What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

the question should be what happens when [you]wake up with a republican in the White House !! get ready to see government downsized !! get ready to see the private sector make a huge comeback !! get ready to see hard working Americans become prosperous,get ready to get pissed because your conservative neighbors with a better work ethic than you and your lazy leftist cohorts buy a better car and house than you have !! in other words libb get ready to get pissed !!:clap2::clap2::badgrin:

Yeah we already saw what happens when the GOP have complete control under W. With the GOP idiots in power, all they do is create huge government, huge spending, massive deficits, tanking the economy and mass unemployment.
I guess that's looked at as a utopia to the right wing sheep.

Except when Republicans had total control, our economy grew and unemployment was low.

Pure bunk....

I am LDS and I think I am going to take this to Sunday School tomorrow where we will get a huge laugh out of it.

It is no wonder you can't trust anything you read these days.

This is from Mormon Scripture:

We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience.


Much of the Book of Mormon is about government.

This article is to funny.
So when in the freaking 70's did your religion finally say blacks were not sub human? Oh and why exactly did they finally accept them as humans?

Apparently the Mormon's God flip flopped on racism, just like he did on polygamy.

You wonder why Romney is a shameless, unrepentant flip flopper? Look at his role model.
Pure bunk....

I am LDS and I think I am going to take this to Sunday School tomorrow where we will get a huge laugh out of it.

It is no wonder you can't trust anything you read these days.

This is from Mormon Scripture:

We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience.


Much of the Book of Mormon is about government.

This article is to funny.
So when in the freaking 70's did your religion finally say blacks were not sub human? Oh and why exactly did they finally accept them as humans?

Apparently the Mormon's God flip flopped on racism, just like he did on polygamy.

You wonder why Romney is a shameless, unrepentant flip flopper? Look at his role model.

After seeing Obama flip-flop on everything from same-sex marriage to campaign funding, you feel you can say that with a straight face?
Bigots can imagine any scenario about a Christian. It just makes them look like ....well....bigots.

Bigot: a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Debate on what one believes a future elected official may or may not do based on their creed, beliefs or opinions is not intolerance. Not voting for Romney based on his religion and how its tenants might impact the nation is healthy and necessary especially in a pluralistic society.

If Romney were a Buddhist or Muslim, an agnostic or atheist would such a debate be relevant? "Christian" is a generic term, there are wacko Christian's in our nation - would you feel a debate on a candidate who pranced around with vipers relevant?
So when in the freaking 70's did your religion finally say blacks were not sub human? Oh and why exactly did they finally accept them as humans?

Apparently the Mormon's God flip flopped on racism, just like he did on polygamy.

You wonder why Romney is a shameless, unrepentant flip flopper? Look at his role model.

After seeing Obama flip-flop on everything from same-sex marriage to campaign funding, you feel you can say that with a straight face?

What I find curious about religion is, how can MEN come along, at different times and places, and decide that GOD has changed his mind on something,

and that's how the word of GOD is determined.
Apparently the Mormon's God flip flopped on racism, just like he did on polygamy.

You wonder why Romney is a shameless, unrepentant flip flopper? Look at his role model.

After seeing Obama flip-flop on everything from same-sex marriage to campaign funding, you feel you can say that with a straight face?

What I find curious about religion is, how can MEN come along, at different times and places, and decide that GOD has changed his mind on something,

and that's how the word of GOD is determined.

Men dont decide that God has changed His mind on something. God gives and revokes commandments according to His will and pleasure. Why? Because circumstances for men change.

He reveals Himself to man. He always has. he always will. And who can resist the Spirit of the Lord? And why should anyone deny the commands they recieve from Him just because others don't believe?

There is either a loving God who communicates with His children. Or there is not.
Pure bunk....

I am LDS and I think I am going to take this to Sunday School tomorrow where we will get a huge laugh out of it.

It is no wonder you can't trust anything you read these days.

This is from Mormon Scripture:

We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience.


Much of the Book of Mormon is about government.

This article is to funny.
So when in the freaking 70's did your religion finally say blacks were not sub human? Oh and why exactly did they finally accept them as humans?

