if they are some protected class. They just get thier asses handed to them.

465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.

Expect it. There will be a lot of Morman plants showing up on message boards thruout the internet ESPECIALLY in this election cycle.. Just like the crap they pulled in California against the gays. These evil fucks are very organised. They leave no stone unturned. Just look at the example they have laid out since thier conception. How many religions/cults do you see with pairs of exactly same dressed young men or women walking around pushing thier doctrine? Do Catholics do it? Does ANY religion aside from the WAY TOO CRAZY Seventh Day Adventists do it? Of course not. Just the Mormans. AND they wonder why people think they belong to a cult. Reminds me of the cults that used to try to corner people with the flower selling scams in airports.. no difference..just door to door instead of at certain public locations. Yanno..I would respect them more if they just came clean about what they are about.
Actually I am not a member of the Church of Latterday Saints. I just dont believe ignorant bigotry like yours should go unchallenged.
Thanks for attempting to speak for me but I am 100% capable of doing that. So step off punk and if you need to flap your pie hole...keep it about something YOU want to say.

There are no "other" words than the ones I chose. I meant all of it and can back every word and sentence with facts. I hope that is "clear" enough for you..Sparky. You know what "Sparky"? When I catch a criminal in the act trying to break into some place I am protecting..I don't care what comes out of his assflap mouth...calling me a bigot won't stop my McGreggor baseball bat from landing upside his mellon head. Crazy thieves and liars don't get special or preferential treatment as if they are some protected class. They just get thier asses handed to them.

465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.

Expect it. There will be a lot of Morman plants showing up on message boards thruout the internet ESPECIALLY in this election cycle.. Just like the crap they pulled in California against the gays. These evil fucks are very organised. They leave no stone unturned. Just look at the example they have laid out since thier conception. How many religions/cults do you see with pairs of exactly same dressed young men or women walking around pushing thier doctrine? Do Catholics do it? Does ANY religion aside from the WAT TOO CRAZY Seventh Day Adventists do it? Of course not. Just the Mormans. AND they wonder why people think they belong to a cult. Reminds me of the cults that used to try to corner people with the flower selling scams in airports.. no difference..just door to door instead of at certain public locations. Yanno..I would respect them more if they just came clean about what they are about.

What you think we are "about" and what we are actually "about" are two different things.

Why don't you go to a ward meeting someday and see just how crazy the people in there are.

In my ward we have several executives, software engineers, accountants, salesman, small business owners....etc. With one wife and some very normal looking kids.

Just what is is that has your ignorant ass so tied up in knots.
Thanks for attempting to speak for me but I am 100% capable of doing that. So step off punk and if you need to flap your pie hole...keep it about something YOU want to say.

There are no "other" words than the ones I chose. I meant all of it and can back every word and sentence with facts. I hope that is "clear" enough for you..Sparky. You know what "Sparky"? When I catch a criminal in the act trying to break into some place I am protecting..I don't care what comes out of his assflap mouth...calling me a bigot won't stop my McGreggor baseball bat from landing upside his mellon head. Crazy thieves and liars don't get special or preferential treatment as if they are some protected class. They just get thier asses handed to them.

465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.

Naw I just forgot about this site.....I think I stopped posting cause of so many liberals . Bad for my stomach to have to read such bigotry as this thread......But its what you get with liberals.

Ya right. You are fooling no one. You do as you are told to do. You say what you are told to say.
What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

If I'm Obama I fire somebody in the Secret Service.

If you are Obama, you'd better start enjoying what little time you have left there.

That would be good advice for every living human being. Hey even a blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn. :lol:
Thanks for attempting to speak for me but I am 100% capable of doing that. So step off punk and if you need to flap your pie hole...keep it about something YOU want to say.

There are no "other" words than the ones I chose. I meant all of it and can back every word and sentence with facts. I hope that is "clear" enough for you..Sparky. You know what "Sparky"? When I catch a criminal in the act trying to break into some place I am protecting..I don't care what comes out of his assflap mouth...calling me a bigot won't stop my McGreggor baseball bat from landing upside his mellon head. Crazy thieves and liars don't get special or preferential treatment as if they are some protected class. They just get thier asses handed to them.

465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.

Naw I just forgot about this site.....I think I stopped posting cause of so many liberals . Bad for my stomach to have to read such bigotry as this thread......But its what you get with liberals.

How could you forget about USMB?

And what kind of a weakling admits that they left because they couldn't handle the opposition?
465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.

Naw I just forgot about this site.....I think I stopped posting cause of so many liberals . Bad for my stomach to have to read such bigotry as this thread......But its what you get with liberals.

