What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

A few harmless lies wouldn't have people skeptical now.

What trump has done is lie through his teeth about almost everything.

I stopped believing anything that man says in 2016.

I don't believe anything that comes from his mouth now.

If a republican couldn't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.

I didn't vote for him or Hillary, but held off total disbelief until some time in mid 2017.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Well, your dear leader murdered Americans without due process, made almost every Americans health care costs shoot through the roof, allowed guns to be funneled to narco traffickers which resulted in thousands of deaths, ushered in the use of the IRS to attack his political opponents, and finally used the intelligence forces to attack a newly elected president.

And lied about every one of those things.
Nice attempt at deflection Skippy but this one is on Trump
He created this crisis and must fight it on his own. Due to his lack of credibility, he will have a hard time selling it.

No he didn't skippy, the Iranians declared war on us long ago. Your dear leader, the obummer tried to buy them off while pocketing millions of kick back bucks, but Iran never stopped attacking us, or our allies.

Trump merely affirmed the state of war and attacked an enemy general in a war zone.

Your dear leader loved sending our boys off to get killed, Trump killed the general who killed our boys.

Bush had unprecedented support after 9-11
The American people trusted him to do what is right. Bush abused that support and got us in to two unnecessary wars

Trump has destroyed his credibility with the public and our allies.
He will have a difficult time getting support with his self provoked conflict with Iran
It is not self provoked. Why lie through your teeth? It makes you look stupid and desperate.
it was all in the negotiations to get them on board with the ACA. they were also promised subsidies from the gov'ment to take on the sickest of the sick called 'high risk' corridors but marco rubio put a poison pill into the omnibus in 2015 to slowly erode that. the insurance companies spent millions lobbying against a 'public option' too because they knew it would be popular & they didn't want the competition. so much for that free market capitalism (R)s brag about.

I saved a lot of money because of Obamacare.

It made my already existing employer provided insurance much better. It caused my insurance to cover more things and I saved at least 2500 dollars.

Just on colonoscopies alone we saved 5 grand. My ex had to start getting colonoscopies in his 30s because his dad had colon cancer and it's hereditary. The insurance we had didn't cover that unless there was a problem. So we had to save up the 5 grand for those tests for years until Obamacare. Then all of a sudden it was free. I don't know about anyone else but not having to save up 5 grand for a test helped our budget a lot.

All of a sudden my mammograms were free. All of a sudden a lot of preventative care I had to pay for was free.

I didn't lose any of my doctors.

Obama didn't lie to me when he said I would save money because of Obamacare. He didn't lie to me when he told me I wouldn't lose my doctors.

He told me the truth.

Where is that beautiful much better and much cheaper insurance trump promised me? I still don't have that and neither does the nation.

he said what he said based on the system working the way it was designed. we saved money too - but not everybody did. & a lot of people don't realise that companies were mandated to use 80% of individual policy premiums & 85% of group insured premiums go directly to the healthcare of those insured & not whatever the health ins companies felt like paying. that in & of itself is a savings that benefited people.
If Obama couldn't deliver what he promised, then he lied

wanna start talking about how obamacare will be repealed & replaced with something much better on day 1? how's about mexico paying for that wall? how's about getting outa the ME & no more endless wars? really? don't open a can of worms you can't finish.
You're right that Trump lied about getting rid of Obamacare, but Trump didn't realize that Paul Ryan was a neverTrump douchebag who would deliberately thwart his attempt. So it wasn't an intentional lie. The same goes for Mexico paying for the wall.

On the other hand, Obama knew his promises were pure horseshit before he even uttered them. Furthermore, no one was screwed over by Trump's misstatements. Obama, on the other hand, grossly screwed over millions of Americans.

auCONtraire.... the ACA is in the courts right now... possibly being struck down in its entirety. does donny have anything to replace it? anything at all? nope - no sireeeeeee...... did he ever plan on tackling healthcare. nope. nada. nyet. oh & there is this:

nobody is buying he didn't 'intentionally' lie. he just believes the bullshit he spews as if it's truth.
I saved a lot of money because of Obamacare.

It made my already existing employer provided insurance much better. It caused my insurance to cover more things and I saved at least 2500 dollars.

Just on colonoscopies alone we saved 5 grand. My ex had to start getting colonoscopies in his 30s because his dad had colon cancer and it's hereditary. The insurance we had didn't cover that unless there was a problem. So we had to save up the 5 grand for those tests for years until Obamacare. Then all of a sudden it was free. I don't know about anyone else but not having to save up 5 grand for a test helped our budget a lot.

All of a sudden my mammograms were free. All of a sudden a lot of preventative care I had to pay for was free.

I didn't lose any of my doctors.

Obama didn't lie to me when he said I would save money because of Obamacare. He didn't lie to me when he told me I wouldn't lose my doctors.

He told me the truth.

Where is that beautiful much better and much cheaper insurance trump promised me? I still don't have that and neither does the nation.

he said what he said based on the system working the way it was designed. we saved money too - but not everybody did. & a lot of people don't realise that companies were mandated to use 80% of individual policy premiums & 85% of group insured premiums go directly to the healthcare of those insured & not whatever the health ins companies felt like paying. that in & of itself is a savings that benefited people.
If Obama couldn't deliver what he promised, then he lied

wanna start talking about how obamacare will be repealed & replaced with something much better on day 1? how's about mexico paying for that wall? how's about getting outa the ME & no more endless wars? really? don't open a can of worms you can't finish.
You're right that Trump lied about getting rid of Obamacare, but Trump didn't realize that Paul Ryan was a neverTrump douchebag who would deliberately thwart his attempt. So it wasn't an intentional lie. The same goes for Mexico paying for the wall.