Apparently the Mormon's God flip flopped on racism, just like he did on polygamy.

You wonder why Romney is a shameless, unrepentant flip flopper? Look at his role model.

Tell ya what. If I had to choose, I'd take the flip-floppy God that changes for the better over that 6th century pedophile that promotes the idea of Jihad. Conversion at the point of a sword? REALLY??

But the minute anyone says a WORD about THAT 'religion', all you libturds come out of the woodwork screaming "RACIST BIGOT!!"

Explain THAT!
After seeing Obama flip-flop on everything from same-sex marriage to campaign funding, you feel you can say that with a straight face?

What I find curious about religion is, how can MEN come along, at different times and places, and decide that GOD has changed his mind on something,

and that's how the word of GOD is determined.

Men dont decide that God has changed His mind on something. God gives and revokes commandments according to His will and pleasure. Why? Because circumstances for men change.

He reveals Himself to man. He always has. he always will. And who can resist the Spirit of the Lord? And why should anyone deny the commands they recieve from Him just because others don't believe?

There is either a loving God who communicates with His children. Or there is not.

God gives and revokes commandments Really? And of course you have the earth shaking evidense of these commandments? Care to produce this evidense? This is your big opportunity to be the most famous man on the planet "earth" ....I'm sure you are already a legend on your OWN planet...right? BTW...what have you named your planet? I digress...

Surely you have something better than missing gold plates... hand chiseled pieces of rock.. Yanno...something BELIEVEABLE!

Oh ya..right... you have nothing.

Faith ain't fact Bucko.
After seeing Obama flip-flop on everything from same-sex marriage to campaign funding, you feel you can say that with a straight face?

What I find curious about religion is, how can MEN come along, at different times and places, and decide that GOD has changed his mind on something,

and that's how the word of GOD is determined.

Men dont decide that God has changed His mind on something. God gives and revokes commandments according to His will and pleasure. Why? Because circumstances for men change.

He reveals Himself to man. He always has. he always will. And who can resist the Spirit of the Lord? And why should anyone deny the commands they recieve from Him just because others don't believe?

There is either a loving God who communicates with His children. Or there is not.

God evolves? :eusa_eh:
Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.

It will be a happy day, because that means we can wake up without a marxist there.
What I find curious about religion is, how can MEN come along, at different times and places, and decide that GOD has changed his mind on something,

and that's how the word of GOD is determined.

Men dont decide that God has changed His mind on something. God gives and revokes commandments according to His will and pleasure. Why? Because circumstances for men change.

He reveals Himself to man. He always has. he always will. And who can resist the Spirit of the Lord? And why should anyone deny the commands they recieve from Him just because others don't believe?

There is either a loving God who communicates with His children. Or there is not.

God gives and revokes commandments Really? And of course you have the earth shaking evidense of these commandments? Care to produce this evidense? This is your big opportunity to be the most famous man on the planet "earth" ....I'm sure you are already a legend on your OWN planet...right? BTW...what have you named your planet? I digress...

Surely you have something better than missing gold plates... hand chiseled pieces of rock.. Yanno...something BELIEVEABLE!

Oh ya..right... you have nothing.

Faith ain't fact Bucko.

Truth is truth regardless how you learn it. God speaks with man. His Spirit bears witness of the truth of all things. The scriptures are clear about how we can all learn of God for ourselves. I can't force you to be humble and do the things the Lord tells us to do in order to learn for yourself. I can't force you into a relationship with God.

I have a witness from the Holy Ghost that Joseph Smith Jr was a Prophet. I have a witness from the Spirit that the Book of Mormon and Bible are true and contain the fulness of the Gospel. Most importantly, I have a witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who suffered and atoned for my sins. I have a witness the only way anyone can through personal experience. The same way Peter learned that Jesus was the Christ in Matthew 16. Christ has told us what we need to do to find out for ourselves from the Father.

Not only do I have my own witnesses. I have the witnesses of countless others. I have the witness of the Apostles, both from the time of Christ and modern Apostles that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. I have the witness of the plates that went to their graves making sure everyone knew what they saw was true despite their disputes with Joseph.

