What Has Hillary Done For You?

Quote from
Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any

These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?
She let four American's die and then lied about it.

Sucks that only nutbags such as yourself believe that, eh?
They blamed an unknown video, knowing it was a planned terrorist attack. They also say they knew where Stevens was, because of Hillary's email. She is worthless.

that's the big LIE that partisan hacks like you keep repeating...

here's a quote from a well known usmb righty in that thread, the day after the attacks:

Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.

benghazi was OBVIOUSLY ''a terrorist attack''.. ^ DUH
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They blamed an unknown video, knowing it was a planned terrorist attack. They also say they knew where Stevens was, because of Hillary's email. She is worthless.

that's the big lie partisan hacks like you keep repeating...

here's a quote from a well known usmb righty in that thread, the day after the attacks:

Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.

benghazi was OBVIOUSLY a terrorist attack.. ^ DUH
Obama was talking about the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. Try again.
we're in the middle of a precarious diplomatic effort, in the aftermath of a terror attack, and all the GOP could do was pander to nonsense for political points.

"Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. "


"...we must be clear-eyed, even in our grief. This was an attack by a small and savage group – not the people or Government of Libya. Everywhere Chris and his team went in Libya, in a country scarred by war and tyranny, they were hailed as friends and partners. And when the attack came yesterday, Libyans stood and fought to defend our post. Some were wounded. Libyans carried Chris’ body to the hospital, and they helped rescue and lead other Americans to safety. And last night, when I spoke with the President of Libya, he strongly condemned the violence and pledged every effort to protect our people and pursue those responsible."

"The friendship between our countries, borne out of shared struggle, will not be another casualty of this attack. A free and stable Libya is still in America’s interest and security, and we will not turn our back on that, nor will we rest until those responsible for these attacks are found and brought to justice. We are working closely with the Libyan authorities to move swiftly and surely. We are also working with partners around the world to safeguard other American embassies, consulates, and citizens."

We are working to determine the precise motivations and methods of those who carried out this assault.

^ think, people... THINK.
They blamed an unknown video, knowing it was a planned terrorist attack. They also say they knew where Stevens was, because of Hillary's email. She is worthless.

that's the big lie partisan hacks like you keep repeating...

here's a quote from a well known usmb righty in that thread, the day after the attacks:

Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.

benghazi was OBVIOUSLY a terrorist attack.. ^ DUH
Obama was talking about the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. Try again.

That's a lie. That's also more proof that Benghazi is a partisan witch hunt.
They blamed an unknown video, knowing it was a planned terrorist attack. They also say they knew where Stevens was, because of Hillary's email. She is worthless.

that's the big lie partisan hacks like you keep repeating...

here's a quote from a well known usmb righty in that thread, the day after the attacks:

Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.

benghazi was OBVIOUSLY a terrorist attack.. ^ DUH
Obama was talking about the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. Try again.

That's a lie. That's also more proof that Benghazi is a partisan witch hunt.
So Hillary did her job to the best of her ability? Then tell me why the British and the red cross get their people out of there? They knew something was gonna happen. So tell me again why Hillary let four innocent Americans die, and then lied about it? The sad part there are people who think she can keep america safe when she couldn't keep four safe.
They blamed an unknown video, knowing it was a planned terrorist attack. They also say they knew where Stevens was, because of Hillary's email. She is worthless.

that's the big lie partisan hacks like you keep repeating...

here's a quote from a well known usmb righty in that thread, the day after the attacks:

Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.

benghazi was OBVIOUSLY a terrorist attack.. ^ DUH
Obama was talking about the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. Try again.

That's a lie. That's also more proof that Benghazi is a partisan witch hunt.
So Hillary did her job to the best of her ability? Then tell me why the British and the red cross get their people out of there? They knew something was gonna happen. So tell me again why Hillary let four innocent Americans die, and then lied about it? The sad part there are people who think she can keep america safe when she couldn't keep four safe.

We now have a Republican confession that this is a partisan witch hunt.

