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What happens when Conservative Blacks leave liberal plantation of bowing to Democrats


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
What Happens When Conservative Blacks Leave the Liberal Plantation?

REVISED: I DID find the video on
LIBERTY ONE TV of a young man (Tater or Tatum?) sharing
his liberating sense of freedom and empowerment
not to be an oppressed angry victim anymore, when
he let go of expectations and conditioning after he
had voted for Obama thinking that was the solution.

He compares his change in mindset to discovering how to
work with Harriet Tubman and get into the free territories in the North.

Now he goes back and works with fellow Blacks to get THEM
off dependence on the plantation, and even try to work with
the plantation owners to get them to change how they operate!

He speaks with relief and true hope and love for his fellow brothers.
He is not angry or "fighting" or blaming, but sees way beyond that.

BRANDON TATUM is on facebook but I found him on libert one tv.

The video I saw was part of a series of video feeds, so I couldn't copy the link
find the source or get his name. I'd like to invite him to come work with
Gladys House (R) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) on
saving and using Freedmen's Town historic district as a campus for
teaching more people ownership of land, property, programs, law and govt.

I REVISED to post his video, but in searching I found related links, very helpful!,
using some of the same language he uses to describe this change of paradigm and politics.
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Yes but the speaker that I am REALLY looking for
speaks in ways that don't invite this kind of downplaying.

SEE added link posted:

Do you see he does not come across as hating
on anyone?

He used to argue in defense of Obama, and he knows
there is a lot of resistance to change and namecalling.

But he doesn't take that route. He bypasses it altogether
by his positive mindset and approach. He does not come
across as any "Uncle Tom" because he doesn't insult
the liberals or Democrats he sees as stuck in their plantation mindset.

He was there, too, and he's not angry about it, he's too happy and proud to be free!

IM2 and Asclepias antifa

I found this video on LIBERTY ONE TV
but he has his own Facebook and Youtube posts under Brandon Tatum.
Even as a police officer, he voted for Obama
and used to be all for that approach, till he realized it
was going the wrong direction against what Police and Christians
were trying to enforce that is empowering. All that opposition
was almost like brainwashing to keep people from liberation by
learning how to use the laws and freedom to build and defend their own interests
and not depend on party politics or govt as the left was teaching people they needed.

The other guy on LIBERTY ONE TV who does the Zo Loft videos is
someone else, Alfonso Rachel I think? I've never seen
these guys before, but he made some cool arguments too!

The Zo Loft guy was arguing that trying to introduce or enforce
"stricter gun laws" was like trying to enforce tighter "immigration restrictions"
So the left CAN'T have it both ways. On one hand they are saying more
gun laws to stop the crime, on the other hand they refuse to enforce immigration laws?

I thought that was a great point, too!

Thanks I found the videos and really like and support this guy
and his approach to unifying outreach to overcome the left right black white paradigm.
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Here's another Black leader speaking about this and related reforms.

I found Rev. CL Bryant on facebook but still looking for the other man
I was truly impressed with and would like on the team with Gladys House
and historians struggling to get the City and Developers to stop destroying
Freed Slave church and civil rights history and landmarks in Freedmen's Town.


Greetings Rev. Bryant and God Bless! I was looking for a Liberty One Video by a young black police officer, speaking of his liberation when he found the way off the plantation and now helps his fellow brothers and even leaders change how they operate.

I wanted to invite him and you to please help Gladys House (R) to save Freedmen's Town in Houston TX. www.freedmenstown.com Her number is 832 * 781 _ 9724 Our Congresswoman SJ Lee signed on to the campus plans www.campusplan.org that were passed into federal laws under HUD and HOPE VI to reform public housing as sustainable campuses to teach and mentor families to break the cycle of poverty. But these plans were censored and destroyed by the ongoing Black politics bowing to corporate interests and selling out the people.

Please help Gladys and co-author of campus plans Lenwood Johnson to bring these plans for restoration and reform to Dr. Ben Carson and HUD. We also can replicate this campus plan along the border to create a bipartisan multinational solution to the immigration and trafficking crimes www.earnedamnesty.org

My mentor Lenwood Johnson is expected to pass away from complications of a second stroke, can I please ask your prayers that his vision and legacy be made real in Christ Jesus as God's will for saving Freedmen's Town history and America's future www.rightsfortheworkers.org Emily Nghiem 713 * 820 _ 5130
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LOL, Maybe you should read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Your comment is ignorance on steroids.

