What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

i'm talking judges ruling against trump's agenda despite being appointed by him.

Five times Republican-appointed judges ruled against President Trump

That's fine .. as long as they're not liberal activist judges I'm all in..

(I wont turn off my add blocker so I can't use your link) but thanks.

it was an USA today article. <psssst> tee hee - you would consider some of the decisions against trump to be quite liberal.


" I could have defended America but I-Ran!"

why haven't you enlisted twiggy?

Because a person needs to be an American citizen and actually live here in America to enlist in our armed forces.

The person you replied to is a russian troll. They don't live here in America and isn't a citizen of our nation.
You don’t have to be a citizen to enlist in the military
Eminent Domain
You're opposed to eminent domain?

you seem to be opposed to education. that's why trump loves you long time. the courts were opposed to donny's attempt at abusing the law. that's why he

I'm opposed to government education, not education in general. Your biases will always end up making you look like ass.

you think i actually meant a brick & mortar school? you can easily look stuff up - learn something by researching credible non biased sites instead of swallowing whatever pablum the feed you in rw media. google is yer friend.
Did I say anything about brick and mortar schools, fuckstick? I'll say it slowly so you can understand "I'M OPPOSED TO GOVERNMENT EDUCATION, not schools in general."

I kept my doctor
So did 98 percent of Americans
Wrong. furthermore, Obama said everyone could keep their doctor, not ALMOST everyone.

the insurers didn't always follow thru.
The insurance companies are to blame? You mean Obama didn't know what the fuck he was doing?

they sure are partly to blame. obama put too much faith in bighealthcorp to do the right thing. that was his biggest mistake. & despite it all - 2018 sure proved that those that have obamacare sure wanna keep it. the town halls proved it.
Obama and the Dims are to blame, asshole. They're the ones with the guns, not the insurance companies, who just have to do what they're told.

lol - what? wow - that is some fucked up logic right there.
Donald Trump does not want war, my friends, but he does want to stand up for america and protect its citizens from harm, whether over there or over here!
Made-up B.S. on your part.

Trump has always pitted people against one another. It's why he has such high turnover in the White House. He pits aides against one another, or against his family, and then fires the loser. He's done the same with the nation. Trump wakes up every morning looking for someone to blame and attack. And his deranged followers parrot his latest "enemies" list: the mainstream media, the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, anyone who disagrees with him, Muslims, Democrats, Iran. Every day it's a different target.

Trump and Pompeo are now claiming that they had "complelling intelligence" that the Iranians were planning an "imminent attack" on Americans and he had to be killed to prevent that attack. This statement begs a couple of questions: 1. Details of this "thwarted attack" haven't been very quick in coming, which would lead one to believe they're lying; and 2. How is it that Trump is suddenly believing the CIA or the FBI on their intelligence since he has been utterly denying their findings since the day he took office?

Enquiring mind want to know!!!!
How does killing one man prevent an “imminent attack”?

Why did Obabble kill bin Laden?

Well, if W had killed Osama in Afghan before the 9-11 attacks took place, perhaps they could have been stopped. But really the FBI knew people were already in the US planning some attack, but they couldn't find them. The FBI might even have know airliners were possibly involved. Still, taking "the shot" at any of them would have been justified.

I think your cheap shot at Obama is just a deflection ... and those shots are notoriously difficult to make accurately

And the point flew right over your pinhead.

Here is is in plain words: getting your panties in a was over Trump taking out Qasem is hypocritical if you supported Obabble killing bin Laden.

Here it is in plainer words: THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME.

Everything Dumb Donald does something stupid, he tries to claim that it's the same thing Obama did. And every time he says it, he's lying. Obama Bin Laden was a hunted and wanted man with a price on his head. The man Trump had murdered was an legally appointed official in a foreign government.

Obama had permission to kill Bin Laden from the Pakistani government, and Trump didn't even ask the Iraqi's if he could take out the Iranian on Iraqi soil. Trump may start WWIII with his action, Obama did not.

Trump has always pitted people against one another. It's why he has such high turnover in the White House. He pits aides against one another, or against his family, and then fires the loser. He's done the same with the nation. Trump wakes up every morning looking for someone to blame and attack. And his deranged followers parrot his latest "enemies" list: the mainstream media, the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, anyone who disagrees with him, Muslims, Democrats, Iran. Every day it's a different target.