You need to get that confession thrown out, lol.
They blamed an unknown video, knowing it was a planned terrorist attack. They also say they knew where Stevens was, because of Hillary's email. She is worthless.

that's the big lie partisan hacks like you keep repeating...

here's a quote from a well known usmb righty in that thread, the day after the attacks:

Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.

benghazi was OBVIOUSLY a terrorist attack.. ^ DUH
Obama was talking about the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. Try again.

That's a lie. That's also more proof that Benghazi is a partisan witch hunt.
So Hillary did her job to the best of her ability? Then tell me why the British and the red cross get their people out of there? They knew something was gonna happen. So tell me again why Hillary let four innocent Americans die, and then lied about it? The sad part there are people who think she can keep america safe when she couldn't keep four safe.

We now have a Republican confession that this is a partisan witch hunt.

You need to get that confession thrown out, lol.
Are you hitting the pipe again? Why don't you answer my questions for once. Hillary is a incompetent bitch, that is the truth and you can't deny it.
What Has Hillary Done For You?

She made wingut heads all over the country explode, thus giving more sane Americans a good source of entertainment.

are you only a troll now or what? You should talk about who had made heads explode. Nobody has treated Hillary with the VILE way you nasty people on the left treated Mrs. Palin. Michelle Bauchmann, put in any Republican woman.... so no Hillary doesn't make heads explode. that must be a wet dream of yours or something. good grief grow up

You all kicked (Hillary) her to the curb for some nobody MAN eight years. sat and watched him spit on and degrade her and now look at you all falling her feet and drooling over her. Do any of you ever stand on your honor?
This is the kind of burning question the you have at 2 am on Saturday night?

Hilary was Secretary of State. That's qualification enough to be President.
And she did what with that job? Whose at peace because of her?
Is our border more secure because of her? Having the job is on thing, doing something with it is another. What did she get done?
how can the sec of state make our border more secure?....all they are is the mouth piece for the pres in other lands....
Madeleine Albright became the country’s first female secretary of state in 1997. In doing so, Albright broke a glass ceiling that Wellesley political science professor Craig Murhpy described as made of “gorilla glass.”


But Albright was able to break through it in part because of networks of people who supported her.

As he introduced the honored guest, he smiled: “Secretary Albright, I want to introduce you to one of those networks: the political science majors of Wellesley College.”

She told the political science majors that they were in pretty rare company — given that of the three women who have served as secretary of state, two were both Wellesley graduates. Albright was the first. Hillary Clinton was the second.

As she spoke to students, Albright recalled a favorite story: “My youngest granddaughter, when she turned seven a couple of years ago said, ‘so what’s the big deal about Grandma Maddie being Secretary of State? Only girls are secretary of state.’

In her lifetime, that would be true.”

Madeleine Albright Reflects On Women’s Rights, Diplomacy In Wellesley Return


whoopee, they didn't call her Maddy Halfbright for nothing. JUST because someone is PUT in a position in our government doesn't MEAN they are always the right person for that position. We've seen that with Obama. Look how many of his cronies he's put in government positions where most of them have no business or qualifications to be in them. so you can crow over Hillary and go vote for her, who cares. BUT not everyone is in love her. she is one nasty woman who would wipe you out if you get in her way of Power. Many of us aren't into that type of person to run our lives and our government.

You've done a heckuva job, Brownie! Outstanding!

When you compare your 3rd grade education to Yale, you're not even Halfbright. lol
stephoney is the boards class clown ... she just makes you laugh when she responds ...
lots of posters here laugh at you too billy....just sayin.....
Hillary is an ‘unbelievably USELESS TERRIBLE CANDIDATE’ and a ‘TALENT-FREE HACK’ – Andrew Sullivan
on Oct 10, 2015 at 3:04 PM

Andrew Sullivan launched an attack on the Hillinator that Bill Maher largely agreed with, saying he was “Ready for Hillary” in the same way that he’d be ready to take a shot at the doctor’s office.

Watch below:

After that, Maher said they’d support her if they ever “f**king read.” Sullivan is one of the few people who understand how terrible the Libyan War was, and is actually angrily talking about it. He’s pretty terrible about a lot of issues, but he’s dead on about this.