Dear Wry Catcher
What the speaker said in the video I saw on Liberty One,
he talked about how the slaves left behind on the plantation
were resentful that others got freed. The House Slaves
are traditionally set up to be separate from the Field Slaves
so they cannot unite, but bicker and fight with each other for
"better benefits from the owners."

This "house slave/field slave" analogy describes the
Party of the Rich blaming the Poor while the
Party of the Poor blames the Rich.
Both are begging and playing the games trying to
get their party leaders or "masters" into Govt to
"get them better benefits." But in the end the
taxpayers stay enslaved to bigger govt than we can pay for.

So both rich AND poor stay enslaved to bad govt!
I think that the OP has made an important point.


There are some Caucasian people who are very proud of NOT being "racists." They say the right things, they belong to the right organizations, and they always vote the right way (i.e., for the Democratic candidate).

But these politically correct and well-meaning Caucasian people seem incapable of realizing that no ethnicity is monolithic. That is, some non-Caucasian people do NOT agree with the Democratic party's views. Some non-Caucasian people actually agree more with the Republican party's views on economic and even social matters. In other words, non-Caucasian people can think for themselves and do NOT need dictation.


We have been told that "racism" will disappear once all the "old bigoted Caucasian people" die off.

Maybe that is so.

And maybe it is also true that when all the "old angry non-Caucasian people" die off, their grandchildren will be free to live their lives in a positive and constructive manner without being told how they "should" think.
What Happens When Conservative Blacks Leave the Liberal Plantation?

REVISED: I DID find the video on
LIBERTY ONE TV of a young man (Tater or Tatum?) sharing
his liberating sense of freedom and empowerment
not to be an oppressed angry victim anymore, when
he let go of expectations and conditioning after he
had voted for Obama thinking that was the solution.

He compares his change in mindset to discovering how to
work with Harriet Tubman and get into the free territories in the North.

Now he goes back and works with fellow Blacks to get THEM
off dependence on the plantation, and even try to work with
the plantation owners to get them to change how they operate!

He speaks with relief and true hope and love for his fellow brothers.
He is not angry or "fighting" or blaming, but sees way beyond that.

BRANDON TATUM is on facebook but I found him on libert one tv.

The video I saw was part of a series of video feeds, so I couldn't copy the link
find the source or get his name. I'd like to invite him to come work with
Gladys House (R) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) on
saving and using Freedmen's Town historic district as a campus for
teaching more people ownership of land, property, programs, law and govt.

I REVISED to post his video, but in searching I found related links, very helpful!,
using some of the same language he uses to describe this change of paradigm and politics.

Dude sounds like he has been thoroughly brainwashed. First off you dont have to vote repub to be conservative or dem to be a lib. Secondly anyone dumb enough to vote for Drumpf instantly lacks any credibility.
I'm democrat and free so whatever Emily is trying to point out doesn't apply here.
Emily doesn't seem to understand how anger is created because of people like her. Emily is an Asian business owner in a black section of Houston that has been negatively impacted by policies enacted and implemented by whites that broke agreements made to black communities. She doesn't have to look outside of Houston for help but she wants this to resolved without confronting the source of the problem. You aren't going to cure lung cancer by ignoring the use of cigarettes nor are you going to solve the problem of freedmanstown by ignoring how policies made by whites created the issue. It's that simple. You talk about plantations and democrats, there is no liberal plantation but there damn sure is a conservative one. And in that conservative plantation, you cannot mention how race negatively impacts communities of color or how such a long period of implementing such policies have damaged communities of color badly. In the conservative plantation the slaves must bow to the claim of how inferior culture is the problem in the black community and if you don't massa gets to give you 40 lashes.

Maybe it's time you dropped your ignorance Emily.
I'm democrat and free so whatever Emily is trying to point out doesn't apply here.

Dear IM2
I'm a Democrat also, and know EXACTLY what
this man is talking about. When I started going to Green meetings to support my friends there, this issue came up about being a Democrat because so many of the progressives are divided over whether to work with the party or give up and go independent.

