What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics
It would t be as big a problem if the psycho trumpkins weren’t also prolific liars.
It’s clear no one should believe this was about anything other than creating a distraction from his illegal acts
One would have thought you got plenty of practice believing lies during Obabble's reign of Arrogant Incompetence.

Just sayin'.
You guys keep playing that shit....no one is buying it
No previous President has lied with the audacity of Trump

Not Obama, not Bush, not Clinton, not Reagan.....not even Nixon

It has nothing to do with political party but the lack of integrity by our current President

But you and your ilk lost credibility when you nominated Hillary and never accepted Trump as the duly elected President.
He, didn't accept us, he never tried to join the nation, he called us the enemy, from the day he won.

Blaming us, for his constant moves to divide us from the get go, is only your rose colored glasses, view.

Made-up B.S. on your part.

Trump has always pitted people against one another. It's why he has such high turnover in the White House. He pits aides against one another, or against his family, and then fires the loser. He's done the same with the nation. Trump wakes up every morning looking for someone to blame and attack. And his deranged followers parrot his latest "enemies" list: the mainstream media, the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, anyone who disagrees with him, Muslims, Democrats, Iran. Every day it's a different target.

Trump and Pompeo are now claiming that they had "complelling intelligence" that the Iranians were planning an "imminent attack" on Americans and he had to be killed to prevent that attack. This statement begs a couple of questions: 1. Details of this "thwarted attack" haven't been very quick in coming, which would lead one to believe they're lying; and 2. How is it that Trump is suddenly believing the CIA or the FBI on their intelligence since he has been utterly denying their findings since the day he took office?

Enquiring mind want to know!!!!
How does killing one man prevent an “imminent attack”?
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics
I very much worry that this is a replay of the invasion of Iraq.
There is a lot of the same misinformation and rhetoric
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics
It would t be as big a problem if the psycho trumpkins weren’t also prolific liars.
It’s clear no one should believe this was about anything other than creating a distraction from his illegal acts
Europe just sits back and laughs at us

We had a settlement with Iran and Trump insisted on destroying it
We deserve what we get
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Says who? wS the author of the article there? Were they privy to the details of the killing other then what was said on TV? Are they just more ass never trumpers? I'm mean, it's not been very long as from what I have seen no details other then some haji got smoked in Iraq last week. Calm down.
i'm talking judges ruling against trump's agenda despite being appointed by him.

Five times Republican-appointed judges ruled against President Trump

That's fine .. as long as they're not liberal activist judges I'm all in..

(I wont turn off my add blocker so I can't use your link) but thanks.

it was an USA today article. <psssst> tee hee - you would consider some of the decisions against trump to be quite liberal.
Impeachment is not official until the Senate receives it. He was voted to be impeached yes, but it is not legally official.

Thought you might want to update your sig

uh, no. It's a done deal. donny has been impeached. The articles passed bigley & you need to take a refresher course in civics.
the house impeaches & the senate holds trial.
when someone is charged, they are charged & the charges don't go away until there's a trial.
a trial doesn't happen without charges being filed.
see how easy that was?
even you can follow the bouncing ball with that logic; unless of course you choose to stay the poorly educated dupe trump loves long time.

Tell me something I always ask someone who flames. Did you call every shot in your entire life and retire at 50, or did you slave for a boss for an entire miserable life? I only believe people who weren't or are in the slave caste.Be honest.

flame? lol. not sure what that means - but shirley you are mistaken.


Did you call every shot in your entire life and retire at 50,

that would be negatory. have you?

or did you slave for a boss

i've had blue collar jobs when i worked outside of the home did you?

for an entire miserable life?

i don't consider my life miserable at all. is yours miserable?

I only believe people who weren't or are in the slave caste.

that sentence contains polar opposite positions.

Be honest.

always am. are you?
i'm talking judges ruling against trump's agenda despite being appointed by him.

Five times Republican-appointed judges ruled against President Trump

That's fine .. as long as they're not liberal activist judges I'm all in..

(I wont turn off my add blocker so I can't use your link) but thanks.

it was an USA today article. <psssst> tee hee - you would consider some of the decisions against trump to be quite liberal.
Impeachment is not official until the Senate receives it. He was voted to be impeached yes, but it is not legally official.

Thought you might want to update your sig

uh, no. It's a done deal. donny has been impeached. The articles passed bigley & you need to take a refresher course in civics.
the house impeaches & the senate holds trial.
when someone is charged, they are charged & the charges don't go away until there's a trial.
a trial doesn't happen without charges being filed.
see how easy that was?
even you can follow the bouncing ball with that logic; unless of course you choose to stay the poorly educated dupe trump loves long time.

Tell me something I always ask someone who flames. Did you call every shot in your entire life and retire at 50, or did you slave for a boss for an entire miserable life? I only believe people who weren't or are in the slave caste.Be honest.

What a deflection!!! There is no greater proof that a poster has been pwned than a response that goes directly to deflection and/or personal attack, and this post is a "two fer". You demand honesty while lying. Nice try.

Donnie boy is still impeached and trying to start a war to deflect from his impeachment, and impending trial. You can't impeach a President in a time of war!! W used that line of thinking to win re-election, and look how that turned out!!!

Trump sees the writing on the wall. Democrats are simply rolling one, overturning gerrymandered districts and running voter registration drives. It's time for the people to take back their government, from the billionaires and the lying right wing media - all of which is owned by billionaires. Stop getting your news from the Murdochs, the Sinclairs, the Mercers, and the Koch Brothers. They're lying to you.
Haven’t we been through this “war is necessary” shit for the last twenty years?
Do we ever learn?
You libs haven't. But you libs have apparently forgotten all about the 9/11 attacks.

oh you mean when a saudi - outa afghanistan gave orders to slam into our country where 15 outa the 19 monsters were saudi - but we invaded iraq instead, that was once called a quagmire but we ended up going in a 2nd time instead?
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Haven’t we been through this “war is necessary” shit for the last twenty years?
Do we ever learn?
You libs haven't. But you libs have apparently forgotten all about the 9/11 attacks.

