What Happens When You Import People Who Dont Believe in Multiculturialism?

Republicans don't believe in multiculturalism. And the fact they are 90% white kinda proves it.

Getting race confused with culture again? In any case, I think you need to drop by this thread here >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/educa...n-on-how-to-properly-and-logically-argue.html

I suggest strongly you read, learn, love it, and live it.

Because you have been one of the more confused persons on the Board.

forget race.....do you think the culture of Islam is equal to ours.....?
Republicans don't believe in multiculturalism. And the fact they are 90% white kinda proves it.

Getting race confused with culture again? In any case, I think you need to drop by this thread here >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/educa...n-on-how-to-properly-and-logically-argue.html

I suggest strongly you read, learn, love it, and live it.

Because you have been one of the more confused persons on the Board.

If the above claim cam from someone of better repute then I would have taken it as a wake up call. Instead I must thank you for the complement.
Getting race confused with culture again? In any case, I think you need to drop by this thread here >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/educa...n-on-how-to-properly-and-logically-argue.html

I suggest strongly you read, learn, love it, and live it.

Because you have been one of the more confused persons on the Board.

If the above claim cam from someone of better repute then I would have taken it as a wake up call. Instead I must thank you for the complement.

:lol: Have fun reading.
That racist fuck is probably too busy getting ready a big KKK meeting right now.

Equating simple American protectionism against the multiculturalism of Mexico's invaders, with the KKK and racism, is about as dumb a post that could ever be posted in USMB.

Agreed. Very dumb post.

The harms to Americans from the immigration of these international thieves has nothing to do with race, but the immigrationists just can't resist waving the race card around, can they ? You define yourself.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

Um... not so much.

1. Jobs are lost because we have made ourselves uncompetitive with other countries, by the increase in taxes, regulations, and mandates on business. Stop the regulation, stop the taxes, stop the mandates, and jobs will come back, with or without immigration controls.

2. It's true the wages have declined with an increase in population, because supply of labor, verses the demand for labor, determines price. Increasing supply, reduces price.

However, the real solution to this, is to simply do things that have a higher value. Learn to do accounting, instead of burger flipping. Learn to do engineering instead of assembly work. If you spend your life waiting around for other people to make you more wealthy, you'll end up both old, bitter, and poor.

3. Not true. Just not true. Two people earning $30K, will have more tax revenue, than one person earning $35K. There is no case to be made, that wages have fallen by more than a few percentage points at best. Zero evidence they have fallen by over 30%. Just not true.

4. Also not true. Money that goes out, always comes back. If we were losing dollars, then the money supply should be shrinking, resulting in currency deflation. There is no evidence that there is any significant deflation, or that the money supply has fallen.

5. While this is in fact true, it's also massively dwarfed by native citizens on welfare. Yes, a tiny fraction of welfare and other government hand outs, goes to immigrants. But the vast majority of the money from welfare and other programs, is going to our natural born citizens, milking the system as much as they can. The solution there isn't to stem the small fraction of immigrant welfare, but to cancel welfare completely.

6. Also somewhat true, but again, completely dwarfed by natural citizen crime. The solution there, isn't to target immigrant crime, but rather focus on crime in general, and get back to putting people in hard labor. Hang them for severe crimes. Then you won't have to worry about either immigrant or natural citizen crime.

7. If they are driving to work, and being a benefit to the country, I don't have a problem with traffic. If they are riding around on tax payer subsidized busses, and causing traffic, while not work... ok that's an issue with me.

8. All humans cause pollution. If we are going to get rid of people because of pollution, then we should start with ourselves. Not a logical reason.

9. Yes hospital over crowding is a problem, but not related to immigration. Canada has over crowding problems. UK does. France does. Pretty much every country in which the government provides free hospital service, has over crowding issues. That's not going to change with immigration, it's a problem with socialism.

10. I have not seen any problem here. Not sure what that refers to.

11. Get rid of government offices. That problem will go away.

12. Again, socialism is the problem. Adopt a free market capitalist based education system, and that problem will disappear.

13. Not true. The problem with entitlements is that they are entitlements, and are not sustainable. The Soviet Union collasped even while people were scrambling to escape it. People were leaving the country by the droves, that's why the Berlin wall was built in the first place. Yet that even with zero immigrants, and people leaving by the day, the resources and wealth declined. The problem again, is socialism, not immigration.

14. I don't think so. I don't think immigration is what is ruining culture. I think our culture has ruined ourselves. Any culture that doesn't believe in right and wrong, and absolute truths, will always fail, and destroy itself. In fact, the biggest decline in culture is attributed to the simplest of concepts.... that parents pass on their culture to children. We have ruined that in two ways. First because families have fewer kids. Second, because we have so many broken families which ruin kids.

When you have very few kids, and when you break the family apart so that kids are ruined.... both result in culture not being passed on to the next generation. That's the problem, not immigration.

We've always had immigration, but we have for 200 years, passed on our culture with large intact families. Immigration today, is a symptom of the vacuum left by our selfish desire to have few kids, and our selfish desire to break up families because "I'm not happy...". That's the source of our cultural decline.