On the other hand, Obama knew his promises were pure horseshit before he even uttered them. Furthermore, no one was screwed over by Trump's misstatements. Obama, on the other hand, grossly screwed over millions of Americans.

auCONtraire.... the ACA is in the courts right now... possibly being struck down in its entirety. does donny have anything to replace it? anything at all? nope - no sireeeeeee...... did he ever plan on tackling healthcare. nope. nada. nyet. oh & there is this:

nobody is buying he didn't 'intentionally' lie. he just believes the bullshit he spews as if it's truth.

"auCONtraire" to what? Your post is a complete fucking lie.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

You Hezbollah-democrats really are shitting yourselves about the loss of your terrorist leader.
he said what he said based on the system working the way it was designed. we saved money too - but not everybody did. & a lot of people don't realise that companies were mandated to use 80% of individual policy premiums & 85% of group insured premiums go directly to the healthcare of those insured & not whatever the health ins companies felt like paying. that in & of itself is a savings that benefited people.
If Obama couldn't deliver what he promised, then he lied

wanna start talking about how obamacare will be repealed & replaced with something much better on day 1? how's about mexico paying for that wall? how's about getting outa the ME & no more endless wars? really? don't open a can of worms you can't finish.
You're right that Trump lied about getting rid of Obamacare, but Trump didn't realize that Paul Ryan was a neverTrump douchebag who would deliberately thwart his attempt. So it wasn't an intentional lie. The same goes for Mexico paying for the wall.

On the other hand, Obama knew his promises were pure horseshit before he even uttered them. Furthermore, no one was screwed over by Trump's misstatements. Obama, on the other hand, grossly screwed over millions of Americans.

auCONtraire.... the ACA is in the courts right now... possibly being struck down in its entirety. does donny have anything to replace it? anything at all? nope - no sireeeeeee...... did he ever plan on tackling healthcare. nope. nada. nyet. oh & there is this:

nobody is buying he didn't 'intentionally' lie. he just believes the bullshit he spews as if it's truth.

"auCONtraire" to what? Your post is a complete fucking lie.

contrary to you peddling that donny didn't intentionally lie about the wall or that obamacare isn't being litigated right now & whether the whole thing might be struck down.

president bone spur went from 'mexico will pay for the wall' to stealing money earmarked for the military to be used instead. & all you have to do is google some key words that prove what i am saying about the ACA. if it goes - there is no replacement nor is there even an attempt being made to do so.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Well, your dear leader murdered Americans without due process, made almost every Americans health care costs shoot through the roof, allowed guns to be funneled to narco traffickers which resulted in thousands of deaths, ushered in the use of the IRS to attack his political opponents, and finally used the intelligence forces to attack a newly elected president.

And lied about every one of those things.
Nice attempt at deflection Skippy but this one is on Trump
He created this crisis and must fight it on his own. Due to his lack of credibility, he will have a hard time selling it.

No he didn't skippy, the Iranians declared war on us long ago. Your dear leader, the obummer tried to buy them off while pocketing millions of kick back bucks, but Iran never stopped attacking us, or our allies.

Trump merely affirmed the state of war and attacked an enemy general in a war zone.

Your dear leader loved sending our boys off to get killed, Trump killed the general who killed our boys.

And so far Trump has been successful at escalating this “war”. Where does it end?
After years of lies from Obama you Dem's don't have no credibility.
Obama had credibility around the world.
When he asked for our allies to support us, they did

Trump is alone

Lib please Obama was laughed at. Netanyahu came to the US and laughed at Obama to his face on the White House lawn on national tv. :auiqs.jpg:

oh - you mean the same netanyahoo who has been indicted for corruption like donny?


Guilty until proven innocent eh? Are you a liberal? :itsok:
After years of lies from Obama you Dem's don't have no credibility.
Obama had credibility around the world.
When he asked for our allies to support us, they did

Trump is alone

Lib please Obama was laughed at. Netanyahu came to the US and laughed at Obama to his face on the White House lawn on national tv. :auiqs.jpg:

oh - you mean the same netanyahoo who has been indicted for corruption like donny?


Guilty until proven innocent eh? Are you a liberal? :itsok:

past behavior dictates future expectations especially when one has refused anybody or anything that might prove one's innocence.
people who have nothing to hide - - - hide nothing. :113:
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
Never know, they are only 7000 miles away
We have 16 years of experience of knowing when the President was a prolific liar when Slick Willy and Barry Obama were Presidents.
Barry??, the rubes can't resist insulting!!
Dead giveaway for zero college
After years of lies from Obama you Dem's don't have no credibility.
Obama had credibility around the world.
When he asked for our allies to support us, they did

Trump is alone

Lib please Obama was laughed at. Netanyahu came to the US and laughed at Obama to his face on the White House lawn on national tv. :auiqs.jpg:

oh - you mean the same netanyahoo who has been indicted for corruption like donny?


Guilty until proven innocent eh? Are you a liberal? :itsok:
Comes down to credibility

Why should anyone believe an impeached President when he declares his reason to go to war?

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