Nobody has forgotten about the 9/11 attacks, least of all the families of the more than 100,000 Iraqi's killed in W's war of vengence. Or the millions of Syrians who have been turned into refugees by the susbsequent power vaccuums created by the Iraq War. Or the thousands of people killed by ISIS - created from the ashes of Saddam's army and the remnants of Al Qeada.

Not to mention, more Americans have died in the wars of vengence than died on 9/11. And the costs of 18 years of continuous warfare are bankrupting the US treasury, while your health care, infrastructure and education of your people has suffered.
Haven’t we been through this “war is necessary” shit for the last twenty years?
Do we ever learn?
You libs haven't. But you libs have apparently forgotten all about the 9/11 attacks.

Nobody has forgotten about the 9/11 attacks, least of all the families of the more than 100,000 Iraqi's killed in W's war of vengence. Or the millions of Syrians who have been turned into refugees by the susbsequent power vaccuums created by the Iraq War. Or the thousands of people killed by ISIS - created from the ashes of Saddam's army and the remnants of Al Qeada.

Not to mention, more Americans have died in the wars of vengence than died on 9/11. And the costs of 18 years of continuous warfare are bankrupting the US treasury, while your health care, infrastructure and education of your people has suffered.

'mission accomplished'
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Says who? wS the author of the article there? Were they privy to the details of the killing other then what was said on TV? Are they just more ass never trumpers? I'm mean, it's not been very long as from what I have seen no details other then some haji got smoked in Iraq last week. Calm down.
Again, with previous Presidents, this would be a no brainer
The President would be accepted on his word

Trump has repeatedly shown that he would not only twist facts, but create facts to support his agenda

Nobody has any reason to believe what he says
Haven’t we been through this “war is necessary” shit for the last twenty years?
Do we ever learn?
You libs haven't. But you libs have apparently forgotten all about the 9/11 attacks.
We remember them well

We also remember that invading Afghanistan and Iraq was not the correct response to terrorism
You guys keep playing that shit....no one is buying it
No previous President has lied with the audacity of Trump

Not Obama, not Bush, not Clinton, not Reagan.....not even Nixon

It has nothing to do with political party but the lack of integrity by our current President

But you and your ilk lost credibility when you nominated Hillary and never accepted Trump as the duly elected President.
He, didn't accept us, he never tried to join the nation, he called us the enemy, from the day he won.

Blaming us, for his constant moves to divide us from the get go, is only your rose colored glasses, view.

Made-up B.S. on your part.

Trump has always pitted people against one another. It's why he has such high turnover in the White House. He pits aides against one another, or against his family, and then fires the loser. He's done the same with the nation. Trump wakes up every morning looking for someone to blame and attack. And his deranged followers parrot his latest "enemies" list: the mainstream media, the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, anyone who disagrees with him, Muslims, Democrats, Iran. Every day it's a different target.

Trump and Pompeo are now claiming that they had "complelling intelligence" that the Iranians were planning an "imminent attack" on Americans and he had to be killed to prevent that attack. This statement begs a couple of questions: 1. Details of this "thwarted attack" haven't been very quick in coming, which would lead one to believe they're lying; and 2. How is it that Trump is suddenly believing the CIA or the FBI on their intelligence since he has been utterly denying their findings since the day he took office?

Enquiring mind want to know!!!!
How does killing one man prevent an “imminent attack”?

Why did Obabble kill bin Laden?
ABC. Nuff said.
ABC. Nuff said.

Your source?
You believe MSNBC is more credible?

Better than Hannity.
Not even close.

hannity was threatened with a law suit by the family of seth rich if he didn't cease & desist his bullshit lying that hillary offed him, & an appeals court said it can still proceed.
It hasn't been demonstrated the Hillary didn't of Seth Rich.
FOX is still 1000 times more credible than MSNBC.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Says who? wS the author of the article there? Were they privy to the details of the killing other then what was said on TV? Are they just more ass never trumpers? I'm mean, it's not been very long as from what I have seen no details other then some haji got smoked in Iraq last week. Calm down.
Again, with previous Presidents, this would be a no brainer
The President would be accepted on his word

Trump has repeatedly shown that he would not only twist facts, but create facts to support his agenda

Nobody has any reason to believe what he says

No they wouldent. Token negro got shot for his fancy kill list he personally approved, he just had a more friendly press. Dubya, the man who gave us all the NSA bull shit and conned republicans into the idea they needed to give up some of their rights to be safe also got allot of shit for it to. We are leaving that area. Lines have to be redrawn and loose ends snipped off. I'm thinking more high profile drone strikes are coming.
Quit trying to change the subject, asshole.

you are defending a man who tried to steal an old woman's home - bulldoze it - pave over it - so he can have a parking lot for his casino.
He tried to get her to sell. How did he "try to steal it?"
Eminent Domain
You're opposed to eminent domain?

you seem to be opposed to education. that's why trump loves you long time. the courts were opposed to donny's attempt at abusing the law. that's why he

I'm opposed to government education, not education in general. Your biases will always end up making you look like ass.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics
Thankfully obummer is no longer president and we're all trying to forget that assole ever happened to this country.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

You don't get to keep your doctor?
I kept my doctor
So did 98 percent of Americans
Wrong. furthermore, Obama said everyone could keep their doctor, not ALMOST everyone.

the insurers didn't always follow thru.
The insurance companies are to blame? You mean Obama didn't know what the fuck he was doing?

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