What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

The article is a load of horseshit as for what I will do if I wake up and Romney is President I will get up get ready and go to work. And long before the election takes place I strongly suggest some of you get back on your medication asap.
What do you expect from hard leftist fruitcake sites like Alternut.

Is that all you got?

The hard core leftists may attack again, ya know? Like 9/11 & Oklahoma City.....
The article is a load of horseshit as for what I will do if I wake up and Romney is President I will get up get ready and go to work. And long before the election takes place I strongly suggest some of you get back on your medication asap.
What do you expect from hard leftist fruitcake sites like Alternut.

Is that all you got?
Just like you to defend religious bigotry.

Pure bunk....

I am LDS and I think I am going to take this to Sunday School tomorrow where we will get a huge laugh out of it.

It is no wonder you can't trust anything you read these days.

This is from Mormon Scripture:

We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience.


Much of the Book of Mormon is about government.

This article is to funny.

The LDS has "scriptures"????.. You make me laugh longtime. Don't you mean more like "recent memos". Don't "scriptures" need to be ancient or something?

What would I do if Mittens is elected? Seriously consider moving to Mexico. I was going to anyway..I would finish restoring my 1958 32ft Chris Craft Commander .. and trailer it down to Zihuatanejo and spend the rest of my days chartering it out Marlin fishing. I would give no more thought to or faith in America.

Scrip·ture (skrpchr)
a. A sacred writing or book.
b. A passage from such a writing or book.
2. The sacred writings of the Bible. Often used in the plural. Also called Holy Scriptures.
3. scripture A statement regarded as authoritative.


And, good riddance!
I guess that would depend on whether you are black or white. If I were black, I would probably not pick the church that taught that black people were the cursed descendants of one of the sons of Noah, and were not even allowed to be members until recently.

I might choose to be a member of the church that recognized the past and present injustices this country perpetrated against the black people and fought for equal rights. (which doesn't mean that they are taught to hate white people)

Since neither church ever banned black members from joining, your post is quite nonsensical.

I was mistaken in saying that the LDS Church did not allow black membership. They could join, but until 1978 they couldn't be a part of the priesthood. An organization with institutional racism is not going to attract many adherents from minority races.

Five young LDS men on their mission help out at the food bank our church has and they are the most diverse group on the planet. One African-American, one Native-American, one Oriental, one Pakistani and a white guy.

You go ahead and live in the past, I prefer the present and look forward to the future.
Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.

obama was already elected :confused:

sorry, didn't see the second m :redface:

Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.

Pure bunk....

I am LDS and I think I am going to take this to Sunday School tomorrow where we will get a huge laugh out of it.

It is no wonder you can't trust anything you read these days.

This is from Mormon Scripture:

We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience.


Much of the Book of Mormon is about government.

This article is to funny.
So when in the freaking 70's did your religion finally say blacks were not sub human? Oh and why exactly did they finally accept them as humans?
Since neither church ever banned black members from joining, your post is quite nonsensical.

I was mistaken in saying that the LDS Church did not allow black membership. They could join, but until 1978 they couldn't be a part of the priesthood. An organization with institutional racism is not going to attract many adherents from minority races.

Five young LDS men on their mission help out at the food bank our church has and they are the most diverse group on the planet. One African-American, one Native-American, one Oriental, one Pakistani and a white guy.

You go ahead and live in the past, I prefer the present and look forward to the future.
Be honest if you can. At the last lds gathering....were there a bunch of different ethnicities represented or did it look like a tea party gathering racially wise? :)
I was mistaken in saying that the LDS Church did not allow black membership. They could join, but until 1978 they couldn't be a part of the priesthood. An organization with institutional racism is not going to attract many adherents from minority races.

Five young LDS men on their mission help out at the food bank our church has and they are the most diverse group on the planet. One African-American, one Native-American, one Oriental, one Pakistani and a white guy.

You go ahead and live in the past, I prefer the present and look forward to the future.
Be honest if you can. At the last lds gathering....were there a bunch of different ethnicities represented or did it look like a tea party gathering racially wise? :)

So you have the same Disdain for Churches that are Mostly Black?
Five young LDS men on their mission help out at the food bank our church has and they are the most diverse group on the planet. One African-American, one Native-American, one Oriental, one Pakistani and a white guy.

You go ahead and live in the past, I prefer the present and look forward to the future.
Be honest if you can. At the last lds gathering....were there a bunch of different ethnicities represented or did it look like a tea party gathering racially wise? :)

So you have the same Disdain for Churches that are Mostly Black?

Have you ever been to a black church.? Have. Ya? I have. They do not preach white people are sub humans the way mormons did until yhey were threatened to lose money. Again...have you been to a black church and if so, explain the hate you heard. I Will Will.wait.

Pure bunk....

I am LDS and I think I am going to take this to Sunday School tomorrow where we will get a huge laugh out of it.

It is no wonder you can't trust anything you read these days.

This is from Mormon Scripture:

We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience.


Much of the Book of Mormon is about government.

This article is to funny.
So when in the freaking 70's did your religion finally say blacks were not sub human? Oh and why exactly did they finally accept them as humans?

Was it around the same time that the democrat party finally reached the same conclusion? It was probably for a much better reason.

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