What happens when democrats take back power?

Then I think perhaps you should dig up some polls on Socialism and younger people and analyze what they say. It's actually pretty frightening.

Anyway, it's us old baby boomers that are keeping us out of the clutches of Socialism and Communism. Once we are gone and the country abandons capitalism, it's gone forever. There will be no bringing it back; kind of like Obama Care. It's impossible to go back to where we were before it plagued us.

Currently, if somebody doesn't like our system in this country, they are free to try other government systems to see how they like it first. They can move to Cuba, North Korea, China, a number of places in Europe. And once they figure out it isn't that great in other places, they can move back here. But once the USA is gone, there is no other USA to move to. It will be the end of the Great Experiment forever.

You are being paranoid and forming your perception of millennials on people who are still in college. Remember the hippies? Same boomers you say are saving us from socialism and communism today.

Most people do their growing up in their later teens to mid 20's. After that, change is very difficult if not impossible. Believe it or not, I used to be a pot smoking, long haired liberal that played lead guitar in rock bands. I was anti-cop, anti-war, and my only core conservative value was working for what you want in life.

Things changed when I started to work full-time and eventually get my own apartment at the age of 20. I took a job that frequently sent me to the ghettos of Cleveland and nearby cities. Afterwards I worked jobs that had six to seven day schedules, or took on two jobs at the same time.

Millennials are past that age now. Their minds are pretty much set.

I'm one of the older millennials at 28. And that still ain't shit. A lot of millennials are still in their late teens to early twenties.

No, the Millennial generation started in the 80s which if born that year, would make you 38 years old next month.

Technically I'm a millienal. Born 1985....ugh

Unless you collect some kind of windfall you will not be able to financially afford to retire. You can thank the Republican party and corporate America.

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