How could you forget about USMB?

And what kind of a weakling admits that they left because they couldn't handle the opposition?

I could handle it fine just dont always like to watch retards try to think. By the way I am a member of a shit load of forums I dont always remember the ones that become uninteresting ...... Not the forums fault but sometimes nothing is happening thats worth debating.
Naw I just forgot about this site.....I think I stopped posting cause of so many liberals . Bad for my stomach to have to read such bigotry as this thread......But its what you get with liberals.

How could you forget about USMB?

And what kind of a weakling admits that they left because they couldn't handle the opposition?

I could handle it fine just dont always like to watch retards try to think. By the way I am a member of a shit load of forums I dont always remember the ones that become uninteresting ...... Not the forums fault but sometimes nothing is happening thats worth debating.

Unfortunately, this board seems to be degenerating.

I have been looking for something with a little more bang and a lot less piss.
465 posts since 2009? Looks like he just shows up to troll every couple years.

Expect it. There will be a lot of Morman plants showing up on message boards thruout the internet ESPECIALLY in this election cycle.. Just like the crap they pulled in California against the gays. These evil fucks are very organised. They leave no stone unturned. Just look at the example they have laid out since thier conception. How many religions/cults do you see with pairs of exactly same dressed young men or women walking around pushing thier doctrine? Do Catholics do it? Does ANY religion aside from the WAT TOO CRAZY Seventh Day Adventists do it? Of course not. Just the Mormans. AND they wonder why people think they belong to a cult. Reminds me of the cults that used to try to corner people with the flower selling scams in airports.. no difference..just door to door instead of at certain public locations. Yanno..I would respect them more if they just came clean about what they are about.

What you think we are "about" and what we are actually "about" are two different things.

Why don't you go to a ward meeting someday and see just how crazy the people in there are.

In my ward we have several executives, software engineers, accountants, salesman, small business owners....etc. With one wife and some very normal looking kids.

Just what is is that has your ignorant ass so tied up in knots.

HA! Look at the silly Morman tryin to recruit the Huggmeister! Go to a ward meeting? Only if you can gaurantee me a choice planet up front.. One with oceans full of marlins...AND ya hafta transport my Chris Craft there with spares... Oh ya and lotsa hot babes.. Preferably Andean native americans.. Those girls are ANIMALS!!! And a steady stream of rich touristas to my planet to spend mega bucks... And the best tequilla and precious powders..

Just out of curiosity...how does one tie his ass up in knots? Is that some special Morman trick secret?
Expect it. There will be a lot of Morman plants showing up on message boards thruout the internet ESPECIALLY in this election cycle.. Just like the crap they pulled in California against the gays. These evil fucks are very organised. They leave no stone unturned. Just look at the example they have laid out since thier conception. How many religions/cults do you see with pairs of exactly same dressed young men or women walking around pushing thier doctrine? Do Catholics do it? Does ANY religion aside from the WAT TOO CRAZY Seventh Day Adventists do it? Of course not. Just the Mormans. AND they wonder why people think they belong to a cult. Reminds me of the cults that used to try to corner people with the flower selling scams in airports.. no difference..just door to door instead of at certain public locations. Yanno..I would respect them more if they just came clean about what they are about.

What you think we are "about" and what we are actually "about" are two different things.

Why don't you go to a ward meeting someday and see just how crazy the people in there are.

In my ward we have several executives, software engineers, accountants, salesman, small business owners....etc. With one wife and some very normal looking kids.

Just what is is that has your ignorant ass so tied up in knots.

HA! Look at the silly Morman tryin to recruit the Huggmeister! Go to a ward meeting? Only if you can gaurantee me a choice planet up front.. One with oceans full of marlins...AND ya hafta transport my Chris Craft there with spares... Oh ya and lotsa hot babes.. Preferably Andean native americans.. Those girls are ANIMALS!!! And a steady stream of rich touristas to my planet to spend mega bucks... And the best tequilla and precious powders..

Just out of curiosity...how does one tie his ass up in knots? Is that some special Morman trick secret?

I don't give out planets or anything else. Do you live in this kind of ether all the time ?

But, your response would tell me you've never been or have not associated with them enough to know what they are really like.

Yet, you have all kinds of opinions.

Very "reavealing" (pardon the pun).
What you think we are "about" and what we are actually "about" are two different things.

Why don't you go to a ward meeting someday and see just how crazy the people in there are.

In my ward we have several executives, software engineers, accountants, salesman, small business owners....etc. With one wife and some very normal looking kids.

Just what is is that has your ignorant ass so tied up in knots.