Trump and Pompeo are now claiming that they had "complelling intelligence" that the Iranians were planning an "imminent attack" on Americans and he had to be killed to prevent that attack. This statement begs a couple of questions: 1. Details of this "thwarted attack" haven't been very quick in coming, which would lead one to believe they're lying; and 2. How is it that Trump is suddenly believing the CIA or the FBI on their intelligence since he has been utterly denying their findings since the day he took office?

Enquiring mind want to know!!!!
How does killing one man prevent an “imminent attack”?

Why did Obabble kill bin Laden?

Well, if W had killed Osama in Afghan before the 9-11 attacks took place, perhaps they could have been stopped. But really the FBI knew people were already in the US planning some attack, but they couldn't find them. The FBI might even have know airliners were possibly involved. Still, taking "the shot" at any of them would have been justified.

I think your cheap shot at Obama is just a deflection ... and those shots are notoriously difficult to make accurately

And the point flew right over your pinhead.

Here is is in plain words: getting your panties in a was over Trump taking out Qasem is hypocritical if you supported Obabble killing bin Laden.

Here it is in plainer words: THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME.

Everything Dumb Donald does something stupid, he tries to claim that it's the same thing Obama did. And every time he says it, he's lying. Obama Bin Laden was a hunted and wanted man with a price on his head. The man Trump had murdered was an legally appointed official in a foreign government.

Obama had permission to kill Bin Laden from the Pakistani government, and Trump didn't even ask the Iraqi's if he could take out the Iranian on Iraqi soil. Trump may start WWIII with his action, Obama did not.

B'loney. Both bin Laden and Soleimani were terrorist leaders who led attacks on America. And Obama gave the Iranian terrorist regime over $140B to carry out their jihad against Western Civilization. That's how the $80M bounty to off Trump is funded, hun.
How does killing one man prevent an “imminent attack”?

Why did Obabble kill bin Laden?

Well, if W had killed Osama in Afghan before the 9-11 attacks took place, perhaps they could have been stopped. But really the FBI knew people were already in the US planning some attack, but they couldn't find them. The FBI might even have know airliners were possibly involved. Still, taking "the shot" at any of them would have been justified.

I think your cheap shot at Obama is just a deflection ... and those shots are notoriously difficult to make accurately

And the point flew right over your pinhead.

Here is is in plain words: getting your panties in a was over Trump taking out Qasem is hypocritical if you supported Obabble killing bin Laden.

Here it is in plainer words: THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME.

Everything Dumb Donald does something stupid, he tries to claim that it's the same thing Obama did. And every time he says it, he's lying. Obama Bin Laden was a hunted and wanted man with a price on his head. The man Trump had murdered was an legally appointed official in a foreign government.

Obama had permission to kill Bin Laden from the Pakistani government, and Trump didn't even ask the Iraqi's if he could take out the Iranian on Iraqi soil. Trump may start WWIII with his action, Obama did not.

B'loney. Both bin Laden and Soleimani were terrorist leaders who led attacks on America. And Obama gave the Iranian terrorist regime over $140B to carry out their jihad against Western Civilization. That's how the $80M bounty to off Trump is funded, hun.

Linky, linky
Here is a fact for you:

Pelosi attacks The President and The United States while she defends Iran,
A Terrorist State.

You're opposed to eminent domain?

you seem to be opposed to education. that's why trump loves you long time. the courts were opposed to donny's attempt at abusing the law. that's why he

I'm opposed to government education, not education in general. Your biases will always end up making you look like ass.

you think i actually meant a brick & mortar school? you can easily look stuff up - learn something by researching credible non biased sites instead of swallowing whatever pablum the feed you in rw media. google is yer friend.
Did I say anything about brick and mortar schools, fuckstick? I'll say it slowly so you can understand "I'M OPPOSED TO GOVERNMENT EDUCATION, not schools in general."

Soleimani has had a travel ban since 2007 on him from The UN for his involvement in terrorism and with Iran’s illegal Nuclear Weapon’s Program.

So what does he do? He ignores it, repeatedly flies to Russia, visits terrorists in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. He was in violation of that Travel Ban when he was in Iraq.

The only reason this piece of crap lasted this long is that he travels with human shields, innocent citizens he forces to fly with him.

This is why it required a pin point strike to take him out before he got back on that airplane.

He was a coward like Obama Bin Laden and hid behind women and children.