IM2 maybe it's because of the Texas politics.
Maybe that's why the use of the party is totally focused on elections and trying to "turn the state Blue" that way.
it's not about really building solutions and investing in that directly, but all about pouring resources into pushing candidates to win positions.

I even tried passing a resolution from the precinct convention level to the Senate district level, but that's as far as I could go. The politics was so thick, it's only about getting behind the best horse in the race and pushing for that. All the energy, money, resources and attention goes to pushing candidates. So what is left to help the communities left behind struggling?
Emily doesn't seem to understand how anger is created because of people like her. Emily is an Asian business owner in a black section of Houston that has been negatively impacted by policies enacted and implemented by whites that broke agreements made to black communities. She doesn't have to look outside of Houston for help but she wants this to resolved without confronting the source of the problem. You aren't going to cure lung cancer by ignoring the use of cigarettes nor are you going to solve the problem of freedmanstown by ignoring how policies made by whites created the issue. It's that simple. You talk about plantations and democrats, there is no liberal plantation but there damn sure is a conservative one. And in that conservative plantation, you cannot mention how race negatively impacts communities of color or how such a long period of implementing such policies have damaged communities of color badly. In the conservative plantation the slaves must bow to the claim of how inferior culture is the problem in the black community and if you don't massa gets to give you 40 lashes.

Maybe it's time you dropped your ignorance Emily.

I don't own a business, you are confusing me with Gladys House who is the Black Republican business owner.

IM2 why don't you interview Gladys?
Why don't you read through her archives of wrongdoings, abuses, and corruption under Democrat Mayors and Democrat state reps.

She can tell you who is on the side of the people
and who isn't. I think she said Congressman Al Green was supportive but not Rep Garnet Coleman who sold out the Fourth Ward to get funds "redirected" into Third Ward.

What you and Gladys have more in common is you both blame the Whites as the default power base.

I think you two would understand each other
her number is 832 . 781 9724

I am referring Rev. CL Bryant and also Brandon Tatum to see if either of them can work with her and the Pastoral leaders in our district.

If the Christian and Black leaders unite, I think these conflicts can be resolved and put the community plans FIRST before politics.

Thanks IM2

I will leave this to you and Gladys since I think you would speak the same language from similar experiences that go beyond what I have!
What Happens When Conservative Blacks Leave the Liberal Plantation?

REVISED: I DID find the video on
LIBERTY ONE TV of a young man (Tater or Tatum?) sharing
his liberating sense of freedom and empowerment
not to be an oppressed angry victim anymore, when
he let go of expectations and conditioning after he
had voted for Obama thinking that was the solution.

He compares his change in mindset to discovering how to
work with Harriet Tubman and get into the free territories in the North.

Now he goes back and works with fellow Blacks to get THEM
off dependence on the plantation, and even try to work with
the plantation owners to get them to change how they operate!

He speaks with relief and true hope and love for his fellow brothers.
He is not angry or "fighting" or blaming, but sees way beyond that.

BRANDON TATUM is on facebook but I found him on libert one tv.

The video I saw was part of a series of video feeds, so I couldn't copy the link
find the source or get his name. I'd like to invite him to come work with
Gladys House (R) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) on
saving and using Freedmen's Town historic district as a campus for
teaching more people ownership of land, property, programs, law and govt.

I REVISED to post his video, but in searching I found related links, very helpful!,
using some of the same language he uses to describe this change of paradigm and politics.

Dude sounds like he has been thoroughly brainwashed. First off you dont have to vote repub to be conservative or dem to be a lib. Secondly anyone dumb enough to vote for Drumpf instantly lacks any credibility.

Dear Asclepias
I voted for Trump and still plan to work with him and all party leaders on plans to develop the border.

Whether or not I have credibility, I care more about
the SOLUTIONS that came from Black community leaders in the historic district of Freedmen's Town.

Do you think these plans have no credibility either?

These plans are based on a compilation of several sources.

You don't have to agree with Trump or people who vote or support Trump.

But do you believe the Black community leaders, including Dr. Nia Becnel and Lenwood Johnson
DESERVE CREDIT for their plans for sustainable campus development and govt reforms of the welfare systems?