15. As resources become scarce, the price will increase with the fall of supply. As the price goes up, conservation will happen automatically. With, or without immigration, this will happen naturally as the laws of economics says.

16. That also will happen, with or without immigration. The world is a very small place today. My manager, and CEO, both went to China just a month ago. The ability to transmit diseases is very easy now. That's not going to change, regardless of immigration policy.
A multiculturalists response to the failure of multiculturalism is to point the finger at those who are most likely between the two parties to warn us about the failures of multiculturalism. I don't get it.

I wish Mrs. Robinson (my 7th grade English teacher) was here to diagram THAT sentence.

Mrs. Robinson appears to be a complete failure imparting her wisdom to you.

I'm sure you're the expert on being a failure.
A multiculturalists response to the failure of multiculturalism is to point the finger at those who are most likely between the two parties to warn us about the failures of multiculturalism. I don't get it.

I wish Mrs. Robinson (my 7th grade English teacher) was here to diagram THAT sentence.

I wish Mr Keller, my 7th grade history teacher could follow you around and correct your constant revisionist view of history.

How many black republicans hold federal level office?
The third world immgirants have been found to be more American than our far right social cons and neocon war hawks.

the immgirants who want to leave the third world and the 12th century behind... do just fine.

There are quite a few who do not want to leave it in the past.... but live in it.

this country was made on immigrants. but they used to assimilate..

They still do. If anything, more quickly than previous generations.
The third world immgirants have been found to be more American than our far right social cons and neocon war hawks.

the immgirants who want to leave the third world and the 12th century behind... do just fine.

There are quite a few who do not want to leave it in the past.... but live in it.

It's not just that. We should time immigrations so as to allow further assimilation. If a population fills our schools with non-English speaking kids so as to cheapen education for the rest of our children we should just cut them off. Some of the worst schools in the US are filled with large non-English speaking populations preventing US born/English speaking children from advancing in their subject matter.

How about children be required to speak English before they enter public schools....
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the immgirants who want to leave the third world and the 12th century behind... do just fine.

There are quite a few who do not want to leave it in the past.... but live in it.

It's not just that. We should time immigrations so as to allow further assimilation. If a population fills our schools with non-English speaking kids so as to cheapen education for the rest of our children we should just cut them off. Some of the worst schools in the US are filled with large non-English speaking populations preventing US born/English speaking children from advancing in their subject matter.

How about children be required children to speak English before they enter public schools....

My step father had never spoke a world of English in his farm home outside of Lincoln City until the day he went to grammar school.

He learned very, very quickly.
What Happens When You Import People Who Dont Believe in Multiculturialism?
They assimilate.

correct.....i believe the op stated it backwards....it should be 'what happens when you import people who DO believe in multiculturalism'......

a multiculturalist believes that all cultures are equal.....

this is simply a fallacy...
Multiculturalism leads to isolation or ghettoization of certain ethnic groups. As we've seen in some European cities, this can lead to tension and conflict.

A multiethnic society is good, but not a multicultural one.
Americans overwhelmingly do not want an America where the thinking of the Publiuses and Protectionists have any impact.

Oh but they certainly DO want an America where the thinking of the Publiuses and Protectionists have an impact. Think not ? Then just try some of the examples listed in Post # 38, and see what they say then. :lol:

You folks make up less than 20% of the electorate.

And the youth and young adults, particularly those in your families, overwhelmingly think you are starkers.

Your day is over.

But few among the US electorate bother to vote and even fewer of 'the youth' so what they think (sic) is irrelevant.
Republicans don't believe in multiculturalism. And the fact they are 90% white kinda proves it.

No it doesn't. Race has really nothing to do with multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a behavioral thing, not biological. For instance, Muslims are a completely alien culture to the USA, which simply does not fit here, and is contrary to US law in numerous ways.
Yet Muslims are of all races.

Correct. The false assumption that culture and 'race' are somehow the same thing has lead to unbounded confusion.

Mulsims are indeed of all 'races'. And 'white' converts to that ideology are often the most fanatical.
I recently was accosted by a Hispanic kid, he asked me "WHAT WAS I DOING THERE"? , in that same area my Father grew up in, 40 years earlier, that I grew up in as a child, are you kidding me? Everyone speaks Spanish, are you kidding? Some thousand miles from Mexico, in Denver Colorado. And 40 some years ago this was America and we all spoke ...the same English you are reading now. It's insane now. My sister calls it Califorinicated. Between pot, gays and illegals and bilingualism and the out of staters, I don't know who runs this place anymore. Sure as hell not the native Coloradans. Nope.
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A multiethnic society is good, but not a multicultural one.

Virtually every society is multicultural in the real meaning of the term.
I see what you mean. We do have variations of American culture, for instance a southerner will have a culture that is different from say a New Yorker. However, we are still all Americans, and our beliefs, customs, and way of life are for the most part the same throughout America. Comparing our culture with a culture from a different part of the world will have significant differences. When travelling to Europe for instance, the culture difference is noticeable. I find the pubs/beer drinking culture in the UK and/or Ireland quite remarkable.
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