ALL of it here:

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/hillary-is-an-unbelievably-useless-terrible-candidate-and-a-talent-free-hack-andrew-sullivan/#ixzz3oIAW36e5
Yes, Hillary Clinton has accomplishments. You don’t have to like them, but they do, in fact, exist.

her greatest accomplishments were the Russian reset, making a disaster out of the ME, and helping Obama keep the country in recession for 8 years.
that's the big lie partisan hacks like you keep repeating...

here's a quote from a well known usmb righty in that thread, the day after the attacks:

benghazi was OBVIOUSLY a terrorist attack.. ^ DUH
Obama was talking about the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. Try again.

That's a lie. That's also more proof that Benghazi is a partisan witch hunt.
So Hillary did her job to the best of her ability? Then tell me why the British and the red cross get their people out of there? They knew something was gonna happen. So tell me again why Hillary let four innocent Americans die, and then lied about it? The sad part there are people who think she can keep america safe when she couldn't keep four safe.

We now have a Republican confession that this is a partisan witch hunt.

You need to get that confession thrown out, lol.
Are you hitting the pipe again? Why don't you answer my questions for once. Hillary is a incompetent bitch, that is the truth and you can't deny it.

Bush let 4000 Americans die needlessly in Iraq. Let's have 1000 years long investigations for them...

...4 dead at a time.
Quote of the Day: Republican Admits Benghazi ‘Scandal’ Was Orchestrated to Take Down Hillary

Quote of the Day: Republican Admits Benghazi 'Scandal' Was Orchestrated to Take Down Hillary - The Daily Banter
Ex-Benghazi Investigator Says U.S. Panel Targeted Clinton

Fired Benghazi investigator says House probe is partisan

...a former staffer is coming out with a scathing indictment of the panel, charging its Republican leaders of carrying out a partisan investigation aimed unfairly at the Democratic presidential candidate.

Fired Benghazi investigator says House probe is partisan

Madeleine Albright became the country’s first female secretary of state in 1997. In doing so, Albright broke a glass ceiling that Wellesley political science professor Craig Murhpy described as made of “gorilla glass.”


But Albright was able to break through it in part because of networks of people who supported her.

As he introduced the honored guest, he smiled: “Secretary Albright, I want to introduce you to one of those networks: the political science majors of Wellesley College.”

She told the political science majors that they were in pretty rare company — given that of the three women who have served as secretary of state, two were both Wellesley graduates. Albright was the first. Hillary Clinton was the second.

As she spoke to students, Albright recalled a favorite story: “My youngest granddaughter, when she turned seven a couple of years ago said, ‘so what’s the big deal about Grandma Maddie being Secretary of State? Only girls are secretary of state.’

In her lifetime, that would be true.”

Madeleine Albright Reflects On Women’s Rights, Diplomacy In Wellesley Return


whoopee, they didn't call her Maddy Halfbright for nothing. JUST because someone is PUT in a position in our government doesn't MEAN they are always the right person for that position. We've seen that with Obama. Look how many of his cronies he's put in government positions where most of them have no business or qualifications to be in them. so you can crow over Hillary and go vote for her, who cares. BUT not everyone is in love her. she is one nasty woman who would wipe you out if you get in her way of Power. Many of us aren't into that type of person to run our lives and our government.

You've done a heckuva job, Brownie! Outstanding!

When you compare your 3rd grade education to Yale, you're not even Halfbright. lol
stephoney is the boards class clown ... she just makes you laugh when she responds ...
lots of posters here laugh at you too billy....just sayin.....
you just want to get into stephoney's panties ... just sayin'!!!!
Quote of the Day: Republican Admits Benghazi ‘Scandal’ Was Orchestrated to Take Down Hillary

Quote of the Day: Republican Admits Benghazi 'Scandal' Was Orchestrated to Take Down Hillary - The Daily Banter
Ex-Benghazi Investigator Says U.S. Panel Targeted Clinton

Fired Benghazi investigator says House probe is partisan

...a former staffer is coming out with a scathing indictment of the panel, charging its Republican leaders of carrying out a partisan investigation aimed unfairly at the Democratic presidential candidate.

Fired Benghazi investigator says House probe is partisan

they just hate it when these republicans are exposed as lily white cowards

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