Trump has always pitted people against one another. It's why he has such high turnover in the White House. He pits aides against one another, or against his family, and then fires the loser. He's done the same with the nation. Trump wakes up every morning looking for someone to blame and attack. And his deranged followers parrot his latest "enemies" list: the mainstream media, the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, anyone who disagrees with him, Muslims, Democrats, Iran. Every day it's a different target.

Trump and Pompeo are now claiming that they had "complelling intelligence" that the Iranians were planning an "imminent attack" on Americans and he had to be killed to prevent that attack. This statement begs a couple of questions: 1. Details of this "thwarted attack" haven't been very quick in coming, which would lead one to believe they're lying; and 2. How is it that Trump is suddenly believing the CIA or the FBI on their intelligence since he has been utterly denying their findings since the day he took office?

Enquiring mind want to know!!!!
How does killing one man prevent an “imminent attack”?

Why did Obabble kill bin Laden?

Well, if W had killed Osama in Afghan before the 9-11 attacks took place, perhaps they could have been stopped. But really the FBI knew people were already in the US planning some attack, but they couldn't find them. The FBI might even have know airliners were possibly involved. Still, taking "the shot" at any of them would have been justified.

I think your cheap shot at Obama is just a deflection ... and those shots are notoriously difficult to make accurately

And the point flew right over your pinhead.

Here is is in plain words: getting your panties in a was over Trump taking out Qasem is hypocritical if you supported Obabble killing bin Laden.

Here it is in plainer words: THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME.

Everything Dumb Donald does something stupid, he tries to claim that it's the same thing Obama did. And every time he says it, he's lying. Obama Bin Laden was a hunted and wanted man with a price on his head. The man Trump had murdered was an legally appointed official in a foreign government.

Obama had permission to kill Bin Laden from the Pakistani government, and Trump didn't even ask the Iraqi's if he could take out the Iranian on Iraqi soil. Trump may start WWIII with his action, Obama did not.
Soleimani has had a travel ban since 2007 on him from The UN for his involvement in terrorism and with Iran’s illegal Nuclear Weapon’s Program.

So what does he do? He ignores it, repeatedly flies to Russia, visits terrorists in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. He was in violation of that Travel Ban when he was in Iraq.

The only reason this piece of crap lasted this long is that he travels with human shields, innocent citizens he forces to fly with him.

This is why it required a pin point strike to take him out before he got back on that airplane.

He was a coward like Obama Bin Laden and hid behind women and children.

How does killing one man prevent an “imminent attack”?

Why did Obabble kill bin Laden?

Well, if W had killed Osama in Afghan before the 9-11 attacks took place, perhaps they could have been stopped. But really the FBI knew people were already in the US planning some attack, but they couldn't find them. The FBI might even have know airliners were possibly involved. Still, taking "the shot" at any of them would have been justified.

I think your cheap shot at Obama is just a deflection ... and those shots are notoriously difficult to make accurately

And the point flew right over your pinhead.

Here is is in plain words: getting your panties in a was over Trump taking out Qasem is hypocritical if you supported Obabble killing bin Laden.

Here it is in plainer words: THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME.

Everything Dumb Donald does something stupid, he tries to claim that it's the same thing Obama did. And every time he says it, he's lying. Obama Bin Laden was a hunted and wanted man with a price on his head. The man Trump had murdered was an legally appointed official in a foreign government.

Obama had permission to kill Bin Laden from the Pakistani government, and Trump didn't even ask the Iraqi's if he could take out the Iranian on Iraqi soil. Trump may start WWIII with his action, Obama did not.

All of the Russian oligarchs have travel bans on them and Trump is inviting these guys to the White House.

Also, being in violation of a travel ban, doesn't give Trump the right to murder him.
Soleimani has had a travel ban since 2007 on him from The UN for his involvement in terrorism and with Iran’s illegal Nuclear Weapon’s Program.

So what does he do? He ignores it, repeatedly flies to Russia, visits terrorists in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. He was in violation of that Travel Ban when he was in Iraq.

The only reason this piece of crap lasted this long is that he travels with human shields, innocent citizens he forces to fly with him.

This is why it required a pin point strike to take him out before he got back on that airplane.

He was a coward like Obama Bin Laden and hid behind women and children.

Why did Obabble kill bin Laden?

