What happens when the trainwreck doesn't materialize?

To answer the OP's question, they'll do what they've been doing all along. Invent them.
Oh and Cost? sooo, 2018? Nothing to see there? Are you being dishonest GB? .....:eusa_whistle:

If you're asking whether you get to keep the limitless tax subsidy for your plan after 2018, the answer is absolutely not. You get your subsidy for the first $28K, above that it's taxable and not a freebie anymore.

I realize that you'll complain that transferring those extra costs from the backs of the American taxpayer back to you and your employer is somehow an increase but I assure you it's not.
Medicare proves your premise wrong.

Tell that to the people who can't get appointments due to the growing number of doctors that refuse to accept Medicare patients.

Medicare is just a price control system which inevitably leads to supply shortages.

Are you confusing Medicare with Medicaid?

Top six myths about Medicare
(The writer is a Reuters columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. For more from Mark Miller, see Mark Miller | Journalist Profile | Reuters.com)

Besides the disclaimer from your link, my mother, who is on Medicare, cannot find a PCP, period! If she needs to see a Doc, guess what? She has to go to the ER. How efficient is that?
If you actually read his link, you'd see that the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries that true of is lower than the percentage of people with private insurance that's true of.
Oh and Cost? sooo, 2018? Nothing to see there? Are you being dishonest GB? .....:eusa_whistle:

If you're asking whether you get to keep the limitless tax subsidy for your plan after 2018, the answer is absolutely not. You get your subsidy for the first $28K, above that it's taxable and not a freebie anymore.

I realize that you'll complain that transferring those extra costs from the backs of the American taxpayer back to you and your employer is somehow an increase but I assure you it's not.

Government will decide what you need.

From each according to his mean, to each according to his needs.
Oh and Cost? sooo, 2018? Nothing to see there? Are you being dishonest GB? .....:eusa_whistle:

If you're asking whether you get to keep the limitless tax subsidy for your plan after 2018, the answer is absolutely not. You get your subsidy for the first $28K, above that it's taxable and not a freebie anymore.

I realize that you'll complain that transferring those extra costs from the backs of the American taxpayer back to you and your employer is somehow an increase but I assure you it's not.

so you admit that obamacare plans on changing my status? ..... focus- I don't want or need a subsidy, cart - horse hello, do I need to post the point again?

if the advent of obamacare changes my status i.e. incurring greater cost ( than par increases) or changes my plan/coverage, etc etc..... well?
LOL, Greenie just makes shit up as he goes...misinterprets things as he feels he needs to.

Its useless, when the trainwreck happens he'll blame the world.

I never said I had problems, go back and read my posts again....

Bully for you, I'll consider using that admission in my signature.

Oh and btw, whats in store for me ala my Plan in say, 3-4 years? :eusa_whistle:

Better quality, better access (if that's even possible for someone with your plan), and slower cost growth. Congrats!

feel free, here, let me rephrase-

I love my present Plan, Doctor, access and coverage, sincerely- Trajan.

so, I will have better coverage, better access and slower cost growth.....hummmm:eusa_think:

No, you're right thats probably not possible. I had an issue 3 years ago, 2 days after it came up, I was literally speaking with a Stanford specialist, top 3 in the country, out of pocket, zero. so, I doubt it could get better.

But it could get worse. And If it does, outside normal events accounting for age, pop. growth and costs expected, thats on YOU and your precious Obamacare.

You know it, I know it and anyone with a modicum of common sense will know it.....

Oh and Cost? sooo, 2018? Nothing to see there? Are you being dishonest GB? .....:eusa_whistle:
LOL, Greenie just makes shit up as he goes...misinterprets things as he feels he needs to.

Its useless, when the trainwreck happens he'll blame the world.

Bully for you, I'll consider using that admission in my signature.

Better quality, better access (if that's even possible for someone with your plan), and slower cost growth. Congrats!

feel free, here, let me rephrase-

I love my present Plan, Doctor, access and coverage, sincerely- Trajan.

so, I will have better coverage, better access and slower cost growth.....hummmm:eusa_think:

No, you're right thats probably not possible. I had an issue 3 years ago, 2 days after it came up, I was literally speaking with a Stanford specialist, top 3 in the country, out of pocket, zero. so, I doubt it could get better.

But it could get worse. And If it does, outside normal events accounting for age, pop. growth and costs expected, thats on YOU and your precious Obamacare.

You know it, I know it and anyone with a modicum of common sense will know it.....

Oh and Cost? sooo, 2018? Nothing to see there? Are you being dishonest GB? .....:eusa_whistle:

yea I already posted to that effect in another thread on some alike topic, they'll blame the gop for not approving more funds etc etc etc....its nice to see that GB admitted my plan will change, hes getting better. :rolleyes:

I cannot wait to see how that Oklahoma ( and 5 others) legal challendge on the subsidy question pans out , tyo wit- whether the IRS cannot compel states to cough up subsidies for federal exchanges, oh wait, new term- "marketplaces" :rolleyes: well, the train has left the station....
The bottom line is there is absolutely no reason for health insurance to increase rates, they actually should be decreasing rates. The only population this mandate is going after are people that are employed and have no coverage. These people file taxes which is the only way the IRS can monitor the mandate.

This population is healthy, young and seldom require health services so their premium share is total profit to the insurance companies and their numbers increase the pool of insured.

As far as the Medicaid expansion that is only going to cover those that earn under the 138% but still file taxes will not cost states anything if they don't enroll them in a capitation contract. If they keep them in a separate pool and pay fee for service if they happen to require healthcare, it still won't cost states that much.
is that a yes, or no?

what difference does it make, don't try that shit on me, if obamacare like a pinball bounces round and makes my present coverage and cost change, then? its changed due to obamacare, thats what we are discussing. What was promised?

:lol: herrrrre we go......:rolleyes:

again, you want to play that? fine we'll start another marathon clarification session, you can avoid trying to be pinned down, we'll see- will obamacare drive my cost up?What was promised?

again- will obamacare cause a change that he must react to, that will preclude me from being his costumer under his and my present paradigm? What was promised?

Seems to me the answers to some of these questions you're asking depend up on your particular circumstances. As for the others, you seem to already have an answer in mind.

so Erik, where you at?

have you read the exchanges between GB and I over the last several pages?

so what now Batman?

Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%

Last week, the state of California claimed that its version of Obamacare’s health insurance exchange would actually reduce premiums. “These rates are way below the worst-case gloom-and-doom scenarios we have heard,” boasted Peter Lee, executive director of the California exchange.

But the data that Lee released tells a different story: Obamacare, in fact, will increase individual-market premiums in California by as much as 146 percent.

Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146% - Forbes

Poor Greenie
well folks there it is, another chapter in 'yes we can' has closed :lol:

we have established, at least, my plan will change....stay tuned;)
ALL current plans that want to go through the exchanges will change.
Cost and Coverage both.

well folks there it is, another chapter in 'yes we can' has closed :lol:

we have established, at least, my plan will change....stay tuned;)
well folks there it is, another chapter in 'yes we can' has closed :lol:

we have established, at least, my plan will change....stay tuned;)

Is there a trainwreck coming?

ask max baucas......:lol:

and don't try that shit on me...go back, (apparently you have to) and start where I dropped into the thread, read my posts and exchanges back and forth with GB, thats the issue, thats why I asked the QUESTIONS......

THEN, I'll answer your question...

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