That's more important than who supports Trump.
Whether BLACK people and business leaders will support other BLACK community leaders and business plans.

Or just whine like victims and try to target people
which isn't the issue OR the solution.

I believe their PLANS have credibility and can unite people
across parties and states on SOLUTIONS to the immigration and trafficking
issues along the border.

What do YOU think of their plans?

Wouldn't you agree these Black leaders deserve national recognition and support
for their innovative visions and leadership?

And don't deserve to be censored, while funding goes into political fighting,
and while being MISPORTRAYED as "lazy victims" depending on party and govt
when they've been FIGHTING to stop the selling out of govt officials
to developers destroying national history these leaders have their own original plans for saving and restoring for sustainable education and empowerment.

Asclepias and IM2 if you are not in a position to
stand with Gladys House, I will ask Rev. CL Bryant and Brandon Tatum
if they will push for her business plans.

Maybe you are right, maybe these guys are just as "brainwashed"
to spout off "propaganda" where it's all the talk and not the walk.

So between you two, and these two men,
is any Black Leader going to help this Black Business woman
Gladys House to save Freedmen's Town or not?

What are you waiting for?
For Trump or some other leader to "make it okay' to save Black history?

Which leader do you need to get involved before you think this has "credibility"
Last edited:
What Happens When Conservative Blacks Leave the Liberal Plantation?

REVISED: I DID find the video on
LIBERTY ONE TV of a young man (Tater or Tatum?) sharing
his liberating sense of freedom and empowerment
not to be an oppressed angry victim anymore, when
he let go of expectations and conditioning after he
had voted for Obama thinking that was the solution.

He compares his change in mindset to discovering how to
work with Harriet Tubman and get into the free territories in the North.

Now he goes back and works with fellow Blacks to get THEM
off dependence on the plantation, and even try to work with
the plantation owners to get them to change how they operate!

He speaks with relief and true hope and love for his fellow brothers.
He is not angry or "fighting" or blaming, but sees way beyond that.

BRANDON TATUM is on facebook but I found him on libert one tv.

The video I saw was part of a series of video feeds, so I couldn't copy the link
find the source or get his name. I'd like to invite him to come work with
Gladys House (R) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) on
saving and using Freedmen's Town historic district as a campus for
teaching more people ownership of land, property, programs, law and govt.

I REVISED to post his video, but in searching I found related links, very helpful!,
using some of the same language he uses to describe this change of paradigm and politics.

Dude sounds like he has been thoroughly brainwashed. First off you dont have to vote repub to be conservative or dem to be a lib. Secondly anyone dumb enough to vote for Drumpf instantly lacks any credibility.

Dear Asclepias
I voted for Trump and still plan to work with him and all party leaders on plans to develop the border.

Whether or not I have credibility, I care more about
the SOLUTIONS that came from Black community leaders in the historic district of Freedmen's Town.

Do you think these plans have no credibility either?

These plans are based on a compilation of several sources.

You don't have to agree with Trump or people who vote or support Trump.

But do you believe the Black community leaders, including Dr. Nia Becnel and Lenwood Johnson
DESERVE CREDIT for their plans for sustainable campus development and govt reforms of the welfare systems?

That's more important than who supports Trump.
Whether BLACK people and business leaders will support other BLACK community leaders and business plans.

Or just whine like victims and try to target people
which isn't the issue OR the solution.

I believe their PLANS have credibility and can unite people
across parties and states on SOLUTIONS to the immigration and trafficking
issues along the border.

What do YOU think of their plans?

Wouldn't you agree these Black leaders deserve national recognition and support
for their innovative visions and leadership?

And don't deserve to be censored, while funding goes into political fighting,
and while being MISPORTRAYED as "lazy victims" depending on party and govt
when they've been FIGHTING to stop the selling out of govt officials
to developers destroying national history these leaders have their own original plans for saving and restoring for sustainable education and empowerment.

Asclepias and IM2 if you are not in a position to
stand with Gladys House, I will ask Rev. CL Bryant and Brandon Tatum
if they will push for her business plans.

Maybe you are right, maybe these guys are just as "brainwashed"
to spout off "propaganda" where it's all the talk and not the walk.