Well, if W had killed Osama in Afghan before the 9-11 attacks took place, perhaps they could have been stopped. But really the FBI knew people were already in the US planning some attack, but they couldn't find them. The FBI might even have know airliners were possibly involved. Still, taking "the shot" at any of them would have been justified.

I think your cheap shot at Obama is just a deflection ... and those shots are notoriously difficult to make accurately

And the point flew right over your pinhead.

Here is is in plain words: getting your panties in a was over Trump taking out Qasem is hypocritical if you supported Obabble killing bin Laden.

Here it is in plainer words: THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME.

Everything Dumb Donald does something stupid, he tries to claim that it's the same thing Obama did. And every time he says it, he's lying. Obama Bin Laden was a hunted and wanted man with a price on his head. The man Trump had murdered was an legally appointed official in a foreign government.

Obama had permission to kill Bin Laden from the Pakistani government, and Trump didn't even ask the Iraqi's if he could take out the Iranian on Iraqi soil. Trump may start WWIII with his action, Obama did not.

All of the Russian oligarchs have travel bans on them and Trump is inviting these guys to the White House.

Also, being in violation of a travel ban, doesn't give Trump the right to murder him.

See how the far left is for the terrorists and think he was murdered as it was not deserved!

But remember it was ok when Obama was out killing American citizens in Iraq without due process..
You believe MSNBC is more credible?

Better than Hannity.
Not even close.

hannity was threatened with a law suit by the family of seth rich if he didn't cease & desist his bullshit lying that hillary offed him, & an appeals court said it can still proceed.
It hasn't been demonstrated the Hillary didn't of Seth Rich.
FOX is still 1000 times more credible than MSNBC.

you have no rock bottom to hit when it comes to being a deplorable.

Fox News draws a lawsuit
Fast forward to May 16, 2017. Fox News reported that the FBI had proof that Rich had sent WikiLeaks "thousands of internal emails."

Fox cited an anonymous federal investigator who said the FBI had the emails between Rich and WikiLeaks. It also quoted Rod Wheeler, a private investigator who was looking into Rich’s death on behalf of Rich’s parents , as saying, "My investigation up to this point shows there was some degree of email exchange between Seth Rich and Wikileaks."

The Fox News report quoted Wheeler once more, "My investigation shows someone within the D.C. government, Democratic National Committee or Clinton team is blocking the murder investigation from going forward. That is unfortunate. Seth Rich’s murder is unsolved as a result of that."

Wheeler disputed the way he was quoted after the report aired, and two months later, on Aug. 1, 2017, Wheeler sued Fox News and others for inventing those quotes.

"Mr. Wheeler – who was the only named source quoted in the article – did not make these statements," his lawyer wrote in the filing.

Several versions of the Rich story, all based on the work of Fox News reporter Malia Zimmerman, appeared late in the evening on May 15 and throughout the day on May 16.
Seth Rich: Separating fact and speculation

5.Butowsky is a frequent contributor for Fox News and Fox Business Channel, an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump and opponent of Hillary Clinton, and a friend to former Press Secretary Sean Spicer and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. 6.Mr. Wheeler is a former Washington D.C. Police homicide detective and current private investigative consultant, crime analyst and Fox News contributor. 7.In February 2017, Butowsky introduced himself to Mr. Wheeler and offered to bankroll an investigation into Seth Rich’s murder. Butowsky explained that he was working with Zimmerman, an investigative journalist with Fox News who was conducting her own investigation into the death of Seth Rich. 8.As it turned out, Butowsky and Zimmerman were not simply Good Samaritans attempting to solve a murder. Rather, they were interested in advancing a political agenda for the Trump Administration. Specifically, it was their aim to have Mr. Wheeler confirm that: (i) Seth Rich was responsible for the leak of DNC emails to WikiLeaks; and (ii) Seth Rich was murdered by a Democrat operative because he leaked the emails to WikiLeaks.