I've seen miracles. I've been healed by the power of God. I've seen stubborn hearts melted by the power of the Word. I've felt the absolute joy that comes with the Spirit. I've seen the hand of God work in my life, the lives of those around me, and throughout the history of the world.

What reason is there for me to disbelieve? Because you say so? because you havent done what's necessary to find out for yourself? Because you arent satisfied with what you've seen? I have had different experiences than you have. God has touched my life in incredible and miraculous ways. Who am I to deny the truth when the Lord has made it so clear to me?

I have no clue why He has had mercy and grace on me. There are many others who would deserve it more than I do. But God has His reasons. And He has an open invitation to all those who want to find out and learn from Him. He has His arms open for you and everyone else to come and talk with Him. He will teach you. He will heal you. And He will make you into something you couldnt imagine now.

Why harden your heart towards Christ? Study His words. Feast upon His words. They have in them Eternal Life. Do not deny revelation or prophecies. Nor the powers of godliness. Because there is power that comes in being godly.

God has shown me more than enough. I can exercise a little faith based on what He has already done. And even though you are fighting against Him and His Spirit right now, He loves you. He will have mercy on you and will do so much for you if you but let Him.
CaféAuLait;5503543 said:
The LDS has "scriptures"????.. You make me laugh longtime. Don't you mean more like "recent memos". Don't "scriptures" need to be ancient or something?

What would I do if Mittens is elected? Seriously consider moving to Mexico. I was going to anyway..I would finish restoring my 1958 32ft Chris Craft Commander .. and trailer it down to Zihuatanejo and spend the rest of my days chartering it out Marlin fishing. I would give no more thought to or faith in America.

Scripture simply means "religious text", no where does it say they must be ancient. BTW there are a few million Mormon's in Mexico, maybe you will run into a few. :eusa_whistle:

Ya maybe...but they damn sure won't be running the country. I love the people in Mexico.. They are not evil like Mormans and NewRepublicans. They are simple, generous and thankful of what they have.... Not greedy over-reaching assholes pushing thier fucked up fantasies on others.

Sure they are, that's why they're migrating up here in droves. I'd still be willing to bet that one expat American is worth a couple of dozen of them, though. So, you will no doubt be a valuable asset wherever you settle in Ol' Mehiko.
Everyone would likely be required by law to put in community service being an annoying person that knocks on doors, spreading the word of Mormonism.

I invited them in, patiently listened to what they had to say, offered them cookies and tea, and discovered that some of them are really, really allergic to cats. Do it once, thank them politely, tell them you'll call them and they have never darkened my door again. Got checked off the list, I guess. Since then, I've gone "full-time" RV and enjoy living in a home I can tow to any location I want. It's tough trying to go door-to-door when the door is moving down the highway at 65 mph!
Well I think we'll all have to mary 10 women, that's what's gonna happen! Lokota do you really believe the bullshit you post?
And what does this have to do with Joseph Smith? He's dead, he cant hurt you.

Electing the wrong president can. Maybe 9/11 wouldn't have occured if Bush wasn't elected. The Arabs did say they did it because Bush's daddy set up an air base on sacred religious ground in Saudi Arabia.

We'll never know but elections DO have consequences and we have not been attacked in the last 3 and a half years.

Truest thing you've said yet, as borne out during the past 3 1/2 years.
If America is stupid enough to elect that asshat cult bishop to the White House you can have it. I'll wash my hands of it. At THAT point it will not be worth saving.
I'll gladly step up and organize a fundraiser to provide you with airfare to the Muslim country of your choice.

That's the spirit! Let's concentrate on finishing up my boat instead. We could put some snappy title on the fund drive and GO FOR IT! I promise to invest all funds on getting my boat done and getting the hell out of here! The down turn in the economy really put the brakes on my exodus. A few thou would be greatly appreciated.!

Pick a fight with some grade-schoolers at a school bus stop, video tape their vicious counter-attack, and post it on the 'net. That should do the trick!

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