So between you two, and these two men,
is any Black Leader going to help this Black Business woman
Gladys House to save Freedmen's Town or not?

What are you waiting for?
For Trump or some other leader to "make it okay' to save Black history?

Which leader do you need to get involved before you think this has "credibility"

You dont work with Drumpf. You just hope he doesnt fuck something up worse than it already is. That being said until the white power structure is dismantled whites will continue to attempt to destroy any semblance of Black progress. This is why I dont work with whites on Black progress, Blacks that allow whites in their groups, nor expose the groups I do work with to whites. Whites have a tendency to infiltrate and then report back to those that are in a position to kill off any progress. I am from Oakland and I have seen it time and time again.
I'm democrat and free so whatever Emily is trying to point out doesn't apply here.
I cant belong to the dems or the repubs. I tell most Blacks that ask my opinion to register as independent. If we did that in mass that would wake the politicians up and they would court our vote even if its a symbolic move. I just cant stomach voting for a party that openly supports racism like repubs do.
What Happens When Conservative Blacks Leave the Liberal Plantation?

REVISED: I DID find the video on
LIBERTY ONE TV of a young man (Tater or Tatum?) sharing
his liberating sense of freedom and empowerment
not to be an oppressed angry victim anymore, when
he let go of expectations and conditioning after he
had voted for Obama thinking that was the solution.

He compares his change in mindset to discovering how to
work with Harriet Tubman and get into the free territories in the North.

Now he goes back and works with fellow Blacks to get THEM
off dependence on the plantation, and even try to work with
the plantation owners to get them to change how they operate!

He speaks with relief and true hope and love for his fellow brothers.
He is not angry or "fighting" or blaming, but sees way beyond that.

BRANDON TATUM is on facebook but I found him on libert one tv.

The video I saw was part of a series of video feeds, so I couldn't copy the link
find the source or get his name. I'd like to invite him to come work with
Gladys House (R) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) on
saving and using Freedmen's Town historic district as a campus for
teaching more people ownership of land, property, programs, law and govt.

I REVISED to post his video, but in searching I found related links, very helpful!,
using some of the same language he uses to describe this change of paradigm and politics.

Republicans coming up with the same racist crap. Blacks are an integral part of the Democratic Party. Because the Democrats are a coalition party. Blacks are "led", they are part of the leadership. You will never see a black president coming from the Republican Party. Home of the American Nazi Party, the Alt White and the Aryan Nation. It's not going to happen.
You may find a few Ben Carsons and Clarence Thomas, but they are few and far between.
And the fact that Republicans continue to insult blacks by telling them they are part of a plantation and need to "bow" to Democrats shows how out of touch the Republicans are. If a few blacks feel the need to bow, they will get plenty of practice with the GOP. Ask Michael Steele.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I know what the man is talking abut too and it's ignorant. It's best for a black to be independent if they aren't democrat. What the republicans are doing is playing us for stupid. And that includes you Emily. They want talk that party of Lincoln shit al while telling us how they were not around during slavery and how hat was a log time ago before we all were born. So let's talk about what the fuck they were around for, the civil rights act. SIGNED BY A DEMOCRAT! The voting rights act. SIGNED BY A DEMOCRAT!
What Happens When Conservative Blacks Leave the Liberal Plantation?

REVISED: I DID find the video on
LIBERTY ONE TV of a young man (Tater or Tatum?) sharing
his liberating sense of freedom and empowerment
not to be an oppressed angry victim anymore, when
he let go of expectations and conditioning after he
had voted for Obama thinking that was the solution.

He compares his change in mindset to discovering how to
work with Harriet Tubman and get into the free territories in the North.

Now he goes back and works with fellow Blacks to get THEM
off dependence on the plantation, and even try to work with
the plantation owners to get them to change how they operate!

He speaks with relief and true hope and love for his fellow brothers.
He is not angry or "fighting" or blaming, but sees way beyond that.

BRANDON TATUM is on facebook but I found him on libert one tv.

The video I saw was part of a series of video feeds, so I couldn't copy the link
find the source or get his name. I'd like to invite him to come work with
Gladys House (R) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) on
saving and using Freedmen's Town historic district as a campus for
teaching more people ownership of land, property, programs, law and govt.