HA! Look at the silly Morman tryin to recruit the Huggmeister! Go to a ward meeting? Only if you can gaurantee me a choice planet up front.. One with oceans full of marlins...AND ya hafta transport my Chris Craft there with spares... Oh ya and lotsa hot babes.. Preferably Andean native americans.. Those girls are ANIMALS!!! And a steady stream of rich touristas to my planet to spend mega bucks... And the best tequilla and precious powders..

Just out of curiosity...how does one tie his ass up in knots? Is that some special Morman trick secret?

I don't give out planets or anything else. Do you live in this kind of ether all the time ?

But, your response would tell me you've never been or have not associated with them enough to know what they are really like.

Yet, you have all kinds of opinions.

Very "reavealing" (pardon the pun).

You are clearly wrong on both points, but let's move on.

So let me get this straight... Jake...you are like the top Morman here?...then comes Avatar and the rest of the minions?... But How does Truthspeaker fit in?

Is he ahead of you in the planet sweepstakes or do you bark orders at him too?

PS..OOPS! Sorry I completely left "Listening" out! My bad! Lemmie see...HMMMmmm...??? My guess is that "Listening" was recruited from older ranks to add some weight to the Morman effort here...sort of a supervisor..

Maybe I'll make a chart for my wall like the FBI did when they sorted out the Mafia higherarchy! Cool Huh?
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The LDS has "scriptures"????.. You make me laugh longtime. Don't you mean more like "recent memos". Don't "scriptures" need to be ancient or something?

What would I do if Mittens is elected? Seriously consider moving to Mexico. I was going to anyway..I would finish restoring my 1958 32ft Chris Craft Commander .. and trailer it down to Zihuatanejo and spend the rest of my days chartering it out Marlin fishing. I would give no more thought to or faith in America.

Good to know you care so much about your country.

Good riddance.

If America is stupid enough to elect that asshat cult bishop to the White House you can have it. I'll wash my hands of it. At THAT point it will not be worth saving.

Sure you will. ~rolleyes~
You are clearly wrong on both points, but let's move on.

So let me get this straight... Jake...you are like the top Morman here?...then comes Avatar and the rest of the minions?... But How does Truthspeaker fit in?

Is he ahead of you in the planet sweepstakes or do you bark orders at him too?

PS..OOPS! Sorry I completely left "Listening" out! My bad! Lemmie see...HMMMmmm...??? My guess is that "Listening" was recruited from older ranks to add some weight to the Morman effort here...sort of a supervisor..

Maybe I'll make a chart for my wall like the FBI did when they sorted out the Mafia higherarchy! Cool Huh?

Huggy is no more knowledgable on religion that the man in the moon.

I am the top Romney supporter here on the Board but not any kind of Mormon.

JoeB and Huggy demonstrate the Dems are the party of religious bigotry.
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CaféAuLait;5503543 said:
Pure bunk....

I am LDS and I think I am going to take this to Sunday School tomorrow where we will get a huge laugh out of it.

It is no wonder you can't trust anything you read these days.

This is from Mormon Scripture:

We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience.


Much of the Book of Mormon is about government.

This article is to funny.

The LDS has "scriptures"????.. You make me laugh longtime. Don't you mean more like "recent memos". Don't "scriptures" need to be ancient or something?

What would I do if Mittens is elected? Seriously consider moving to Mexico. I was going to anyway..I would finish restoring my 1958 32ft Chris Craft Commander .. and trailer it down to Zihuatanejo and spend the rest of my days chartering it out Marlin fishing. I would give no more thought to or faith in America.

Scripture simply means "religious text", no where does it say they must be ancient. BTW there are a few million Mormon's in Mexico, maybe you will run into a few. :eusa_whistle:

There are only a few million practicing Mormons in the world.
You are clearly wrong on both points, but let's move on.

So let me get this straight... Jake...you are like the top Morman here?...then comes Avatar and the rest of the minions?... But How does Truthspeaker fit in?

Is he ahead of you in the planet sweepstakes or do you bark orders at him too?

PS..OOPS! Sorry I completely left "Listening" out! My bad! Lemmie see...HMMMmmm...??? My guess is that "Listening" was recruited from older ranks to add some weight to the Morman effort here...sort of a supervisor..

Maybe I'll make a chart for my wall like the FBI did when they sorted out the Mafia higherarchy! Cool Huh?

Huggy is no more knowledgable on religion that the man in the moon.

I am the top Romney supporter but not any kind of Mormon.

JoeB and Huggy demonstrate the Dems are the party of religious bigotry.

You dick.

Yeah, that makes all kinds of sense.


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