MSNBC makes no qualms about leaning left & they don't pass themselves off as 'news' & they sure don't have it in their name.
You failed to prove that Hillary didn't have him knocked off.
Wrong. furthermore, Obama said everyone could keep their doctor, not ALMOST everyone.

the insurers didn't always follow thru.
The insurance companies are to blame? You mean Obama didn't know what the fuck he was doing?

they sure are partly to blame. obama put too much faith in bighealthcorp to do the right thing. that was his biggest mistake. & despite it all - 2018 sure proved that those that have obamacare sure wanna keep it. the town halls proved it.
Obama and the Dims are to blame, asshole. They're the ones with the guns, not the insurance companies, who just have to do what they're told.

lol - what? wow - that is some fucked up logic right there.
ROFL! Ya think? Do you actually believe the insurance companies can tell the government to fuck off?
the insurers didn't always follow thru.
The insurance companies are to blame? You mean Obama didn't know what the fuck he was doing?

they sure are partly to blame. obama put too much faith in bighealthcorp to do the right thing. that was his biggest mistake. & despite it all - 2018 sure proved that those that have obamacare sure wanna keep it. the town halls proved it.
Obama and the Dims are to blame, asshole. They're the ones with the guns, not the insurance companies, who just have to do what they're told.

lol - what? wow - that is some fucked up logic right there.
ROFL! Ya think? Do you actually believe the insurance companies can tell the government to fuck off?

Well they did help write the Obamacare Law that no far left cult member bothered to read.
WTF are you talking about? W Freaking Planet were you When Obama had The Muslim Brotherhood at The White House, had Russians crawling all over The White House and had Iranian Terrorists in The White House, and not only that gave the biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism $150 Billion that was owed to the Victims of their attacks which they Immediatelynised to purchase Russian Weapons.

This is what is meant about God sending strong delusions to the wicked so that they believe lies thereby sealing their eternal fate.

You defend Iran, and attack The President and our country.


Soleimani has had a travel ban since 2007 on him from The UN for his involvement in terrorism and with Iran’s illegal Nuclear Weapon’s Program.

So what does he do? He ignores it, repeatedly flies to Russia, visits terrorists in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. He was in violation of that Travel Ban when he was in Iraq.

The only reason this piece of crap lasted this long is that he travels with human shields, innocent citizens he forces to fly with him.

This is why it required a pin point strike to take him out before he got back on that airplane.

He was a coward like Obama Bin Laden and hid behind women and children.

Why did Obabble kill bin Laden?

Well, if W had killed Osama in Afghan before the 9-11 attacks took place, perhaps they could have been stopped. But really the FBI knew people were already in the US planning some attack, but they couldn't find them. The FBI might even have know airliners were possibly involved. Still, taking "the shot" at any of them would have been justified.

I think your cheap shot at Obama is just a deflection ... and those shots are notoriously difficult to make accurately

And the point flew right over your pinhead.

Here is is in plain words: getting your panties in a was over Trump taking out Qasem is hypocritical if you supported Obabble killing bin Laden.

Here it is in plainer words: THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME.

Everything Dumb Donald does something stupid, he tries to claim that it's the same thing Obama did. And every time he says it, he's lying. Obama Bin Laden was a hunted and wanted man with a price on his head. The man Trump had murdered was an legally appointed official in a foreign government.

Obama had permission to kill Bin Laden from the Pakistani government, and Trump didn't even ask the Iraqi's if he could take out the Iranian on Iraqi soil. Trump may start WWIII with his action, Obama did not.

All of the Russian oligarchs have travel bans on them and Trump is inviting these guys to the White House.

Also, being in violation of a travel ban, doesn't give Trump the right to murder him.
US allies distance themselves from Trump decision to assassinate Suleimani

But the response of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was particularly striking, as he has been one of Trump’s staunchest supporters on the world stage.

He told a meeting of his security cabinet on Monday: “The assassination of Suleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it.”

The US stands alone
The insurance companies are to blame? You mean Obama didn't know what the fuck he was doing?

they sure are partly to blame. obama put too much faith in bighealthcorp to do the right thing. that was his biggest mistake. & despite it all - 2018 sure proved that those that have obamacare sure wanna keep it. the town halls proved it.
Obama and the Dims are to blame, asshole. They're the ones with the guns, not the insurance companies, who just have to do what they're told.

lol - what? wow - that is some fucked up logic right there.
ROFL! Ya think? Do you actually believe the insurance companies can tell the government to fuck off?

Well they did help write the Obamacare Law that no far left cult member bothered to read.
So? Are you saying Congress is helpless?
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud

You clowns still have your heads up your asses.

Actually, Obama’s lies were few and far between. Obama was trusted on the international scene. So much so that other countries deployed ground troops based on his assurances.

Trump has no such support. His incessant lies and constant policy shifts make him unreliable.

Yes, our so-called allies, knew they could depend on Obama to play doormat.

Trump...not so much.

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