I REVISED to post his video, but in searching I found related links, very helpful!,
using some of the same language he uses to describe this change of paradigm and politics.

Dude sounds like he has been thoroughly brainwashed. First off you dont have to vote repub to be conservative or dem to be a lib. Secondly anyone dumb enough to vote for Drumpf instantly lacks any credibility.

Dear Asclepias
I voted for Trump and still plan to work with him and all party leaders on plans to develop the border.

Whether or not I have credibility, I care more about
the SOLUTIONS that came from Black community leaders in the historic district of Freedmen's Town.

Do you think these plans have no credibility either?

These plans are based on a compilation of several sources.

You don't have to agree with Trump or people who vote or support Trump.

But do you believe the Black community leaders, including Dr. Nia Becnel and Lenwood Johnson
DESERVE CREDIT for their plans for sustainable campus development and govt reforms of the welfare systems?

That's more important than who supports Trump.
Whether BLACK people and business leaders will support other BLACK community leaders and business plans.

Or just whine like victims and try to target people
which isn't the issue OR the solution.

I believe their PLANS have credibility and can unite people
across parties and states on SOLUTIONS to the immigration and trafficking
issues along the border.

What do YOU think of their plans?

Wouldn't you agree these Black leaders deserve national recognition and support
for their innovative visions and leadership?

And don't deserve to be censored, while funding goes into political fighting,
and while being MISPORTRAYED as "lazy victims" depending on party and govt
when they've been FIGHTING to stop the selling out of govt officials
to developers destroying national history these leaders have their own original plans for saving and restoring for sustainable education and empowerment.

Asclepias and IM2 if you are not in a position to
stand with Gladys House, I will ask Rev. CL Bryant and Brandon Tatum
if they will push for her business plans.

Maybe you are right, maybe these guys are just as "brainwashed"
to spout off "propaganda" where it's all the talk and not the walk.

So between you two, and these two men,
is any Black Leader going to help this Black Business woman
Gladys House to save Freedmen's Town or not?

What are you waiting for?
For Trump or some other leader to "make it okay' to save Black history?

Which leader do you need to get involved before you think this has "credibility"

Emily there are 2 million people in Houston and 500,000 of them are black. Neither I nor A live in Houston. You have at least 4 major universities with 2 of them being HBCU's in Houston as well. Barking to us with your little attitude is not what you need to be doing. I am all for Freedmanstown, but I am here in my town battling against police harassment of blacks. A is apparently working on issues where he lives. Nation wide there are many things blacks face we are working on. To think we all must stop for freedmanstown is arrogant. Put in the work needed to get community support until you get it. You have 61,000 black businesses in Houston, get it done. Maybe if you guys did not support Trump you'd have more community support. Maybe if you did not decide blacks are on a liberal plantation because they are democrats, you'd get more support. Get off your ass and do what needs to be done., There are national black leaders in Houston. Make the calls needed until you can get a meeting. When I lived in KC I did that for 5 years before I finally got to meet with the mayor. For I am not waiting for Trump to solve the problem where I live. I'm not on the internet blaming every black person on earth for not supporting a issue where they don't live either. Change your tone Emily.

LOL, Maybe you should read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Your comment is ignorance on steroids.

Dear Wry Catcher
What the speaker said in the video I saw on Liberty One,
he talked about how the slaves left behind on the plantation
were resentful that others got freed. The House Slaves
are traditionally set up to be separate from the Field Slaves
so they cannot unite, but bicker and fight with each other for
"better benefits from the owners."

This "house slave/field slave" analogy describes the
Party of the Rich blaming the Poor while the
Party of the Poor blames the Rich.
Both are begging and playing the games trying to
get their party leaders or "masters" into Govt to
"get them better benefits." But in the end the
taxpayers stay enslaved to bigger govt than we can pay for.

So both rich AND poor stay enslaved to bad govt!

Maybe you should read Uncle Tom's Cabin (UTC). There are plot summaries on line for this and other classics. Those written on issues by authors on contemporary matters for them, not written by someone 150 +years after (for example) the Emancipation Proclamation.

For the record, UTC was published in 1852.

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