What has Joe Biden forced you to give up

Joe did something. Otherwise, the price would not have risen that fast in a short period of time.


A worldwide plunge in production in 2020 followed by a rapid rise in demand but not in worldwide production would have no impact at all.

Oddly enough, despite Joe's best efforts North America is the only region that is back to producing even 2019 numbers.

But, the rest of the world producing less would have no impact on the US at all...right?

In this era of the highest inflation in modern history, what has Joe Biden and the democrats forced you to give up?

Americans chime in on how they are learning to do without.

Next stop, Bernie Sanders Venezuela.
We have had to give up some warmth because of high gas bills so we have to wear sweaters and light jackets at times in the house which can sometimes be annoying. We keep the thermostat much lower.
We buy very little steak, chicken, ham/pork these days and our principle protein is lean hamburger and eggs that are rapidly becoming less affordable.
We don't go for pleasure rides anymore due to the high price of gasoline.
We don't eat out as much or buy as much because of strains on our budget to pay our much higher bills and buy necessities.

We aren't poor in the sense that we have to go without things we need and we still enjoy a good quality of life. But it is different and we have given up a number of things we enjoy having or doing. And it is heart rending watching old folks and young families struggle at the grocery store to find products they can afford, seeing that they want something really bad, but putting it back and walking on because they can't afford it.
Joe did something. Otherwise, the price would not have risen that fast in a short period of time.
What ever it was it was not closing a functioning pipeline. This is a lie told so often by conservatives that conservatives truly do believe it. Recently a bar tender at one of my favorite breweries was telling me about Biden closing pipelines and turning off the oil raising gas prices. I asked if he really believed Biden shut down flowing oil, after he made some comment about me being so stupid (we have been good friends for years so I did not take offense) and watch too much main stream media. The three or four other guys sitting there heads were nodding and agreeing that I was uninformed. I bet them they could not find a single flowing pipeline that BIden closed. I won three beers. Happy day. You guys really should think about what other lies you are being told over and over.
Nothing, since the seeds of the inflation bubble were sewn long before he entered office.

And now we return to the Dunning Kruger Effect in all its glory.

Oh, that's right. We forgot the narrative. Nothing is ever Quid Pro's responsibility, it's always TRUMP! until the next Republican is sworn in. Remember, there wasn't an election in '20, TRUMP! is still president.
Oh, that's right. We forgot the narrative. Nothing is ever Quid Pro's responsibility, it's always TRUMP! until the next Republican is sworn in. Remember, there wasn't an election in '20, TRUMP! is still president.
I think Trump and many of his minions do believe Trump is still president. At least he is still the leader of the republican party.
Whatever you wish.

My post stands.
When do you think those seeds were actually sown? Which administration bears the responsibility for it? We know that each succeeding adminstration bears responsibility for not doing anything about it, but when did it actually start?
When do you think those seeds were actually sown? Which administration bears the responsibility for it? We know that each succeeding adminstration bears responsibility for not doing anything about it, but when did it actually start?
If I had to narrow it down to one moment, it would be when Clinton stupidly let Summers and Rubin talk him into repealing Glass Steagall. That started the chain of events, including actions across the political spectrum, that brought us to this point.

This is my profession. Unless you really know what you're talking about, you won't keep humping my leg on this.
If I had to narrow it down to one moment, it would be when Clinton stupidly let Summers and Rubin talk him into repealing Glass Steagall. That started the chain of events, including actions across the political spectrum, that brought us to this point.

This is my profession. Unless you really know what you're talking about, you won't keep humping my leg on this.
I was just curious if you were one of the blind partisans who would claim that TRUMP! started everything.
I was just curious if you were one of the blind partisans who would claim that TRUMP! started everything.

Or like you, the blind partisan that blames everything on Biden?
What have I unjustly blamed on Tater?

The price of gas rising so rapidly.

Why Biden clearly made it worse, oil is global commodity and the drop in production on 2020 was far more responsible than anything Biden has done.
The price of gas rising so rapidly.

Why Biden clearly made it worse, oil is global commodity and the drop in production on 2020 was far more responsible than anything Biden has done.
He didn't help things at all. You cannot discount the very rapid rise in price coinciding so precisely with his taking office and his reckless rolling back of everything that TRUMP! had set up. Speculators knew when he was elected that he had promised to destroy fossil fuels and they knew he was hostile to the industry, so naturally that contributed to the price increase. What, are we supposed to hold him blameless when he contributed to the problem?
What, are we supposed to hold him blameless when he contributed to the problem?

Thus the problem with blind partisans. With you all it is either 100% of the blame or blameless.

You literally cannot think of any other options.

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